50f 1 AC ; C..: f Classified Advertising - it prr vara pr inwraon, minimum charee, 50c. Birth NotlCML of Thank. DfStfc Kotlcwi, Pwnrral and Enijagemfnt Announcements: ion SALE 8AU hole Leroy klt-nrre Reasonable lor iR SAJ E jSe see Armstrong Phone 342. (29fl Come and look them , C Furniture Co. Black ' (tf) , :alE 1942 Dodge Sedan, i c-mt ob and general; (302) lotion. Marrtam in 2, WAN'fF.1) Kitchen table iv& j WANTED Dolt or pump action orlr. and matirew, ph and 100 rowdi. phone Black 717. . iRBAi-f -canarie. smui ae- jojH , :i noio one lor Amas. 3lar g. , Repair, Fulton St. mwi) 32 rifle, good condition. Write particulars to Box 295, Dally New. (tf, for sr..T POJl RE NT-Furnished suite. W, nk-Mi and warm. 1142 Park Avenue. Green 2Z4. (297) FOIl RENT-Slitog a monUi. Phone AGENTS . j- room, (18 Blue 24?,. (297 1 FOR KENT Two-room suite. 1931 model A Ford I furnished. Apply No. 2 Bay n Ai con anion Apu. no. tlTS rln nvfrn i A SANDED FLOOft makes a new room! Dark and stained floors can be made as sand as npw h nni1lna a nulxlr f. ; leather WANTED i.AMi Kl'disruv "'T of Title No. 25304-1 R Be- Certificate to the North Half of the South-Fast Quarter and the South Half Quarter of Lot of the North-East Thousand Seven Hundred one un5 o.....fi (17851. Queen of Nnv"mD,T' A, d'ew Thompson.. SHOE PRICES UP AS GOVERNMENT AIDS WITHDRAWN Supplies of shoes In Prince Rupert are good but prices are going up, according to local merchants. This rise, of course, Is In line with Increasing costs of most article. Fortunately for customers, city stores stocked up well with shoes at the old prices, which saving is being passed on by the merchants. New ship ments will carry the new prices upen-wea snoes tor women seen at Terrace Trans--F0R RENT-0 room hoa. bath i0T Pmps, once again," reports to & Taxi, Terrace. 4 297 1 a u a i it - niwn inrmQi Biitrit Blre 18-0. Phone Black K J ..uvr. ja).E Brand new 4-plece auitc Apply 433 11th (2S8 -ALE Oollchan Grease, Quality. Order Now. . Pui-nlture Co. SALE British India Rugi, Beautiful Colort, Llmlt-yi ;;nilty Reasonably Pric-i :rme in and look them Tf bc f urniture i;o. iiiacit M Studebaker 1930 Red Fox Fur Neck cedar Planking, 3x12" xio Apply 1401 Fred-8i Midland Camp). (209) 3 SALE New and Used Fur- llardware and Office ;rtfl Saucers 25c, Soup' r 2jc Aluminum Double! r -cutri ij. new umhu S:atter Rugs $1.75, lfstcrfleld Bed 30. j Occas:onal Chal rs. Slightly Used Radios.; nro cl ill lonHlncr (Vio fleM Vin ment. 514 7th Avenue Wert. I GREATER RANGE Of Phone Black 814. (207) FOR RENT One 3-ioom apartment, unfurnished or partly furnished. With private bath. Red 441. (tf) personal ORDER your Christmas Tree new from B. & W. Transfer. 25c a foot. Phone Re3 182. Ufi ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offrix a permanent rrae from drinking It is a confldetial wvtee rendered without cot. by others who have found freedom from alo)Ktl. Box 276 Dally News (tf) STYLES IS KLUI1EKS During the war years, styles in rubbers were cut from 400 to 19, but the range is on the Increase again. Slippers, always popular gifts for Christmas, are in good 'supply for all members of the family. Cute, dainty slippers for chi.dren a,re especially attractive this year. tWause nf the increasing cost of lent her, shoe mer- flclent lob with modern' of course. equipment. Greer and Brid-.expected