m sTYLKS OF TOMORROW . . TODAY Like ANNETTE mansell UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDING The Experts Say - By KAY REX j Prru sun writer Half TURKEYS The sale of i could prove a boon o small family this' : ri T .ere never seems to: . lent number of small j meet the demand, , i :: irlftv homemaker who . crzare a holiday meal for or four naturally hes- :rn it comes to buying :r.d bird, 'irst thought the price i for these turkey por-out of line, home point out that when whole turkey the also Is paying for and entrails, which u anywhere from 20 c cent of the total i 1 A J! is.ru also say that an :"d half turkey tastes ood as a whole turkey more difficult to carve, cooking a half turkey, rj the ikln down to the :ne tie the leg to the c rub the cavity with V.'acn making the dress-)w aDDroximately three- - . . . oi a cup tor eacn pouna bacterloioglst Dr Sven oard. Parchment hai lcft tot EETpt where he wU1 Daoer Placo rirVina 1 sludy Methods used in combat- hiM nvpr ihA t,ng lhe current choIa epi- 'in with fat and roast n'nur ' demlc there. He will represent nranvrH mn .in in i tie Swedlsh Red Cross t0 dls r a moderately slow Jit. CU4S mtters on Increased Swe- j ilowlng 20 on to 25 minutes ... , .. . . (dish medical aid to Egypt. ....... i urkey should be basted ally with fat during lng or covered with a lean cheesecloth molst-"b melted fat. If addl-"Cijlng Is desired it may in a separate casserole for the first three-of the hour. 'MEMADE. CANDYHome-mdy is popular at any out with the Christmas on hand It becomes even ;' a treat Here are some recipes calculated to 'ie homemaker a popular hen friends come drop- Mf Mean I'udte Ineredlentsr sugar. 1 cup milk or ' tablespoon butter. ' ; sugar and milk until ' ; J dissolved: theh add the ; :: (n another pan caramel :1P if sugar and add to otlier 1 'ifnis while they are boll- PARTY GLAMOR FOR YOU T'iere are good times aheao this coming holiday ason Let us help you vour best. I'll O NT. C55 Hel ens Beaulv Sabn 200 Fourth Street HICKS fRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 'II I'HASEU STREET Phone Black 82S a Grecian Goddess YOU'LL BE WHEN YOU SWEEP MAJESTICALLY INTO THE BALLROOM IN OL'K DRAPED DINNER GOWN; FLUID FOLDS OF HEAVY WHITE CIEEI'E, THE BODICE IS ADORNED WITH NUGGETS OF MOLTEN GOLD. Our EVENING BLOUSES Are Thrilling! YOU MUST SEE THEM lng. cook all to soft ball stage when cooled a few seconds beat and add 1 cup of pecans. Pour Into buttered plate and mark off In squares. I'eauut Brittle Ingredients: 3; cups sugar, Hi cups light corn I syrup. :3 cups cold water, 3 cuds raw neanuts l tahlMiwm butter. 1V teasnoon soda. 1 tea- spoon water, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cook sugar, syrup and water together until it will crack when dropped In cold water from tip of spoon. Add peanuts and but- j ter. Stir until when tasted pea-; that he Is unable to do anything nuts seem well done. After re-! about the Chamber's recent removing from fire stir In soda 'quest that, special quotas be dissolved In l teaspoon water ! allowed for Prince Rupert to and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Turn out permit of equitable distribution on a hard surface and pull until' of imported fruits and veget-thln. lables in this area. Fear had uaie Lomrcuon ingredients: pound dates, 1 cup nuts, 1 cup milk, 2 cups sugar. Cook sugar and mik till It forms a soft ball in cold water. , ...4ii i .. i j . . and dates. After this roll In a wet cloth and, when cool, slice. TO COMBAT CHOLEKA rti.n.MULuM vi a sweaisn LOOK AT THE BIG BULOVA AD . . . We have been Bulova agenU for 15 years and have sold more of that make than all others combined. Considering the number sold we have had less trouble with Bulova than with other makes. We sell all the well known makes and have