v - t , -ia v is. H 'i I tram . :iaj,ir'!.'jr jrKarjv.Ka "1 ,trr Ten nnr T e tiruup ty vrvTtnr c y i uiuuyi 'rf j a (hwuicu wim ner Bun, . (i os thev look over i letter from the late nritish mtthpw pWdds JShlel. ho died in Eneland last Feb- v -- - i -- - t The novelist willed his home' and garden in England to Patrick. It all began 17 years? ago. Mrs. Miller sent a fii tru nvp wilii .Lire? wr Ltr mm i iiprm i.n mnrrv nor ;ame fatherly advioc onthow to raise young Patrick. tier aiiu uc auwiui iiii iiiti, mii rnntmn - full vnnntri It 40? wuru Bazaar Oct. 1 and 2. All UdCid.1lF W V. b W V V , t Snip Nov 6. jl :n Legion Auxiliary REWARD rn i!i x i win dp nam lu t.: fee jvers tne Doay 01 K bc hton, who was : dr ncd at Pillsburv Juiv 5 1947 wearing :r) i. .ket and trous- tc: 3 (:?hf j In stature, fcir cid. Fishermen ! i) Venn naiss'app ! - rnueUd to be on 1 cow Ktirtn m!?m turn tS? v:;tlm of i drown- t 'r;;:rd A, Lclshton 0 Eiwin Lrlshtbn .. Metlakat a. B. C. & TOO L-TE TO CLASSIFY INVENTOR has inventions, tools, machines, etc., for sale or manufacture. Knox Hotel, or address T. R. Burton, Gentrai .Delivery, Prince Rupert. (It) HIOH SCHOOL GIRL will mind children evenings. Experienced in handling Infants. Red 838. (168) FOR SALE Blacksmith blower, Champion (400) anvil, 180 lbs. Phone Black 733. (168) BIO JUTE PRODUCER India Is the world's largest source of Jute. l i fm . Mm. W I luc la tea KJWI1I0I, III. ftS25 miTow Km jioMtu. ItSm 1 Sun MIIIIUII. IIUIIII. llOltlll' I: 77 J SINGER ucciric Sewing Machines For Rent Reasonable Rates Phone 864 Prince Rupert .Singer Scwinr Machine Co. Style AM) Val ue SLACK SUITS Stunning Corduroy SLACK SKIRTS AND BLOUSES t Rosa -Lee Ladies' Wear So'S A .11,1,111 'IL.( WTioiiT FOR THK SlAN hnplicity til terns 15c - 20c 25c toll'UciTY NKKDLKWOHlv PATTKUiNS as featured in Chatelaine Magazine SOLD ONLY AT Local News It Meeting Horticultural Society i ines.. May 15, 8 pjn, Civic Centre. (164) Mrs. Frank Ditto rptiimnH the city on the Princess Adelaide this afternoon from " Vancouver and Victoria. John Post, after sneridln? thp past month here doing special worK ror the Daily News, sailed by the Camosun Saturday night cn his return to Vancouver. Alderman Georze last night on the Coquitlam for iice Arm to spend a couple o? weeks on his mining property mere. Rev, C. Lbmas of thp AnffUcan Mission boat Northern Cross sail. ed last night on the Coquitlam lor btewart where he will officiate at a wedding this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oraham. of Prince Rupert, who sailed north some lime atro. hav hen visiting the mines in the Atlln district on one of Mr. Graham's regular triDs as insnoeMr nf Mines. Recently guests at the Barano'f Hotel, Juneau. LADIES! Clearance sale of wompn's high grade pumps and oxfords. Julia Arthur and othpr wpii known brands. Regular price to $9.50, on sale for $3.95. Also summer shoes and sandals, regular to $4.95, sale nrlce $1.98. THE FAMILY SHOE STORE. U67. I'lMlkr IWiniM ml t mnUm. ITJ Wlh n MMMml Pnlfc mtr4tmom. ma- H.l.lli.. 1 ' (It) 1 '' 51 1942 fi .Ini.llhM,, e Jt ' JLjgt&t :ems Maggie Angus, 20-year-old na tive girl, died at a district hospital this morning. H. M. Daggett returned to his contracting workv at Port Slmn- son last night on the Coquitlam following a week-end Vsit to the city. Darrow Gomez, Percy Bond I and Kenneth Johnston left at the I end- of the week for Victoria to take a two weeks' Reserve Army training course. Special Meeting, Canadian Legion Executive and Picnic Committees, Legion Hall, tonight at 3 pjn. Mrs. William Bent is sailing by the Princess Adelaide tonieht after spending a six weeks' holi day visiting with her niece, Mrs. Hans Giske, 1201 Park Avenue. The following also sent flowers to the funeral of the late George S. Leighton of Metlakatla: Mr. and Mrs. William Leask and fam- 'tyt Mr. and Mrs. G, D. Ryan and iamny, Miss Merrett. Mrs. Allre Leighton. Mr. and Mrs. Don McEwen re ¬ turned Sunday from a two week holiday trip during which they motored to Regina to visit relatives. On