in den have the latest In floor grade .shoes sanders and best service. guarantee the boosted Pr'ces Phone Red 561. tf .MPTAIi WORK PLUMBINO Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughlng and stack 'OPl'LARITY OF IL.STIC SHOES DKOI'g OIT ! "Popularity of women's plastic shoes has eased off this winter," , another merchant reports. In a letter to retail shoemen, the Shoe Manufacturers' Association cf Canada does not paint a bright picture lor tne luture. work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 The Csmadian shoe industry was Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) thrown CODjuslorl this iM and Hattery Sets from TELl Your Troubles to Thorn by the Canadian government's kinds of other useful sht Metal Furnaces, action in lifting ceilings and dls-J cmwmeir. Air mnriitinn-' continuing subsidies on hides.1 ing Units. Black 884. 253 Eust Leather prices Jumped immedi-Flrst Avenue. (tf ; i ately. Calf leather is up more . '.than 100 per cent and sole : leather has risen about 35 per 1 1 ' tar Pnroion leathers HRfl In Phone or apply 1 12, ' HAVE YOUR OWN BUSINESS- cerUin tyg of (ootwpar are (tf) CAL.E Baby Carriage. 1013 Awe E (299) j MACIUNEUY fOK SALE SAW better lumber more ;mlcally use the modern j ap-to-date type National PcrtWe Sawmills manufac- .- by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver. Br Ur KOOM AND HOARD CM AND HOARD-$43 each sie $48 single. Sleeping for rent Table meals. : awley. C22 Fraser Street. (ti) LOST AND l Ol'ND aold Brooch with one md between Sweet Six-Wallaces, Naval Bar- :--) Please return to uany Reward 29G Fountain C":t"tr) Street 0v- iiok Street Finder please rr:n to Dalrv News. WORK WANTED l'b" 'htldren evenings. Thone rep. 588. lNn PmtSTRY ACT ' I'rtlflinle ir Tllle N. lIMn-l ' I "I l ourleen (II). HI" 'Milv -eltlit (28), Kerlliid M ') niv .f Prime Kiiperl. Msp "EREAS satisfactory proof 9' the above Certificate ot line ft 1 the nim nf Benlamln B. heen filed In this Office, (I herehv riven that I shall. ' thr expiration of one month from u of the first publication ue a Provisional ierim-Oe In lieu of said lost Cer- ,lct inleR, In the meantime Valid '""or. be made tu me In writing. DATED at tho Land Ucglstry Of- 1-mre Plnir-rt n C. this 24th of November. 1947. A D. ANDREW THOMPSON. Demitv rteelstrar of TltlM. I.AMl ul-rilsTllV ACT (3011 ' Ctrnncate of Title No. 23082-1 J ti" North-West Quarter of Ut Thousand Seven Hundred '"a Itxy-flve (17C5), Queen n' Hundred and Sixty (10 Jf"? more or less. WHEREAS .satisfactory proof of ' the above Certificate of Title "M in th n.m. e..ar Verhev- 11 nn hMn fiiai in ihu nriice. tho p. ,k fmm tf ui 1110 nrsi ivium-u...'" ;-.ii. ifiim n iAi.iA,,Ai rnrlinrate lme in lieu of said lost CertlUcate, tiTt ln tne meantime valid objec-n.?t mMe to me ln writing. jVITEd , the !-,. neeistr, offlee. ,.' Rupt-it. B.C. this 25th day "uremlu.,, iai, , r "", 1011, Andrew Thompson, Demitv Registrar of Titles. If you live anywhere ln B. C. have a car and are neat in appearance, like meeting the( public, here Is an opportunity ; for you to get ln on the ground floor of an exciting new business. A business giving you 65 profit per sale (average sale $7,501. 