.a .a Saturday. December . 1947 UNITED SALE FINE SUCCESS Efforts of Women's Auxiliary Well Kf warded Thursday . Afternoon Beautiful wither, a large rnthering of patronesses, attractive seasonal settings and an abundance of interesting offer-togs combined to make the an iual baiaar of the Women's Auxiliary of First United Church Thursday afternoon a very suc cessful affair which netted approximately $360 to the good taue of church work. The churui iall was tastefully perorated In red and green, tiny, scintillating trees giving ifce Christmas effect to the $cene. Tra tables were attractively adorned and the sewing. otne cookin? and other tables ure heavily laden with a fine irray of tempting articles. ' Mrs. R. A. Wilson, wife of the yastor. and Mrs. Andrew Thomp son, president of the Women's' Mrs. H. O. Uwes Mrs. Han- girls. uaaiiiiiaaiiaiai i Mi up II V 1 " M A USE n.-ii i ii ii DuiKiey vaiiey im' "'eikir.s. Mrs. John McKech-rie and Mrs. J. Connery pre-iided at the pouring tables. Ser-riteurs were Miss Daisy Sharpe. Mrs. J. A. Lindsay. Mrs. W. D. McAra and Miss Margaret Mc-Lcod. The tea room was in charge of Mrs. George Ciccone. Mrs. E. J. Clapp. Mrs. T. Pet-roff and Mrs. Llewellwyn and acting as cashier was Mrs. C. J. Graham. Mrs. D. Santurbane directed ing after the al of aprons were ' mpetln(!. . , I Directing the series Is Don . ' lEsselmont. who was also chalr- .Mrs. J. b. mrtne and Mrs. R- man of last year's radio auc-Wilson had charge of the home tlon. Proceeds this year wlU be cocking table. Miss Joyce Youns divided equally between the! auxiliary, wno tu also genera: (was operated by Mrs. T. Fraser ionvener received the suests i with the assistance of cg it RADIO AUCTION BY JR. CHAMBER DECEMBER 18-20 Proceeds to Civic Centre Salavation Army And Junior Chamber Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce annual radio auction. In which the listeners get a chance to bid to hear J. UiapD. LOOK- ,, Tnln, Ph-mh.r offered $2 to hear Miss Lor- It's WALLACE'S Of Course! Lingerie And - - House Coats To Solve That Christmas Problem A Table FULL of Xmas Gifts REDUCED for QUICK SELLING! Hand t oven Luncheon Sets Boxed Handkerchiefs Plastic Curtain Sets Babies' Pillow Slips Baby Crib Sets Children's Muffs AND OTHER ISEK1L ITEMS Hollywood Cafe f RINCE RCPERTS NTAVEST AND MOST rP-TO-DATE RESTACR.VNT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 .UU TO 4 A-L Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 n.m. to S n.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECLALTY WE CAT EE TO PARTIP.? CHOP SUEY CHOW MELX FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 1H T35 THIRD AVENUE WEST ja&aaaaaV AmW I COAL AND SAVE Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Coal Your dealer can supplv vou BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES Pelkwa, B.C. LIMITED IS Hi "a a a H a ciiy. r Z. tT w I a I 'raine Youngman this "Junior Chamber Port ' candidate sing a solo, (surer J. H. Jefferies Civic "at Centre MONDAY Sports eonouciea tne canoy tawe saie. Civic centre, the Salvation f ajn The Junior Woran's Auxili-'Army Christmas Cheer Fund High School ary table featured children's and the Junior Chamber. J Classes, and babies' wear and novelties The broadcasts will be made I P-m. ball. ; High School Juvenuile ! Basketball. Basketball Prac tires Bo-Me-Hi GlrU. Peoples Store. Morgan's. Savoys. Rup-Rec Ladies' Kee-F.t. SPECIAL EVENTS Afternoon years Queen Trea- , added., (another $2 to the president's ;bld. j Other bias which were made as me meeting included one for $2 by Carlo Hansen for Miss Mardell Solland to play the piano, and a $10 bid by Fashion Footwear for the Borden Street School choir to sing. Announcers for the radio auction will be D. C. Stevenson and their favorite amateur talent J Neil Ross, while accompanists the sale of fancywork. assisted i-.mtv,r ' ,o ,Q ,n fh m-m.i i e n...... r, Y"' jbership was Informed at Thurs- King Edward School Concert; Vk.l. l I J.C.C tee ifrtlLUX AVUfXUt. Si HOUSE IS SOLD The residence at CI "5 Waterfront Whiffs HEAVY MOVEMENT OF ALASKAN FROZEN FISH MOVES THROUGH POUT THOMAS CROSBY IN PORT j shortly before noon today on , BjM-s' ner way w beaiue. The Grummlt Reefer. Capt Larry Parks, arrived at 3:40 this morning with 12 cars which are expected to be unloaded by 4 oeiock this afternoon This vessel of similar siie to the Lucidor. also is bound for Seattle The smaller packer Robert Eugene, Capt. Frederick DahL j brought in five carloads Friday morning and sailed at 10 o'clock anai. jlast night to return to Juneau Evening- . j shipntg are part of the Band Practice. I vast stocks of lroeen fish which Boy Scout Exeeotive Meeting are in coW storage plants in the Galloway Chapter IOUX. (Alaska ports. MUHoos of pounds Halibut Vessel Owners' Asso-: still remain there from last sum -ciation. invA ratrfi it u h sci Radio Auction Commit-(movement of ftih through this port since test