their way back they visited the Calgary Stampede and at Banff and Lake Louise. Returning with them was Mrs. McEwen's brother, Douglas, who plans to settle in Prince Rupert. H2LD NATION TOGETHER Maria Romano De Gacsperl, daughter of Italy's premier, will go down in history as a young lacjy who held a country together at a fateful time. It was Maria who dissuaded Italy's president, Enrico De Nicola, 69, from resigning as head of the provisional government. He agreed to postpone his resignation but did not say tor how long. City Council tonieht will hold its first regular meeting of the month. A special meeting was held last Wednesday Q V "- reading to a new wartime hous- ' lng agreement by-law and to consider tenders .for garbage disposal contracts. Mr. and Mrs. D. T.. hnnitor passed through the city Sunday evening on the Coquitlam, bound from Vancouver for Premier' where Mr. Coulter has- been' manager of the Premier Mine. They were Joined at Prince Ru-! pert by Mrs. Coulter's mother,) Mrs. M. P. McCaffery. and sister. Miss Margaret McCaffery, who win visit at the mining town. ' EATON'S atotfo PnUHHTH t.. Drori."!. Tkt harij A.rld Amtn Wialer. . , ii.JchnA. IMCU."- SWITCH McLITE says: "Good Wiring Is Good Insurance" FOR ... ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING HOUSE WIRING and .REPAIRS RADIO and AITLIANCE SERVICE Rupert Radio & Electric PHONE 644 BOX 1321 .... . It . it Anft m mm v. r.nlon. roun,. . W. 'au butlnen on -pound Pry Goodt ... EATON wot ol AWSSS 711 duc.d ty "8i - w Employe. ., . fof EATON 1M3 Opnuw tans Winnipeg o"- d.oA . . worn.. Pt.ia.nt-on ss: A "JSS - sr?.: TIL. - 1 'tyssttT'SK- - -TON. JS,94 WVUW. ,.,0. rre"S'615, Darid talon U JoKn v. Eaton. Mr. On h. ''",;r,d to dirc DM ol th. E,on AVftMMHI lT 3 kl I Ml 1 iti mm pi- Aim t Jrj Mt. Classified Advertising Paysl HOLIDAY at LAKELSE? VISIT OUR MODERN SELF-SERVE FOOD DEPARTMENT Deliveries to the Lake THE SKEENA MERCANTILE .G.McAD'AMS TERRACE !H;1867-DOMINION Of CANADA 1947 M :n. Wih DNniiiiM. MmUmIm The fledgling Dominion has become a sturdy young nation of the uorld The Utile sprout of,, store is now a Catuula-xvuh source of supply and service A page for NEW .CANADIANS and the NEW GENERATION of SHOPPERS -or any customers who may not know tlieir EATON history TV Mnl)MHT.VlHKi(iM(li : n mtl ttmnt ruhU fat .tv. Aran ma4 i rrr, ": i . I1.1l. Sinilr I folk ttumliy MitW trf ftflW I llb4 4- m Vorhl lirl. 19.1b. W4kt kirtj (arev V. mMlMi nl Info MtffM rT Khi r-K.fJVIIl. i i ! t A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT Phon 775 S27 Third Avenue Prfnce Elupert Daflp mm Monday, July 14, 1947 MIGO SHIRTS IW Migo Shirts with the Migo Lounge Collar . . . Cool, Comfortable and Correct . . . , A choice selection of . woven patterns. White broadcloths and colors. PRICE $3.25 $4.75 .ll.LU.uM.ll. I JJ.II.IL Mimnn,!. M IUXaV, 1 1' I 'I - We Serve You Nothing But the Best ; . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats M. Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally : RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Here Is A BIG CHANCE To Get Your Furs Now! Some selling at Half Price. Come In and convince yourself of the REAL BARGAINS at GOLDBLOOM'S "The Old Reliable" (Everything has to be sold, Including furniture). Ormes Drugs The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS I'HONE 81 Daily Delivery Service Box 1308 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DELCO HEAT OIL BURNERS for your furnace or boiler A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES AND HEATERS now in stock Large Stock of Plumbing Supplies 1 tl.-' J"rfJ A Jewellery Store You can Depend on... That's what we always want this place to be.. We will not knowingly sell you an unsatisfactory article and will do our best to make right any de-feet which mpiy turn up in anything bought here. Through long experience we have 'found the factories which make the best qualities. We try to keep our prices on a par with those ? of larger cities. We are always here to make any adjustments. ft II