50 of sales repeat Immediately after delivery! You won't have any compcti-1 Hon for at least 6 months. Wt j supply you with and train you to operate our advanced eoulnment. Also supply you with leads. You deposit with the company $300 as a guarantee which will be returned to you anytime you wish to discontinue your agency. Re-olv Movietone Recording Co.. Box 290. Dally News. '300) MEN'S FIVE P!K "B" LEAGUE i . i rw-fMm nnt u r isn mn.n - pen. oetwee. Snpct MetlU. aroltl. School nnavil canflsco: Co-op vs Leafs. Mutt (29) vs. ThorncllMes. stones v. December 20 -- Co-op vs Thorn-cllffes, Canflsco vs Scotlans Stone? vs. Moose; Mutts vs. OrotU.. Pteh Dock s. Thorn Sheet Metal, Arm Vlljanulry 2-CanflHco vs. Thorn Sheet Metal, Stones vs Mutts. Army vs Co-op; Tliornrllffes vs Fish Duck. U-afs vs. Orotto. Moose vs 80" January 0 Stones vs Orotto. UI. Pish Dock. Tlicrncllffes vs. Thorn Sheet Metal; Co-op vs. Scotlans. Army vs. Moose, Mutts vs. Canflsco January 10 - Army vs. Mulls. Coop Metal. Ueats vs vs Thorn Sheet Canflsco; Fish Dock vs. Stones. Orotto ... c.nii.ni Thorncllffcs vs. Moose January 23 Co-op vs. Moose Stoned v. Leafs. Thorncllffcs vs Scotlans; Army vs. Canrisco. Mutt, vs. Fish D.ck. Orotto vs. Thorn Sheet "January 30-Usfs v.. Bcottonjj Orotto vs. Moose. Army vs Fish Dock; Mutts vs. Thorn Sheet Metal. Co-op vs. Canflsco. Stones vs. Thoru- Cl February 0-Stones vs. Thorn Sheet Metal, Co-op v., Flsli Dock. Mult- vs. (isco. Scotlans; incniuu, Leafs vs. Moose. " Increasing by 35 to 50 per cent Labor costs, too. have gone up. i BASKETBALL SCHEDULES tficnlor) Dec 20- - Savoy vs Co-op Dec 23 -Co-cp vs Brownwoods Classified Aavertiiins Pays! :rrtT ' 1 it V V V V V if V V y v y v y v V V y g ly y y v v V y v Charlot'tV District, f" g v One Hundred and 8lxty (100) acres, more or less. y uViiEnEAS satisfactory . proof .of y u y .bov.Certirte , of the Irsucd in tne y Afn has been filed . n this omce notice is hereby S -o v.. - j. hereof, Issue a Wovonu. & Vhemcanrva. 1 objec Prince Ruperts B. O, this 25th fay - " . 1A1V 1 II nnntv Reelstrar of Titles- ii ' " (303) I CHRISTMAS STECIAL One Photo and Twelve Christmas Cards for Price and Appointment call at Chandler & Cowgill 4th Street, Prince Rupert am XMAS GIFTS THAT PLEASE YUKON x A K ti K K A A A X A A A A K A A A A A A A A A A A M A A A A A A A A A A A JEWELLERS g .J, G. Alexander) a C2S Third Ave. Blue 015 J nuKi orui LEAGUE SCHEDULE Four times Canadian chess champion and at 22 one of the' worlds youngest chess masters, Abe Yanofsky of Winnipeg may soon be leaving Canada for six years to study medicine at half in April. Russia, beginning in Last year in Holland, was acknowledged a chess . .. ..... ..1. . . master alter nnisning im m chants are predicting a decid- ! ed suing next spring and eW of 20 of the most proml-summer lo running shoes and nent players. His average of vlc-scampers wel1 b01,e the 30 for children. torIe was Per nt required for such' rating, As a further measure to off- set price increases, more and The recognition climaxed his more men's and women's shoes lur oi the 'continent and Brit- arP errwiA tn rarrv rt.hlvr Ish IslCS. Although ' playing the Corpus Christi, Texas, where he finished tied for second place, j rc-mtx-r vi icmM ueurgents i. Triple XX. C TjO. vs. Cougart. Islander! vs. B.C P&elu-rti MIm or Hits va. ferownwoous End of first third I January 4 Coupon vs. Trtple XXX, B.C Packers tt. C.TO.. Wanders vs. I Miss or Kits, Ideal Detergents va. Glasgow or London. Yanofsky, 