it 4 ! 5 A - u i 5 13niicc Rupert Wednesday. Published every trternoon except Sunday by .Prince- Rupert DaUy News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. : O. A. HUNTER. Managln? Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. M.UEMBEK OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS , ' CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert . and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. I (Authorized as 'Second Class Mall. Post Olflce Department, Ottawa) i SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week. 16c; Per Month. B) Mall. Per Month, 40c; Per 65c; Per Year, 17.00; tSX' Year, 14.00. differences as to what con Vibrant Coalition '' IN A COMPLEX SOCIETY the best form of gov-I eminent is one whose actions and policies are the result of composing differences to the extent ? that, while there is majority rule, the rights of the minority are given consideration.. In provincial affairs it has been demonstrated since the advent of a Coalition government that the f composing of differences between the Liberals and Progressive-Conservatives has resulted, generally ! speaking, in good government and administration. ! Probably today, there are just as many liberal ; thnking members attached to the Conservatives as there are among Liberals; and, vice versa, it can I he said that there are as many stand-patting con- servative minded members attached to the Liberals as there are among the Conservatives. Among all, ! however, there is general opposition, not to social I reforms except as to their degree, but to a social-', .ized. state of society in which the state is the sole ! JlSemployer and distributor. .That there should be stitutes social reform is to be expected. But these differences are not necessarily between the Conservative1 -party and the Liberal party, but between individuals belonging to either party. Jllerice follows the wisdom of good leadership which can compose such viewpoints, the result of which should be legislation that goes too far for , some and not far enough for others, but which, on -the whole, ensures sound, steady government and ,. . reasonable progress. It is probable the Coalition went too far along one way in its Bill 39 last session. For there is un- '"doubtedly a difference of opinion on that issue. Undoubtedly the peculiar action taken by Hon. r..-r-G. S. Pearson in moving the second reading of the Bill and at the same time asserting he was opposed to one of its most important innovations (that of ''r " a government supervised strike vote) has been a cause of much concern to Premier Hart. It appears that in a few days this situation will ..... come to a head at the executive meeting of the Liberal, party. Rumor has it that several changes in the Liberal portion of the cabinet may occur, " among which are the resignation of the Premier and Dr. G. S. Weir, minister of education, and the transfer of Mr. Pearson from the labor portfolio. '" : A 'vigorous, vibrant leadership is essential, and a new positive program of policies to meet current and future problems of the complex economic order """" in British Columbia. The Liberals will have the opportunity to meet this challenge this Thursday and Friday and thereby maintain the progressive forces of the Conservatives with them in ensuring t 'Continuance of a good Coalition government. Only a convention has the power to select a leader, but it may be the Liberal executive will be asked to name a temporary leader should Premier Hart decide to retire. . WHAT PRESS COULD DO IF EVERY NEWSPAPER in every land on earth I were to ioin hands in a camnaiirn to (liscourace a: V u. It- i a Daflp Betas DO. October 1. 1947 War, the result might be a lengthy stride in the direction of peace. It is conceivable that the world's prqss,. through moral if not physical pressure, could;. actually achieve it. If hundreds of millions of readers, in every known language pursued every day the message directed toward the one single objective, the glory of armed conflict might feel a sudden and severe chill and nations would decide to have none of it. The overmastering power, the weight, the influence of such propaganda (for that is what it would be) is almost beyond reckoning. The changing of a thought is stronger than a fresh army. But; getting down to earth, this is all visionary a fanciful, fascinating picture. Man remains a fighting animal. And who ever heard of every paper in existence publishing practically the same stuff? THE WORLD SERIES WE FEATURED the opening game of the World Series under a six-co;umn heading on the front page yesterday. It was like old times and reminded us that, now the war has been over two years, we are getting back to the interests and diversions of peace even though the international scene may still present its anxieties and the economic situation is not as reassuring as it might be. Of course, we have plenty to worry about and, since there is nothing constructive to be derived just . from worrying, it is well that we should have in-" terests and diversions, as illustrated by the current Worjd Series, to give our minds, a change and refreshment for the workaday tasks