i i XW m 7 a r FOR BEAUTY end COMFORT i'ii i Hi r,i f 1 i i I 1 A. .i. I III 1 I 1 1 T Mine a new nuust. . n ( fllir III 1 1 L L . III. JL11V. plan vour lighting to beau- 1 ..-.J v dim w i.w.- ... in -Tri 11 L 111 Many beautiful effects in lighting may be achieved with indirect lighting as well as lamps of every description. 1 1 - .1 r - f . lMimninni mriuv in iini- . . . Be sure, too, that you have plenty of electrical outlets in every room to take care of all modern electric appliances and lamps without m i as DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS t S (f A l"je shipment of lo II. . "ns nurses, Various HQ Ah J J I . utiles,, lemurs, -u me i wo Dogs, Cats, Plaques. n display at Hollywood Cafe rRlXCE KL'PEKT-S NEWEST AND MOST -TO-DATE RESTAURANT hULL.COURSE MEALS "iuj -U (1.111. IU O p. III. fcSsE ljjSHES A SPECIALTY CATjER TO PARTIES JW SUEY CHOW MEIN 0R OUTSIDK '!S TMTBn . AVENUE WE&T GIRLS' SOFTBALL GAME DEADLOCK Gordon and AnCerson Draw With High School 3-3 While the start of last evening's play-off in the Ladies' Fastlball League between High School and Gordon and Anderson was delayed toy ihowei'v weather and, Indeed, there was a question as to whether the game' could be played or not both teams buckled to and the result was one of the best nlaved matches of the season. The score was tied at the end of. the fifth An extra inning was played but the count was still even, 3-3, at the end of the sixth inning when the game had to be called on ac count of darkness. Neither team scored in their first inning but Gordon and Anderson took a one run lead when Flynn, who got one base on an error, scored In the second The students tied it up right away when Beth Sedgwick, who had been walked, scored. Hieh School took a two-run lead In the lower half of the third when Budinieh, who was walked, and Skora, who hit safely, both scored. The store girls evened the score in the top of the fourth when Sheila Ramsay, who hit safely, and Sllnn who was walked both scored. Ramsay was walked in when Beth Sedgwick Issued three walks in succession. Neither team could score again though there was good hitting but the fielders played grand ball. S. Ramsay was out to a spectacular catch by E. Sedgwick in deep right field. The plucky young fielder got one hand to a big hit and then caught it with the other. Hallgrlmson, first up in the last of the sixth, hit a ball very hard to centrefield where hart made a grand running catch. E. Sedgwick also hit hard to centre field, only to find Slinn making a good catch to end the Inning and the game. A good catch by Balagno in the second had retired the samel batter. Beth Sedgwick lacked her usual control and yielded six walks but struck out seven, while allowing only three hits. Hedley gave up only two walks, struck out one and allowed five hits. She was good on Infield plays with no lewer than eight assists to first base. Box scores: GORDON & ANDERSON SINGER AB R H Windle 3 0 0 I. Ramsay 2 0 1 Hedley 3 0 0 Hart - 3 0 0 Electric Sewing niacnincs i For Rent Rpnsnnable Rates i phone 864 Prince Ruperti Marhine Co, i OUl W OV "'fc " JUST RECEIVED A Complete Carload Local News Items Olof Hanson came in from Smlthers last night to meet the party of British timbermen which is visiting the cty today. Marion Aneus of Stewart- Lovlck - McPherson, Vancouver advertising agency, was .In the city on Monday .afternoon and again last evening while mak ing the round trip north on the steamer Chllcotln. Regular month meeting Cana-4 dian Legion (with inl-tiation of new members) Legion Hall tonight 8 FUNERAL NOTICE FUNERAL Robaldo in the city Monday Sept 8. Rosario Ro- baldo, age 65 eyars. Funeral will be held from Grenville Court Chappel at 2 p. m., Thursday, Sept.ll. Rev. Father Carol will conduct services. In ternment (following in Fair View Cemetary. B. C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. (It) Flynn 3 11 S. Ramsay 2 11 Sllnn 110 Balagno 2 O 0 Stewart 2 0 0 21 3 3" HIGH SCHOOL AB R II Farrington 3 0 0 Skora 3 1 1 Husoy 3 0 0 Mostad 3 0 1 B. Sedgwick 2 1 1 HallETimson ... 