PHONE 748 F DEADLINE FOR CL Classified Rates Closure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- vious to publication. Classified, 3 cents per word per insertion; minimum charge 50 cents. Birth Notices, 50 cents: Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements, $2.00. Special Display double price. ANNOUNCEMENTS Rebekah Bazaar, October 4. Catholic Fall Bazaar, “Oct 8 and 9. Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, November 5 . 10.D.E. Fall Bazaar, Novem- ber 20, Presbyterian Bazaar, Novem- ber 27 FUNERAL NOTICE ANDERSEN—In the city Tues- day, July 8, 1952, Jorgen Dan- iel, age 65 years, beloved hus- band of Mrs. Annette D. An- dersen, 987 7th Ave. East. Rev. H. O. Olson will conduct serv- ices at Grenville Court Chapel at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, July 12. Interment to follow in Fair- view Cemetery. B.C. Under- takers in charge of arrange- ments. (1t) PERSONAL WE PAY cash for burnt out motors, any size or make. Wil ford Electrical Works, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 391 (th) | STAR Delivery and Messenger. Day and night service. Phone 112 or Black 433. (166) TRAINED Men Win—Write In- ternational Correspondence Schools, Box 562, Prince Ru- pert or 1419 East 6th. (188) PLUMBING, Automatic Oil heat- ing, sheet metal work. Phone 543, 630 6th West. Letourneau. (tf) “NU-LIFE” Duracleaners. Up- holstery, rugs and car clean- ing. Free estimates given on request. Adaress 1228 Beach Place. Phone Black 433. (171) ANY ONE knowing the present whereabouts of Alex Semenoff please get in touch with Box} 1400, Prince Rupert, L.C HELP WANTED-—MALE WANTED—Young man, 17 to 26, interested in a career in the newspaper game. An excep- tional opportunity for those | interested. No previous ex-| perience needed. Write your qualifications to Box 434, Daily | News, Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 “HELP WANTED—FEMALE WOMAN for small institution—| light kitchen work. Room and board plus $50.00 a month. Phone Black 380 or P.O. Box 758. (1638p) | WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED truck driver would like steady employment, preferably long haul. Box 1280. | Prince Rupert, B.C. (162p) | “FOR SALE | FOR SALE—Scandalli piano ac-| cordian, very good Phone Red 446. (163p) | —— FOR SALF—McClary pot burner | yObystoye: as new; 3-piece ches-| ip ie wine color: RCA Vietor Record Player, 45 rpm: | bey’s bitycle; other household | furniture. Apply 1040 10th Ave. East. (163) | FOR SALE—One tank, approxi-| mately 300 gal. 14” material,| Suitable for oil tank. Phone' Blue 408. (166) | PRESTO fire extinguisher for! house, car or boat. $5.95, $7.50 (165) | and $8.95. Write D. Owens, Box 1062 Postal “B,’ Phone Red 751. (166p) NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim- ited, Distributors for: Mining, Sawmill. Logging and Con- tractors’ Equipment. Enquir- jes invited. Granville Island. Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) GARAGE for sale or rent be- tween 6th and 7th Ave. East in 300 block. Phone Red 593 anytime. (165) FOR SALE—Studio lounge, rea- sonable. Phone Green 850 after 5 p.m. (163) FOR, SALE—Combination wood and electric stove, $295.00. Like | : new. Phone 440. (164p) FOR SALE—Enterprise pot bur- ner oil range, refrigerator, beth in excellent condition. Sunshine carriage. Red 217, (167) FOR SALE—Electrolux vacuum cleaner, nearly new. Apply 1419 6th East. (164p) FOR SALE—4 ft. 6 in. bed and mattress $10.00; 4ft. bed and mattress $7.00. Apply 1419 6th| East. (164p) CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE—House ‘trailer, sleeps four, Partly finished, all ma- terial to finish with. see at 613 3rd Ave. (164) FOR SALE—Wrecking 1941 Ford. All parts for sale. Green 1780, after or can see «t 613 3rd Ave. 5:30. (164) | PROFESSIONAL woman requires condition, |” Phone Green 780 after 5:30 or can CLASSIFIED ADS OR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER SSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 PM. DAY PREVIOUS Colorful Items CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE—1950 Meteor Sedan. lovely metallic gray finish. e Equipped with visor, air con- ditioning and radio. 33,000 rom i es miles, mostly on pavement. $1,675.00. Phone Green 832. _vemenmenee “Se For New Museum FOR. SALE—1947 Willys four wheel drive jeep with Ramsey winch, 75 ft. 3 in cable, $1,000. Blue 602. (165) FOR SALE—1949 Prefect 4- door sedan 15,000 miles. Phone Red 140. (164p) By LESLIE GARDEN BANFF, Alta.