1 Brownwoods whose ambition Is to become a January n c.r.o. vs. ideal Detr-doctor, has applications entered ttnu. x vs. mi or Hits. . . . . ... . . ... Packers V. Brownwoods, Cou- at universities in both cities. He gars v lender,, must be in Glasgow within the January in mis or mu vs. b.c first six months of next year to islander, vs. Brownwoods, be interviewed for acceptance y,1 W there, but to date London hasn't i January 25 Islanders vs. C.T.O., said when he must reDort. He cougars vs. b.c. Packers, Triple xxx has bachelor of scienc already a there is a swing away from the ultra-open styles. "Women are going In more and toilet, full concrete base- j one merchant. va. CTvwnwuuas, jmaa or mils va. tereenta. (degree from tiie University, of, rruary i cougars vs. Brown Manitoba nrnfrrirt In 104 hp-1 woods. Islanders vs. Ideal Deter- fore he Joined the navy for two xxx s. b.c. p&ciwts.' years' service. Triple February S Triple XXX vs. Islanders, Miss or Hits vs. Cougars, Ideal I Detergents vs. B.C. Packers. C.TO. Abe hopes to reach Europe In vs. Brownwoods time to watch the Six top Chess February 15-Mlss or Hits vs. masters compete for the world's SSt cnampion. tie nas ocen usiteu m anders vs. B.C. Packers. eepond defending Champion Dr. February 22 SC. Packers vs. C.T Max Euwe bf Holland, at the ' T Z?SX2Z week tournament, half of which i vs. Triple xxx. will be played in Holland and February 29 Triple xxx vs. mi or mis. racrers vs. urownwooas Cougars vs.' Islanders. C.YX3. vs. Idea; Detergents March 7 Brownwoods vs. Island-! ers, Cougars vs. Ideal Detergents. Triple XXX vs. C.V.O.. B.C. Packers Mm or Hits jMarch II Cc'jgars vs. ac, iackers., Biowuwojdi. ks. Triple XX, Ideal Dt'ttrgenU ,v. Miss or Blip. Islanders v. CYO. March. SI Islanders .vs.- Ideal Deterge u, Uha or Hits vs. C.TO, BiO. Packers vs Triple XXX, Erawnwoods vs. Cougars. Marcn 28 Oougars vs. Miss or Hits. Ideal Detergents vs. B C. Pack ers, C YO. vs. Brownwoods, Trtple and .nmnnaltJon aoloa Instead nf game Since he was 82 years old. XX vs. Islanders. he doesn't eat, sleep andbreathe i April 4-iceav Dtaergents vs. Triple .. . rh. Tn fart Vva last nla'vorl in ' ' . sugars. uuie oiiucuity is - - ivs. b.c. ra nhtoininr hettr the United States open chess 1 Brownwoods it cnhttantiaiiv tournameni last summer - at End of the Second Third Islanders or Hits vs. April il Cougars vs. Trtple XXX, B.C. Packers vs. CYO., Islanders vs. Miss of Mils, Ideal Detergents vs. Brownwoods ... . 1 gars vs. 1-ianders. Aprtl 18 C.T.O. vs. Ideal rJwterg-TAVERHAM, Norfolk, Eng. O ents, Triple XXX vs. Miss or Hits. -An Old bam here IS being COB-VMttn vt. Brownwoods. Cou-. ., ; , I April 2o Miss or Hits vs. BC. Pack- verted into a community centre. iaunden, Brownwoods. cou- PAI. 2:00- E pp MMisiisassssssssssssssw This advertisement is not published or dirp ayea oy .nc Control Board or by the Government ol British Colcmbi. KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED - ROOMS REDECORATED SPRINO -FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PE8UT STEVE VRKLAKN IN JOY at Civic Centre 8ATURDAY ISports) Novice Padminton Basketball 7:03 Gyros vi Stones 8:00 Merchants vs Morgans 9:00 Savoy vs Co-op Social Events :00 J.C.C. Radio Auction gars vs. Ideal Oeterfcfits. Triple XXX vs. C TXJ. May I Islanders vs. C.T.O., Cougars vs EC Packers, Triple