3 0 0 Greenwood ...... 3 0 1 E. Sedrwick . 3 0 0 J. Budinlch 11 1 24 3 5 By innings: Gordon & Anderson 010 2003 High School 012 0003 Umpires At plate, Windle: bases, Mostad. UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 S. B. Roberts, chief engineer for the Celanese Corporation of America, and Charles Kioto', who is later to be resident engineer here In connection with the construction of the Port Edward Mill, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from New York for a visit of a few days here on business in connection with the project. They are accompanied by D. G. Sten-strum, Vancouver, consulting engineer. BIRTH NOTICE BORN-To Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wahl of Digtoy, a son, 7 lbs. 2 oz. at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Sept. 5. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Marc Cavenalle on Monday, Sept. 8., In the Prince Rupert General Hospital, a son, Bruce Marc. 71bs. 10 oz. Both mother and son doing well. Announcements Presbyterian Tea, Mrs? W. D. Lamble's, 403 Fourth Avenue East, September 18. Harvest Social, United Church Hall, Sept. 19, 8 pm. Sons of Norway Dance Oddfellows' Hall Sept. 19. Moose, Men's Bazaar and Dance, Sept. 25 and 28. Catholic Bazaar Oct. 1 and 2. Orange Tea, Oct. 16. Baptist Sale, Nov. 6. Women of the Mooss annual Bazaar, Nov. 12 and 13, Moose Temple. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Sale, Nov. 10. Queen Mary I.OJ3.E. Bazaar, Nov. 19. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov, 20 Salvation Army Home League Sale Nov. 25th. OCF Bazaar, Civic Centre Nov. 28th. United Church Bazaar, December 4. Orange Sale. December 5. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec. 11. DRESS and HOSIERY BARGAINS Nylon Hosiery Summer Shades to clear while they last 42 Gauge $1.10 45 Gauge $1.25 ALSO 12 Summer Dresses to clear, $5.00 SEE THESE BARGAINS TODAY AT ROSA -LEE LADIES' WEAR AUTUMN FUR SALE! One of Our Many Specials Fu" Length 'Ppe uack In three beautiful Colors: Matara Brown Safari Brown Classic Black 169.50 322 3rd Ave. . Black 416 BILL SCUBY'5 hUKS KROEHLER CHESTERFIELDS Latest and Smartest in Living Room Styling Moderate Prices and Easy Terms GORDON & ANDERSON Prince Rupert Dalle J3cujs Wednesday, September 10, 1947 NEW TOPCOATS For Fall in LAMKASHA a new fabric which combines all the richness of virgin wool and pure angora, expertly blended in a perfect topcoat weight for Fall. TEAL AND ALL SHADES OF BROWN $40.00 ikun u j.M.i !! m k. mm m - m m m m m NOW AVAILABLE ZIPPER LOOSELEAF BINDERS 7 Qi: GENUINE LEATHER 0 QC Choice of Brown or Black ALSO LEATHER SCHOOL BAGS $3.50 LEATHER MUSIC CASES $5.95 ieMvs.JM. USED GOODS WE BUY AND SELL ENTERPRISE MARKET Phone 313 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IBS Announcement mONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service 141 Third Avenue West MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR SHOES HEEL THEM ATTEND THEIR their soles- box 771 Second Avenue ROYAL CAFE REOPENS Completely Renovated and Under New Management WE SPECIALIZE IN SEA FOODS SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN DISHES Take-out Ordei Given Special Attention JOHN .COMER, Proprietor It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS