mm m ' n i s: i i- - f I . i i J. I . I i i 1 t . I it w Si I . 1 1 it ( t - , ; i i, mm 4 I?rfiue ttunm baft? I3cto3 Saturday. July 19. 197 Classified Advertising - - JlMslftrds: 2c per word per lnsmlort. minimum charge, 50c Birth Notlcei 60c; Cards ol Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 12. FOR SALE FOR SALE Tenders wil! be re-ceived by the undersigned fot the purchase of Lot 60. Block 7, Section 1. City of Prince Rupert, together with two room cabin situated thereon numbered 1134, Second Avenue, a. and furniture contents contained therein. Highest or any tender hot necessarily accept- ed. Terras strictly cash. Garden Fraser Forbes, Administrator cif the Estate of John Anderson, deceased. Court House. Prince Rupert, B. C. (170) FOR SALE Lawn mower, blow , torch, window cleaner, kitchen chairs, fan for boat In need of repair, and brace & bits. etc. 1104 8th Ave. E. (168) FOR SALE Coal ani Wood Range and Electric Rangette. Both practically new. Phone 79, or Blue 507. THREE SUITE apartment block - $4,500.00 Partly furnished eight room house $3,500.00. Si room house 3 lots $4,500. Six room house $8,409. Business property lots $750.00 up. Terms or cash on most of the above. Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342. 174 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Boy or girl over 16 for summer months. Apply Rupert Radio & Electric rtf) Help wanted male HELP WANTED Fir.?t class mechanic . Wages $225 per month; Wire collect, George Kustes, Stewart. (1G3) LARGE Canadian firm servicing Industry from coast - to - coast with electrical products, desires a commission salesman in this district. 20 commission and large repeat business possible; Replv for details to Box 259 Daily News. 1169) WORK WANTED HIGH SCHOOL GIRL will mind children evenings. Experienced in handling infants. Red 838. (168) WANTED WANTED Used 2x4's, any length. Box 1337. (tf) SHIP Us Your Scrap Metals, Top Prices Paid-Wictlve Trading Company Ltd.. 935 East Cordova St., Vantouver, B.C. FOR KENT FOR RENT 2 rcm Tarnished suite. 221 5th Ai e. E. (169) FOR RENT Housekeeping room at Vernon Apartments. House for sale at Seal Cove. Blue 815. (tf) FOR RENT Partly furnished rooms with cooking facilities, 13B3 Sixth Avenue East, on bus line. Particulars, Phone Blue 370. (168) LOST AND FOUND LOST Brown leather wallet with painted scottle dog on front. Phone Green 728 or 47. Reward. (171) FOUND On Monday, bunch of keys on ring on 6th Ave. West, past Dunsmuir St. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. (tf) LOST Between 7th Ave. and . McBride, black and green batbing suit. Phone Red 616. (1681 FOUND Birks Wedding Ring at Glacier Creek, Moricetown. M. O. K., P.O. Box 759. (169) METAL WORK OONT Wait for Winter. Now Is the time to have that eaves'- trough fixed and furnace In-j stalled. Thotn Sheet Metal Ltd . Black 884 (tf) Sw. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES civil service Examinations PREPARE NOW for Spring ex- ' aminatlons. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. EARLY NEWS i IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be in the office by 10 ajn. Contributors r are asked to bear this In mind. et Items of social and personal Interest are alway welcome. FOR SALE FOR SALE Two cabins at Mc- Nicoll Creek. Phone Black 838; 6-7 pjn. (168) FOR SALE 24-ft. cabin launch, Ella Britta; 6 h.p. Palmer engine. Red 811. (163 FOR SALE 9-plece dining roon suite; 3 -piece chesterfield suite; 5-piece complete bed room suite, excellent condi tion. Phone 60: (tf) FOR SALE Boy's bicycle, good condition. Phone Red 277 after 5 pan. (168) FOR SALE Twin baby buggy, like new. Call Black 153 or 7C9 6th Ave. West. (168) FOR SALE Snap! 28 -ft. troller, fully equipped, in perfect condition; new decks, ribs