I prftirr Rupert Dfl'flp sftiwa Wednesday. December 17, 1947 Sport Letter Box i BASKETBALL CLIQUE Sports Editor, Dally News: I was very much surprised to read in our issue of Saturday, December 13th the account of the Ketchikan-Prlnce Rupert High School basketball game. Anyone who saw this game, WHEN IN TERRACE STOP AT THE TERRACE HOTEL For Convenience and Comfort HOT A XI) COLD WATER IN. ROOMS Central Heating Spring-Filled Mattresses Business and PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE GREEN 955 'TAgent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd. JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and western Papers ' Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Blxth Street Red 808 T" . riOAT CONSTRUCTION designing repairs Fine Workmanship-E-stimates i COW BAY BOAT WORKS ! A. P. Crawley Green 391 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Plmne Black 823 H.J. LUND McKINLEY & ST. CLAIR PAINTING and PAPERHANGING PHONE RED 240 SMITH & ELK INS LTD. Plumbinj and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 GEORGE, McWHINNEY POINTING AND PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phone Black 489 .SUPERIOR.-' DECORATORS' PAINTING :: PAPERHANGING tJPhohe: Blue 052 or Black 245 Len Hitchens Bill Thornton (D18) : DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE QPENINO OF HIS OFFICE1, FOR THE PRACTICE OF . . DENTISTRY IN SUITE i . 5. SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 ARMSTRONG .AGENCIES REAL ESTATE BROKERS IN8URANCE ADVISERS Fhone 342 P.O. Box 027 P. N. Kllborn W. Peterson ,. BERT'S TRANSFER .., AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal Wood - Baggage Freight Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving II 1 'Beauty Culture ln .alljtj branches; 204 4th Street Phone 655 , as the score indicated , . J was a nip , and tuck game at least from half time. Ketchikan just squeezing out a one point lead. uur ouys ut-srTYt; u grcui urui . j.i JI...I... oi crt-au lur u a uu,Viy, mis was me ursi ume me mosi'states -platen was very dls-of them played in a game of this, appolnUng.. In my oplnion nature aim oeiuie sucn a ciuwu. chatter under "Basket Ball Naturally they were very nerv-, Breezes- by a Fan ln you,. Frl, ous ; day issue was no doubt respons- What I take exception to, lsjible for Jim Flaten's poor show-the manner in which our lads jngi as no doubt the Ketchikan were knocked by your article, j coacn and piayers read this when they certainly played their article as they put two players very best. Whoever wrote your to check Flaten. You can rest article was "LONG" on knock-1 asSured the Ketchikan paper ing and short on BOOSTING wm not give any such lnforma-the home team. I tion to our team when they visit Speaking of Doug Shier as the Ketchikan. "GOAT" of the evening was not I heartily agree that KetchI doing him justice to say the kan High School team is a least, he was not on his game, being very nervous. Then in mentioning the coming Saturday night game quote Today in Sports Brownwoods Come Through Won Comfortably Over Savoys movlng students. In Senior lasketball Leasue Last nlght was probably the in last intermediate game for Lav-town Two of the happiest men ne aud FInten- U ls rumored last night were dennse , Brown and Bobby Woods, youth- j that Angus MacPhee has been f'ul sponsors of the smart Brown- Running for Flaten for his Co-wood senior basketball team In ! P entry and Art Murray has al-the City League. Their bovs ready signed Lavlgne to play with his former teammates on comfortajlel romped to a very win ln the regular league game I the Brownwoods team, over Savoys by a score .of 58 to -jj.st W 44 after having never been in iVEI'T SIXTEEN' danger from the .opening whistle.,' Swe'et 'sixteen Rlrls gathered Playing much Improved ball tnelr rst wln of lne season by over meir lasi iwo snowings. m vnnnrretsre nrnverl thnt fhnv will' . , JT??.1?, flll liV0" Ladle6' "ue m! a ore of 23 to 23. Nina Young - "And no doubt will be there I kan team has, no doubt it would i 'n0w they have the man w" m' tot, T,' Oorrile Sykes. former profession-punching tonight for a second jfreatly assist our players. That ; it to 5clr7p tSlr S evening's ll play. U P'nU fr Jolned Professional JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Baseaee Freiaht ExDres Phone Blue 269 322 sixth St. Night Calls Green 882 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. Specializing ln Marine and Oeneral Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 Grandview Hotel ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 412 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs. Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Large selection of Gifts MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mail orders, Box 516 Phone 777 300 3rd Ave. FOR LIFE INSURANCE see our rates first. I ROSS RICHARDSON 628 Taylor Street Residence Phone Red 246 Confederation Life Association I STEPHEN ERICKSON Piano Technician TUNING AND REPAIRS Black 195 411 West 7th Ave. If It's Rock Work- CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Weighing BLUE 992 PM mOMfr mi VnCSMT ! Mil rr to COUMNA OPTICAL Ca IP (win, which they (Ketchikan) j should easily gather." And I after a dine done game of Fri- Iday night which was anyone's gam(J up t0 the flna, whUtle Jhat wns sure knocking ur team and discouraging our lads as lhpy no lloubt .enc, your nPti,. UIIH.IC. Further on In your item I : smooth working machine. If local team had lit our ' n.n. .iu a u 6ii gym their school and a proper weU paid coach such as the Ketchi- Is a matter for our School Board especially when considering our new High School, to have In mind. . I would suggest a selection committee pick out a team to reDresent our Hleh School, as in my opinion, there are as good High School student players in other teams la the Intermed- late City League as in the pres- t"at t-he shoemen would have a Brownwoods-Gurvlch 7. Clc- ent High School first string much different outfit to rope cone 0, Hartwlg 12. Pettenuzzo,1 The Prfcn.rary game whlsh squad. with had he been there. Forman 5. Lavlgne 12. Thomp- ,s t0 Precele one of tlw two Let us for once get away from'' Re Lavlgne after having n 5 l9'?,0' fn"hcom1 eri" I wttli ' Vuver Arrow, , hers will Intermediate 'team I.eaRue he' a clique running our which pr0ven that has too much has always, prevailed In all class to remain In the Intermlate Ro-Me-Hl-Lavlgne. Shier 12. b beUee . the High sports, especially ln our teams LeagUe played heads-up ball for Flaten 20- Davidson. Olson 7. Rainmaker i and the Prince Ku-for out of town eames. and nm..n.L w,.h io Spring 2, Boulter. Scherk 8. pert All Slurs' Jtiond team. ThN really put a representative team on the floor in the return games in Ketchikan, and give them a real good battle. Boost our lads. It will sure assist . .. , .. them ln their games, as they . ? ., . . are under enough disadvantages without making It more so JARVIS H. McLEOD, AVIATION AGREEMENT DUBLIN, Q Eire and Denmark recently concluded agreements granting each other avia-, tion rights. You saw It in the Daily News! , USE Bulkley Valley CO AND wl" ln thr'r ?ver th?,(Coops next league date. Hig ttev uommaio, siar guarn . I U .Ua u " -u " "1C ldelln 'Kh an injured ankle. u i i l. l oulu "UTC "lcu"' "lur" lu nis comrades had he been well. But- lhfre is J1 'i- eve:1 though the game was. not closo. pog for hls evening's work. ,. .hi. .,,k.h. tute for young Plerce wno wa, niso off on the injured list. Ted ,oH Arney ' and j Herb u..k Morgan, lor ,K the 0 , , Savoys, ' ' managed to get , . f (V,: jln m;,tFb7t ca back strong ,n tne SfCond sUnza tQ end up with 13 and 10 points respectively. BO-ME-HI OUTCLASSES FASHION FOGIWEAK In the Intermediate tilt Bo-Me-Hl completely outclassed the Fashion Footwear and the game ended In a rout with a A L SAVE OR ' Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Coal Your dealer can supply you BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES Telkwa, B.C. LIMITED one-sided score of 49 to 14 for the students. Sev Dominate might do well" .J KillA itiniA time fliYin rn on . to spend a little more his boys as they showed little or no understanding of the game In trying to stop the fast- t.iklnir the Tln-Me-IH alrls In 65 Taxi continued on Its un- defeated way by defeating the- tio-Me-!u juniors 10 n. . T..ll..ll..