September when the Laddor brought 49 carloads which were shipped east by ralL Union oteamer Cstaia. Capt. I Emet Sheppard. arrived in port AUin at S oteteck this momtnc from JJ j Avenue, formerly owned by Sgt Vancouver and wmypoinu and A B. George Latham of the Army tailed early this afternoon oai a Sigcaj Corps, has been sold to ner retwn south. -lair and Mrs A. Rye. The sile B;was made by Annstroog Aaen- a cxs. fct Latham has been transferred to Vancouver. - I!! Thirty-five carloads of frozen fish, the bigtrest shipment since last September, passed over the Canadian National , wharf last night and this morning as longshoremen wheeled the cargoes of three American vessels through the feight (Sheds and into waiting refrigerator cars to be hauled by the ; railway to eastern American destinations. The fish was brought here by ! " ' two large Northland Transpor-! Extending one of her regular tation Co. ships, Grummlt Reef-1 circuit-riding ecclesiastical voy-i er and Lucidor. and the smaller j a along the coast Including packer Robert Eugene which calls at Kltimaat. Butedale and i docked during the night and be- other points. United Church Physical Ed Igan unloading immediately. It, mission boat Thomas Crosby, i was brought from the Alaskan j with Rev. and Mrs. Peter Kelly ports of" Ketchikan, Juneau, on board, arrived in port Thurs- with Mrs. Crawford Moore. Mrs. from the Civic Centre audi-! High School-Physical Ed Petersburg. Pelican City, where dav niaht and will iav tnn. A j. Dominate. Mrs. George torium for an hour each ni?ht i Classes, it has lain in storage since the day night on her return to her Peters and Mrs. T. Bussanlch on December 18 and 19 and for1 King Edward Boys Physical i close of the halibut season. ia charge. , two hours or December 20. a ' Ed. Class. The Lucidor, 8.000 tons. Capt The ever oopular fish pond Saturday night King Edward Girls' Physical oscar Peterson, docked at 10:30 President A. P. Crawley start-' Ed- Class. iasi nigm ana Degan unloading ed the bids for talent when he' High School Jr. Girte' Basket-,18 cars of frozen fish. She left base at Ocean Falls. 1 1 fCI ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER BKE.4IHE.liiV Of CAVUIA Ltd. Vanroottr. W gggi LOVELY TO LOOK AT! COME LV AND LET OUR EXPERTS STYLE YOUR HAIR IN EXCITING NEW WAVES. PHONE 655 Helen's Beauty Salon 205 Fourth Street ' POPULAR COMEDY ) (mmW'm I "Abies Irish Row" piared un-i ( iJHA ) , - - - . . I 1 I MMaaaWr v I 1 1 a . in France and "Marriage in Tri-1 IrW H England I T K 1 -27 S Aow Available! 4 '111, , ) I 1 j I J ssp'v ' H'ar IL L Djlfca' "nd'date CHRlSTJUSf SPECU.L sfZt? ! for mJr ver CFPR, -Monday One Photo and Twelve I Ij-Wiwn. '" is, Christmas Cards (WT je CONTRACTORS Land Clearing and Rock Work Haenient Foundations Our Specialty TRUCKS - CARS TO HIRE Phone 32 or Red 511 Sixth Street Announcing... RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC is pleased t . announce that thev have been appointed exclusive agents 'for the Connor Washer Launderall Home Automatic Washer The Connor name has proven itself ove- a period of years as being a QUALITY washed having features- second to none. Drop in an' inspect one of these models on display Y.-.u-I onnor washer i now available at Rupert Radio & Electric rbDMI 3H Tbirt Arene Wt ! I TiJl not less inan u it STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CUARLOTTES FOR MAS SETT AM) PORT CLEMENTS FortnightlT. TOR SOUTH ISIJUtDS FcctrugbtiT FRANK J. SKLVVER Prtace Rupert Aest Third Are. Patx i Order from jour Waion, Grocer or Dairj at popular prices. VALENTIN DAIRY piiove in INCOME TAX Retain Prepared See R. E. 3I0RTDIER l 2nd An. (New CFPH) Gifts Galore. at McCUTCHEONS FOR HER-C4smetic Sets, Perfumes, Colognes. Compacts. Stationery, etc FOR HIM-Shaving Set?. Wallets, Ron son Lighters. Pen and Pencil Sets, Pipes, etc. McCUTCHEON PHARJMACY LTD. JlA.,tUhSt Sunday Midnite Orl JOHN CARRAD1NF. CLAUDIA DRAKE in 'Face of Marble" T"t DEAD end MATINEE MOND-tt EVENING AT I - rr : You'll Forever Remember Forever Kill MR. HEX" Starting MHijy BBBBBBBBBBBaiRTA Today Only "ITS A WONDER' I'VL LIFE fir toll Jlkll What Say Santa? Let's give 'em Hie Slipper! IS NEW RED AND jj plTh 0mW .--,-1 WijCAL LABEL a&cSr'n5S.5 J , W . I Qrimr i i - . - . - - - - - mm I I and PETERSBURG I I h112 WL CHILDREN Silff) Pllftaa LIKE IT 1 It's th? old soft shoe act . . . and it works ever time! We've slippers for everyone. WW W)c C3 tn r rM 1 Jit CMfll A famous runts D-um Fashion Footwear! STONE IU'ILDIMt pACTlCAl SE.TCOVER5 O BtTKSTtK F.VXS SP.VRK PUGS EOAI? U..ffTS LOCKING GAS CAPS Sra- I ' Phone S3 Bob Parker Ltd. TV &r. f F- P.O. 3 LUMBER r vm JUST RECEIVED a large shipmec dj Dimession, Shiplap. Flooring, Vec Ji 1 Dried Fir Finish, Shingles, aad a bry: rj rnent of 3Ioulding. Sole Agent for B.C CE3IENT a1 ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. C03IPLETE L1XE OF Bl'ILDIM Si f'plJJ1 PflONE IK COAL