and keel; steel gurdies, roomy cabin with spring bunk. Ready to go. Phone Johnson. Black 156, or call 171 3rd Ave. East. (168) FOR SALE 200 window sash 40 inches square, 12 light $1.50 each. I"x4" flat grain flooring $35.00 per M. Dimension lumber aH sires $43.00 per M. 38" plywood Odd dzes Sc per sq. ft. Doors single and double with frames. Apply Civic Centre office phone 231) after 2 pjn dally. (s) FOR SALE R.OJ. White Leghorns and Hampshire pullets, 10 weeks old. $1.35 each. Add io cents per bird per week after July 19 sufficient cockerels free. Terms cash F.O.B. Kitwanga. M, Rowe. (tf) FOR SALE 3 room float house and shed, T4 mile earl of Port Edward. Apply 1902 Eighth East, Prince Rupert, B.C. (168) FOR SALE 36 "ft. trolling boat 8 ft. 3 in. broad, 4 ft. depth, 14 h.p. Guaranty engine. Apply 221 5th Ave. East. (168) FOR SALE Blacksmith blower. Champion (400) anvil, 180 lbs. Phone Black 733. (168) FOR SALE Restaurant. Fully equipped. Doing one of largest turnovers In city. Snap for quick sale. Apply Eox 258 Daily News. (170) FOR SALE 7 roomed house. Best residential district. Furnace, garden, 4 bedrooms Price $4,200.00. Immediate occupancy. Phone 57, G. P. Tlnter & Co. Ltd. (tf) FOR SALE Desiiaole resort site on Lake Lakelse. Frances Poe, 147 Linden Avenue, Wllmette, Illinois. (178) HOUSEHOLD & Office Furniture, Hardware & Logging Supplies. New Wire Cable. Fishing Tackle complete $3.75. Pocket Compasses $1, Hotplates $3.50, Scatter Rugs $1.25, Wood & Coal Ranges small size $30, Used Anvils, Ofrice Chairs, Desks, 3-piece Chesterfield Sets $40, Baby Carriages from $5, Palls 50c. Electric and Bat? tery Radios. All kinds of other useful articles at reasonable prices. B.C; FURNITURE CO. Black 324. (tf) TRUCK FOR SALE RF. AT iKD TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to July 31st, 1947 for the pur chase of International 1942 truck, Model K 4, wheelbdse 160, 4-speed transmission: tires 650-20, rear dual wheels. 1 spare tire, with RCAF 4 cot-ambulance body, used as school bus from November 1946 to June, 1947. Truck Has never carried a heavy load and Is In good running order. Mileage: 14851 miles. Inspection and delivery of truck at Smlth ers. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders will be for an all cafh offer. Smlthers, July 9th, 1947. A. Muheim, Becr.-'fyeasurer, School District No. 54 Smlthers, B.C. (174) MACHINERY to haw better lumber more economically, use the modem and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B. C. (tf) ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD $40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Table meals, Mri, Lawley. C22 Fraser Street, (tf ) IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA . IN PROBATE ..... IS THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT IN THE MATTER OP THE E5f ATE OF HARRIS LEVIN. DECEASED TESTATE TAKg NOtlCE that by order of His Honour Judge W. O. Pulton, made the 2Bth day of June. AD. 194?., Letters Probst of the Last Will andj Testament of Harris- Levin, deceased, who died on the 29th da? of May. A D. 1947. wer granted " to Dominic I Ello. the Executor. I ALL parties ha ring claims' against I the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to! ! at on or before the 21st day of I ; August AD. 1947. after which claims filed may be paid without reference I to any claims of which I then had i rio kndwledge. AND all parties Indebted to the I said estate are required to pay the j amount of their indebtedness to m forthwith. I i DATED this 7th day of July. AD. I 1947. DOMINIC ELIO. Executor, j co M Wllla Ray. Solicitor for Executor, Prince Rupert, B.C. (172) SHERIFF'S S.tLF. IN THE COUNTY COURT OP PRINCE RUPERT; HOLD EN AT PRINCE RUPERT NOTICE Is hereby given that, by authority of a