n a n R M U n B n it a a D a a n n n H B R a K a n a a a B B B B B B B B B a a n a B B a B a R B B a B B B B a R n a B B a a a B H B a r Prince Rupert Dally Betas "Wednesday July 9, 1947 "GEN. "IKE'S" SON WEDS COLONEL'S DAUGHTER -- Shown outside the historic Fort Monroe, Va., chapil following their -redding are, left to right: Mrs. John Eisenhower, the former Barbara Jean Thompson; bridegroom Capt. John S. D. Eteen-thower, and his parents, General of the army and Chief of Staff Dwight D. Eisenhower and Mrs. Eisenhower. Scores of high pranking army officers and civilian friends attended the wed-dlng ceremony. Following their wedding trip, the1 couple will -live at Fort Bennlag, Capt. Eisenhower's new station. TOUCH OF HUMOR ON GOLF COURSE Viscountess Alexander "Heats" the Governor-General JASPER The first appearance of the Governor-General and his family on the Jasper Park Lodge golf course since their arrival last Saturday for a short vacation had its touch of humor. It came from a sprataneous remark of the Alexanders' second child, the Honourable Brian. The children were along to ac Rupert company their Excellencies who were playing together. At the first hole Viscountess Alexander, playing first, drove a long, low ball from the tee that had a good deal of roll after it landed. A little taut perhaps, the Governor-General Was not so fortunate. Ills drive, sliced onough to bring it uncomfortably close to the rough, had too much lift land did not carry as far. Glee fully, little Brian who had been watching closely, dashed to his mother and said "You beat him mummy.'1 Everyone laughed, and none more than the Governor-General himself. Dei McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD (E. C. Wallace, Manager) "YouriFricndly Diujr. Store" VfttWrt lantu ikkk'mi j f n D p Radio Dial I I IV 1240 Kilocycles j (Subject k Changs) 1 tf . WEDNESDAY PAL 4:00 Edmund Hockrldge 4: is Stock Quotations and Int. 1:30- Especially For You 4:4iJust Imagine 5:00 String Time 5:45--King Edward Hotel Trio 6:00--The Choristers 6 30- Music by Rene 6 4i- Interlude 6 50 Fish Arrivals and Int. i 0'J CBC News 7 15- T.B.A. 7:30- Audrey Piggott, Van. 3:00- The Nation's Business i "8 15- Labor and -Business" 8 30- Invitation to Music CBS 9:00- Desmond Arthur 9:15 Midweek Rviw 9;30-T-Comedy 10:00- -CBC News 10:11 B.C. News 10:15- Music by Shrednik NBC 10:30- Showcase Blue" Book NBC 11:00- -Weather and Sign Off Ann. THUR5DA5 A.M. it i Third .Avrnuc at Sixth Street PHONE 7!) t! ; - t 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15-Mornlng Concert 8:45 Music for Moderns 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Little Concert 9:45 Morning Meiodles 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Art Van Damme Quartette. NL'C 10:30 Roundup Tim? (10:45 Scandinavian Melodies ll:00-CBR Presents 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message. Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Easy Listening P.M. . 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:40-ttecordcd Interlude 12:45 Ethel and Albert 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Thursday's Recital 1:45 Commentary and A Life of My Own 2:00 Feature Concert, Wpj. 2:15 Family Favorites 2:30 Sheila Presents RHnRBBnRRBBBBBBBflBianBnBBRBHO HUB nRBBBBRRBBB What's Ail This Talk of Higher Prices? Everything Is. Under Control 9 Though government controls have almost all been removed for some months, we are very proud to announce that our price average throughout our stores has not changed. Some prices have nen a little but, to offset these rises, other prices have gone down. AND BETTER NKWS STILL, ACTUAL QUALITY IS MUCH BETTER THAN BEFORE. Yes! Things Are Definitely Under Control At Peoifes Store M. mrtinent Store Rupert Men's & Boys' Store """"!!fBaaHBaHHaBaRBBaaHBaBHBBHRH wwwr.wwwwwwwwwwww CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rate for your convenience , . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Kooroa CAFE In Connection LICENORD PHXMI8K8 (Renovated) rilOM II STEWART NEWS Latest from Portland Canal Mining Centrt Great Day At Stewart Success of Celebration Iitininisr ent of t're-War Days. oTEWAUT The Dominion Day Celebration here was reminiscent of the pre-war yars with gaily decorated cars, floats, bicycles, horses and dress?d pedestrians. Proceedings opened in the afternoon with the crowning cf the Dominion Day Queen Miss Violet Manojlovich in front of the Oovernment Build-Ins on Seventh Street. Miss Manojlovich. the Moose candidate was successful in gaining the honor frcm her rivals. MLss Betty MaeAulay. Canadian Legion candidate and Miss Jean ' Drysdale, Premier Community Club candidate. The retiring Queen Miss Kay. Thcnvnaon placed the crown on the hciad of the new Queen and, In a fow well chosen words con- graiuiaica .Miss wanojiovich on her accession to the ',hrone. The defeated candidates were maids of honor Commissioner John Thompson represented Chairman cf Commissioners William Newell who yvas un avoidably absent. Tart of the ceremony was the raising of the fla;; and the sing ins of "O Canada". Headed by the float carryin? (he Queen and her attendants the procession wended its way to he ball grounds where sports for young and old were featured. Winners In the various events were: nest Float Stewart Hospital Women's Auxiliary. nst Decorated Car Miss Jean Crawford. Best Individual Entry Master Ray Prhon as a Hula dancer. Most Original Entry Sam Kirk pa trick, wheelbarrow and doz as passenger. Adult Clcwn W. R. Orr. Juvenile Clown Master Geo. Nelson. ' Best Dressed Window, Stewart I Northern B. O.. Tower CnLtd. j Best Dreved Window Hyder mnk .pomer. ; Siort nirls o nnd under Loralne Stevens. Sheila S:hon, Vera i Drmpsev. Boy and un'ier Ken Nelson, :Tcd Fisher, .Ronnie Schwab. Oi'U 10 and under Iorain? I Stevens. Beverley Lawrence. Jo- ann Rothnie. Boys 10 and under Gto. Nelson, Bill Schon, Al. Bredy. Girls 14 and under Joyce Bredy. Mary Manojlovich. Joann Rothnie. Boys 14 and under-irtay Burnett. Geo. Kelson, Bill Dickson. Laklcs' Open Race Violet Manojlovich, Joyce Bredy, Joyce Hawkinson. Men's Open 101 yards Al. Eks- erg. Geo. Renaud, Bob Hutch- in gs. Married Ladles Mrs. A. J. T"ed. Mrs. n. Stevens. Mrs. T. K'rlcpatrlck. Boys' Sack RaceRex Dickson. Bill Dickson. Al. Bredy. Girls Sack. Race Vio!et Mano- Jiovleh. - Joyce Bredy. Jeanann Cra-tford. Thrce-Leceed Race Joyce Bredy and Geo. Renaud, Jean Dryjdale arid Al. EksJberg. Wheelbarrow Race - VA Bredv nnd Al. Bredy, Joyce Bredy and Geo. Renaud. STEWART WINS IN SOFTBALL The .softball game b?tween Sll- 'iak Premier and Stewart resulted in a win for the Stewart team by a score of 14 to 11. Thlswas well contested game and kent the fans on thelf toes all through the game. In the cvenlni if5 people attended the dance held in the Moose Hall to finish up a thoroughly .cnjoyrbIc day. Music was contributed by Mrs. Jean Stewart. Mrs. Dot Thomas, Mrs. If your building, house or fur-nitu-e were lost through fire, wou'd your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture arc up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers nowl H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth Street Edith Behnsen, Ray Hamilton, Gordon Dick and W. S. Orr. The Committees headed by G. Anderton were responsible for the success cf the affair and 1' is anticipated that the 3towart General Homital will benefit substantially from he proceeds PLANE CARRYING MINE SUPPLIES Of, Airlines Packing to Morris Summit .Drilling on Big Four I STFWART--A Queen Charlotte Airlines plane, piloted by Bill MrLeod is busy ferrying supplies tc the Morris Summit Gold Mine en Summit Hke. McFaddcn's pad: train has als? been busy for the past week tak ing In supplies to Summit Lake for Doyle Bros. Diamond Drillers, who lnve a contract to Diamond Prill the Rainbow Group of Claims, in that vicinity. Drilling oncraHons are also proceeding on the Big Four property. AVirc Arm Camp Ir Getting Busy Consldc rabls quintitles of supplies and material continue to go to Alice Arm. There is considerable development work, aoing on in that district mining camp. Renewal of activities on the Tor-brlt mining property there i.s having a stimulating effect. BLOWS HIMSELF UP The chuckwalla daard. when alarmed, hides 'n rork rrevle's and inflates hlwseif with a!