ITVTITril Ave. wrm. a Mil 11 m m m m wviirvk' 1 r f ', w is? a hi .-ma r2si mmm- ma m m ama-mm rTORY I cnurchej ai 11 i" S CATHEDRAL t nunsmulr Bt. "j...;inn R'jio a m. E ft? lOUIIR W. a ni-nhlll 7 au ii.ui. (Orecn 813) Apeni!aCBwefn, B.A. nit 11 A.m. (UrecU wo l n A Wilson. tn.n. oniv 11 a.m. F.L TABEKNACLE ie, I Unney Ccnooi 12:1a , (Oreen 020) . ml t' Earl jarreii J -v i II'IR it Mcurme 01. Sullaiid . .fitnif Seal Cov prry; ' 30 p.m. (Blue 827) HIEK SCIENTIST a Moon, of Moody litue seen here m Sermons from lemonstrations, is the of the sound-color God of Creation'1 to at i i$ p.m, Thurs- jst 14, at the First Siurcb and 7:45 on ueust 15. at the nrr-h Annthpr film ney Live f orever. ce3 by the Instl- Jjzwa in the Citadel on Satur- SATURDAY SERMON "I IIEAHI) HIM CALL" fr 'Also, I hear the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I, send me," Isaiah 6:8. (By REV. FRED ANTROBUS, First Baptist Church) "In the year the king Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord.' Thus Isaiah begins the story of the vision of God, as Almighty and Holy, which lead to his own cleansing and fitness for service. The throne of David j was empty. Uzziah, a good king of Isreal, had reign-over fifty years; he had been victorious in war, and the land was prosperous. But war-clouds hovered .about the north, and with the1 king of Israel, a strong ruler gone, Isaiah who later became the prophet, was very anxious and fearful for the safety of the little kingdom, with a young man on the throne. So he went into the Temple to pray, and there God gave him a vision of Himself. The prophet saw that neither the dead Uzziah, nor the new monarch Jo- ll.'I.l! llkllTII IIIITIVI lllllTll All BOYS and GIRLS j Ages 4 to 16 Years his Ticket ADMITS Uric, to it I r i ' j - j i rr ee.t nr .itnnr run ana caucanon Ml V Mn t mirvxT imi i.i cnutfl III. FIIIS T IIAITIST riinilPII rvnunr Slrrrtl TCT ISi ( HAVHAV TO I'lMUAV 9:00 - 11:30 iih Km M i i a if .i : BACKBONE OF BRITISH EMPIRE REG. LAYZKLL rmer Successful Business Ulan, will discuss an A 11 l OM I I- T" ' ' - I UVC LUG UIU1C IS 1IUC SUNDAY NIGHT AT 7:30 Also Saturday Night at 8:00 Sunday Morning at 11:00 ULL GOSPKI. TARFRNAPF F. 221 Sixth Avenue West KKV. J. LINNEY, Pastor. REGULAR BAPTIST SERVICES Fifth Avenue and McBrlde Street r : i n n film. Sunday, August 10 - ww.ivctn uu wiEi nam nenasunE Laie. jno o;i. GOSPEL SERVICE Stirring Message Hearty Singing Speaker: REV. W fi Pll'AKT (nf Pnmrncn Altn V Song Leader: REN GETTY (of P.B.I.). GOSDel Music hv P.B.I, hovs. - j u tut in ii fiT nricrinn mnn irnm urnirirt u n n Schools (Three Hills, etc.). WE PREACH THE OLD-TIME RELIGION - ta fKA LSK I K.S I I Ml IN Y and Enjoy These Services lbE 1N THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS came out of the Temple with a light heart and a springy step, and te resolve, 'Here am I, send me.' Something happened to this young man. He became conscious, In the presence of God, of his own unworthlness. He said, "I am a" man of unclean lips.' We see ourselves, when we see God. It is always so, and this was God's answer to Isaiah's per- tham was te true king of Israel, plexity and fear. The easy-going but the Lord of Hosts. Seeing Cnristianlty, which is the ap-thls, his fears were banished, his ology for Teilgion with so many anxieties were gone, new of w nas no deep sense of sin, strength was given him, and he i Decause it has no clear vision of : God. Job writes, 'I have heard of Thee with the hearing of the ear. but now, mine eye seeth Thee; wherefore, I repent my self in dust and ashes.' ' Now there are self-made men, but here we have God making! a man, ana a prophet. The first step in the making of a man is that sin must be recognized, confessed and forsaken. We note that. Isaiah does not mention the ritual of the Temple ceremonies; he had got behind the ritual, to what the ritual really meant. 