s J I II II II I : i t a i ft to "Al It- A prince Rupert Daflp ileitis Friday July 4, XM1 Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: iie per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notlcet. 60c; Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: (2. FOR KENT FOR SALE FOR. KENT Comfortable room. FOR SALE Man's lightweight Phone Blue 967. 427 5th Ave. bicycle, condition as new. $50. East.. 1C1) Red 726. 156 FOR RENT -Housekeeping room. FOR SALE Laner 3x12. 2x6, single men. 221 5th Ave. East. 8x10, 3x8. Phone Oreen 698. (160) 159) FOR RENT 4 room apartment FOR SAL8 Boys bicycle, 20-close to town. Phone 543 or cal! Inch frame. 1349 Overtook St. . 629 6th Ave. West. Uf) (156) FOR. RENT Comfortable room FOR SALE 4-room house and 427 5th Ave. East. Phone Blue bathroom, with unfinished at- 967. (155) tic. Good location. $2650 cash. -ji' ' 1 " ' ' (tf) Tr.T Prince Rupert Realty Co. FOR RENT One room and kit- , chen, furnished. 330 9th West. FOR SALE 14-ft. boat with 2A (0) h.p. inboard Lawson engine. Apply Yacht Club,' or phone . . . . . , Green 8ol. (tf) WANTED House, two or three FOr SALE Furnished 5-room bedrooms. Box 255 Dally News. bungalow newh, decorated. (159) ' $18C0 or terms. Phone Red 666. WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5-room (155) furnished or partly furnished GardnTr K0R sALE36 h.p. house or suite. P.O. Box 171 Apply Atlin Fish-Prince Rupert. (157) . J . cries. (155) WANTED 4 Easthope Marine . : Tt re'R Used Gyproc for Efiuine Engine, Box box 250 Daily uany News iMews. chpap M heater $35. 712 2nd. Ave. (156) WANTED Homes for three kittens. Phone Red 939 after 6 pjn. (158) OFFICE WORKER board and room home. P.O. Box Rupert. would like in private 171, Prince (157) SHIP Us Your Scrap Metals, Top Prices Paid Active Trading Company Lt2.. 935 East Cordova 6tn Vancouver, B.C. (tf) HELP WANTED WANTED Youth to answer Phone 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Suitable for boy with paper route. 99 Taxi. (156) FRESSERS and Iror.ers wanted. Good wages. Pioneer Canadian Laundry. (156) SWAP WILL TRADE small General Electric radio for battery set. Apply Box 254 Dally New;. (155) ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD $40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, (tf) COST AND FOUND LOST Ladles lapel watch. Red 548. (159) LOST Sum of money and personal papers In wallet. Engraved Earl Barr. Reward for return to Daily News. (155) FOUND On Monday, bunch of keys on ring on 6th Ave. West, past Dunsmuir St. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. (tf) LOST 17-jewel Wa.tham watch, between Knox Hotel and Rupert Butchers. Reward. Finder please return to Dally New3. 057) METAL WORK DONT Walt for Winter. Now Is the time to have that eaves-trough fixed and rurnace stalled. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd., Black 884 (tf) I.ANI) ACT ; NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In the Land Recording District of .Prince Rupert and situate along the westerly side, foreshore, at the head JSfof Hastings Arm. Casslar District. TAKE NOTICE that Henry M. Hansen, of Prince Rupert. B.C., occupa- ttlon Master Mariner. Intends to apply fior a lease 01 me ionowing described lands, being part of the west side foreshore, at the head of Hastings -.Arm, Casslar District. Commencing at a post planted at the S.W. corner Indian Reserve No. 1 27, thence eastward 500 yds. to N.W. : corner Lot 1087 Casslar District, thence I ......J South 1030 yds. to S.W. corner Lut j ,1087, thence westward 600 yds. to post f. -fon shore, thence northward along !' shore 1000 yds. to point of commence ment and containing 103 acres more , or less. ' Date of StaVlne May 13. 1947. HENR VI. HANSEN. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP HANS HOLM, DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour Judge W. E. Fisher, made on the 31st day of March, A D. 1947. my appointment as Executor of the estate of Hans Holm, deceased, was confirmed. All parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the 31st day of July, AD. 1947, after which claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. And all parties Indebted to the estate are reaulred to pay the amount of their indebtedness forthwith. DATED this 34th day of. June, A.D. 1947. . OLE KILDAL. ExecuW. Estate of Hans Holm, co Brown tt Harvey, - Barristers and Solicitors, Prince Rupert, n.C. (iai) FOR SALE Desirable resort site on Lake Lakelse. Frances Poe. 147 Linden Avenue, Wilmette, i Motors- Illinois. (178) FOR SALE 2-room fully fur nished cabin and eight-tube battery and electric radio. Phone 235 Taxi, inquire Bill McLeod. (6) FOR SALE Household and Of fice Furniture. Hardware and Logging Supplies. New Wire Cable; New Fishing Tackle, complete $3.75; Pocket