" 4 u FORT Fort Carry Coffee ii a fine blend of quality coffeei-richly flavoured-roaiter freih. It'i flavour-iealed in Pioim. Jufe Brown, cort duty. J ffc ' ' Ml . ::'' THE FAMILY . . . FOR YOUR : r.-vr,. Pi :llintr H.f reive . . . I 'Mt- .1 f)nr Lnvi.lv iMnror. Ilrn;li :iiwl V'imU Sets. "MPLETE YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST !lfi Third West RED 100 M'M'ni'T Tin mnifi i .Tiiv iu io ivn on1 Kb. "M A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE rMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRINO-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietor:!: TOM i'ESUT STEVE VRKWKN GARRY !T v iivnrwjnciAWUMMi m lira ; ftir. ana Mrs. ueorge C. Mltch- eU returned to the city Monday1 ntjrned on Skinny n rr r tha Z iZ proSTa Lfe 2K tht n the ncess . Louise . was called day afternoon on the Coquitlam death of hi. for a trip to Vancouver on e. - TRY Hex Cafe FOR TASTY MEALS 'Chop Suey Chow Mein ' I AM CHINESE DISHES OL'K SPECIALTY AVENUE. OFPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL is s 7 Wise Shoppers I A . . Check These Ideas jAs 5 1 TKit STILL! COME IN AND LOOK 'I N i). YOC'LL FIND WONDERFUL W S! 'IMMMSES FOT? RVRIfV ATPM. 1 ji 4' -rA mm in . C2 111 .m rTli MK I A Maj)py Toy . . . and an inspiration to any child ... a tuneful little I'iano will he a most welcome ift. 9 ONE'S TASTE 'NDREDS MORE IDEAL ITEMS TO: HOTEL lis. n 1H Local News It Public Meeting on Port Installations, city Council Cham-ber, 8 o'clock tonight. U) Women of the Moose Christmas party on Wednesday, 17. Bring two presents, Secret pal and Christmas present. Sign your name to both. (294) District Forester J. E. Mathle-son returned on the Prince Rupert this afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. Fred Orlmble. Jr., arrived in the city this afternoon on the Prince Rupert from Pentlcton where he Is employed In a batak, to spend Christmas with his j parents here. I Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wilson arrived In the city at the first jof the week from Seattle to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season here vlslt- Inc with Mrs. Wllsnn' nnronfo Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Moore, Fourth ; Avenue West. 'dV wT SS1lhe feCent ,1 r Uberal COn Dr. J. M. Hcr&hey. assistant Provincial health, Victoria, has returned south by motor after visiting Prince Rupert, Smithers, Terrace and Prince George on an Inspection toui. Ronald Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ward, arrived in the city today on the Prince Rupert to spend the holidays with his parents here. He is studying geology at the University of British Columbia. Sidney Hamblin sailed yesterday afternoon on the Coquitlam for Vancouver enroute to Long Beach. California, where he wi.l spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. DeCourcey. Notice to Ladies' League oowiers Bowlers All aij Downng will be'""" u-" 's'ut"lCi ;unu"6 j cancelled for Christmas week Mr Bailey who recently left forip J,f)tl commencing December 22 and there to the staIf of a sta- v New Year's week commencing with December 29. Bowling win brtrln airaln thp uppIc rnmmpnr- W'lng 'with January 6. 1948. See. ... .i rciieauic in uauy News ana Bowling Alley. (2951 A Announcing CHOCOLATE FLAVORED DAIRY DRINK I' Containing V not less than 1 butterfat CHILDREN I LIKE IT I ! eft i Order from jour Wagon, Grocer in retirement at Duncan. Vait-j or Dairy at popular prices. couver Island, has been able to W I t a i pmtim n a inv return to his home on the Island v i ill l PHON'E 657 ca Refreshinj,' Sparkling Full-flavored "Mixes in Ihc Best Circles" 15-JeweI Watches from 12.50 up 1, 2 and .'