1 he Experts Say ' ' LsOX OF GREENS ! ,'s the season of "greens" Turn the garden, and mpst J,, are equally good either cocked. Bce , nard, caktuse, and little endive, kale, 5 tl'l .'rcens or the .wild , quai'tcrs." are favorltei tft (amines, dui ui ven-mit tops cf beets or ,turn- eV!-ii horse-radwn, are nnnftiZlng. jot urse there's spinach ivx'tim of 1U own good j, peanomUU of the con-.; H 'l m. Dominion depart-agriculture, say there of getting spinach out ivs onod-for-you" class and ,nn Ute-tlckllnc sroiip. v ; dish of Spring Puffs (..nilly and 'see If It ij u lunf over jd: l'u pounds spln- K I'ltOMIT SERVICE .... CAMPERS fupplles .delivered twice Wry to Lake 'Kathlyn. GOODACRES' SMITIIERS, B.C. (202) ach or other greens (about two cups cooked); one-half cup thick cream sauce; two egs; one-half cup bread cruimbs; salt and pepper; few grains nutmeg; two tablespoons mild-flavored fat. Wash and cook greens. Chop slightly and add sauce, beaten eggs, bread crumbs, sail, pepper, and nutmeg. Melt fat in hot frying-pan and drop mixture in by spoonfuls. Brown on both sides. Six servings. Potato and Spinach Salad This Is another means of making use of that unpopular green. Ingredients: 2'2 cups cold diced potatoes; one cup finely diced celery; one cup finely chop-oed fresh spinach; or.e tablespoon chopped onion; three quarters cup salad dressing; one-half tablespoon salt. Dice or chop vesetabKs and 'thlx with salt. Add salad dress- Central Interior Terrace trace Theatre lewlng on Tuesdays and J Wednesdays ; and Saturdays at 8 p.m. Iday matinee at 2:30 p.m. iday and Saturday July 11 and 12 ;'Danny Boy" azzv Henry, Ralph Lewis, Mcrrltt, Helen Brown, & Soldering and Ace. day and Wednesday July 15 and 1C jfe of Monte Cristo" ..:.: Loder. Lenore Auber, fci -.:ier and Martin Koslek. CABINS Skcena Bridge Tourist Camp (One Mile East of Town) Box 13 Terrace, B.C. i TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (IL Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace You saw it in Tne Newsl DINE AT PHIL'S (Formerly Skeena Cafe) kelse Avenue Terrace, B.C. tEAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Serve: AND BANQUETS :t Food Fine Pastries Quick and Courtepus Service Proprietor, Phil Tetrault SILVER TIP CAFE CI OA ItS CIGARETTES TOBACCOS ICE CREAM SUIT DRINKS TERRACE, B.C. See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER liwnlet llulck Cliev. Trucks untlae Oldsmoblle G.M.C. Trucks Machine Work A Specialty Terrace Machine Shop & Garage J TERRACE B.C. (LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. He and pressed Lumber Lumber Manufacturers TERRACE Lots, Poles and Piling Agents For International Harvester Co. ft. flrestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. , Tt .rijHco Radios Willard Batteries Srnit hers WANT TO SWIM, FISH, BOAT OR LOAF? . . . Visit LAKE KATIILYN AUTO CAMP SMITIIERS, B.C. (175) HOLIDAYERS Fhen in the vacation land of Bulkley Valley SHOP AT Leach Bros. FOR GROCERIES AND MEATS f re Delivery to Lake Kathlyn Tuesdays and Fridays 1 Man AND IT RAINS nTUrn r t a or-o , The people of London were all agog over the betrothal an-; nouncement of their beloved Princess Elizabeth and he popular sailor Prince Philip Mount-iJatten. The day following the announcement, the happy couple would make a Journey through the city, and there wou'd be mil Hons who would turn out to show their affection. Well, it rained, and rained heavily. There were to be cricket ?ames but Glamorgan were out of luck They had batted and then came the rain. Play was stopped. Then the rain stopped. The umpires Inspected the playing pitch after a time and had just deputed that olay might be resumed when the rain resumed Its activities, and "play was off for the day " ing. Toss ilghlly with fork. I Garnish with tiny carrot or tur nip sticks. Serve very cold. And for salad dressim try 1 Vi teaspoons mustard; two tablespoons flour; two table- , sj... .: , sugar; one teaspoon salt t t " -:ie cup milk water or ' to-'ttrrm!!':- two tablespoons , "lir'tpn'm; one-third nip cider vinegar. Mix dry ingredients In upper part of doublc-boller add beaten 'f?r. and milk or water; add vinegar, and cook over boiling water, stirring constantly until thick; remove from heat and add shortening; W too thick when cold, thin with milk Just before using; if no eg Is available increase flour four to thre tablespoons. Skim Milk-Pound for pound, skim milk "onlafns as much protein, a little more carbohydrate and as mwh en Hum. phosnhorus, iron, the B vit.nmins and Vitamin C, a3 whole milk. The nutrition dlv ision nf the health an welfare de-nrtmcnt recommends skim milk ps nn excellent and healthful substitute m oart. when the bust won't stretch to whole milk for the entire family. NeW Floral Creation i'or the Summer Bride ' 1 For the 1947 summer bride who goes completely formal, here traditional bridal bouquet of lily of the valley and three white orchids with yellow throats. These can be removed and worn as a golne-away corsage as shown in the photo Inset. For such formal weddings, greatest demand is for this type of traditional ivory satin gown, with Elizabethan decolletage. For the bridesmaid (upper right). Vanity Fair roses in soft shell pink, with a few flesh-colored double stock flowers are suggested. It's the perfect floral note for this season's favorite bridesmaid dress, featuring portrait neckline and the new rounded shoulder Briefs From Britain By the Canadian Press DERBY, Eng., W.Elght railway stations will be closed near here during summer months to save fuel. LONDON, tR Now being planned by London's County Council are courses In "fathercraft" and the bringing up cf children. KIRKWALL, Scotland, 0) Fire has destroyed the only cinema in the Orkney Islands. Francois Lake N&ws Miss Audrey Wrathail and Mrs. I Navy, as well as Elizabeth God- W. S. Noble of Prince Rupert win of Vancouver. have been here for a very short vurtt. The Wistaria ball team came ecord for chicken raising. From five hens he Is ratofng sixty five1 healtoy crricHens, an average of " 13 for each hen. Miss Elsie Sugden Is -attending summer school in Victoria. She has been teaching school at Decker Lake for two years. Mr. and Mrs Jack Reed have with them f r the holidays tlieir daughter who attends school in Vancouver, as well a.s 'laughter Margaret a'id Mn Petfr of the rilONHS 11G and 117 Courtesy and Service over the lake and played two friendly games against the Francois Lake team. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Olsen enter tained a few of the younger set on Saturday evening to meet Ruby, Mary and Pat GUgan who are back again for ther holidays from Vancouver. Eleven year old Matthew Nobles cut his tnumto off at the Joint early on Monday mornln 1 .11 1 I . . T as lie was cutting Kir.aung. nc i was rushed to Burns Lake Hosp ital and the wound dressed. It's good business to heep your coal bin full! You pet speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS FOR MEN ONLY WORK BOOTS DRESS SHOES RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 024 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 BLONDIE -Quick, Blondie, the D.D.T.! I STAXSTEAD, Essex, Eng., Dr. Graham Humby, 37, complied a around - the - world air "tramp" tour in a Halifax freight aircraft. LECTURES CHINESE NEW DELHI, 0. Dr. P. C. Bagchl oi India, International authority on the history of Sino-Indian cultural relations, has joined the staff of the National Peking University at Peiping where he will lecture on Indian history and culture. You saw It in The Newsl CCM Bicycles ) Men's and Ladies' Models - Now In Stock ) J The guaranteed bicycle that ) will give you the maximum of service. 1 McBride- St. Classified Advertising Pays! Jow Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Phone 311 Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST ANU MOST tP-TO-UATE RESTAURANT. FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM II AJVL TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN TOR OUTSIDB OKUEKS PHONE 183 715 THIRD sVENUI WEST I - I ! . ! II REPAIR AND RECONDITION YOUR HOME THIS SUMMER! CALL I GREER & BRIDDEN ! BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS I Repairs Construction Alterations 1 rhone RED 5C1 I' "- '21 t ( t t By Chic Young 1 1 ' 1 ' ( I , GOODNESS, Y I; Prince Eupcrf Daflp J3ctos Monduv. July 14, 1947 HOLIDAY TOGS Moving, rackinf, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 WASHABLE COOL WELL STYLED USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES n DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 M M Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. W R AT H A L L ' S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. P. H. LINZEY INSURANCE - RENTALS - REAL ESTATE 212 Fourth Street (Next Door to B.C. Messenger) It's ICE CREAM POULSEN GUARANTEES NO SHRINKAGE INSIST ON HAZELWOOD COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made: VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ABUNDANT DEPENDAltLE POWER PHONE RED 411 FOR DELIVERY INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY V-8 POWER UNITS SPECIFICATIONS Powered with latest Ford V-8 engine', Starter, Generator, Battery, Down Draught Carburatork-Heavy Duty Ford Truck Radiator, specially designed Power Take-off, equipped with flexible coupling and two ballbearing pillow blocks, Fuel Tank built in sub-frame. Bob Parker Limited P.O. Box 38 170 East Third Ave. Phone 83 Progressive Courteous COMMODORE CAFE Good as the Best Better Than the Rest Fountain Service Banquet Hall SUNDAES SODAS MILK SHAKES Ice Cream Specials PHONE 17 LUNCHEONS DINNERS BANQUETS PARTIES WEEKDAYS OPEN 7 A.M. TILL 12 P.M. SUNDAYS OPEN 8 AM. TILL 12 P.M. Official Appointment Geo. Dybhavn Prop W. T. Cooper Manager II it.. A' i I '4 if