1 This is in the initial step In the education of a soul for un selfish service. It was the making of this young aristocrat. Perhaps we should say, that It was the breaking or bending of him first. and then the remaking of him w in thelmftds-iJf -the--Master- ' . Potter. Isaiah became a man ( i who voluntarily accepted God's Mission. Whoever would serve God and his fellow man best must go througn a similar ex perience. And so the call of God comes to every man. It came to Moses, as he tended the flock in the desert of Sinai, and turned aside to see the bush which burned with fire but was not consumed. God gave him a great task, and then fitted him for It. The call came to Matthew, a young tax-collector; Christ has said to him, Follow Me. The call came to Amos as on the farm, he tended the orchards and the sheep. These men could all say, 'I heard Him call, that was all, and it was enough; I followed.' Every Christian has a call for service. Away with the Interpretation of Christianity which suggests that life Is now a picnic, with no battles to be fought, no scars to be won, no respon sibilities and no burdens to bear. God is looking for volunteers, You have an oollgation to your neighbor and friends to Intro dure them to Christ. Tsalah was much concerned over the safety of his own little nation. He took the matter to J. R. Vernon, who Is connected with the engineering department of the Celanese Corporation of Fort Ed-wara, arrived m the city on the Camosun First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. A. F. MacSween, Minister Miss Gwendolyn -HcRae, Organist SUNDAY. AUG. 10 11:00 Worship. A cordial Invitation to worship with this congregation is extended to all. First United Church Sixth .Ave. W., near Fulton St. Minister Rev. R. A. Wilson, MA. Organist: Miss Rose-Marie Hartwlg Sunday, August 10 11:00 ajm. Morning Worship. Mr. Don Forward will conduct the service. Cathedral Church of St. Andrew Rectory: 542 Eighth Avenue West Blue 733 Sunday, August 10 8:3.0 aDd U am.. . . Ven. Archdeacon Edward Hodson. 7:30 pm, F. Earl Anfield, Esq. First Baptist Church (Young Street) Minister: Rev. F. Antrobus Phone: Res. Green 812 Sunday, August 10 11 am. Church School. 7:30 pm. Evangelistic Service. Thursday, 7:45 pm, First show ing of the sound-color film "The God of Creation." Offer ing taken. Daily Vacation Bible School from Monday. Aug. 18, to Friday, Aug. 29, for children from .4 to 16 years. Sessions. from 9-11:30 am. each day. Everybody The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. E. Jarrett, Corps Officers. WE preach CHRIST as SAVIOUR, SANCTIFIER, HEALER and COMING LORD! You are Invited to attend the PRAISE and PRAYER Meeting tonight, 8 p.m. Envoy aiyi Mrs. Walker of Canyon City our guest speakers. SUNDAY 11 am. "Instructions , in Holy Living." Subject: "The Making of Men-Catcliers." 12:30 pm. Sunday School for all ages. (Parents Your CHILD must be TRAINED in SPIRITUAL THINGS). 