—Norman Kenny |Luxton is building a f1ee-admis- {sion museum here that should give thousands of visitors a dif- ferent impression of Rocky Mountain life from what they BOATS FOR SALE ordinarily receive at this well- FOR SALE — 16 ft. Criscraft ‘@llored resort. speedboat, Sports model with) Once a year visitors and towns- new engine. Everything in ex-| folk alike get a colorful remind- cellent condition. Will trade er that the west wasn’t always in for trailer or light panel| as tame as it is now, when the truck in good Condition. Phone Stony Indians produce the pag- Blue 792 (167) eant called “Banff Indian Days.” FOR SALE—36-foot trolling boat | For the casual visitor and for the with gears, Apply 221 5th East, | archaeologist and anthropolo- (167p) | gist, Luxton and his associates aim to preserve the old west in vivid if 4nanimate form ~ “It is a dream I have had for E Warehouse, 40 ft. x years and now it is coming true: 40 ft on First Ave. and Man- | only hope that I live to see it Son Way. Apply Standard | syifilled,” says the 76-year-old | Machine Shop (187) Winnipeg-born Rocky Mountain | FOR RENT—B oard and room|Indian trader and_ scientist. for working man. Black 660. Some years ago a friend, now} (164) | said to be one of Canada’s rich- FOR RENT—Board and room for | ®t men, heard taamton speak men. Phone Green 370. (164) | his dream and said: ‘Go ahead, | FOR RENT—Log cabin at Lak- | buy what you want; I'll foot the else Lake. Apply 221 5th East. | bill.” FOR RENT FOR RENT (157p)| As the result of this offer from A ae ; ; a source wishing to remain an- ROOM for rent to gentleman. . il] ; . aa y s, Luxto as fille our Close in. Phone Red 834. ; onymous, Luxton has filled four| (162p) | Vaults in Calgary with Indian —jand pioneer relics, many of} FOR RENT—To tourist, furnish-| which he does not believe could | ed housekeeping rooms. Phone | pe replaced today. These, when/ Blue 638 after 5 p.m. (166) | with the not-for-sale | combined FOR RENT—Furnished room for|items in the “Indian Trading guiet gentleman, with use of} Post” that Luxton has conducted kitchen. Apply 224 8th Ave.|at Banff for close upon half a West (163p) | century will constitute the mu- FOR RENT—House, with furni-|5°U™'s exhibits. ture for sale. 625 6th Ave.| Now a foundation has been West. (166p) | formed to operate the museum, |which it is intended eventually to offer to the federal govern- ment. Luxton, a son of the co-found- er and first editor of the Winni- peg Free Press, came to Banff to regain his health after sailing | 5,000 miles across the Pacific with Jack Voss, the Dane who! made the nautical history by tak- ing the Indian war canoe Tilli- kum around the world. | Luxton became publisher of the weekly newspaper Crag and Canyon, branched into the tour- - —— - ist business and began trading QUIET couple, no children want with the Stony Indians in saddles | small house | or apartment for! ang bead work, This led to his | rent. Box 436 Daily News 5) | establishment of the trading post (162) from which Indian decorative work, colorful head-dresses and | game heads have gone to mu- seums and private collections in WANTED TO KENT WANTED TO RENT — 3 or 4- room suite, or house for couple | no children. Phone Red 433. (166) WANTED TO RENT—Desperate. House, suite, apartment. Any-| thing. Box 438 Daily News. i (166p) bachelor suite. Quiet location, on or before August 1. Phone Blue 989 after 5 p.m. (162) WANTED TO RENT—One- room furnished suite ly located. Phone Red 280) after 6. (162) | many parts of the world. WANTED TO RENT—Lady would}, S¢@rching for specimens of like sleeping or light house-| bird and animal life from every keeping room for one or two| Section of the British Empire for weeks near hospital if poss-| Lowther Castle, the late Lord ible for July 25. Contact Box | Lonsdale kept Luxton and his In- 372, Terrace, B.C. (163) | dian hunters. busy for 10 years. se ae a : .|Acting as honorary agent, the WANTED TO RENT—Three- or ee is . a . four-room unfurnished suite | BY itish Gatl was reaponsitiie for for couple, no children. Cen-| Pacing many of Luxton’s game or 2- Central- trally located. Phone 261. heads with other collectors. (165)| “The Indians hunt no more| —|since the governments have gone REAL ESTATE paternal,” Luxton mourns _to- HOUSE FOR SALE — Wartime] (SY. “1 have —— ovapres oe four, full cement basement, a " tual nau tl automatic oil furnace,mede: ma ps eae astanys Withyoa horn cire 45% Inches. e of the biggest in the world,” he says, “and I wouldn't take a thousand dollars for it.” kitehen® Close’ to” bis “stop. Phone 600 or Green 983. (163) FOR SALE—Two industrial lots, | 48 and 49, Block 17, Section 1. | Next to Imperial Machine| Nor would he, he says, take a Works. Apply Standard Ma-| thousand for a stuffed passenger chine Shop (187) | pigeon in his collection represen- FOR SALE—Seven room house. tative of every type of western Close in. Reasonable, price.