WARRANT OF EXECUTION io me directed, bearing date; the I9th day of AprU. 1947. In the action of WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BOARD. .Pl&lntlff. versus KU MEALON LOOQINO COMPANY LIMITED. Defendant, I have seized the logging outfit of the defendant, consisting of Steam Donkey Gasoline scow, ioois. uimes. Tor? r-tSSIotti Vie Menzies, Harry Wen-may be seen en application to the i ies, W; G. Anderson-, W: Davis, Kwhn shMX S. Mark Long, the office of the Sheriff. Court House-. I J. Mark, E. Warren and J. Tail Prince Rupert. B.C.. on Thursday.,.,,.,,, w Xrtw t n.;Mh Jul 24th. 1947. at 20 o' cioca in the afternoon; for cash; Th highest or any bM not necessarily accepted. M. M. STEPHENS. Sheriff. Dated at' Prince Rupert. B.C., this 12th day of July. 1947. NOTICE. TO. CKEDIIORS GEORGE EDWARD CHARLTON Deceased NOTICE Is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of George Edward Charlton, Ton Tth dav of ADrtl. 1943. are hereby required on'imv.r it ,v nnnn. v,.i.j - . - . or before the 27th day; or Sepwmoer, to deliver or send by prepaid letter full particulars of their clatmsiw-v im fnp th. ..n ,rn,runH duly verified to the undersigned at box 658. Priaee Rupert, B.C.. as sbii-1 dtors for Lambert h, Kenhey. the; Eitecutor of the said estate. i AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the Exetutor will , proceed to distribute . the assets oi' the deceased among persons en- titled thereto naving regard oniy to g- ' Green 83' the claims of which he shall then'T,'. 1 have had notice. j Lister, 80. DATED this 10th day of July, 1947. BROWN St HARVEY, Solicitors for the Executor, Box 658. rtnee Rupert, B.C. (172) . TENDERS SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned and marked "Tender tor Llghtstatlon and Dwelling at Hol-nd Roclf wlU be received up to 12 o'clock noon. E.D.S.T.. Monday, August 4. 1947, for the erection of a combined llghtstatlon and dwelling at Holland Rock off Prince Rupert, B.C. Plans, specifications, labour con ditions, form of contract to be entered Into and tender forms may be obtained on application to the Chief Purchasing Agent. Department of Transport, Ottawa, Ontario, or from the Agent, Department of Transport; Prince Rupert, B.C.. Upon receipt of an accepted cheque made payable to the Recelvt.f General of Canada tat the sum of $10.00. This cheque will oe returned upon tne return of the plans and specifications In good con dition. ' Each- tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on' a chartered Canadian bank equal to ten per cent , tio I or the tender price, payable to the order of the Receiver General of Canada, which cheque will be forfeited In the event of the tenderer refusing to. enter Into a contract on the basis of his tender. If called upon to do so. or falling to satisfactorily complete such a contract. Cheques oi unsuccessiui miaerers win oe returned. Any tender not accompanied by a security deposit m described will not be considered. The Department coe4 not bind Itself to accept the lowe or any tender. r T. COLLINS. Secretary. Department of Transport. Ottawa, July 11. 194T. IN THE SCPKldlE COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP MAODA JACOBSEN. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS MAODALENE HENRIETTE JACOBSEN. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour Judge W. O. Pulton, made ' the 27th, day of . June. 1947, I was , appointed admlnstrator of the estate ! of Magda Jacobsen. otherwise known ' as Magdalene Henrlette Jacobsen, de ceased, late of Bella Cools, B.C. i All parties having claims airalhstl the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to ne on or before, the 1st day of October. 