TTIAbO LOOM BETWEEN FAMOUS FAMILIES William I r - r n:nd;:on of Henry Ford, is pictured witn nis nancec. :i Martha Firestone, whom he greeted upon arrival ft i-j,, of Harvey Firestone. The two told newsmen that they srn m Akron, Ohio, on June 21. CAM) OF THANKS ! :. to take this oppor-Oiank all our friends expressions of sym-r re ent sad bereave-los of our dear ".! Anderson Special - extended to Dr. W. S. :rr.L and staff of the t ft pert Ocncral Hospital Ocep Sea Fishermen' from Mildred, Annette r idlng flowers Includ-:3 and Annrttc. Louise Mr and Mrs. Iver Mr and Mrs. George July 9, 1922 Ml .ictt a fire destroyed r.r.o and the residences of Wat and Jack SmiUi, : : estimated at $6)00. adequate fire fighting he blaze was fought ; puis and wet blan- of the Northern B.C. ial Band were elected at A. M. Beale. D.C.M, n-lrr.astcr and cond'iHor r.:3tant conductor was S. Secretary treasurer was Ocrry and A. Duckworth Harlan, sistallatlonof the nai tcrs took place In the I r. Hull, Ritualistic cerc-i iic and drilis accompanied, ;. it Mrs. C. Harvey was) 3 as chancellor. July 9, 1912 I " .:. c Rnprrt C- 'iiiiied its intention " ahead tit ccc with the Wcri of a wnrk' and olant near Prince Ruprrt Gr.OUGC McWHINNEY Company CONTRACTING IN ut'iiriiiiniz. IT, Landscaping Lawns, Etc. 117 4(h Ave. I (To rear of Pioneer Laundry) HOUR .. 1 i?r. frtftseaso early fVtoewme tptfntc Uupert Daflp 13do0 Local News Items ' Wednesday, July 4, 1947 D. C. Stuatt. who was dbllaed1 to enter the Prince Rupert Oen-cral Hosoital a fpiar u'pplcc aim. has since sufficiently recovered irom nis Illness to return to his home. Second Avrnup Wext. Mt Stuart's genera': condition con tinues favorable Prince Ituncrt Gvro Club was In regular monthly bus'.ncrs ses sion at Its weekly luncheon today When various ma tiers nf rhilb business came up for considera tion. President C. O. Ham was n the chair and there was i. fair attendance of members Inccmlns nassenirrs nn the Canadian Pacifir plane Monday afternoon were Mrc. R. rleith, L. A, Raphael, D. Crcelman, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Benolt, Mrs. S. Rodland and Mrs. Bre'mo from Vancouver and Mr. Bevon, Mrs. Mclntyrc. A. Snlfeld and T. Snl-feld from Sanspit Outbound yesterday afternoon were H. Sta- tjjca aim r.. urussicy, DOW lor Vancouver. Ello's Furniture Store will re-' 'open for business Monday, July 1 1. (162) LOCAL SOLDIER iWED IN SOUTH ! Sergeant Major Clarence Tlvan and familv (Mctlakatlai. I rv i ir- nsv.o. t A-uujaa vvcibauu, 11 vji n.vv., sun If.. nnA VXr Mov Pnn nrnm 1 - . ... ... -i mm ...- . , nT i-ani mm Mrs. J I) wnLsnn Pete Wlngham and Iver Martin-1 of Prlnce Rl)Dcr. wa. a Drlncipal son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDon-1 aid, Mr. and Mrs. Elnar Magnus-sen, Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Olsen, Mr and Mrs. a. Simoon. H. Bakken and Myrtle, Elsie Strand. Chris Olsen and H. E. Jensen, Olaf Stegavlg. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kllby. Elnar Solem. Mr. and Mrs. P. Rosang, Mary and Lizzie Leigh-ton and Mrs. Davidson. I O. A. Thompson, divisional I superintendent, Canadian Pacific Airline arrived in the cltv yes in a wedding .solemnized in Van couver recently. The bride was Myra-Bcrnlce Campbell, R.N., of Vancouver. The rite was per formed by Rev. O. W. S. McCall D.D.. In St. Andrew's-Wcsley Church. Ssrt. Major Watson was posted at Prince Rupert with the Signal Corns during the war. His fa ther was recently retired from the position of captain of the government snas boat Esslngton. The bride was the daughter of Mrs. W. H. Campbell of Crystal terday afternoon fnr a brief visit city. Manitoba. She was attend nf lnisnwtlnn here, returning to Ud bv MLss Ethel Kenny. R.N CIIINKSI2niSIIES A SPECIALTY we cater to parties chop suey" chow mbin SWITCH McLITU says: TOR OUTBID OKDEKS rilONE 1.18 AVIMUI WIBT 718 THIRD "Good Wiring Is f Good Insurance Electrical eoN-ritAt-nNG HOUSE WIRING and KMAlKb RADIO and APPLIANCE SERVICE RupertRadio&Electric Prince Rupert Bottle Col lector's new telephone number Red. 828. 1C0) Dr. C. Marl us Barbcau, Dom inion anthropolglst, returned to the city by air yesterday after spending the pcAi few weeks on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Mrs. Will Robinson Is paying a brief visit to the city today She arrived from Terrace on la:;t night's train and will be returning home this evening, O. N. MclnnlSj Terrace merchant baker, Is spending the day in the city on business. He ar rived on last night's train and is returning to the Interior tonight. Thomas McCaskcll, assistant manazcr of Weils Ltd., Vancou ver, and Angus Finaiay, ssics manager for Nelson Bros., arrived in the city by air yesterday afternoon from Vancouver on business trips. rrrVr7nnn"T?1 Vancouver on this afternoon's Groomsman was Thomas Kelscy i UNCLKUrLKl flleht Irf New Westminster 1 I L.AK5 AUU Regular Monthly Meeting Canadian Legion, Legion Hall 8 p.m. (tonight) fol lowed by an address by Mrs. Florence- Wilson, manager Canadian Legion War Service. Edlnbursh. Legion Picnic, Sun day. July 13th. Tickets on sale now. Mrs. G. L. Procter, wife of the foreman ol contraction of the quarantine hospital at Di?tiy Is land, tiroke her ankle at umtiy Island. Dr. Trtmaync brought the injured woman to hospital at Prince Rupert In the launcn Evelyn. Announcements All invrrmtLnrrw. m mis corumn trtll bs chrriH for full montn t 5S" wnrd. Catholic Bazaar Oct. 1 and 2. Robekah Bazaar. Oct 30. (166) Baptist Sale. Nov. 6. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Sale. Nov. 14. 20 Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. Orange Sale, December 5. WD WHWT peaches or jerries SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, UP., N THE CANADIAN Hollywood Cafe riUNCE BUPKRTB NEWEST AND MOST Ur-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AM. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday 5 p.m. to 8 p.m SW-IIT IAGARA FAILS, CANADA JSow Available! LOOK TOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL REPAIR AND RECONDITION YOUR HOME THIS SUMMER! CALL GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Thone RED 561 P.O. Pox 721 Frank Ward arrived In the city yesterday by Canadian Pacific Airlines to relieve as C.P.A. agent herp foi a few days while Joe Ferris, the regular agent, who left yesterday, Is In Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Mills are leaving tomorrow morning by car on a six weeks' motor trip which' will take them as far south as Evergreen, Colorado, where brother and sister of Mr. Mills reside. The expeutlve of the Kinsmen Club met today at a dinner mcetlnc In the Broadway Cafe to deal on summer camp affairs and on the coming visit of Herb Sabastlne, District Governor of the Kinsmen Club In British Columbia, on July 19. BRIGHT I NEAT ! AIRY I For Summer For Afternoon JAPANESE VOLCANO FLARES INTO ACTION Aerial view showing the eruption of Mount Aso on the Island of Kyushu, Janan. The volcano near Ku mamoto started to belch forth smoke and ashes and has continued with increasing fury. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Woods re turned on the Trlnce Rupert this morning from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Stevenson, of Vancouver, arrived in the city nn the Prince Runert this morn to visit lor the next couple of weeks with their son and rinuehter-tnlafl. Mr. and Mrs. n o. Stevenson. Fifth Avenue East: It is their first trip to the Prince Rupert district, and tney plan to visit the interior. DRESSES Prints, Crepes Linens, Jerseys ROSA - LEE LADIES' WEAR 345 THIRD AVENJE WESV SHINGOLEEN Shingolcen beautifies and preserves new and old shingles against ever - changing and gives a lasting protection weather conditions. Wc have it In one and five-gallon tans and several different colors. ASK FOR A COLOR CARD THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 255 Third Avenue rilONE 101 For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Tort Edward, B.C. CHOW MEIN CHOP SUET 7;00 aon. to 11:00 pm. FILMS Supcrpan Tress Films Developing, Printing. Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mail Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 216 4th St. Box 045 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 FOR MEN ONLY WORK BOOTS - DRESS SHOES RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe - P.O. Box 737 Ml GO SHIRTS i IW Wi '. ( f . 11 We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF r CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMTLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Tics and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Thone 21 Third Ave. West Migo Shirts with the Mfgo Lounge Collar; . . . Cool, Comfortable and Correct. ,.. A choice lelectlon of woven patterns. White broadcloths arid colors. PRLCE' $3.25 $4.75 Here Is A BIG CHANCE To Get Your Furs Now! Some selling at Half Price. Come In and convince yourself of the REAL BARGAINS GOLDBLOOM'S "The Old Reliable" (Everything has to be sold, including furniture). Ormes Drags Box 130S The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINLLKb Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DEI.CO HEAT OIL BURNERS for your furnace or boiler A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES. AND HEATERS now hi stock Large Stock ot Plumbing Supplies Why not have a . . . Typewriter You Can Own One On Easy Payments We sell' the latest Smith Corona fitted carrying case. ThU case can In a handy be removed and used as a week-end Ixip , Other conveniences arc: tfjf STANDARD KEYBOARD , FLOATING CUSHIONED SHIFT TOUCH SELECTOR BUCK SPACER AUTOMATIC RIBBON REVERSE Prices run from $70 to $95 on terms