' J' I. k' w ft I 4 lrfnrr Rimrrr Daffp J3thi0 Monday November i7, 4947 ADVERSE HIGHWAY PROPAGANDA IS SPIKED BY TERRACE TRADE BOARD TERRACE Improvements in street light and electric service as well as telephone and telegraphic service were noted at the regular monthly meeting of the Terrace and District Board of Trade on night. ' Manv matters of local interest came up at the meeting including the possibilities of better water service for he- community. Further strong pretests are to be sent by the Department to goTernaaent authorities at what was termed "deliberate propaganda" to discourage motorists from travelling over the Skeena River Highway from Prince Oeor.se through Terrace to Prince Rupert. The meeting of the Board was heM !n the Oddfellows' Hall th a fair attendance of mem- -bers. President George McAdams ,;was in the chair. Since the last meeting when the question of adequate street li2htinir was raised, it was re peated that the lighting had he.n preatlv ImnrnvM In th downtown area and it was ex pected there will be a gradual ;neral improvement very shortly in the whole township. A copy of a letter written bv Will Robinson, chairman of the hishway committee, to the Mln-Inster of Internal Revenue at Ottawa was read to the meeting. CoDies of this letter had been Tmvoi twm h v, HOe Association and it contained "g .a. vigorous protest at erroneous information given out at thc border to tourists ea.er to tra-'L" vel as far north as possible by .car. Reoortsof American tourers turning 'back at the border Ntpusp thev are told by officials ' Inere. that there is no highway between Prince George and Prince Runert are becoming so numerous that it was felt to be takirt an aspect of deliberate pronaanda to keep tourists out of British Columbia North. Mr. Rcbinson suggested that, If the driver's name, car license No., date and place of entry into Canada could be taken of those who nas through the district and complain of such misinformation, then this grievance could be efficiently dealt with. A letter of thanks and appreciation is to be sent to Mr. Bishop, Superintendent of the Do minion Government Telegraphs, , JPl!ndld C0--Patln in! s.ui ic.race a -nour aauyhs v,pmo telephone service and a speedy delivery of all government telegrams. The $5 organization dues levied by the Civic Centre were to be sent in immediately. With reference to Henry Frank's letter in the press con- cernlng the danger of floods only an administrative bylaw and for a Brighter Xmas Tree Lights including the new Bubble Lights available now. See them 513 Third Ave. West the Skeena River a letter was read from the Prince ftuperi Chamber of Commerce expres- sing their concern and asking for the facts of the matter. As the Board of Trade feels that the government engineers should thoroughly investigate this matter. A letter was to be sent, to the coast chamber suggesting that they also communicate with the Department of Public Works in New Westminster. A pamphlet has been Issued by the Canadian Government and sent to all Chambers ctf Commerce and Board.? of Trade in an endeavor to find cut the peopled reaction to the ban on proaucuon 01 Margarine in this country and the Terrace Board of Trade went cjn ire-cord as being in favor of the manufacturing of margarine to supplement the butter supply, the highway gas shovel and equipment will be shipped back from Kwinitsa as the diversion there will be completed by November 21. Mr. Rcbinson also re ported that Mr. Bottomley spent some time here recently survey- Vh?r0per"" ,fU1rr0Ul??nBi HQsp"al a fUt"f wfith to getting an adequate wa- V lL " ! L1 diesel unit to service the mili- tary Hospital is ready for instal- ! latkm and satifaction was exp-pressed that the work is getting under way, to a limited extent, on the hospital. In regard to re-decking the Skeena Bridge, it was suggested , that the urgency of this need be i explained to Engineer Bottomley ; and receive his attention. The meeting decided to ap- proach the village commissioners to have a temporary side-falk made on the south side, of Lakelse Avsnue from Atwood St., to Apsley St. As there is considerable traffic on this road and it is considered to be the most dangerous in town. Small children use this road to and from school and pedestrians use it going to the Civic Centre in the evening, so a sidewalk there a necessity. Refering to an adequate water supply for the village. Will Robinson stated that two bylaws are needed: First, a $70,000 water system bvlaw for the purchasing of the Army water system and the re-building of It. Second, water rates bylaw which is actual- Xwas . . on display at Phone Red 400 PJione Green 917 P. II. LINZEY 214 4th Street Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! i TERRACE SCHOOL ! POPULATION UP Present Accommodation Problem Discussed at Annual Board Meeting TERRACE At a general meeting of Terrace local school district in the high school on Thursday evening, Mrs. Ivan Frank being In the chair over a moderate gathering, Mr. Alger, the secretary, read his report detailing' the business of the past year. One of the problems dealt with was that of providing