1947. after which claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had' no knowledge. ' AND au parties indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness td rhe forthwith. DATED this 5th day of July, AX). 1947. GORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. (172) You saw Jt in The Kewsl RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings df . . . BOATS FOR SALE On CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS; MAKlNE ANtt FlSIrtNO EQUIPMENT r TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR OCtCK SALES OR CIIARTERS (just East of Lipsetrs, Waterfront) Box 548 Baseball Scores Arrierfcart New York 0, Detroit 8 (Yankees failed in bid fbr twentieth straight Win). Washington 0', Cleveland 6 Philadelphia 1, Chlcaijo 4 Boston 8, St, Louis 9 National Cincinnati 3, New 'York" 8 Chicago 7, Philadelphia 5 Pittsburgh 2i Boston 1 St. Louis 0, Brooklyn 7. ft Hktr Years Abo 25 In SPORT July is, rtzij The Sons df Canada defeated tMies by1 a score of 51. Callles scored first through Mackintosh with J. Marks getting: Ihe equalizer. In the second halt B. Long scored twice and fct. Marks and J Marks once each for the Callles. Teams' Sons of tMhada H B: ------ . D. Jack, E. smith, A. K'.nghorn, G; Andersorti W. Mltcheli, E. Mackintosh, B. Scott, G. Sellars and J; McPherson. The new diving tower 22 feet high has been comrjleted at Salt Lakes. The work was done by Joe Scott lr;. and Jack Boddie , while E. F. Dubv suDoiied the , Ulll tmt-t V U U i L i X 1.1 I U 11 1111 , - - uiurc sinan piaiiorms pan ' r v ' . dhTrs. - . .. i. . . in Uie rt.B.U. Kegiment Hinel""v ""in uuuj uano oi Association, leadina ! scores Wfr , ; ' . 1 made by A. Beale 90; M. Lamb, I W. Greer, 80; j BASEBALL SCHEDULE July 20 All Stars at Smlthers. July 22 Watts AS JClckerson vs. Moose (postponed from Jilly 13) July 24 Moose vs. Watts k Nickerson .4r , - July 27 Smlthers at? Prince Rupert. July 29-SaV'orvs Moose July 31 Savoy vs Watts & Nickerson August 3 Watts & Nickerson vs Moose August 5 Savoy vs Watts & Nickerson Rupert Marine REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER We Offer Yod: For Sale 1. CABIN CrfUISEtt 28 x8 x3 V2 Fully equipped; 60 h.p. Unl- versa! engine. Be sure to see us oh nils' one. 2. TROLLER 35'x8'4x4V2. Pow- ed with 110 Chrysler. Boat rebuilt 1A45. Completely equipped with gurdies and lines. A rfeal Investment. 3. TROLLER 36'x83x4. Powered with 14 B.HPi guaranty motor. Equipped with gurdies and lines. Owner desires a quick sale. ; TROLLER 28'x6V2'x3. Con verted glllnetter, powered with a 7 B.b:.P. Palmer. Reconditioned with new pilot house. A reasonable buy. : CABltt CRUISER 36 x9(x5'. Powered with Chrysler Royal. Fully equipped with modern conveniences. 8. LIGHT LAKE BOATirxS'-Flat bottom, with new Iron Horse inboard motor. Ideal for local lakes or rivers. Quick sale desired. Let lis list your boats. Do not forget we also charter PHONE GftEEN 7. BOX 548 Phone Green 1)75 BOX SCORE (Thursday's Baseball SAVOY AB R H B. Simundson, ss 3 n U M. Simutidscn, cf .... 2 1 Pavl'ikls, If 4 2 Lindsay,, p' 4 1 Arhey, 3b 3 0 Fostuk, c 4 2 Gurvich, rf 4 0 Hartfig, 2b 3 1 Forman, lb 3 1 Foster, cf (71h) 1 0 31 8 WAtS it N'K'SON AB H Kerr, If 3 3 Smith, ss 4 0 Turner, c 4 0 Larribie. p 4 2 Howe, 2b 4 1 Dominate, lb 4 0 Vuckovi'ch, 3b 2 0 Wesch, rf 2 0 Grbff, cf 3 0 Spring. 