7:30 pm. GOSPEL MEETING. Subject: "THE Greatest Invitation of All." Tues., Aug. 12 Home League. (Women's Meeting). Wed., Aug. 13 Mld-Week Prayer Meeting. Note Saturday, Aug. 16, 8 pm. MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE FILM: "THEY LIVE Tom McKeown returned to the God, and In effect God after a business trip to the Quen "You are ine man Charlotte Islands. for you have this matter on your heart. I will fit you for the task, and go with you as you perform it. And In the Job I place you, be sure to 'stay put, don't be a quitter." There is plenty to do In this world. The church must not bemoan the evils of the world, and put blinders on .itself to hide the ugly facts. We must face the facts of life squarely; we have the only remedy for the Ills of men; we have the message and the God-giver. life, and salvation; we nave a Saviour who Is able to save to the uttermost them that come unto God by Him. After a similar experience to that of the young prophet, let us go out to expect great things from God and attempt gre'at things for God. ASTHMA ton AND HAY FEVER hkkathi;asv of caxada, Ltd. Vuntouver, 1IC CENTRAL HOTE! Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience ... NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) ruoNi ii Local News Items... Cash for old gold. Bulger's. i There will be no services in day. (It) Remember!' Port Day, Prince Rupert's marine holiday, August 21. (tf) Ken Johnson, json of Col and Mrs. S. D. Johnston, sailed on the Catala yesterday for Victoria. Plan to be In town for Carnival Week, August 16-23. Civic Centre Carnival, Prince Rupert's Event of the Year (tf) J. H. Irving, who has been attending the Associated boards of (Trade convention here, left for Vancouver ansoara tne crataia yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ross, who motored here from Alberta, were nassengers aboard the Catala when it left for Vancouver yes- terday afternoon. Vote LorraUie Youngman for a charming, talented Port Queen. Junior Chamber of Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Findlay ar rived from Queen Charlotte City yesterday aboard the Cassiar and L ' .1 X . L IV. mamh boat last night. .Miss R. M. Smith, travelling from the east coast, arrived in Prince Rupert yesterday arter-noon aboard the Camosun. Miss been teaching home economics in the south, returoe cto tne city yesterday afternoon to soem her holidays at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Cace. Among the passengers disem barking from the Camosun here yesterday were Mrs. Calderone. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brue, Mr. and Mrs. Al Griffiths, G. A. Gallo way. T. Ruttle. A. T. Mills, Miss D. Sratton. Mrs. G. McVean and D. B. McDougall. R. Englebert who Is connecna with the editorial staff of Mac- Lean's Magazine was a passen ger arriving on uie wamusiiu yesterday. He sailed last night on the Cassiar to spend two weeks- on the Queen. Charlotte Islands. THE PIONEERS HOME Whist Drive and Dance for Pioneers' Home comforts, Valhal la Hall, Ninth Avenue East. Sat urdav 8 p.m., refreshments, admission 50c. (186 ) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOSTGrey gabardrne coat . (188) WANTED Home for 2 month ol dcat, part Persian. 188) From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked $12.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 I Baseball Sunday, Moose vs. Watts & Nickerson. (It) 1 the Lutheran 'Churcn on Sun- j Ernest Frlesen left by air for Vancouver yesterday. Moose Legion meeting Aug.-12 at 9 p.m. Regular Moose meeting cancelled. (187) Meeting of the Horticultural Society, Civic Centre, Tuesday: August 12, 8 pm. "Full attena-ance Is requested. (188) E. E. Hyndman, inspector of schools, sailed for Queen Charlotte points on the Cassiar last night. Radio Inspector J. Kitchin, in the course erf his duties, made the trip from Vancouver to Prince Rupert on the Cassiar this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilkins and son returned to the city yester day aboard the Camosun from Vancouver. Among the visitors In port yesterday while the camosun was here were Dr. George T. Ward, Miss Helen Ward, Dr. and Mrs. Ken Francis and Major Slocan, all of San Francisco. T. Simonsen, marine superln tendent, and Capt. Ramsey, port captain for the "Standard Oil Company of California, were passengers on board the Camosun yesterday. They are fcouno. for Ketchikan. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thorn of Vancouver paid a brief visit to Smith, who served with the WJi. tne dt yesterday while the jvij. n.c . . , prmcess Louise was in pari, xne up duties with the Department ; will make tne round trlp of National Defence. tn Rkairwav and return here lo Miss Geraldlne cade, who has begin a motor trip to Vancouver alter a lew days stay in ronce Aupert. Announcements All Bdvcrtlsemenvs m tm column will be charged lor a full tt 26r word. Catholic Bazaar Oct. 1 and 2. Orange Tea, Oct. 16. L.O.BA. Orphanage Tea and Sale, Sept. 3. Baptist Sale, Nov. 6. Women of the Mooss annual Bazaar, Nov. 12 and 13, Moose Temple. Canadian Legion Auxullary Sale, Nov. 10. Presbyterian Fall Braar, Nov, 20 - - Salvation Army Home League Sale Nov. 25th. CCF Bazaar, Civic Centre Nov. 28th. Orange Sale, December 5. Stop HAY FEVER Hay Fever needn't plague you with it eneccing and wheezing, ita blowing and gasping, its gore, streaming, itching irritation of eyes and ears. Just do what thousands have done to get lut. safe relief take Temi4-t on'sRAZ-MAH. You'll sleep better. jf'Tk lietter. leel better. SOc, II at drui' very where. K-15 DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 AIM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. NOTICE . . MRS. M. DRAKE, nurse administering Wm. F. Kock's treatment "GLYOXYLIDE" for BriUsh Columbia, will be at: The Prince George Hotel, Prince George, B.C. August 30th, and until September 4th, 1947. also at: The Central Hotel, Prince Rupert, B.C. September 16th, 17th, and 18th, 1947. Stops between Prince George and Prince Rupert, B.C. will be made upon request. For information please write to the Vancouver office, 301-2 BURNS BLOCK, 18 WEST HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B.C. Phone PAcific 3450. Mt. 623 3rd Ave. iNNO UNCEMEJS T W E HAVE SOLD OUR BUSINESS KNOWN AS THE "YUKON JEWELLERS" TO J. G. ALEXANDER AND WE WISH TO THANK OUR PATRONS FOR THEIR PAST PATRONAGE AND HOPE YOU WILL CARRY ON THE GOOD- WILL TO THE NEW PURCHASERS. TOM and IRMA GO WAN HAVING PURCHASED THE ABOVE BUSINESS, WE ARE NOW MORE CENTRALLY LOCATED AND BETTER ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR NEEDS IN BOTH GIFTS AND REPAIRING. HERE YOU WILL FIND A CERTIFIED WATCHMMAKER AT THE .... YUKON JEWELLERS (J. G. Alexander) (186) Eaturday August 8. 1947 B c PRODUCTS WEEK left before the end of this sale. Visit us now and see these buys we are offering In . . . DRESSES BLOUSES COATS SUITS and ACCESSORIES -m i.e. S PRODUCTS "DRY BAK" water-repellent work clothing, made in Vancouver. We have a very complete stock of "DRY BAK" shirts and "DRY BAK" pants in all sizes. 6 Days i t J. -A - ' Tim Use Our Convenient Budget Plan No Interest No Carrying Charges AiAiiiiiAAif.iAm'f ARRIVED! . . . the BENDIX Automatic Home Laundry "The Housewife's Dream" ALTHOUGH FIRST SHIPMENT IS SOLD, FURTHER MACHINES ARE EXPECTED WITHIN THREE WEEKS PLACE YOUR NAME ON OUR WAITING LIST v Dry Lumber We have just received a substantial shipment of KILN-DRIED , Finishing Lumber Get Yours While It Lasts PHILPOTTEVITT&CO. LIMITED' PHONES G51 AND 652 Coal Lumber Hardware Paints m 14 fiT ti-i 0 ft