1 . . f . ft V 3 u y v y n v v V V V V I Iptimt Rupert Daily XSclujs Friday, December 19, 1947 GOLD HUNT IN CANADA . Ituenos Aires Cattleman Visited Jasper and Elsewhere MONTREAL In spite ot handicaps caused by severe cold and heavy snow, Ernest L. Ouillo, Buenos Aires cattleman and veteran hunter, came out of the area north of Jasper National Park recently with an elk, a mule deer and a moose with a 45-inch spread. It was Mr. Guillos first visl't to Canada and, although advised that the hunting season was well advanced when he arrived here last November, he decided on a two-week hunt in Canada's northland. His trip was planned by J. S. McDonald, general tourist and convention agent, Canadian National Railways. After a fortnight tussle with the elements in the company of Harold Anderson, guide and outfitter, Mr. Guillo has returned to Montreal, convinced that hunting in Canada is as exciting as anywhere in this hemisphere. . Mr. Guillo, who has hunted In many parts of North and South America, once spent 25 days in the Brazilian jungle where he shot a Jaguar and captured two boa constrictors for the Buenos Aires zoo. The veteran hunter, who sails with his trophies from New York next week, plans a return engagement with Canada"s wild life next year. YULETIDE CARDS AND WRAPPINGS d:zk neuberger writes in post Hyder Girls Have Many Dates, He Says The current Saturday Evening Post prints a story by Richard L. Neubers"er of Portland, Oregon, well known writer, who spent a few weeks in Prince Rupert last summer gathering material for a story on Prince Rupert. In his present story which is dated Hyder. Alaska', the opening paragraph says: 'Alaska is on? ulace where uivls have more dates than they ran handle. It is perfectly norma; for a young woman to rem'iv- a doen requests daily for r.hr pleasure of her company and w--, cept several of them. A willuwv ! nurse, newly arrived 'from ' He .States, wrote home that. rie had enjoyed cocktails with .me jrsccrt, dinner with anothi r a I movie with a third, and a dai'ee i with the last of her four ad mirers of the evening.' ATTACKED HV MSII ! DARWIN, Australia (P A diver I exploring bomb wreckage was attacked by a huge groper and after a violent fight, escaped. Two weeks later the 220-pound fish was landed by three ! NOTTINGHAM. England 0 A woman with 1,000 $4.000 1 in the bank was fined 5 for stealing a teaspoon, jigsaw puzzle , and a Christmas tree decoration i worth 2. Rupert Mens' and Boy's Store For a Boy After Your Own Heart DRESS HIM UP LIKE A KING Boys' Suits Boys' Pants Boys' Shirts Boys' Ties Boys' Belts Boys' Jackets Boys' Socks Boys' Underwear Boys' Pajamas Boys' Snow Suits Boys' Overcoats Boys' Parkas Boys' Raincoats Boys' Sweaters A combination of good appearance plus fit plus Ions wear make an unbeatable team. You'll find our stocks complete starting with the small boys sue up lo Hie full grown man priced right as usual. EVERY SMOKER Will be pleased with Gifts from Varied Stocks RUPERT TOBACCO STORE CORNER THIRD AVE. AND FOURTH ST. Hollywood Cate trince RUPEurs newest and most Ur-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 4 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 .735 THIRD AVENUE WEST ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS', FOR BEST RESULTS 1 CHRISTMAS Sl'GGKSTIONS 2 s Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Lighters, Wallets, Mens Sundries. ! O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM! -Another Christmas season ! is upon us. a season of good cheer with thoughts of everlasting i peace on earth, good-will toward men. Millions flock to the churches on Christmas to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ and hear once more the story of how Jesus was born of Mary in a stable manger because there was "no room at the Inn. In Bethlehem, the Church of the Nativity, marking the site of the Saviour's birth, was erected by the Emperor Constantine's orders in 330 to commemorate it. Beneath the church floor Is a grotto or cave, known as the Chapel of the Nativity, which is worshipped as the actual spot where the manger was located. The bell at the Church of the Nativity is rung by Brother Camil-lus Llka, above, who Is a native of Frelsburg, Texas GIVE DAD AN ADAM HAT CERTIFICATE YOU DON'T NEED HIS SIZE! YOU DON'T NEED THE COLOR CHOICE! Dad will select his own. Just give him a $0.50 Adam Certificate DAD IS A GOOD SCOUT TOO! RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE BLONDIE ; NEWS OF GOLD 1 TRAVELS FAR . J News ot Prince Rupert's gold , D strike ot two or three months ago travelled far and wide. : Lawrence Llewellyn, son of Mrs ! B E. Llewellyn of this city, has a sent a copy of a paper published at Vagapatam. India, describing g me sum siriKC on uie iruni yasr. p iictt: iuua. one wiu alll lUkCi ui the morning on her return to Vancouver. FRANCOIS LAKE There was a good attendance at the Sunday School held by Mr. Nash at the home of James Jeffrey ' on Sunday afternoon. Gerald Cooper Is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H I Will Cooper at Merritt. l The monthly Farmers' tutc Meeting was held at the Partington home on Thursday with ten members present. The weather continues mild ' here. I j SUTTON, Surrey. Eng. Xf A H swan found walking in the road 0 here was "arrested" by police BHHHaBBaaBBBdDHBinaniHBaaaBaaaatiM mcn and put back in the river. Everybody Happy! : SHIPS AND WATERFRONT i The Union steamer Catala, I Capt. Ernest Sheppard, is due i to arrive in Prince Rupert from H ! ' Vancouver at 8 o'clock Saturday morning, according to word re- ! celved at the company office RADIO AUCTION FIRST NIGHT IS WELL RECEIVED An hour of demand" entertainment was broadcast from the stage of the Civic Centre auditorium last night as bids for hometown talent poured in over a battery of telephones on the first night of the Junior Chamber of Commerce annual radio auction. With a backlox of a number of bids for tonight, bids which were entered last night but did not get on the air because of the time element, Radio Auction Chairman Don Essclmont predicts that this evening's show will be even more successful than the opening night. Bids totalling $115 were received for the eleven Items which were presented last night over Station CFPR. while almost $20 was taken in the door prize raffles. Proceeds will be divided equally between the Civic Centre, Salvation Army and Junior Chamber. Last night's program was broadcast with background music by the Four Dukes' orchestra and accompaniment by Andy McNaughton at the piano Douglas Stevenson and Neil Ross were announcers. Highlight of the program was the appearance of the Borden Street School Choir which sang three songs. "The Three Kings," "Long Ago," 'and "The First Noel." Other talent presentations were: Miss Mardel Holland, piano solo; Bob Scharff singing "Mammy"; Barbara Teng, vocal solo "Alice Blue Gown"; Helen Hibbard. vocal solo "Jc Voui Alme"; Lorraine Youngman. vocal solo "One Love"; Alan Forman, piano solo; Mary Lou Lund and Ivy Gillespie, vocal dflet "Santa Claus Js Coming to Town." In the door prize drawing, a 98-pound sack of flour was won by John Hougan. while a case of canned milk was won by George Murray. The program will be on the air for an hour tonight and for two hours Saturday night. B.C. Men Working On Luxury Ship British Columbiii men ;r t hiding stead v work ab: ard thr Ccrsolr. the luxurv vacht formerly owned by J. P. Moriran All told, there are 76 from this province employed. The Corsair ' now on a cnilte In Mexican waters. The Seafarers