1 | Prince Rupert Daily News 3, yl ene Ke! Roy Re we Woman Reporter Begins New —— ee os Career in Edmonton Office Foun and. District Votes ¥>,0> FREE EDMONTON — A girl who A OQ? ‘ once gathered news from under- serdemabicaad . pe oe ee ee One in eve kage of ground sources in East Germany | ey ! More Shriners Visit Ru pert —s && POST'S GRAPE-NUTS. FLAKES is starting a new life in Edmon marked om the front “Roy Rogers WESTERN RING” ton as a typist Last summer 24-ycar-oid Dor- Yes! Ray Rogers picture rings — othea Beerwald had her first TWELVE of them — featuring taste of North America wh Roy Ragers, Trigger, Bullet and ishe was one of 18 German pub- other exciting Western subjects. ym | lishers, writers and _ editor In bright colors — fit any fingets. You'll want them all! ’\chisen to study American jour- / coect EM" inalism. Then last fall she read in an American magazine TRADE EM: 6eT ALL af The Illustrious Potentate of Islam Temple of) San Franciseo and other nobles of the Shrine, will ,| arrive here tomorrow morning on their way to) | Alaska. el i The Shriners, will be greeted | the plastics division of the Cela- HN | by— George Dawes, Potettate’s| nese Corporation of America, is Be :) delegate here for Gizeh Temple | a visitor in Prince Rupert. : 4\5f Vancouver, and Roy Evans, He toured Columbia Cellulose (Time) about Aiberta being the 4| president of the Prince Rupert plant this morning and will “Texas of the North | ; = : t i i me Gly En hy ee Shrine ‘Club. | spend a brief vacation here be- Sugaroasting makes Grape-Nuts | grey 2 — Beer . ald devia a Islam Temple chartered the| fore returning to Vancouver to \, Flakes extra = | hat Edmonton would be her new | ss Chileotin for the cruise. transfer his home to New York i appetizing. And they provide the ; | home, * 6 « HB neurishment of sun-tipened 2 wheat and malted barley—ot TWO gfains, not one! . aie Try Grape-Nuts [ Flakes today. | | 4 on tertained on their return trip,| Doug Jelsted, manager . of / press service in the West Berlin | which allows them more time in| Overwaitea store here, and high commissioner's office, Hei VE, of 4\ this city Vince Daly of the Daily Newsr job basically was to gather news | * % & staff, are leaving here tomorrow | of East Germany from under-| HEADS C.C.F.—Mrs. Therese | mrs. Rae L. Johnson and her night on a motor trip to the ground _aurces for the high) Casgrain, Quebec leader of the |mine-year-old daughter, Kay,| Okanagan. commissioner's office and West CCF. is a candidate in Mont- ire leaving tonight for a visit at} * * * mec - former home in Castle Rock Canadian ational’s luxury | Verd iding in the |e rea erdun ric n 0 i | Washington, south of Seattle. | ship, the Prince George, reaches hig : | It is expected they will be en- In Berlii, sne was editur of the 1 Berlin newspapers. Shi | the service in 1945 after alt OTT end- | ing university in Berlin when| July 16 provincial election. | She will be accompanied by! Prince Rupert tonight from : im wer Se ee Widow of Mr, Justice Pierre F. | per sister, Mrs. Virginia Lund-|Skagway. The George left Van- le RAT beg ae | Cacanan tin ne ee Casgrain, a former Speaker of | berg, who has been visiting here. | couver on July 4 with a large ROY ROGERS —KING OF THE C.NWBOYS | 7 B ¥ or J , o 3 ¢ - LT anid: - ' he the Commons, Mrs. Casgrain |and her five-year-old daughter, | list of American tourists. Bs || “Everybody seems so calm, You) Was elected CCF. provincial | Christina, = | ad a SNS Tea ” or nn | have no fences around your) leader in June, 1951. Dr. Ralph H. Ball, newly-ap- | |k—Two-year-old Shirley Israel of Listowel, Ont., | Rouse, You can drop sides for ei (CP.PHOTO) | pointed technical director of | t thing in baby buggy contraptions of 75 years |chat with the neighbors without) __ Ss e ae As {locking your doors. You afe 50) \ ; e old-time vehicles on display at the centen- | patient in t bintion ¢ train | : ' atient in bus stations and train Waterloo, ¢ The -style zy comes | 4. V 0, Ont e high-style buggy comes ldepots .. . and you seem to meet | parasol, ornately-carved throne room and | \jeve us right from the start (CP PHOTO) | Of the Russian-controlled East gy | Berlin’ press, Miss Beerwald said jthat “every news item must be lar Secon Mate On {cleared through their ‘depart-| ment of information’ for censor- hi k ‘ ship. It was funny to see all igeven East Berlin papers come 3! S Ip Ma es Last Trip out With the same saaaienes and the same story.” { mate aboard Canadian National} Often, she said, the Russians Prince Rupert made his last official | Were caught off-guard py