3b (8th) 1 0 Ahtone. c (5th) 1 0 32 6! SHORT SPORT Since the official opening of the Jasper golf course 7 years ago there has been much development In golf circles and the cburse at Jasper has played an Important part. In 1927 the Totem Po Golf Tournament was originated ; nd this event today holds a most important place in the his , torv of the Paclfie North Wert r . r : r . ' . .s..lIC1.i , ; annual Totem Pole event will be V,M held during rln the v,. first fit week in ; September and as usual will at- . ri irnlf Canada and the United States . The trophy for the Totem Pol Gy'romallParli ill Park EX H 1 B IT 1 0 1 ;) tiS. JOHN A. For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE ' at Port Edward, B.C. CIIOPSUEY O CHOW MEIN 7:00 am. to 11:00 pm. Mortar, Packing-, Cratinr, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 REPAIR AND YOUR HOME GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Phone RED 561 p,o. Box 72l "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert" JOHN GURVICH has returned to the M Job Too Large No Job Too Small EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND CLEARING PHONE S2 NAVY RESERVE ENTERTAINS U.S. SAILORS Visiting crew members of the American destroyer John A. Bole, were guests last night of the Chief Petty Officers and men of H.M.C.S. Chatham at a dance 1" 1 . .. .... ..t the navy drill hail wniie onice of the ship were entertained by the officers of the reserve division in Chatham ward room. A crowd of 600 attended thf dance whieh the visltlns sailors described at one of the most enjolb!e gestures of hospitality that they have experienced while in port. Music was provided by Andy MeNaughton's Four Duke orchestra. The informal ward room entertainment was arranged by Uie officers of H.M.C.S. Chatham with refreshments provided by the officers' wives. Guests included a number of civilians. The dancing began at 10 o'clock and lasted until after 2 a.m. Standings In Men's Fastball W L Pet. Co-cp 5 2 .714 CXRA 5 3 .025 General Motors 3 2 .600 Gordon&Anderson .4 4. .500 ( High Schoql 4 4 Navy 1 7 iOO .125 Golf championship Is decidedly unique and takes the form of a large sHver totem pole on a central base with a silver bear at each corner. It Is a beautiful piece of the silver smith's art :;nd one which is very keenly eomofted for. Ototoi,? M it io tat nsooiiM. iu. itv3f JSbt W1IRH lfWfc WITM'r 7 0orf 1308 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phono 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DELCO HEAT OIL BURNERS for your furnace or boiler A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES AND HEATERS now in stock Large Stock of Plumbing Supplies I I j. TiwMLtil FASTBALL BOLE vs. CO-OP. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth street RECONDITION THIS SUMMER! CALL CONTRACTING BUSINESS SIXTH STREET 1 n Ustto West 00 'Dm "PIPE SMOKERS! ASK FOR OGDIN'S CUT SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT; Chop Sucy Chow Mein Call oh us for your CHRYSLER ENOINEIT.E3 PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town -;: glveri special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 5CG Prince Rupcr B HATCH COVEKS SKATE CO! Phone I5LUE 120 ICO East Third Ate. 'NexttcSd WORK BOOTS DRESS SHC C24 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe - PC 1 V-8 ABUNDANT SPECIFICATIONS Powered with latest ford V-li Starter, Generator, Battery, Down Draiuht Crf Heavy Duly Ford Truck Radiator, specially dfii Take-off. equipped wllh flexible coupling nl " bearing pillow blocks, Fuel Tank built in sub-lrJ P.O. Box 38 170 East Third Ave. INSURANCE - RENTALS REAIJJ 212 Fourth Street RUPERT PRINCE RUPERT REX CAFE CHINESE DISHES OUR Sl'ECIslijT Open 6 am. to 2 axn. PHONE 173 RUPERT MOTORS! Chrysler Parts and Sen-let We specialize in r. 'i'.-: Murine and Ind; r " Complete Aut'imi.v? UrX' .'or all makes of cars t-hl SAWS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL ll FOE MEN ONLl) RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS i 0 AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES I AVAILAIJI.r, I OK IMMEDIATE DELIVEKI POVVE UNIT Bob Parker LimM PRINCE RUPERT REALTY 0 P. II. LINZEY .(Next Door to B.C 1 FAMOUS BRA FISH PRODUCTS . Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD Si Company Limited