Union "rretnrv. Dave Joyce, says the tobor relations are entirely satisfactory. Th ownrr "f tr-yacht, which 1. the lat v vl t comfort and convenience pra vide transportation down tr San Pedro, plus subsistence wages. LIGHTSHIP ItKI'I.ACKIt LIVERPOOL, England O' A boat beacon with a 4,000-candIe power revolving light, visible for 10 miles, replaced the 81-year-old lightship when the port was recently fitted with a radar BIRMINGHAM (T -Richard Walker, 83, married Ethel Sharpc, 74, his next door neighbor for 20 years. ? KtY KNOW WHE&E YOU t 11, AUSTRALIA IS GOING FISHING i j To .Make Itrtter I'm of Natural Resource j SYDNEY. Australia Austral ian caught fish may become more plentiful if plans, as at present understood, are carried through. Fish, on the Australian market, has always been relatively scarce and expensive but not because of barren seas What the Australians propose doing is to establish trawling grounds known to exist In the Oreat Australian Bight, off Tas mania and New South Wales. I revive the whaling Industry, makp greater u.e of aerial rcc-onnaissonce; use by-products: study coruervatlon measures, and examine marketing and distribution methods. PENGE, Kent. Eng. ?- Peiigc Is now the most densely popu lated area In the county havinj ; 29.9 people an acre. hi 0i 0 k h" ' rr Serving trayi, ah tray, cooling utensils, household" furnishings so many lovely new thing are available mw in this metaL Thing with the glow, die sh n, tlw rust-priof beauty, tlut nuke Aluminum the wic choice alwiy. Light, ttrong, Lttmgly gvJ looking, Alcan Aluminum king new bright new, new convenience to tlte Guudun iiome. Aluminum products are rruJe by over 6(0 independent Canadian manufacturer!. For ligluriei t, strength, fcng hfe Choose Aluminum ALUMINUM C0MP&HY OF CANADA, LTD. I l. VCXJC? LIGHT KEEPS JjiM' ljijij ! j I 1 K-M . (WE FROM SLEEPING, J VpTt '''ll' H - Q 1 WHEN I TURN ' N- DEAR. CAN VOU J 1 QURN THE SHADE? fOsSj W -V n i 11 IWV, It ifflgil-WSI i f teSzzg&sJ MsJg3 f II .!.'. 1 1 1 1 Just A Big Drip! mm&'' i Pi.;" r-ta WHAT DO I X NOTHING. DEAf?. VOU WANT XI JUST WANTED TO HE GETS I HIMSELP ) SO VET S 1 Ik I -t I AT 111 I nAI BATHTUB 1 ' h -oiX Jit j I Margaret McLcod Optometrist AT - - MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ava Phono Green 324 for By Chic Young 3. h4 ORDER POPCORN foil FROM THE CAPITOL . . i-hqL living i ina u J ah M-G-M musicai Eleptric Kettles Toasters . GENE KELLY Marie McDonald A WPlIfSl . ml . mmm i nY.i-J . GIVE THEATRE TICKETS I or xmaJ jXmas Gift Suggestions'; 'U Marconi and Stroniberg-C arls... Rad10s M AND FOR THE .YnUNnunc JJ 'ww i j Crystal Radios Cryatal Set, j Electric Model Motors Elcctn. M.,t K,l8! and numerous other id 1 t tt3 t'a I'lIONK c.u Illuminnte'd Wreaths Prmilnn A i. I ..A... H Replacement Bulbs 'I Rupert Radio & Electric . A. MacKenz'ie Furniture i.imiti:i "a oood place to guy Christmas Suggo-stions l IIKSTI l!l 11 II) SflTi:S IIIDItdOM SI ITtS Hrauty Hut .Mattress, IWauty Krl ISo Sprint Walnut Table for cvrry purpose WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR HPC 1 I'lione 775 vi ttti Atcstt SINGER t Immediate delivery of new J treadle and electric sewlnr 7 machine In Prince Rupert and district. SINGER Sewinjf .Machine Co. Phone 864 Prince Rupert r your ni:sT EATI.N'd pmci: full-course MEALS II A.M. TO 8 P.M NEW ROYAL HOTEl A li'init Ay. 50 Room ! V, PRINl F i Phone M BROADWAY CAFE (FORMERLY Ui-: , Chinese Dishes a (" altv Hnn(uet Hall Luncheons, Dinners. Parties C08 THIRD AVIM I VVfST Telcphimf ii. ORDEii NOW for the Holiday Season to assure delivery. 1 1 DELIVERED FREE C.O.D. PHONE 654 c per dozen paid for cmpUcs. I'lcaf-c liave (licm ready when driver -alls. This advertisement Is not published or diip1 Conlrol flpard or by trre Govcraticnt d W'!