for a considerably increased school population, another being the difficulty of procuring teachers for the whole district, a matter which had not been completely solved. Building progress had been slow but the board had worked with -very welcome harmony. The financial report, also presented by Mr. Alger, showed total assets of $86,085.48. Current revenue amounted to $36,266.74 and expenditures 'to $35462.34, leaving $804.40 in the funds. Nominations for a representa-! Timely Topics Mrs. Hans Koch of. the Phil-, forced, to return .to the coast bert Hotel left on Thursday on ' due to snow on the highway. A a business trip to Victoria and car from Terrace, however, driv-Vancouver and will be away en by Chris Haugland, managed for about ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Amdam and son, Robert, travelled to Prince Rupert on Thursday, returning on Friday. Mrs. J. H. Smith was a visitor to Prince Rupert on Tuesday, taking her small daughter with her for medical attention. They returned on Wednesday. Corporal T. D. Brunton of the provincial police force left for Victoria on Thursday. Mrs. Frost of Doreen and Mrs Hopkins of Pacific spent a day In Terrace last week, staying with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sparkes and returning to their homes on Friday. C. H. Sawle of the Omineca Herald spent Thursday in Terrace, returning to New Hazel- ton on Friday-. . left there on Thursday morning by car for the interior but was - Another hindrance to the re- that it was Just about impossible to obtain the services of an architect to prepare the heces tive to serve on the board for the Miss oy R1iey went to next two years drew the names iprince RUpert on Thursday, re-of C. W. Michiel, retiring mem- turnlng Fridays train: ber, and Mr. .Reynolds. On a! . vote. Mr. Michiel was returned I Mr. Saunders of Prince Rupert In answer to questions, Mr. ! ML-htoi infnrmed the meetlns ! H,t ivw. hrri had considered! the matter of the removal of the no guarantee of an adequate i winter months and $10 for corn-high school to another location water supply In the near future merclal users. but it was found that the water . supply at the suggested site vasjm0Tal 0f the school was the far! ; i. nA and (Via the subject eiihlor TIT was ft ; n i w I tW1 m. 1 not assured dropped for the time being, ir, however,- the water question was satisfactorily settled then there might be other developments but, ai present, there was can be put through by the commissioners. The monthly water rates of $1.50 per householder are not sufficient to cover the cost of labor and materials for maintenance of the pretsent system so, whether a new water system is purchased or not, the rates should bs increased to an expected $2.00 per month. However, on the brighter side, a reduction of fire Insurance rates can be confidently expected un der the new water system. Two new members, Mr. Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Howlett, were accepted and welcomed to the meeting by the President. Th finance rws ereeported to be in an excellent condition and Mr. Stevenson was asked to carry-on as acting-treasurer in Nigel Sherwood's absence due to illness. It was decided that in future sary plans without which neith-'.. er regisrauon oi ulc ia,u . consent or tne Department oi , hing to be desired. Education cculd be secured. ( The- same disabilities applied ! Mrs. Robert Christie of Van-In the suggested removal of the i couver arrived In Terrace on elementary school. In respect of j Thursday to visit her son-in-law which It was to be noted that recently there had been several real estate sales in the direction of the school. A suggestion that the ele mentary school should be light ed by electricity drew the com- ment from Mr. Michiel that aitnan and Is not pledged to an-temporary wiring In the schooi i fraternity, should he tell any would render it almost lmpos- j member he happens to know slble to collect an insurance in i that he would like to belong to the Board of Trade will hold outside the district which ex-khelr meetings In the Oddfellow' j tended to Moricetown. All tne Hall, the first Wednesday of pupils in the Terrace high school each month and the next meet- lng will be held on December3. ggg RLONDIE the case of fire besides which: the Department of Education insisted that a thoroughly up-to-date system of wiring woulu be required. Improvement to the heatinr. system In the elementary schoo! was considered and referred back to the board. W. A. Kirkpatrick asked if any fees for tuition were received at the high school, In reply, Mrs. 'Hall said there were no pupil lived in the district and were not charged fees. But Money Talks! from Terrace f to get through, returning late cn Thursday evening. With hlni were Duncan Kerr, who has been a surgical patient at Prince Rupert Hospital, and Mrs. Kerr. Mrss. Harrison and two children were passengers to Prince Rupert on Thursday. Mrs. Tom Olsen will be confined to her heme for some time because of a severe injury to her leg last week. Nigel Sherwood, who has been seriously ill at his home for the past week, has Improved to su-n .... , 11 . t. nkU ail crAiirub uiai, wc nua uuic lu j be moved to Smlthers Hospital on, Friday evening for further medical attention. Mrs. Sherwood accompanied him there. 1 George Olton, who is in charge of the water pump, la acting town elerk during the illness oi Nigel Sherwood. At a recent meeting of the j commissioners and homeowners on the Army water line who have not been assessed water! ites, an agreement was reached whereby $5 would be charged t' domestic users during the1 John Hepburn returned on Wednesday from Prince Rupert 1 feeling much better after a wee spent as a medical patient In' the General Hospital there. He ... v. r.priv Uom the nmsta and doct(jr let and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. M. Giggey. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. If one is a college fresit- a fraternity? A. No; he should concentrate on doing something well, such as football, debating, or any activity of Interest to him.. Fraternities choose those who show signs of becoming campus leaders, Q. When a man is making a business call, isn't it all right for him to place his hat and briefcase on the desk of the man with whom he is talking? A. No; he should keep these articles in his lap. Q. Are hats worn at a sum mer home wedding? A, No, MARRIAGE AT TERRACE Miss Marianne lienoit llfcomes Uride of Harold George Casey TERRACE The marriage of Marianne Anita Benolt. second daughter of Mrs. L. Benoit of Terrace, to Harold George Casey. Terrace, took place Fri day evening at 7 o'elock in St Matthew's Anglican Church Rev. Roland Hills officiated and Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton played the nuptial music on the organ. Given In marriage by her brother, Ivan Benolt, the young bride looked very charming in a long gown of heavy white rayon jersey with low neckline and full bishop sleeves. Her fm-gertlp veil of embroidered net was held in place with a coronet of roses and she carried a bouquet of pink chrysanthemums and carnations with fern. Her only attendant was Miss Irene Haugland who wore an ankle-length short-sleeved gown of pastel pink rayon jersey with a pink net chapel veil to match She carried a bouquet of pink and yellow 'mums. Attending the groom was Vernon Kealty. Before leaving the church flashlight photos were taken of the happy couple by Brock Norberg A reception was neld at the home of the bride's mother who, wearing a yellow chiffon evening gown trimmed with white sequins and a corsage of carna tlons and roses, received the guests. Vernon Keatly proposed the toast to the bride to which the groom briefly responded. A beautiful three-tiered weddinj cake, made and decorated bj the bride's mother, was cut, with due ceremony, by the radiant bride. To the strains of local talent led by Miss Dolly Matt-son, violinist, and Miss Helen Somervine, accordion player, dancing was enjoyed by th? guests till the early hours of tho morning. REINDEER MEAT EXPORTATION According to advice from up north reindeer meat continues to be shipped in quantity to Europe. Alaskans themselves have a few pet peeves. They object to the wanton slaughtering of Chechako hunters, which, ix iheer waste and to the scarcity' l the meat for the local consumers. They say it is both sArcc and expensive. NOW "FIRST LADY" The wife of the president of the United States was called "Your Majesty" until 1815. DANISH DISCOVERY Cryolite was first discovered by the Danes In 1794. By Chic Young k Winchester cigarettes, to give you smoking satisfaction; Winchester I ill, .iMiiii, i inn i i i . . . . --SillraHfrl ' i'WS TOLD ME ALL ABOUT THEN HE STARTED JHrSl'1 UDONT KNOV n7I KaIX ' C M0W HE STARTED TALKINa ABOUT HOV' IHC WAS STIL ?o sJli "SV CE 1UT TH BUSINSSS - WE HIS CHILDREN f ABOUT i TALKING ASOt TJrBOSS LnL Zzii I EVEN TOLD ME ABOUT IT WAS VECV ) THP. , run norw orrZoVTVYrFm HIS HOME UR INTERESTING j-"' " V MN OulTTiNG-VC ' 1 W 'Terrace WWwww LITTLE, HAUGLAND Rough and Dressed Lumber r juuuit'r unm. A i TKURACE Agents For IlenuUTm t irertone Tire & Hubb 7. . I'liilco Radios ' 1,1 "-CI Willard Naileries Phil's Cafe Lakelse Awnue BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DIM Serve: Tasty Food Fine Pastries Quick and Courtis Proprietor, Phil Tetrault TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace PHONE 81 DAILY DELIVERY'MWrk SERVICE PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS U"teiMfe. Ormes Drui THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS' GEORGE HILL 1 1 LIMITED Complete Stock of Men's Shoes and P AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe - PA! Smart for Fall See our larce selection of Silk Jersey BLOUSES PLAIN, CANDY STIUITD, TAILORED Twin Sweater Sets In all Newest Shades including Biege. Wonder Bra in sizes up to 60 Nylon Hose Pencil Seam Smart! New! Plastic Umbrellas 16 spokes BtfX UPSTAIRS- -STONE KNOX HOT! . .rV 10 U COMPLETELY RENOVATED - sES MAtlB SPRINQ-PILLED UNDER NEW .. nr-sirr St,B Proprietors: iuji i A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILV Jwrace, SINGE j Immediate delim, treadle and elect! t machines in Print, nd district! f A I SINGER Sewing MachiJ ni,, r-. . 1 NEWS