always tried to supply the make which a customer has a preference for and we find more customers ask for Bulova than any other make. Any Bulova watch or other make which we sell will be tested and proven on our electronic watch testing machine before delivery to the wearer. Tins assures satisfaction. SUMMIT . ICE CREAM FOR YOUR PARTY It Is Rood, FKESII MADE and Delicious VALENTIN"DAIRY riione Seasonable UJUKS VIE FOR BEST DINNER IN FINAL WEEK BEFORE XMAS COMES It seems that all the cook In the country are vying with each other and with themselves to prepare the best ChrlKtm dinner they ever served. In each family there is on- general pattern for this sneoini dinner when sons, daughters, aunts and cousins with' all the children have returned to gather around the table. According to this tradition. the main course may be turkey. goose, roast beef or some other meat or poultry. Plum pudding, mince pie or perhaps ice cream in the shape of Santa Claus has been established by precedent as me perfect dessert but there Is plenty of room for variation In appetizers, garnishes and in choice of vegetables. Horn economists have several A?jestions fr those !ast-m!n- ute fixings that add so much to brth elegance and savor of the meal. Tomato 8h?ibel may be quick ly mart? In the morning and will j uc rcaay in im riria'erator Iray 3 erve as an appetizer. The j parsnip salad is delicious and unusual. The pudding, sauce Is ! Tfry llht and fluffy. NO COMPLAINTS ABOLfT QUOTAS Pederal .Member Replies to Representations of Chamber of Commerce Until he receives a definite oropcsal to lay tafore the Prices and Trade Board and none has yet bsen forthcoming from here. 11 a. Archibald, M.P for Skeena. advises the Prince Rupert Chamber of Comuerce- jjrcn exuicsaeu oy icsai proau dealers that Vancouver wbuld not nroviae suincient produce to this area m case of a short--- imrr th Jmoort restrictions nd had asked the Chamber of Unmerce to take the matter up seeking spec'al quotas here. Mr. Archibald, after meeting the official responribls in Otta- m,;s u uie uiiamDt. uiai. In the cose of maldlstributljn of ve8-tabl" and frults u:ldJr quota to Prince Rupert, he -the official i would probably be will- lng to take some action How- ver UI,U1 tI,e ParU Involved find themselves in trouble, noth- ,, . , ng will b? d"re Whenever the : . u G57 ,(tf) it Ideas for Housekeepers Tomato Sherbet 2'i cups canned, tomatoes 6 peppercorns , . 3 cloves '' Bit of bay leaf 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 1 slice lemon Va teaspoon lemon-Juice or vinegar, . ... .' 2 teaspoons gelatin 2 tablespoons cold water Combine tomatoes. snlrp en. ,. . ' c : , "f " . . r'la substitute for the vitriolic r, , 'f. JUJl or vinegar. Soak gelatin in cold water, then stir It over hot water until melted. Combine with tomato Juice, pour into refrigera tor pan and freeze. Stir and beat several times while freezing Serve in small glasse-t as an ap petizer. petizer. Six Six serving servinss ' Parsnip Salad 2 cups grated raw parsnip 2 cups diced apple ( with ... 'i cup diced orange " teaspoon salt a cup iait salad dressing Tcss all Ingredients Ughtly to either. i:hUl. Six V-Wnt riuffy Satire 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon flour 1 egg while 'i cup water 2 tablespoons orange juice 1 teaspoon orange rind Combine suiar and flmtr. Add water slowly. Cook over boiling water until tmooth and thick ened, stlrrlnz constantly. Just before serving '(while still hot) add orange juice and rind and rour mixture" slowly over stiffly beaten e?; white. Blend well and serve Immediately. Makes l' t cups approximately, A very light, fluffy sauce. Prince Rupert people ifeel they are not being dealt with justly; I will be glad to present a con'-crete proposal. Meantime I am advised in-a wire from one firm