-Strand I'carls from 3.75 up Musical Jewel and Powder IJoxes S.75 Ciijaret Cases and Compacts 1.00 up Earrings and Pins from 1.00 up y . : WE STILL OFFER YOU A THREE TO FIVE-DAY SERVICE ON WATCH REPAIRS COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE - JEWELLERY REPAIRS AND ENGRAVING A " A MANSON'S Jllers and Optometrists j Sincere, Friendly Service g MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN JEWELLERS ASSOCIATION S :ems . . . Any Xmas Donations for Miller Bay Hospital children can be left at 349 Taxi for free delivery. (299) Ole Phillipson, well known Skeena River canneryman, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Co quitlam for a trip to Vancouver. O Basketball Executive Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m.. Civic Centre. All coachc and managers requested to attend. Important. (294) Announcing opening of King George Cafe, under new owner ship, George Preysty, and man agement, K. L. McGee. Finest food and service. (it) Plenty of tasty, fresh doush- nuts for everybody. That Is out baking objective NOW! Orders taken for dances and parties- no order too lame or too small. Prompt attention given out of town orders. Three Sisters Cafe, 1 353 Third Avenue West, Prince Rupert. Phone 306. (299) Alderman Robert McKay re- turned to the city n the Prince ouver where heZT:Mt Maugham' 73' wiU make hIs lr"Lt debut as a movie actor in "Quln- voniinn i Pinion. -i I Howard Frizzell of Chlcaeo arnveo in tup ntv tMi nn iv,a Prince Rupert to spend the Christmas holidays with his family here. Peter Humphreys, formerly wireless operator on the police boat PJUX. 15 here, arrived in the city this afternoon on the Prince Rupert to spend the next week visiting friends. H. F. Glassey returned this afternoon on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver where he attended the convention of the provincial Liberal Association which named Byron Johnson Liberal leader. Mrs. Alex Bailey and child are leavlne on this evening's train! for Prin Oe0rBe where they "onery store after having been Identified with McRae Bros. Ltd. I here. ' , , Mrs. Neil McKelvie and j daueh- J u ... :. .. ' i,cila aiiivcu m iiic tiiy ! rr on flirt the Prince rrin.A Ruperttoday Dl(nA.nni4. from r...n. Vancouver to loin Mr. McKelvie who arrived a few weeks ago to Join the Dally News staff. Later they plan to proceed to Prince George. , j Miss Dorothy Kergin arrived ! ' In the city on the Prince Rupert today from her studies at the ; University of British Columbia to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Ker gin. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Flaten and daughter. Judy are sallln; tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for a holiday trip to Vic-j toria. Mr. Flaten continues to make good recovery from a re-Icent operation at the Prince Ru- pert General Hospital. D. C. McRae, former Dioneer . . . In.nl V, I un... i J J aftcr having been a patient rc- cently in the Vancouver General Hospital. NORTH STAR PALE DRY GINGER ALE YOUR Steamship Sailings Tor Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. ' Tuesday ss Coquitlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala. midnight. From Vancouver-Sunday ss Coquitlam, 4 p.m. Mpnday ss Princess Adelaide. p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert. 10:00 a.m. Friday ss Camosun, 9 a.m. Friday ss Catala. a.m. For Alaska- Wednesday ss Prince RuDert 12 midnight. From Alaska- Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 8 p.m. Train Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. MAUGHAM IN MOVIE ROLE LONDON 0 . Author Somer- " a series aunea ai i. L li u i.i i m him rrs in inp r nor- - 1 sPect've." film executive Sydney sou oau. William Way .sailed yesterday afternoon on the Coquitlam for a trip to Vancouver. Aid. Robert McKay, who was one of the delegates to the re-hent provincial Liberal conven tion In Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert today. BIRTH NOTICE SCHWAB Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Schwab, In Prince Rupert General Hospital, on December 16. a son. wpieht R lhs 12 ounces. Mother and son doing- well. 12941 Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Is it correct for the bride and her attendants to arrive at the church about a half - hour before the ceremony is to be gin? A. No, they should arrive promptly on the moment set for the ceremony. Q. Shouldn't a call of condol ence be returned? A. No, it Is not required and certainly should not be expected. Q. Are the expressions "boy friend," "gentleman friend," and "girl friend" acceptable? A. They are not, and should never be used In Introductions or conversation. AIR PASSENGERS From Sandsoit W. E. Lord. J. Cote, H. Davenport, O. Murphy, H. R. Carr, Col. and Mrs. Parker, Mr. Edberg. From Vancouver A. W. Dyer. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McRae are sailins tomorrow afternoon on the Princess Norah for a holiday trip to Vancouver and Vancouver j Island. Annotmcen.'ents AH advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 23 cents a word. S.O.N. business meeting, Friday, Dec. 19, 8 p.m. St. Peter's Y.P.A. Xmas Concert, Dec. 19 and 20, St. Peter's Hall. S.O.N. Christmas Dance, Mrs. Black and five-piece orchestra. Everyone welcome. Tickets at door. Civic Centre, Dec. 26, 9:30 till 2:00. S.O.N. Christmas Tree, Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 30, 2 to 5; Refreshments and entertainment. Bosun Inn, 909 First Avenue West, Black 959. Fine food, ta- males, chili, barbeque fried chicken. Caterers large or small parties. Open all night. Orders tn take nut. (2) 5fcfcM'sXfcXixa v y Gifts , w y S Books! fe FOR ALL AGES ' t. Ld y i . . p- . idlest I tenon . . Z y HOl'SE DIVIDED" y THE 3IONEYMAN -EAST SIDE, WEST SIDE" g "CAME A CAVALIER" "DRUMS OF DESTINY" PROUD DESTINY" "PRINCE OF FOXES "THE GARRRESTON CHRONICLE" "C.US THE GREAT" "THE BISHOP'S MANTLE" "THE SAXON CHARM" "HILL OF THE HAWK" y g y Latest General "INSIDE U. S. A." "PEACE OF MIND" "HUMAN DESTINY" y (Williams (COStain) (Hilton (Keyes) H (Bourne) (Feuchtwanger) H H . (Shellabarger) H a (Brace) K K (Duncan) It (Turnbull) rt a (Wakeman) A A . (O Dell) A A A A A A (Gunther) A (Liebman) (du Nouy) A A A A A A A A iS A A A A A A A A A A A OI5DER FROM YOUR GROCER Family Pack I Dozen Pints .Sl.r.O plus deposit Complete list of books for children of all ages. Hundreds of Titles in our Selection ULOVA HEADQUARTERS No Change in Our Prices on Diamond Rings Even Though There Will be a Shortage Owing to the Import Ban. Still Priced from 30.00 and up A 5jy Prfnc'c.Cliipctt Daife mm Wednesday, December 17, 1947 - y a pair of iFINE SLIPPERS Make your selection from our complete stock ENGLISH FELTS, per pair $2.23 SOFT SOLE EVKKETS, jJ hi iiAiiu EVKKETS. per pair $3.75 and $3.23 ROMEOS, both Zipper and Elastic styles per pair .... ..... B.x.i..iiix2iiii3ri!jaAj.,s,SiSii.a5ijia,Si,.1,1,x.ni a PRACTICAL . . are always acceptable 3 2 g FOR HIM Power and Carpenter Tools, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Goods. FOR THE YOUNGSTERS Ice Skates, Skis and equipment, Sleighs. Roller Skates, Wagons, Bicycles and Kiddie Cars. 'SHOP y 1 Mdlriile F I B M M IT.l - & - h y -ft. mr i 1 , j-iiiir-n "jJJ If you want your kitchen remodelled, j" we build your ;I CUPBOARDS in our shop, ready for installation. j: Or if you want your FLOOR SANDED ij Call BLUE 610 i We also have a good selection of furniture made in our shop, such asiCabinels, Book- Cases, Tables, Magazine" Racks, Drying jl Racks, Rocking Horses and Doll Cradles in three sizes. J SEE OCR DISPLAY ROOM IN I5ROOKSHANK 13 LUG., THIRD Ave. Open 2-5 IVM. THIS WEEK '. VViViViiViViViVi,iVeViViVAV CHRISTMAS GIFT Suggestions Elizabeth Arden Adrienne Yard ley Cutex Iiachelor WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OP OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OP GIFT SETS. We will hold any article till Christmas. No deposit required Ormes Drugs THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS- 5 y y y A GIFT OF iJ Your friends will nnnrpri.irn as n Christmas fii'fr. y a ten-pound carton of our ASSORTED SMOKED FISH Shipped Express Prepaid in B.C., ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN OR ONTARIO for . $51.75 Send your orders to the Bacon ntlNCE RUPERT, B.C. For Prince Rupert Scaf iod, Products, y r PLEASE i3 PLACE rUti YOUR iuuh 5 . mum m i j r. WfW5 n Here's Comfort FOR HIS LEISURE HOURS . . . per pair $VJ3 and $3.50 gj $4.50. S 1.71 and SG.00 3 a mat junw . . . t GIFTS s 9 FOR HER Lamps, Dishes, Pressure Cookers, Electric Irons, Toasters, Misers, Pyrex Ware. EARLY" St, riiuiie 311 Jf-JiL-iiKW iri v n i - w m m m m Evening In Paris Max Factor Peggy Sage Tangce FISH... Famous B.B. Brand of UK ORDERS ltd MIUiI EARLY