-1 I uiaiviauai kwhk. gcnior .easue Savoy-Arney 1C R. Ilolkc- stad 5. J. Davis C. Morgan 10, Haugen 5, M. Holkestad 2. Mur- ray, McClymont, Alexander. Carlson, Fashion Footwear Slatta, Menzles 1. Intermela, Teng 5, James 3, Peterson. Sheppard 2. Skog. Arntsen 2. ladles' Lrague Sweet Slxteen-Jordan 2. Cur- rle 1. J. Husoy 2, N. Youngman 12. Husoy, L. Youngman, A. Skoro, Bo-Me-Hl A. Hamilton 4, L. Thompson, R. Thaln 4, J. Budln- Ish 7, D. KeKnnedy. L. Howe 2, P. Smith. N. Pavlch 1. M. Lyke- gaard 5, M. Oreenwood. Junior League 65 Taxi-Bill 6. Ratchford . Holt 4, Webster 5. Van Pykstra 9. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. PHONE IOI LING THE TAILOR Ve are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Final arrangements are complete and' the Arrows of the Vancouver Srnlor A Lenmie will , hw on Jnn " 6 and 7. Reservations will be accepted Immediately and all sea son ticket reservations honored as was previously announced Arrows, standing midway In' the southern senior loop, are A.M. rated one of the most popular 9:C0-noth School Physical Fid-teams for the Lower Mainland. I ucatlon Claw. To date they have never been pm beaten badly. The games In their "lost" column have all been last minute affairs. A young squad, with the accent on speed and hustle, the Arrows extended the Canadian champion Clover Leafs to the a'.,...,. .. .u- . i i ' Willi Deiure me current u-UKur leaders edged them out by a bas- , ket glnce lnat dat vpteran and will definitely accompany the team north. Sykes ls being ,,,,,.,. nn nmnf(.,ir Meanwhile Coach Alex Bill Is) , . . . i f - i t - i -. I r DUlllIlK I1IS LHJVS UirUUKIl OlIU. . "i. .u. chrlslmas lay.off practices will fac hfld e' avajb nBht i will give furw a chanee to find -ut how th current Rainmaker match up nalnst competition in the femor league. A recent Vancouver newspaper carried a story about a member f the UBC : Chiefs basketbair L.;tram - the Chiefs are the UBC entry ln the Senlar 'A' L?agu In Vancouver- who fa:c. pes " 2. Martlnsen 2, Olsen. Sedgwick, Antone. Bo-Me-HISlmundson 3, Jor - dan, WeL. Large 2, Black. Web- ber 2. Ketcheson 4. Smith 2.! Johnson. Hamilton. ClilLERl Scissors Razors Table Knives Bread Knives Pocket Knives Hunting Knives English Carving Sets 255 Third Ave. Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones CO and 68 slble dismissal from the team. It j-rcms mere are grave, demote 7:00 that he will bt able to attain 7 130 passing grade4 in the Chrlstma j oirb c a. "r exams. If there is any such 8:00 Run.p. . .. bugaboo hanging over the heals I Anna,,,. fit any of the rainmakers here (S.;,ril ' at Civic Centre THURSDAY (Snorts) 1:00- Booth School Physical Education CIsm. 3:30 Ttcn A Badminton j:00-Ctvic Centre Junior Bovs If j J nut Tin: ii:ht is wunurrwv. sinvn c See Your Chevrolet ,utk Chev Trua, I'ontlar Ol.lsmobll. (iMf MACHINE WORK A SPEHA1TY Tn ilL: CI o f LITTLE, HAUGLAHD & KERR i P.oujh and Hressfd Lumber ARcnts Fur GREER BUILDERS I Repairs ! Phone RED GENERAL MOTORS DEALER iciicKc mduiuie jnop & vaaraqel TIItltACE. H.( Lnmlier Maniifnrturcrs T KURACi; I Ct r. j and M l International Harvester to l lrcstone Tire A It u biter ( o l td I'hllro Radios Willard naileries & BRIDDENI AND CONTRACTORS Construction Alteration SGI WE DOCTOR SHOES HEEL THEM ATTEND TO THEIR I) Y EI NO SAVE THEIR SOLES MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. Why IXel basketball. Aa't Badmuaoi. i r m 8:00- J (T 0:c:: N.i! ,c; P tic '3 E" Wi'lfun. Mcc ! I " V.'Ujy, j, tRv vr;rr. I yesirrtla'. iftt-r- ja on niiii)..,, i i INCOME Tay m turns Prepared li. E. MOUTIME " ina Ave Nfir P.O. lioxi T- t'ICK. S Call !"" - y , 'c CITY TRANSr ' i.e..u. and Mc' WINTERIZE NOW uium Che1 Recharge Battery, Tune ot?',tifree, AnWr Cooling System and Instal Worn Repair or Replace Those RUPERT "MOTORS