| bird. “But I'd pay a thousand Cash. Blue 409 between 5 and} fo; another like it.” 4 (164) oe | LOOK!—$1300 handles this 6- | room house. Balance $4,400 in Cans - : ae its | rent. Phone Red 900. (163) WARS CONS eposits | MARINE VIEW LOT have been estimated at about |Choice building property on 4th| one-sixth ‘of the world’s total. | Ave. East. 65 foot frontage and! are ; 150 foot depth. Best residen- | ARCTIC FARMS | tial section of town. Close to . | schools, shopping district, hos-| The valley of the Mackenzie River within the Arctic Circle pital, etc. Price slashed for quick sale. Some terms. has land with agricultural possi- Armstrong Agencies Ltd. | bilities. Phone 342 or Blue 192 (eves).| montis nines sa ~ - . 7 riiee Nupe: — a Friday, Ju a i : ” “ beaiy iNeWws uly 11, 1952 aaa But Mr, Heinsite Mr. hand without a long lecture from Mr. Heinsite. To Muzzy is still ty day he thought he had it ifell flat on his face. It was his lead against the |three no trump contract and he jremembered Mr. Heinsite’s lec- ture on opening the unbid ma- | jor where he had no geod suit of his own. Accordingly, he led the nine of hearts. Dummy played the deuce, and Mr. Heinsite looked fairly happy as he followed with the jeight spot. Mr. Daie laid off and a heart was continued, Mr. Dale win- ning with the ace. Now Mr. Dale | played the. king of spades. After agonizing thought, Mir. Muzzy duckéd—his second fight play. Mr. Heinsite looked even more pleasant. Next ‘came another Spade and, for the thitd time, Mr. Muzzy came through, winning with the ace. At this point Mr. Heinsite was fairly beaming. He knew Mr.’ Dale without letting him in to cash three good hearts. | But wait. It was Mr, Muzzy’s! ead—and he was getting cocky. CBC Director Dies Suddenly SIXTEEN ISLAND LAKE, Que- bec (-——Dr. Augustin Frigon, 64, | director of planning and search for Canadian Broadcast- ing Corporation, died suddenly Wednesday fn this Laurentian Mountain resort, north of Mont- | real. Dr. Frigon, former general | manager of the CBC, was only| appointed to his new position | this year, Studio Fire ’ Thought To Be Incendiary BURBANK, Calif. (@ — Second disastrous fire in less than two months causing damages estim- ated at $4,500,000 to $6,000,000 The fire swept in a giant arc through 25 acres, destroying nine Streets Of scenery. It gutted a hangar housing a number of planes used in Movie scenes Eighteen studio workers suffered minor injuries. re- ‘ MNO 6 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government | of British Columbia, (163) | | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE—City cafe. For par- ticulars apply to Box 435, Daily | News. (164p) Small restaurant Wil! sell or exchange for house or other property. For parti- | culars phone Green 894. | (166p) | |FOR SALE SPECIAL—1948 Indian 7 PORTE eee Cron Chief Motorcycle fenteenih initia te ce on WANTED — TOP MARKET) Sedan | PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. | | Honest grading Prompt pay- ment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St. Van- | couver, B.C. Phone PaAcific 6357. (tf) i1—1949 Morris 1—1941 Internatic CASH for serap brass, covper, oatteries and-radiators. Phone 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West, | City (tf) . ACCOUNTANTS uperior PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. 8 G. Furk, | 3rd Avenue W. Stone Building, Red 593, (20m) | TRUCKS 1—1946 Dodge 2-ton Truck 1—-1951 Austin 5-ton Truck LIMITED 1—1949 Austin 1—1949 Flying Standard 1—1948 Thames Van 1—1950 Austin ynal %4-ton Panel uto Service Phone Green 217 BLACKWOOD on By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Mr. Muzzy Almost Makes it— had no entry to dummy! ridge Trips Him up ‘ying to get threugh one made but near the end he | West dealer Neither side yulnerable North (Miss Brash) S—Q J 10°9 4 H-—10 6 6 2 D J 9 c—8 7 ° West Rast (Mr, Muzzy) (Mr. Heinsite) 8—A 65 3 8-8 2 H--9 4 * HK Q@QJ87 D—-10 7 6 5 D-—K 8 3 Cc—Q 3 2 C—10 8 6 South (Mr. Dale) 8 7 HA 3 D—A Q 42 CA K J 5.4 The bidding West North East South Pass Pass Pas& 1c Pass is Pass 3 NT All Pass After ail, how Many good plays can a man make in one deal? He returned the. five of dia- monds—and the defense fell apart. Mr. Dale played the nine from dummy and it made no differ- ence whether Mr. Heinsite cov- ered with the king or not, Mr Dale was now sure of an entry to the board to eash those three good spades, As you see, the only way io beat the hand was for Mr, Muz- zy to return a club when he was in with the ace of spades. That would have given Mr. Dale five club tricks, but he would have only eight tricks in all. Admittedly, the’club lead away from three to the queen was very hard to make, although | Mr. Heinsite didn’t think so “It’s obvious,” he said. | “Maybe it is,’ Mr. Murazy re- | plied, “but it’s very strange that | | these bids ‘and plays never seem | \‘obvious’ to you wntil AFTER} |the hand is over. Popular Steamer Prince Rupert 1 | | SAILS FOR Vancouver | | | | | | and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGH' Comfert and Service For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE | PRINCE RUPERT, | VACATIONISTS! A Good Place to Stop 244 Miles to TELKWA HOTEL Telkwa, B-C. Just a Nice Day’s Drive GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 127 hci ECONOMY PLUS FORD'S ENGLISH BUILT CONSUL and PREFECTS Are you laoking for a depend- able, smart styled, comfortable car that makes GASOLINE GO TWICE AS FAR? Then Test Drive the New Prefect or Consul, DO IT TODAY! “Home of friendly service” FORD--MONARCH DEALERS Phone 93 BOB PARKER LIMITED ~ acm ~ na *” ASusiness ey bro 4at0n John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs, 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment omy 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608—3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 FRED £. OPTOMET»y Successor to Marea; Room 10, Stone — PHONE BLUE 5 P.O. Box 1 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK SAUNDERS BROS. We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 G hints Dis es Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 pan, - 3:30 a.m, e HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 215—Ist Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 HELEN’S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204—4th Street Phone 655 SUNSET CABINS BOATS and CABINS 3 FOR RENT ED WHALEN Terrace, B.C. | STORE IN CONNECTION | Box 421 i | DINING. PRECISION SAW FILING Lawn Mowers Sharpened QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Wurn Soles Box 774 MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Second Ave. Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effi- cient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Ce, Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Phones 60 and 68 Est. 1910, HANDY HOME SER GENERAL CONT, Building and Rey kinds ROOFS — CH OIL BURNE PHONES: PO. Box 1676 MATTSO UPHOLSTERR Phone Blue 126. pg) 234—3rd Ave] Prince Rupert j H. G. HELGER LIMITED REAL ESTATE & IN@ Phone 96, Evenings LING THE T. Tailoring - Alte and Clothes Made-to- 220 Sixth St PORTRAITS Films Developed a PROMPT SEM CHANDLER'S — 216—4th Street © Phone Green® PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe LUMBING and HEATING ‘Prompt Service You Know Phone 174 For Repairs and Alterations {Smith & Elkins Lid P.O. Box 274. Make Your Printing Matter Part of Your Business Did it ever occur to you that you need distinctive printed matter for vour_ particular business? ‘ Type faces give you this outstanding distinctiveness— and these can be supplied by our modern printing depart- ment, Dibb Printing Co. BLONDIE | 4 BLONDIE, DID You AE BUY TOOTH PASTE ? THIS STRAIGHT-:- ‘LL BUY THE TOOTH PASTE ON MY WAY HOME FROM WORK TONIGHT NO, DEAR, "LL GET IT WHEN I GO TO MARKET TODAY Prince Rupet nates JCHN H. BULGER Optom elrist e John Bulger Ltd, Third Avenue dak 4 FORK TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 206 BROADWAY CAFE WRATHAI Photo Finishi DEVELOPING, PRIM ENLARGING EXPOSURE ME AMATEUR SUPP Phone Green 136 AY) hy ious Bay ee En ee @ General Construction @ Floor Sanding @ General Repairs @ Cabinet Work Greer & Bridden LIMITED Phone 909 15 Ist Ave. W. P.O. Box 721 (All Times Daylight § VANCOUVER and VICTOR SUNDAY ss. Camosun 8 p&™ FRIDAY 8S Coquitlam 8? ALICE ARM, STEWAS PORT simPse’ Friday, Camosun, 12% FOR NORTH QUP CHARLOTTE ISL June 4 and 18 88 Coquitlam, mid! FOR SOUTH QUE CHARLOTTE ISL! SS Coquitlam June 11 and 4 FRANK J. SKIN Prince Rupert Ag’ Third Avenue Ph ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RES" By CHIC YOU i) GOING TO BE GOOD TO BRUSH MY TEETH WITH OID YOU owe GET THE FL C wy, TOOTH Wael) cal PASTE? Nee Go TO Gt!