BLONDIE I ,'-r - l?rfncc Uupcrt Dnilj? JSctos Lto, Saturday. August 9, 1947 Tonight "UNDERCURRENT" SUNDAY MIDNIIB AND MONDAY ADDED FEATURE "Apology For Murder" AND HIS TRAINED HORSE DIXIE WALKER Tho Girl You Have Read About in . . . Frank MORGAN Keenan WYNN Cecil KELLAWAY Audrey TOTTER I 'I I If I 1 1 II JA'1 L1 U 'J " " " i r i 1 Capitol 11. G. Archibald, M.P. for! Names of Frank Long and Mrs. Skeena, left on last evening's j Mary Robinson were ommitted tram for Edmonton whence he j from Thursday's list of flower-, will fly into the Atlin section ot . at the funeral of the late Pat-his riding to visit constituents. I rick Fowlow. Prince Rupert 7-04IS-7 Aug. 25-Sept. 1 ''losing Labor Day I ; j"G SHOWS 1 12 - MAJOR HIDES -12 SEE: MYSTERIOUS FUN HOUSE A THRILL A LAUGH A SECOND FROM I AFRICA Tang-Goo-La' I 'KITTEN erocious Ulan-killing GORILLA (ALIVE) ALBERTA SUM & CO. IN A WESTERN SHOW THE IRON LUNG in Person ALL THE JOYS'. OF THE CIRCUS ON CANADA'S FINEST MIDWAY 7 Big Days of Fun and Frolic 7 Extra!! Streamlined Trajnj Kiddies Matinee Monday, Aug. 25 from 12 Noon (o G. All Rides and Shows 5c to Children Only -Silver Threads Among the Gold! i - -TiitfHi"LuuiH -nrriMii 1 1 i i:iim""1""""" " IIIIIIIWWWS j He Shoulda Heen a Kangaroo! LEGION W.A. IS ACTIVE Many Matters Discussed ( at Monthly Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary, was held Thursday night at the club rooms, the president, Mrs. J. S. Black wa3 In the chair. Mrs. Edith Bridden was received into membership. Plans were made for the forth coming visit of the provincial executive secretary . Robert Nicol, in September. Mrs. G. V. Hanley reported visiting the Miller Bay Hospital and taking gifts to the children patients there. Mrs. W. J. Line-ham reported visiting the Pioneers' Home also taking comforts for the men. Mrs. Lineham re marked on the Improvement of i the new home over the previous buildings. The subject of the fall bazaar was discussed and Mrs. W. Wallace, convenor, .distributed wool or the members to knit A show- The fish packer Sidney of Ketchikan arrived In port morning at 1:45 wltn two cars of frozen fish and one of canned salmon for transhipment as well as a shipment of viscera for the local firm of Carson & Co. CPU. steamer Princess Louise, with Capt. Peter Leslie In command, docked at-10:30 yesterday morning and sailed at 12:40 for Alaska. Capt. Ernest Sheppard of the Catala brought, his ship into port at 9:30 yesterday . morning- and railed again for the Skeena River and other points enroute to "Vancouver. When Capt. Lome Godfrey arrived with the Cassiar from the south ports ot Queen Charlotte Islands at 11 o'clock yesterday the C.N.R. docks were so crowded with shipping that he had to keeD his shto out In the stream until the Louise pulled out. The Camosun was the third Union boat to dock at Prince Runert, arriving at i pjm. Wltn a large number of passengers aboard ,who are maWng the aboard who are -making the round trip she sailed again at midnight for Ketcnixan. The Cassiar is still carry ing regular shipments of soav rer of donations of aprons, knit ted goods, etc, s to be received from the members from now until the bazaar. Due to a chane? in the plans for "Legion Week," it was decided more suitable to hold the sale on November 10. Mrs. Grace Gillls was placed on the welfare committee in the absence of Mrs, B. Bouzek. Several welware cases were discussed. Mrs. J. S. Black reported having escorted Mr. and Mrs. Dyke, the latter of Gordon House Auxiliary No. 187, Vancouver, on a tour of the city during their short stay between boats. It was agreed that a monthly cheque be sent the provincial secretary o be spent on comforts for patients at the Shaughnessy Military Hospital and Tranqullle Sanitarium. A. J. Croxiford donated two gavels to the Auxiliary. Mrs. W. Rothwell reported the committees picked for the help at the refreshment booth at the Carnival. Mrs. J. Taylor donated a Union Jack to the Auxiliary ana received a vote of thanks. Mrs. W. Murdoch was winner in the raffle of a tablecloth. SHIPS AND WATERFRONT ! num moss from the North wood Products Ltd. who have been gathering the moss near Port Clements oi the Queen Charlotte Islands. Shipments have been averaging about 300 bales each trip. With a full cargo of fish for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways, Brigss Steamship Co.'s motorsh;ij Southeastern, Capt. Casey Mor-an, arrived yesterday morning from Ketchikan and other southeastern Alaska points and will sail tonight on her return north. She is picking up a .quantity of cargo .origlna:;ng in Lie Middle West and- destined for southeastern Alaska point Coming In with the .Southeast ern on this voyage ts the hsad of the company, rhillip O. Briggs. If your building, house or furniture were lost through fire, wouM your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? C Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers now! H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth Plreet Ormes Drugs The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service By Chic Young mm WWf fIFil IPO VOU ALWAYS Ep-A UNUSUAL FILM IS COMING HERE "God of Creation' to le Pi-esented Here An unusual souncr motion p:c-ture in which striking scenes or astronomy and natural science are combined