- so he cannot be removed. A GOOD COVERING Resin Is used to rover wires in flying 'nsrMnTnt?. RCA VICTOR Leads Again "California " At Capitol Western 'Ihrtller in Color at CapitolHieatreTuis Weekend Technicolor adventure romance with Ray Milland. Barbara Stanwyck and Barry Fltzgeralr1 in leading roles, "California' tomes to the screen of the Capitol .Theatre here this Thursday Friday, and Saturday. Ray Mil l?nd is a powerful ard n7",e roldier of fortune. Miss Stanwyck 1' the glamorous, fearle : nierrcnary gambler and home-wrecker. Fitzgerald Is a gentle visionary farmer. Action of the story acccmpan-ics a caravan on a perilous Journey from the Middle West to California and is' accentuated when the gold rush Is encountered. An unscrupulous retired slave run-ner George Coulourls. enters th scene and coroflict over the glr arlres. It reaches exciting proportions and culminates in a final violent battle between the two forces. There Is a poignant ending after many thrilling se quences. POIWMOOT FLANT Poisonous ivy plants in Un led States are more virulent than any found 1n the tropics hicks FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet. Comfortable 711 FKASF.K STREET Phone Black 823 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. rhone 37 P.O. Boi SU KRASBK STREET Prince Rupert PRESENTING ' JLJ ; THE LITTLE MASTER RADIO New Advanced Styling in Plastic Cabinets. Your choice of Ivory or Walnut. Highly selective 5-tubc Superlie trod) ne Circuit. New Elliptical Speaker and Magic Loop Antenna. Operates on 110 AC or DC. THE HIGHEST LITTLE PERFORMER IN THE LOW PRICE RANGE . Ivory Cabinet Walnut Cabinet 35.05 $31.05 REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITC PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL 0 Chop Sucy ' Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open 6 ajn. to 2 ajn. TUONE 173 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) rnone Uack gg, P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT For Your Eating Pleasure . . . B roa dway e (Formerly Iloslon Cafe) i THE BEST FOOD RA.(MJET HAI L FINEST COOKING LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND ...Lf?,.. A1TERNOON TFwS j Chinese Dishes CImw Mein Chop Sucy "TAKE -OUT" OUDKlis ANY TIME Hours: 7 AM. to 1:30 AJvL PHONE 200 '' A ogoinit man's lust (o KURT LANCASTER In THE KILLERS" OH 'HI 4A, ' gold. 1(11 dn. when Colifomio waj bo-nl A Fotomounl Pidwr itartlng RAY MILLAND BARBARA STANWYCI BARRY FITZGERALD -ill Business, and Professional J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 13a 121 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING ANU PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waring. Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 209 4th Street : Phone 653 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Julldtng and Repair of all kinds rtoofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 488 Red Bil BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIONINO-REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimate COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Green 391 PAINTING AND PAPERIIANGING Phone Black 023 H.J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 If .It's Itock Work P.O. Box 271 CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS IlASRMKMTrt Your house and yourself fniiv Insured while I do the work ' JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 ' lt t m !: titrt.-t. BOTTLE COLLET! and MESSKNCB PHONE RED 4H Agent tor Parifi II B; GEORGE I, ROE Public Accountant Audita Income Tax Return fa Uesner Block Phsmri P. N. Kilborn W, fd BERTS TRANSFi AND MESSIOT Lumber - Coal - W:od b Freight - Exprw i Phone Blar BID Nlgbt Call., Gmr fi Prince Rapcil PRINCE RUPERT ROE A. R. LOCK Wcddlns Bouqur Cowl Designs Potted PW Bulbs Ccrii - MODERATE PRICE Prompt attention t mii Box 516, Phone 777, JOOB JONES NEWS STtf Eastern and We:tern f Masazlnei auBscniPTio.Na tak GLxUi Gtreet L. BOL M Phonr Bl 720 Slxt!i Avr V Painting, rape Z'-t . Window C ! Seiving the Fls.hr rieJ Inl Wells (P.R.) Cartage, Labrllinf, IV(1 BLUE m tQ. MtOMPTin4 IfFiaUff'' COLUMBIA OPTICALv n. v.iooirir,u au IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BUU'O "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert" JOHN G.URVICH has relumed to (he CONTRACTING BUSINESS No Job Too Larue No Job Too Sffld EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND CL PHONE 32' SIXTJI