w'V J't'f"'1 Inlormttion itfu'ct or tadiy'i wemtn EN ys IrM ana w think : me (rr:! I.on uc .r-i. cl its BIOCKR IVCHWT'E b: -ing .a ,jr b:tn O- Here' a cucumber-cool buyword to make liot-wthfr tfmpcrj disappear futcr than you can eay " Frcnh Up" I You've Kupwecl it, of course . . . it a tmoothly 'delicious EEVKN-UP that delicate, lemon-like drink that jtirt can't hrlp but be a, family favourite! You'll like it it will like you... there's a world of icood cheer in every cool, green botllo of SKVEN-UPI Believe ran, iu a complete thirst-quencher on the hottekt of days. ..gene it with meals and between meals. There's a " frefh up " for you at any etore displaying a SEVEN-UP sign I HE. M M..Y 9 VER NE niij'jjifliin u smooth white i'.t gl":"3'38 wllu tiny "rop ot iff, Now usht a d lib! UAI AL CldAltE lib... nolo its frc.a taste the result ot Uilr ': :ng irom plantation L , jf Ki trshing, isnt itT Ihis Ujuse SWEET CAPS are per iod for v-.ur smoking satisfac- hy a uM potVwar scicnlifio Lfjl rrrici:uon ..uci v I (lie !t jn'.tiul result is IVrfec- iq V. .ncis, in Smoothness, in Talis t-t!' r' What a wonderful -! s. o open a SavutQt o ;e BANK OF MONT- UL wilh that tneomr tax ; Tunk Of the icrrcuso as ' . si rs'.ra to use in your pi I;, .ag ...money in tht .; a ruiny day. laik it over , v :r hUrband .. .he'll le .1 r y -ir fto way with i.i ' w m -, you won i want to I::.? r.:nrv slip through your n . ' rou'll open a i.np .v ;tif at your nearest tia a B of M! That in ks t. mg is money in me yt-ie smart! ,j - . j . . Lw.c Prince Rupert Health released today by Dr. R. M. B medical director. wk greater proportion of those H to return will not have -ulosls but have been called because the films were ti, double exposures and technical difficulties. A Jiete report on the results K x ray Is exDected to be by the end of July. t leaving Prince Rupert, Ian x-rayed 1,300 people In ferrace-Hazelton district. Lane expressed apprecla- Jot the worts of the Kins- Club Women's Co-ordin THE SUPREME COURT Of BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE HIE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OUI" OUSE. DECEASED, TESTATE it NOTICE that hv order of hnour Judge W, E. Fisher, made 10m day or June. A D. 1947 tpolntment as Executrix ot the oi Ular Ousc. deceased, was Iratd. Parties having claims against '14 estate are hereby reaulred Srnliih game, properly verified On or before th 9lit riav of AD 1B47, .fter which clalma may bo paid without reference J ciaima of which I then had uowKdne. 1 " parties Indebted to the ea are required to cav the 'amount FED thla 34th day of June, A D, JESSIE KELMAN MURRAY, Executrix of tho estate of Olaf Ousc. co Brown & Harvey, Barristers and Solicitors, Prince Rupert, B.C. (let) )iw Available! 1 LOOK FOR THE EW RF.n AND WHITE I h mi i inn 1AM1L.1 I I Till MAN U it' Ci'i luscious lemon " ' ' iT, pie for uotwrt to-night I So out comes your lox of BENSON'S AH E YOU "LABEL CONSCIOUS"? You couldn't be wi.cr than to buy by the label ivjij ...for behind a label arc dill FREE 60 Jam and Jelly Labels! f s ") iwoernrs -wiuic ye may!" Irc.h r n-R armed fields.,, or big and luscious i - at the store! The time to mako n; plv of strawberry jam is now... -s tin CEHTO. For CERTO, the (r r.c'in, gives you fifty percent IRE m or j lly . . .cuts boiling time down to nct- ear8 Corn Starch with the recipe rifclit on the box! You've found that many a pic made with BENSON'S wins applause from your family and friends. No wonder ... for BENSON'S fine quality is bound to make a fuccew of any recipe. Hero arc three I recommend fluttertcotch Vie Ctulard Vie Meringue Topping . . .from BEX-SON'S Recipe Sheet B.B.! For your free copy, simply write to me, Barbara Brent 1 1 11 Crescent St, Montreal, T.Q. mm quality research invested for you the wUc buyer. The VINY-L1TE label is a sure indication of excellence in plastics . . . you know they're 'right when they're VINY-L1TE Plastics! The VI XYLITE lalel means plastics that have been tested for use by 'The Better Fabrics Testing Bureau"! So be wi...be "label conscious " when jou buy your plastic handbag or raincoat or shoes . . . look for the VI XYLITE' label! And to know your VI XYLITE Plastics better-simply write to me, Barbara Brent, Dept. B. llll Crescent St, Montreal. P.q., for your free ropv of "The Story vj YinyUtc PUutict". io or tw'i to that very little of the precious julec is wasted in in! Jt . . lib. r when you buy LEUIO. to oolc for the reeins i tV.. label! And here's a generous offer youll not want to KRKF whil" they last nets of 60 Jam and Jelly labels. Write I'. :.:- Brent, 1111 Crescent St, Montreal. P.Q.! 1LED TO SURVEY the 3,050 persons x-rayed Prince Rupert area by the f tuberculosis van early In 90 have been requested to and be x-rayed again, Kiln? to thp monfhlv rennrt ating Council and others who canvassed, kept records and performed other volunteer work which