with a theological theme will be shown :n two city churches next week. The film U entitled "The Qod or Creation" and it will be presented by Rev. D. Fraser Mcltae, Moody film representative. Produced by Dr. Irwin A. Muon, the pictures haw inspired unusually favorable comment and have attracted large audiences everywhere they have been shown, one of te showings here will be Thurseay evening In First Bap:ist Church and the other Friday evening "in First United Church. In the "God of Creation" the audience takes a rr:p to the stars by means of color photographs through a giant 100- inch telescope at Mt. Wilson Ob servatory In southern California and views complex gyrations of the solar system. Lapse - time photography is utilized to demonstrate the beauties of natural science. Tlie Huston of flower buds developing into full-Mown blossoms in a few seconds is creaied through this time - compressing photo technique. The metamorphosis Advertise in the Daily News I WEIL GROOMED BACHELOR .Todol kwn competition in c wclki -' lift dwnondt that your ptnonol opptr ort nwl tht higfcMt tnti Men everywhere art mott otntu to pertanoF eroarr. ng cheuM BAD fELOR tcmt Tfy ftACHClOR. (I wtll Day you dividends. -'-Ti-n Ormes Drugs lirilOLSTDKINT. l UKNITUKi: UKI'AIKS Truck and Auto Cushions Impaired and Kecovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders alven Special Attention L 0 V INS CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE ULUE 818 I of a caterpillar through the various stages frcm worm to butterfly, and polllnauon of the flowers are seen on the screen in full color. Believed , to be tne first o: their kind are the naiural cotor pictures of photosynthesis, the mysterious food-manirracturlng process resulting from me action of sunlight on green leaves. T hr o u g h photomicrography the audience peers into the microscopic world of a drop of water and observes the complexity of tiny organisms, enlarged more than a million times. Mrs. M. Royston, Mrs. McCon-vllle and S. Harris arrived aboard the Cassiar yesterday afternoor from Tlell. R. Colby of the Govemmen Travel Bureau arrived In the city on the Camosun yesterday from Vancouver and sailed on the Cassiar for Port Clements. could your , widow your shoes? Many a widow has had to take on the burden of being bread-winner as well as giving a mother's care to a growing family. Frequently, it is af the cost of her own health and ease of mind with the children being deprived of the education and home-background they need. We invite you to see our representative, or 'phone him, and let him show you how easy it is to relieve your loved ones of worry for the future. low coif life Inturante unce 1869, Mellaril Sephton, Prince Rupert Coastal and Interior District Agejit. K. K. Mortimer, Representative, .Prince Rupert, D.C. K. T. Krnnry Ltd., Representative, Terrace, B.C. Hoops & Martigan, Representative, Telkwa, B.C. I'. 11. Condon, Representative, Ocean Falls, B.C. We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . Sl'ECJAL ICED UKAND UEKK CHOICEST VEOETAUI.KS AND ritlllTS COAII'LETE LINE OF GHOCEUIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked MeaU Roast Chicken Meat l'les and Salads D&ily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West NFW ENGLISH llEfl CHINA Cups and Saucers $1.00 to $15.00 FOR TIIK LATEST IN JEWELRY MANSON'S i nox ijub corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phono 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DELCO HEAT OIL BURNERS for your furnace or boiler A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES AND HEATERS now In stock Large Slock of Plumblnj Supplies NOW IN STOCK 1 STKUimSKiKli-lKUsUN JI0I)PI -c,h 6-tube AC-DC mantle model, walnut nu. '''H j-.j " "un Standard wave. Only STROMBERG-CARLSON MODEL taJ 7-tube performance, AC mantle model ... walnut cabinet. Long and short wave oho lnptt SEE THEM AT ' RUPERT RADIO AND ELPpt, Dependable Radio Servicing. Overhauls a si , "; w.. Willi) K To the MEHOIAM of l-rinee Rupert, Terrace, HayeUon, Smith,,, Telkwa, Burns Lake, Vaiulerhoof for QUALITY Icecream PALM t-rJ visit NOHTHFJIN DlSTRIlHITfii.c ... . .o, 4,rDll jj Bus Terminal below There's a reason why PALM arrive-: ia a-! r J For the Ladies . . , COSMETICS COMBS CURLERS BOBBY? HAIRS jVND MANY OTHER BEAUTY Att;r De Luxe Wall Tig REPAIR AND RECONDITK An Improved Sanitary Kahonii SOLD IN MANY PLEASING TINTS YC. ttl MAKE YOUR HOME BRIGHT CHEEHTfil INVITING WITH DELUXE WAU III EASY TO MIX EASY TO iff. 5-lb. pkg., 75 cents THOMPSON HARDWARE C! PRINCE RUPERT REAM WILL INSURE YOUR HOME YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOOK AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE 212 Fourth Street 1'hontCEl YOUR HOME THIS SUMMEfl PHONES llff and 117 Courtesy and Service CALL GREER & BRIDDE BUILDERS AND CONTKACTOE Repairs Construction Altt Phone RED 501 Hollywood Call I'KINCE KUPEltrS NEWEST AM' UP-TO-DATE KESTAUKANT FULL-COURSE MEAl- FROM 11 A.M. TO C A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday 5 pjn CHINESE DISHES A SPECIAL WE CATER TO FAKTIE' CHOP SLIEY 'CHOW JlEP FOR OUTSIDE OKDEKS I'JIOSE ' 73 5 THIRD AVENUE WES' It's good bu keep you hill You get spw llivcry con of Biuiv - favorite brands oi from us. AIRPPT JtMrrAFFERYLTP ii FllFii ANn RiTii.niNG MATEI1 j