I entral RRACE VETERAN DS IN SOUTH Hi A wedding of much r:t was solemnized la:it Us St. Paul's n u r c h, Vanrouver, Eugene Thompson, (.!: and Mrs. w. Ross HL:sc;;hoe RraTtch, L ur Ited In marriage c; ; ,f: ;d Conlon. only Mr and Mrs. A. L. L! lydnilnster. The a nH pf turquoise t h white accessories i ( r "pir k rosebuds. the young couple as nonor and grooms- bride - cousin and the f; rmer attired crown wool suit with c-iessorlE-s of yellow a cors-ue of yellow i'fn at the cere-ne Rev G Oower. ,he marriage a wtd-t was held In a r 'tnurant and later c, unle left for a n Victoria, On their w.II reside in Van- T.mmpson. who was In Air Force durln? t;k?ns! a course In the ;r trade while his r.urae at St. Paul's Hog- fRRACE SEEN 10M AIRPLANE HA E FL Bill Cooper Dominion Day with . Flying Club plane v Utors irtim the coast i themselves of the eppor-- Terrace from the v:t was on instructor f monvealtn Air Traln-;t on several shows of Wednesdays i i: 2 end Saturdays at 8 p.m. M ,:izy matinee at 2:30 pJn. Friday and Saturday July 4 and 5 Hopalong Cassidy Returns" p William Boyd and Oabby Hayes, Tuesday and Wednesday July 8 and 9 "OUK TOWN" i William Holden, Martha, Guy Kibbee, Fay Balnter, Bondl and Frank Craven Married at Burns Lake Virginia Keefe, Former Miss Tweedsmulr Park, Is Itride FRANCOIS LAKE -A wedding of widespread lnterct In central British Columbia was held at St. John's Anglican Church of Burns l ake last Friday afternoon when Grace Virginia Keefe of Fran-cols Lake became ihe bride of John Andros CMeaic, of Vander-lioqf. Brjde and groom are both descendants at real pioneer families and both, a,e Second World War veterans, the bride having served with the Royal Canadian Air Force and the groom with the Royal Canadian Navy. The bride Is remembered In Pijnce Rupert as the beautMul Miss Tweedsmulr Park at thp Carnival Queen contest. Rev. A. W. Atkinson officiated. The pretty lit le chapel was crowded to the doors and the ntendance overflowed the beau tifully decorated church. The al tar and chance! were a. mass of wild flowers, lilacs and choice house plants, artistically arranged by Mrs. Walter Wilson of Burns Lake who also presided at Ihe organ. During the sisnin1? of the register, Phillip Kelly of Southbank rendered "O Perfect Love" In a melodious baritone. Many relatives ai:ri friends of the popular couple attended from Vanderhoof and points cast. The bride (was charmingly gowned in a flowing drew of white nylon velour and wore a Mary Queen of Scots headdress with a floor-lentrth veil, caught TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (IL Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace DINE AT PHIL'S (Formerly Skeena Cafe) l akelse Avenue Terrace, H.C. 5REAKFAST LUNCH DINNER AND BANQUETS Serve : Food Fine Pastries Quick and Courteous Service Proprietor, Phil Tetrault SILVER TIP CAFE CIGARS CIGARETTES TOBACCOS ICE CREAM SOFT DRINKS TERRACE, H.C. OK PROMPT SERVICE .... See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER hovrolet Bulck Chev. Trucks 'onthc Oldsmoblle G.M.C. Trucks Machine Work A Specialty errace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE B.C. LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Lumber Manufacturers i!m..i. .1 Lots, roies ha Lumber TERRACE an4 ruing Agents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. l'hilco Radios Wlllard Batteries . Ulterior ton. who was euwned in ft,,., i length pale yellow organdy. The brldesmaUta mere Miss Eil een OMeara, sister ol the groom, ami Miss Margaret Dickie cf Orasy Plains who chose Identi cal gowns In Dink and blue of nylon velcur with matching bou quets of red roses and white car nations. TJS bride carried a liuje b&uquet of white cai rations, red roses and maidenhair frn. Ihe bride's gift from the groom was a beautifully combined locket and pin. The bridesmaids each received a string of pearls from, the bride. The bride presented her train boarer with a pretty set of matched pearls, necklet and bracelet The grdemsman was Clifford Andros, cousin of the groom, and the uhrs were John Keefe Jr and his brother Ralph. The bride's mother, Mrs. John II. Keefe, was t:iTtf-ful1y attired in a tailor-made suit of camel-brown herringbone wool, with white and brown accessories and wore a corsage of pink carnations. The mother of the groom. Mrs. O. V, CMeara of Vanderhoof, chose a pale bine wool crepe dress with corsage of pink and white carnations. The bride's grnthnother. Mrs. J. W. Hernkle, attended both the church ceremony and the reception at tje hoane a! .the bride where moving pictures were taken. For the bride' oine away outfit she chose a wthful noplln suit with prev tforr coat and white accessories. The happy young wruple win spend a short honeymoon at Prince RuDert renewing acquaintance with a host of fr'ends before returning to with sprlsts of myrtle for good J Houston whre the, groom will luck. Her long train was carried resume his dirties with the Oana-by pretty little Sylvia Parting- dlan National Railways. Terrace errace Theatre J-3'..!Z on. Tuesdays and CABINS Skrena Bridge Tourist Camp (One Mile East of Town) ! Box 13 Terrace. B.C i ue xHinarutii uulu at ipe Keefe ranch and at the dance which followed was composed entirely of old friends of the young couple who wished them both a Iocs life of health, hap piness and success During the reception at the Keefe borne at -Francois Lake Rev. A. W. Atkinson nrmxvpfl thp Htn?st to the bride, which was vociferously applauded by all the TERRACE CORNER TO BE OFFERED Execution of Phistator Estate Makes Valuable Property Available TERRACE Possibility of a change of the appearance of the centre of Terrace presents itself with Instructions from the executor of the Frank PhUrotor estate that all local properties, be offered for sale. The most Important piece of land Is the southeast corner of LakeUe and Kalum the spot wherethe trees are and where seats accommodate those who wish to view the I passing scene. This has been x)UBtit after by several business cqneerns who wished to make use of one of the four corners of the tQwn hub. It Is announced that this and the other proper ties wiU be offered for sealed 1 tenders and It may be that the result will be arjpther advance in the business set-up of the town. Douglas Transport Files To Sandspit Twenty -eight passenger Douglas Transport was operated for the first time this week on the Vancouver-Sandspit section of the Prince Rupert-Vancouver sched uled air service. However, it is not yet permanent and the 14- passenger Lockheed Lodestar is on again. Days when the Doug las Is on makes it passible to handle more passengers from here by the air service. guests and fittingly responded to by the groom, who then called for toast to the bridesmaids. The dance which followed the eception was held at the Fran- cols Lake Farmer's Institute Hall, the Serenader's Orchestra of Burns Lake furnishing the music. R. E. Lord, Secretary of the Farmer's Institute, was mas ter of ceremonies and started the dance off with the Wedding March, led by the bridal couple. Towards the end of the supper waltz.the bride threw her. boU quet among a group of waiting ani ambitious girls. It was caught by Agnes .Noble. Smithers CAM PICKS Supplies delivered twice week.-v to Laice Kathlyn. GOODACRES' SMITHERS, B.C. (202) WANT TO SWIM, TISH, BOAT OK LOAF? . . . Visit LAKE KATHLYN AUTO CAMP SMITHERS, B.C. (175) HOLIDAYERS When in the vacation land of Bulkley Valley SHOP AT Leach Bros. FOR GROCERIES ANI) MEATS Free Delivery to Lake Kathlyn Tuesdays and Fridays (180) Telkwa -I. TELKWA HOTEL "The Beauty Spot of the North" Half way to Prince George . . . make this your stop-over, when driving out. Excellent accommodation. Dining room, general store and gas in connection. Kates: $1.25 to $2.00 single, without bath. Kooms with bath $2.50 single, double $4.00. Special rates for families with children. fJ7) f C D D Radio Dial V I i IV 1240 Kilocycles (Subject (o change) FRIDAY PAL 4:00 Ed McCurcy Sings 4:15 Stock Quotations 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 Sleepy Time Story Teller 5:00 Summer Concert 5:30 Music ol Lower Basin St. 5:45 Community Calendar 0:00 International Quiz, Tor. 6:30 Band Music 6:45 Recoraea Int. 6:50 Fish Arrivals and Int. 7:00 CBC News 7:15 The Weatherman Says, Tor. 7:30 Heritage of Music 8:00 Prairie Schooner, Wpg. 8:30 Winnipeg Drama 9:00 Continental Varieties 9:30 Three Suns Trio, NBC 9:45 The Frasers 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B. C. News 10:15 Music by Shrednik, NBC 10:30 Dal Richards Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off SATURDAY AJJ. 7:30 Musical Clock. 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert - 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Junior Concert 9:30 The Land ol Supposing 9:59 Nature Sketches 10:00 Band Stand 10:15 World Church News 10:30 Hits of the Shows 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weather Forecast 11:00 Music For Dancing 11 :30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recordr.. Interlui3 11:45 Personal Album 1-M. 12:00 On the Teen Beat 12:30 Jive Hive Hal. 1:00 Musical Program, Mont. 1:30 Kames of Tomorrow. 2:00 Saturday Concert 3:00 El Ritmo Tropical 3:15 CBC News 3:25 tRecorded Interlude 3:30 Serenade. Tor. 3:45 "Not :n the News" Tor. ARRANGING CONVENTION Plans For Big Event to Be Held Here a Month Hence Are Now Under Way With the Important event now little more than a month off, arrangements for the annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia, to be held here commencing August 6, were shown to be well In hand yesterday afternoon when the general committee on convention arrangements, W. J. Scott, chairman, was in session. It Is already evident that the number of delegates and dignatories coming to the city for the gathering will be the largest on record. They will come from all parts of central British Colum bia and there will alsq he a strong delegation from Alaska. Co-Incidental with Ihe con vention will be a display of the British Columbia Products Bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade. L. M. Felsenthal has accepted the chairmanship of the committee making local arrangements for that event. PIPES AND DRUMS ALL OUT TODAY HAMILTON Upwards of 400 pipers and drummers played together Jn the largest massed band ever attempted when the Hamilton Scottish games opened here today, eighteen pipe bands, a brass and bugle band will round, out what Is expected to be the greatest Scottish leathering on the continent. Over 25,000 are expected to take In the event. Classified Advertising fays! 1 COTTAGE CHEESE iNew Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY I Your Dally I ALL-WEATHER SERVICE prince Hupctt Dqflp J!3cto0 Friday, July 4, 1947 The Quality Tea GRANGE PEKOE Prints Are So Gay ;: 1 Jv?. y i t This is just one of the many from our summer print collection. An interesting colorful motif with a touch of black trim for smart decor. You'll want more than one of these beauties. USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST NO CARRYINO CHARGES SASKATOON, thriving city of the Prairies, is being added to the transcontinental air route of Canada, July 1 On that date Trans-Canada Air Lines wjll open a new Canadian skyway this time joining the great western cities of Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton with a daily service. Steadily T.C.A. is providing faster and more convenient air trmd from coast to coast in Canada, to important U.S. points and overseas to Britain. T.CA. service will save you valuable hours give you more lime for holidays or business. ENQUIRIES AT VANCOUVER TRAFFIC OFFICE Phone TAtlow 1211 24-Hour Phone Service Hotel Vancouver or your Travel Agent , TRANS-CANADA st jfasx Where You Can Go by T.CA. IN CANADA! SYDNEY HAtlFAX YARMOUTH MONCTON SAINT JOHN MONTRtAl OTTAWA TORONTO CONDON WINDSOR NORTH BAY' , KAPUSKASINO SAUIT STE. MARIE PORT ARTHUR FORT Willi AW . WINNIPEG REQINA SASKATOON SWIFT CURRENT MEDICINE HAT IETHBRIDCE CAIGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER VICTORIA IN UNITED STATE Si NEW YORK BOSTON CtEV ELAND DETROIT (WINDSOR) CHICAGO DULUTH SAUIT STE. MARIE SEATTLE. TRANS-OCEANt ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. LONDON, ENGLAND GLASGOW (PRESTWICK), SCOTLAND. 4