made the survey possible. For several months a few cases of a mild fever, with a measle-llke rash have been noted among children up to three years, Dr. Lane's report stated. None, however, have been seriously ill and no com plications have been noted. Robert Parker left by Cana dian Pacific Alrllnvs plane this afternoon on a business trip to Vancouver. Outbound passengers on to day's C.P.A. flight were George Martin, Cpl. L. N. Brett. L. Stan ley, O Tunrbur and Robert Par ker for Vancouver and William Glass for Sandsplt Arriving here Thursday afternoon were A. R. Baiber. E. S. Richardson and w A. Millsap from Sandsplt Fourth Street m B a mm m n m 218 I ti II 111 I Mill I SCHOOL BOARD SEEKS TEACHERS Of 17 teaching positions in the Prince Rupert school district from which teachers have resigned or face the possibility of resignation due to the lapsing of their temporary certificates, eight have already been filled for the coming term,' according to information presented at Wednesday night's School Board meeting. Largest casualty list was at Booth Memorial High School where 13 teachers have already leslgned or whose certificates may lapse. However, at Booth, aireaay. six new appointments have been mad. In the elementary schools, one of two resignatloan from Borden btreet has been filled bv thp transfer of Miss Gladys Foster Jrom Dlgby Island, causing that school to be without a teacher. At King Edward, where two teachers resigned, one position nas already been filled by the appointment of Miss Patricia McRae of New Westminster. So far there have been no other re signations. An atmosphere of uncertainty hangs .i over Booth . High School wnere several teachers, who earned their certificates in other provinces, are teaching on temporary British Columbia certificates. These certificates will be renewed if there are not enough teacners with permanent British Columbia certificates to fill the number of Jobs available. Until it is known how many permanent BC. teachers seek Jobs, it cannot be decided how many temporary certificates will be renewed. New appointments at Booth to dale arc those of Alan L Hurst, to the principalship; Peter W. Sbrocchi,, of Vancouver, French teacher; Miss Edna McHallamr Vancouver, junior high; .Miss Muriel Town-send, of Hartncy, Manitoba, home economics, and P. Adlem and J. Densmore, Vancouver, Industrial arts. Enrolment at the city's four plblic schools during June was 1.056 students with 57 attend lgn the four schools in the district. Attendance percentages "were higher than in other months, owing probably, to trie fact that final examinations were written during June. At Booth School, enrolment was 437. with attendance of 93 percent, Principal W. W. C. O'Neill reported. King Edward's enrolment was 245 with attendance" ci 94 per cent, according to Principal R. G. Moore. Conrad Street's enrolment was 185 and attendance 94 per cent, Principal T. O. Batcman's report stated. At Borden, according to Principal J. S. Wilson, enrolment was 190 and attendance 96 per cent. Enrolment at Dlcjby Island was 18, Port Simpson 11. Port Esslng-ton 14. and Port Edward 14, reports from teachers of those schools showed, Capt, Henry Dolron arrived In the city by plane this week from Vancouver. Pie-Vacation Special! For an elegant holiday, fingernails eloquently mirror-bright with one of Chen Yu's famous colors. CHEN Lacquer anJ Lacquetol De 75 (Regularly $1.00) (Mitihins lipstitU are $1.13) ORMES DRUGS PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. P. H. LINZEY INSURANCE KKNTAlSTjL ESTATE (Next Door to B.C. Messenger) Local News Items Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beattle sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. H. Engelcke sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Don't forget the Moose Picnic, Sunday, at Port Edward. Free transportation. Come and enjoy yourself with tue Looge. Everybody welcome. Tickets 50c. (It) Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Parker and child returned to the city by plane Tuesday from a brief trip to Sandsplt, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stone and daughter, Diane, and Mr. Stontf's mother, Mrs. Ross Mansell, sall-d last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. W, M. Watts returned to the city on last evening's train from Smithers. On Sunday, with Mrs. Watts, and family, he will leave on a holiday motor trip to Van couver, Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert G. W. Olds, Seattle.' H. A. Olds, Seattle; F. D. Stiener, Ketchikan; H. Bloomfield, Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. Beverly Hills, Calif.; Georire Wilson, Smithers; L. Creighton. Ottawa; W. F. Cheake, Terrace: F. Nash, Terrace; C. C. Pawner. Vancouver; James Hill, Vancouver; H. Brun-ton, Terrace ; Degar Hamlin, Terrace: R. Baxter, Terrace; B. Pearl, Marysville, Calif.; L. P. Bell. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Sweder, Fort Frascr; Mrs. E. Pogson, Port Essington; G. Rich ardson, Tlell; W. A. Millsap; Queen Charlotte City; A. R. Barber. Queen Chailotte City; Mrs. J. Sikler, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. Marlow. Montreal; D. G. Chls-holm, Edmonton. v. r, at 1 They beg for it... CLnfiicn BISKIES A hifilily roncenlrntrj pellet for all breetls. I B-fl With your house and 'r paint, we've really got emethlng. Protect your home with durable, colour. I lasting loveliness, ., specify B-ll "English" l'aiut., -j Mcltride Street Moose season's Final Whist Drive and Dance, Saturday 8:30 p.m. (1571 Mrs. B. Shearman, who has been paying a visit at Edson with her daughter, returned to the city on Wednesday night's train. Canadian National Tennis Club American Tournament Sunday, July 6, 1 p.m. Members and prospective members wel come. (156) Olof Hanson, who arrived in the city a few days ago from S,mithers, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for W. R. Paul, supervisor of re servations, Canadian Pacific Air lines, arrived In the city on Wed nesday afternoon's plane from Vancouver and left yesterday for Sandsplt, when he will proceed back to Vancouver today. Mr. Paul makes his headquarters at Edmonton. 20 Announcements Rebekah Bazaar. Oct. 30. (166) Baptist Sale, Nov, 6. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. Orange Sale, December 5. CAPT. A. HANSEN OFF TO DULUTH Capt, Andrew Hensen, pioneer Prince Rupert fisherman, who has spent the last six months in hospital suffering from a stroke, will leave on tonight's train for Duluth, Minnesota to receive further medical treatment. The well known fishing captain, who formerly operated the boat Aiken, will be accompanied by his brother, Charles Hansen, who came out from Duluth some time ago. While travelling, he will be under the care of a medical attendant. Capt. Hansen is one of the best known skippers in the district, having resided here for the last 30 years. Donald Bain, who has been acting as flight agent for' the Canadian Pacific Airlines on the run between here and Sandsplt, left yesterday afternoon for Vancouver to which city he has been transferred. William! Mc- Klnnon, from Vancouver, has arrived to take over the duties of flight agent on the local run. Eio's Furnltutu Store will be closed from June 16 to July 12. w (J9) ITCH DRESSES BRIGHT ! NEAT! V t AIRY I For Summer For Afternoon ROSA LADIES' CHECKED in a J iff if -or Money Back For 'quick rriiet from itching caused by eczema athlete t loot, scabies, pimples and otheritchin; jynd.uons. pure ;. enylint medicated, liquid D.O.O. PRESCRIPTION. Grewelesi and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calmi 'ntrnse itching Don't suffer. A.kymirdnisiist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. i if if ,- Prints, Crepes Linens, Jerseys - LEE WEAR 345 THIRD AVENJE WEST SHINGOLEEN Shingoleen beautifies and preserves new and old shingles and gives a lasting protection against ever - changing weather conditions. We have it in one and five-gallon cans and several different colors. ASK FOR A COLOR. CARD THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 255 Third Avenue PHONE 101 A. Mackenzie Furniture Phone 775 LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT FILMS Superpan Press Films Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies. Prompt Mail Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 216 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 327 Third Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 80 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 FOR MEN ONLY WORK BOOTS DRESS SHOES RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 Prince Uiipctt Daily jQciug Friday, July 4, 194T 4 v , m . m-irr We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Terrace Club SPORT JACKETS Attractive Tweeds and Plain Color Polo Cloth-tailored by Fashion Ciaft. Smart, practical and reasonably priced, these jackets are sky-high in quality and value. Priced from $20 $40 Here Is A BIG CHANCE To Get Your Furs Now! Some selling at Half Price. Come in and convince yourself of the REAL BARGAINS at GOLDBLOOM'S "The Old Reliable" (Everything has to be sold, including furniture). Ormes Drugs The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service Box 1308 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DELCO HEAT OIL BURNERS for your furnace or boiler A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES AND HEATERS now in stock Large Stock of Plumbing Supplies Why not have a Typewriter You Can Own One On Easy Payments We sell the latest Smith Corona fitted In a hardy carrying case. Tills case can be removed and used as a week-end bag. Other conveniences are: STANDARD KEYBOARD FLOATING CUSHIONED, SHIFT TOUCH SELECTOR i BUCK SPACER AUTOMATIC RIBBON REVERSE Prices run from $70 to $95 on terms V