XXX vs. Brownwoods. Miss at Hits vs. Detergents. Mar Ooogars vs. Brownwoods, Halanders vs. Ideal Detergents. Mlssjl 5 or Hits vs. CIO, Triple XXX vs. y B.C. Packers May 16 Triple XXX vs. Islanders. Miss or Hits vs. Cougars, Ideal Deter -jest VS. BC Packers, C.TC vs. brownwoods. MMay 23 Miss or Hits vs. Brownwoods, Ideal Detergents vs. Triple XXX. C.TO. vs. Cougars, Islanders vs. B.C. Packers. May DO BC Packers vs. CIO.. Islanders vs. Miss or Hits, Brown woods vs. Ideal Detergents. Cougars vs. Tirol e XXX. June ft Triple XX vs. Miss or Hits, BC Packers vs. urownwooas, uou- gars vs. Islanders, CY.OV vs. Ideal J Detergents June 13 Btsrownwooas vs Cougars vs. I Ideal Detergents Triple XXX s C Y.O.. B.C. Packers vs. Miss or Hits June 20 Couiiars vs. BC Packers, Biownwouds vs. Triple XXX, ideal Detergents vs. Miss ur Hits. Islanders vs. C.T.O. June 21- Islanders ss. Ideal fMw-si nts, Miss or H1U vs. C.Y.O.. BC Packers vs Trlpple XXX, Brownwoods vs C TX) MANY ADVANTAGES ot a DUO-THERM Air Condition Oil Furnace Unit POPL'LARLY PRICED ECONOMICAL EFFICIENT No more bothering about dirt, ashes, coal tin or mess. ASK ABOUT XT SHENTON'S Sheet Metal Works third Ave. East Phone 33 SAVOY HO EL Carl Zarelli, Prop. rhone 37 P.O. Box 51 Kit AS EH' STREET Prince Rupert rr - ss, ns n .s JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue I. 2 t Two Sailinffs Per Week lor VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3t pm. Coquitlam. Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12. midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS December 26 midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS December -23 midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phon 688 Prftiff tUtpm Dafli? Kctos Friday, December 19; 1947 "7 Santa Siisgnstsh GI 43 that have a way with Men! COMES THE YULETIDE SEASON AND MOST MEN ARE GIFT l'UOBLEMS WELL, 'THERE'S NO LONGER ANY NEED TO WORRY YOUR PRETTY,. HEAD . . . WE'VE A STORE FULL OF GIFT SUGGESTIONS THAT'LL PLEASE HIM. MORGANS MENS WEAR "TAILORED IN THE CUSTOM MANNER" Gifts Galore... at McCUTCHEONSi J FOIl HKR Cosmetic Sets, PerfumesCologneSj Compacts, Stationery, etc. FOR HIM Shaving Sets, Wallets, R.ons an Lighters, Pen and Pencil Sets, Pipes, elc.: McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. 3rd Ave. at Cth St. Phone 79 SHUT OUT THAT CLATTERING NOISE! Soundproof with ACOUSTLBOARD We can ship direct to you and SAVE the cost of handling: SMOOTH AND SLATE SURFACED ROOFING ft I 4 t ; 1 Asbestos Products Asphalt and Asbestos Shingles Wallboard and Masonite Lustrelita Flexboard Rubber Floor Tile - - .. . , . tJ .hlnmanl nf SPECIAL we nave jusi retcivcu u Muvm ASPHALT FLOOR TILE PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. 20S Fourth Street SBg GURVICH & SON CONTRACTORS rhone Blue 3S9 Land Clearing and Baseiryent Foundations Rock Work Our Specialty TRUCKS - CARS TO HIRE Phone 32 or Red 511 Sixth Street RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . .. BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY Bos 548 RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Lipsetfs, Waterfront) Phone Green 075 k AVE WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY AND BOXING DAY-ALSO SATURDAY 27th PLACE YOUR ORDERS FOR COAL EARLY A Merry Christmas TO ALL AlBERUJcCAFFERY LTD. KrfjPhSi$i!S and 1.17 and: 58! HI 1