Compasses $1. Wobblers V2 price 25c, Heaters, Hotplates $3.50. Scatter Russ $1.25, Mattresses $15, Wood and Coal Stoves, small size $30; Slightly used Anvils. Typswrlter, Office Chairs, Rugs 12x12, Desks, 3 piece Chesterfield suite $40, Baby Carriages from $5, Kitchen Sets from $14, Six-piece Bedroom Set special price $115. All kinds of other useful articles at rsatonable prices. B.C. FURNITURE CO. Black, 324. FOR SALE The Cottonwoods; modern restuarant. seats .30; running water, electricity, living quarters. Riverside setting "The Beauty Spot of the North." On C.N.R. and Highway 16 between Prince Rupert and Prince George. Ill health forcing sale. Apply A. E. Bates, Telkwa, B.C. '155) FOR SALE An undivided half Interest 310 acres, Lakelese Hotsprings property. Apply Mrs. Boss, 635 Dickens, Trail. (155) FOR SALE 1 kitchen suite, $75 Al condition. Russian bear rug $900 Al condition. Front room curtains $15. Dish set $25 Al condition. Electric heater $10. fan $5. 1314 1st Overlook St Call between 2 and 6 p.m. ri55) FOR SALE 5-room house; 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, pantry, bathroom, all white enamel oil burning kitchen range goes with house. Furnished two-room house at rear and worksrwrp on two lots. Good location, one block from King Edward and Booth School. For particulars write Box 252 Dally News. (156) FOR SALE By Spies and Meckling, Phone 223. Used. 2 large steam Boilers used 4 years; 2 100,000 gal. wood tanks, Iron bound: fir flooring, gyproc, new 4x4 Ions lengths. Many articles from the Group 4 Bldgs Some large sheets plate glass. (155) SCIENTIFIC DEMONSTRATION The first graphic demonstra tion of 'sound waves was made in 1857. PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service COMMISSION IN SESSION Arrangements Completed for Regular Schedule of Fastball At a regular meeting of th? Prince Rupert City Fastball Com- In order to complete the sched- I ule In the Men's League and give time for play-off games It was decided to make the Wednesday evening gHmes a "double bill." Two games will be played each evening with each game consisting of seven innings. The Monday and Friday evening; games will be single nlne-ln ning games. Discussion took place regarding the two weak teams, the Navy in the Men's League and the Khatadas in the Ladies' League. However, both these teams realize that they must strengthen their line-ups and, on that understanding, they will continue to play. Men's Schedule July 4 General Motors Gordon .and Anderson. July 7 Navy vs. C.N.R.A. July 9 General Motors School. MACHINERY vs. vs. High School; Gordon and Anderson vs. Co-op. July 11 C.N.R.A. vs. General July 14 Gordon and Anderson vs. Navy. July 16 Co-op vs. High School; Navy vs. General Motors. July 18 C.N.R.A. vs. Gordon and Anderson. July 21 Co-op vs. General Motors. July 23 High School vs. Navy; Co-op vs. C.N.R.A. July 25 High School vs. Gordon and Anderson. July 28 Navy vs. General Motors. Ladies' League July 8 High School vs. Moose. July 10 Kh a tad a Club vs. Moose. July 15 Gordon .and vs. High School. July 17 Khatada Club vs. High July 22 Moose vs. Gordon and Anderson. July 24 Gordon and Ander-sort vs.iKhatada- Clubi I July 29 High School vs. Moose, TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C (tf) Ha'ing been forced to turn back to Vancouver for certain mechanical repairs Union steamer Camo.sun. Capt. Alex McLennan, reanlar!? .Uus this afternoon, is not arriving until 9:30 tomorrow morning from Vancouver and 0;ean Falls. She will sail at 1:30 in the afternoon for Ketchikan and will return here Sunday evenin? to sail at 9:15 p.m. on her return south, an ?ven 24 hours late. COMMERCIAL RESULTS OUT St. Joseph's Academy Students Succeed in Examinations The following candiates have been successful In completing their Commercial Course at St. Joseph's Academy and will be awarded their diplomas accordingly: Course One Lynn Gowan, Mlldren Olson. Curine Helde, Alfred Hill, Irma McKinnon, Irene Mostcd, Ruth Jerstad, Margaret Harris. Course Two Hazel Moran. Bookkeeping Lucy Angly, Lenore Smith, Sally Welter. Agnes Collins. Hazel Moran will be awarded the school speed typing pin. Miss Moran accomplished 74 words per minute. SPEEDED TRAVEL Coaches were first introduced into England in 155?. July 31 Khatada' Club vs. Moose. August 5 Gordon and Anderson vs. High School. August 7 Gordon and Anderson vs. Khatada Club. SHIPS AND WATERFRONT Union steamer Catala, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, on her regular weekly voyage, arrived in port at 7:30 this mornln? from the Bmith and will sail at 5 o'clock this afternoon on her return to Van couver via coast cannery points BALL GAME WASHED OUT Rain Again Hits Fourth of July Scries , The weatherman was the winner of the baseball game