som SPECIALS — Kiddies’ Criskay Dresses Sizes 1 to 5. Reg. $2.25 nr $1.59. ievelopment su $ a Truman ye sterday woe ag i ® ’ ® . who will be een ny — plied the coast “For two days their papers Ladies 00 ris ay irts week, is re-| to the ittle mining town Of} would not even mention it,” Miss ears’ service | Anyox, near the head of Obser-| Beerwald said. “Then, they all Regular $5.50 hes Vancou-|vatory Inlet would come out with the same "OY $3.89 He served in the Canadian! sianted story after the ‘policy well known|army in the First World War! had been decided.” idn't want to} from 1915 to 1919 and on return~- In West Berlin the newsprint i it himself, but = from overseas joined the) shortage was so severe the nine ard were able | merchant marine | newspapers were cut to six or I ), (ficer will} ee ee leight pages with no comics oF — | Twenty-five years ago he join- | WOMENS pages - ® it a reception nuns: ships and has served aboard the Christmas Gifts | } ition from the} 7 : } : 7 ed the Canadian National Steam- bi Prince John, the old Prince Monday ; a ‘ ‘ George and completes his service Al d W 9 a ge: ane aboard tné veteran Prince! rea y on ay Ke ‘ yu- a ‘ he ae ; ition Rupert LONDON (Reuters) — Christ- fficers and, He bas no particular plans;mas presents are already on " after “he retires. He's just going | their way from Britain to chii- oo ~ | ake it easy, Sal Saptai re ng in isolated parts of EGE = | tendent of tnel ane & ee: said Captain | dren living in isolated parts o COLL nv Young Men G. A. Mac Sparkes as he walked up the} Labrador and Newofoundland ivet 7 ac- “\oeangplank to his cabin on the They inclule crates of toys and present Mr.} ang} 4 7” VA of A Ages from the | OP deck games and gifts of warm cloth- anith | Captain Sparkes, aiso well-|!M6 The gifts have been sent . ard nn known along the coast, also early for distribution to villages | eaves the Prince Rupert on his and hamlets hundreds of miles py a srrival in Vancouver to jein the apart before ice closes im in the ince Rupert slid luxury ship, the Prince George, autumn. Many of the presents e ~ STORE t, Bi ie | is Chief Officer are from children in Britain niferm, could | ial piace Ol. | oking with | panes veel MEN‘S CLOTHING hag 's like hand- | Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 345 be He just didn’t } porn at Ban- - ad | nate i > a. — WE CARRY a a A LARGE STOCK ipprenticeship hips out of Liv a << P é 1B; Y OF GOQD a zi Wherever you | ; en joined tit =e, QUALITY L'NO | b . to y D : ; ‘ i eee $ ie va hip and Barge - AT A ; Members | G2 a REASONABLE * IA WA tr es firntat LOBA. | eu PRICE vocal A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. McRae Bros. meeting of : Ce ey? the Orange Benevolent ‘A Good Place to Buy-—For Over @ Quarter Century Phone 775 at the Oddfellow’s 327 Third Avenue Dorosh and Mrs, R Piers for the new rea Vicror portable ere initiated, Mrs. H..~ Port Alberni, was a | | | : ’ ® ® 99 | 3 due caw pwemes, **Go0d whisky has no substitutes” | | 4 : 4 ' ers joined friends and €n in daneing. D licious | nts served were in} Mrs. 8. A, Evans | ributions Invited etve its readers with fms of social and per- | teiyst, The Daily News | contributions of reports | b meetings, weddings, | yr other such newsy ntact a reporter, please | te saa - >i er FREE Travel Booklet > | rravel ‘Wiser’ is & 16-page | yook let giving customs RCA VICTOR BP-5D $5250 sas rm . BURNETT S ZGS5amH For life and excitement at your fingertips “round the regulations and heppful n to &. 'T. Applewhaite | . Sk | “i ae: 4 nd ¢ ; if Skeena, 6*p.m. tonight ve cnn tpomink | clock, own this smart new RCA Victor portable. Out- ' PCiO Station CFPR, (it); : the border: Write to doors on its long-lasting battery, indoors on AC or DC . : . it tana Be } , P.O. Box 508, Station current, this handsome companion gives you entertain- \ B ix re = Tt on +a a = > ment through the rich, clear tone of the “Golden Throat.” aa 3 o days at the Independ- | . ‘ len | Ee od Stores (1t) | Durable maroon plastic ease has gold-colored trim and ae : O Pe eens ee oe LIMITED : er LONDO Ni errace, Sunday, July | stitled | ‘ ‘ we | | ND - | Distilled in Canada and distributed by The House of Seagrare " lire under 14, $1.50. GO oe ee, o ven This advertisement is aad published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board er by the hildren under 14, $1.50. ‘This advertisement Is noc published or displayed by the Liquor | : . ee er wank — cnet Available at Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. | a, a rahaneactarsed nes Cae a Se hades 00) ee | — Fa sean