I In Prince Rupert that they are rrceivln? adeguate quantities of citrus fruit." Advertise in ine Dally News ia(SiatWaaSai A Gift... OF COMFORT I I slippers I I area. I ThoUglitful Gift i g I WE'VE MANY J. S STYLES SURE g TO DELIGHT J. j EITHEJN ij Fashion A is Footwear STONE BUILDING CANADA AMfVMES ACTIVE ROLE 'Continued from Page One) of unattractive altemaUves and he felt the U.N. had to act on this vital problem. IMPORTANT COMPROMISE Another Important contribution which the Canadian delegation made was on the "warmongering" Issue, sponsored by Russia. After a lengthy and violent v"em debate, aeoax, Canada uanaaa came came up up Russian resolution. Austrlalia and France Joined with Canada in presenting the new resolution, which condemned "war-moneerine." but also tf SUUHS, ",7 to the unanlmous appeal of the assembly and also placated the Russian bloc. On thm nthar mJif U Canadian delegaUon particlpat- PQ in npmiM onrl nn V nnu .abstained on a vote. This wasi on committee decision for the assembly to move to Europe in 1948. Canada was elected to the se- curlty council and she will take her seat on January 1. On the atomic energy com mission, Oen. A. O. L. McNaush- ton represented Canada during the marathon meetings of the commission during the year. Canadian delegates also attended the meetings of the eco nomic and sodal council during 1947. SI.V-YE.IR TASK BORDON, Hampshire, England O Jack Punter, 56, known as "Dad" to many Canadian serv icemen stationed at camp here during the war, recently completed his house. He started to build it in 1943. Dally News Citmsifled Columns :''J&ri "rnMuk 'mM j , f : CANADA'S GREATEST I ;W; if. i WATCH VALUE... .fff jf M "J W Tf gWTM - v).f- H M I I il 11 A M . MIKUIf MAN f CODDtss OF time At Christmas, there's no finer gift than a watch- " ',H"W n fmfr WlCh ,llart BlJL0VAl P"Cel rm $24'75 IO , t M WW A ? 7 '0' $S5'0t LkvM' W $75, W&M r ta ........ .... . ... UK .ijfi- y.....rTTK. , W rAt-o'f, Jiigncn rtrnievrnifni 01 me r -yf: , , 'VtYCCrJJy-, .X HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY baking -.X Q. How can I make It easier to varnish floors? . . o, ,u ' WIC U1 a shallow pan of hot water and i the varnish will not onlv flow more the task! readily, making C VaOn ' easier, but it will dry almost twice as quickly. I Q. How can I remove grease spots from wall paper? A. One of the best ways is to For fast keeps . J WlchmiVfr'i Art tni 21 Jrwrl Cov.mm.nf r.itricfi.nt r.rfvct importation of fin. wo'ch.l i. 2 Ivy YOlKS n.w. prince Rupert Dafjp raetoa Friday, December 19, 1947 cover the stain with fuller's earth and let remain for several iuys. orusn oil ana 11 neces- "'jsary repeat the application. Q. How can I keep washable gloves In good condition?. A. They will soft if tea- V J mil keep OUlk ij. a Ok ICO" spoon of glycerine is added to the water in which they are washed. ' Advertise In the. Daily News. ana oy James Stewart, Brit- "h authority -w-j on v ui viivuivg; , will visit Cyprus within two yea to collect material for , museums and to facilitate the I teaching of ancient history In Australian universities. in the cupboard! No more dashing down to the store at the last minute! Now with New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast you can bake any time- in quick : time. This new granule form needs no refrigeration-keeps fresh in the cupboard for weeks, always right there when you need it You can depend on it for quick baking delicioui baking results. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME-order a month's supply of New FleischmannV Royal Fau Rising Dry Yeast today. ft", lo $230 r250. V" w IMPORTANTI GIFT H AT BETTER JEWKLK'r'j" EVERYWHERE EXPEDITION TO CYPRUS NEW YORK An Australian archaeological expedition, or- , samzea y syaney university i tow ' i OF A LIFETIME- i