sched uled to be played between Ket chikan and Prince Rupert at Ketchikan on Thursday when he ; sent down rain which washed out I the game. The two teams banned to play a double-header todaythis afternoon and this evening weather permitting, as 1 part of the Independence Day j celebrations in the Alaskan city. J The boxing card, which wa-orlginally scheduled for la:- night, will be fought tonight Three Prince Rupi-rt fighters. Len Kitchens. Bobby Anderson and Jordan Smith, who trained under Joe Ward at the armory, are lined un on the card. Hitch ens may fight a man from a" American destroyer which is in Ketchikan at pree'.nt. 1 Leads You to Fool Health and Comfort We feature X-Ray Fitting because II Is the only means by which you, and we, can see exactly how your feet look Inside oi a pair of shoes. With X-Ray! Magia Pointer we can show how and why a certain type oi shoe may cause foot ills or discomfort. X-Ray enables us to fit you to shoes that will give you positive comfort, and possibly correct certain foot troubles that you novf have. We invite you, and especially your chll- BBUIUUUISBJ 1 drentocomeintot a Complete X-Ray loot fcxaminanon. It Ules only a fevf minutes, costs you nothing... places you under no obligation. Come ic toon. Fashion Footwear It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS Mate 7fre fresh fa? seasor Classified Aflvertlsing Pays! Believed Extinct, Odd FtsK, Found I OTiMtAMBTOWIs South Aftrt-I -an scientists are organism a j hunt to catch a "modern dodd," la fish believed exi'net for the past fifty million years. First clue that this fish, a coelacantti. still survived came when a trawler brought up a mysterious dbject five feet long, steel blue in culor and weighing 127 younde. It ,died in three linrtrc A fWhprn.pti with 30 Veal's experienc said he had never I seen such "p Queer kukini'. '' I ject it had arm.-.." For clean, comfortable, good-looking shaves use MINORA BLADES Canada's favourite In quality and low price 4 for 10(5 12 for 25c- 1 For That Party . . . -PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. cnor suet enow mein 7:00 an. to 11:00 pjn. sewed 'rffl Jt-seasof terries or peacesf THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD., NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA rhree Sailings Ter Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m Coquitlam. Fridays, 5 p.m. Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 p.mv Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 8 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS June 27 July 11-25 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS June 29 July 13-27 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 PRINCE RUPERT SWITCH McLITE says: "Good Wiring Is Good Insurance" FOR . . . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING HOUSE WIRING and REPAIRS RADIO and APPLIANCE SERVICE Rupert RadioS Electric PHONE G44 Company Limilcd BOX 1321 FAMOUS RUPERT BRAND FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE - i. Kh - x rir 11 f if i' itm rr. .fast to WW vwzn 2 rxaas I , Soffit I 5,AIDojN , VUM H E- ft 'EBXEagKMkX WITH USDS "Si i -mteSTM v r . 'U v A-ure wrr unr j i -v w PIP SMOKERS! AiK FOR OGDtN'S CUT tl RCAiVICTOR I Leads Again PRESENTING THE LITTLE MASTER RADIO New Advanced Styling in Plastic Cabinets. Your choice of Ivor' or Walnut, niehlv selective 5-tube Supe rhetrodyne Circuit New Elliptical Speaker and Magic loop Antenni, Operates on 110 Mi. or IU, THE HIGGEST LITTLE PERFORMER IN THE LOW PRICE RANGE Ivorv Cabinet Walnut Cabinet $35.95 $34.95 McuMvs.M AVAILABLE IOK IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ABUNDANT DEPENDABLE TOWER POWEI UNIT SPECIFICATIONS Powered with latest Ford V- Starter, Generator, Battery, Down Draught CarkrJ Heavy Duty Ford Truck Radiator, specially desitnei I Take-off, equipped with flexible coupling and tw i bearing; pillow blocks, Fuel Tank built in sub-frame. Bob Parker Limited P.O. Box 38 170 East Third Ave. Ph Progressive Courtfj COMMODORE CAfl Good as the Best P.etter Than the Rest Fountain Service Banquet Hall SUNDAES SODAS MILK SHAKES Ice Cream Specials PHONE 17 Luxcnil DIXSEK BANQttll r AMID I WEEKDAYS OPEN 7 AM. TILL 12 P-M SUNDAYS OPEN 8 A.M. TILL 12 PAI. Official Appointment Geo. Djbhavn Prop LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 649 - 220 Sixth Street W T CWl Manap' JOHN H. BULGEI OPTOMETRY WILL BE OUT OF1 CITY JULYI0 Hollywood Caff PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOSl till TA a rwv.. ... m-xu-uajE RESTAURANT , FULL-COURSE MEAL FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every ' Sunday j - 5 p.m. to CHINESE DISHES A SPECIAL 8P WE CATER TO PARTIS CHOP SUEY enow TOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PIIONE 15s 7 THIRD AVINU1 W