and problems, i Meanwhile, it is good to be back, after, the days ! of -war .when it seemed almost sacrilegious to be too absorbed in such things as these, where we can follow the Series with keen interest and enjoyment and with a particular gratification too over the - action of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in bringing it to us through Station CFPR. Support of Civic Centre Challange To Good Citizenship, Asserts Mayor (By MAYOR NORA E. ARNOLD) The Civic Centre Association is conducting its second annual drive for membership and I comment! its efforts to all our citizens. The past year has proven conclusively the value of this building to our community and we are among the greatly privileged to be in possession of such a fine edifice. We acquired it very easily . and the - 1 A 1 size, general layout ana -n facilities of it are tfar ibeyond anything that "we, of the original Civic Centre Association, ever dreamed of. And now that we are fortunate possessors Of such a -wonderful community centre" it Is up to us to keep it going. Tills building has, in my optn- J Ion, been a tremendous factor fot good and hastouilt up the morale of our city, engendered an interest in civic affairs and has created a spirit of responsibility of us to eacli other, such as haJ nsver before ibeen experienced, in Prince Rupert. Two weeks ago, I was at the annual conference of the Union of B. C. Municipalities at Harrl-, son Hot Springs. A Mayor, of one of the southern cities greeted me thus: "Hello, Mrs. Arnold, you are the Mayor of the city that has no Juvenile delinquency, r envy you!" And. I replied to him that this was the result of our Civic Centre which offers so much to the youth of our city in the way of healthful lecreation. And it is not only to our youth LETTERBOX REPLY TO DU. LAIKIE Editor, Dally News: After reading D.-. Large' letter it seems to me some one should answer it. It surely U a I serious reflection on our community alright. To pay $5 tor man and wife to hear a concert and besides that, pay a"glrl from $1 to $150, to mind your children for an evening might be all right for some pecple the high and mlghy class of our city but what about me ipoor ifellow who has to work hard for a livlnz and gets just seven or eight do'lars a day to feed a family Some of us, and I mean a lot of as, would go and really enjoy It. But thaFis always the way- the big guy never thinks of the mtie guy. wny can tney not set one price say one dollar or one dollar and a half and givs everyone Tne'same chance for seats etc. "Are we not all equal, or are we7 It makes one ston and wonder. I thought this building was put up for our younger .folks? But hew many younger folks get a kick out of this high (brow stuff? If you ask me. you could put your $1,500 to a lot better use and give our children some real concerts that thev would enjoy. ThanKIhs you Mr. Editor, JUST A HOUSEWIFE. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ANNOUNCEMENT... BUS 99 SERVICE PRINCE RUPERT - PORT EDWARD DAILY Winter ,LV. RUPERT 6:30 a.m. ' 12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m. fhat this building offers its services. Persons of any age can find it useful. It houses our Public Library, its fine auditorium is available for theatre fi-oups, miHieal organisations, j dances, exhibitions, picture shows, lectures and many other exhlbiltons of talent that for merly we were never privileged to observe. Those of us n earlier days who were interested in drama groups or musisa enlertainment look with envy on this modern set-up. We used to put on our shows in inconvenient buildings and often had to erect stages, put in lighting and scenery with great physical exertion and take a chance that everything would go right,, and many fine talent organizations died because of the lack of facilities. During last winter w saw tlx? growth of a Symphony orchestra, a band, a theatre group amTa hofcfjv exhibition all made possible by having a home to use. Our ciUfen thronge-i the building in thousands to see J the various shows. I appeal to every citizen to become a member. You may not al! wtsh to use the facilities offered but, as responsible human beings, you dare net refuse to be a partner 4n this enterprise for our common good. I venture to state that ever7 person Tn "this city has received some enjoyment in this bulldlnj but, apart from that, Its usefulness in building the morale and givln? guidance to our youth makes 't imperative, that we ai-support it be becoming members of the Civt. Centre Assocfation. BABY POWDER Soothing, cooling Tend! Ag' Baby Pow 4et it a iaortit wiih bibict and ibn motheri' lhu refmhing pokf belong ift tvery Durtery and bathroom dun it libec I If afar baby i bath and ai diapet changing lirM It give fin anti-chafe protec tion, containing Alpbnn. an ideal analeptic nd dcudtvant uied eicluiively by the manufacturer oJ "Ttnder JSA Am' PSA ,mtm fM InM a? wrWi a tmmtmd mm r McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED Third Ave. and Sixth St. I'lione 79 Schedule LV. PT. EDWARD 8:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:20 p.m. 12:10a.m. EXTRA ! SAT. and MON. ONLY EXTRA! LV. RUPERT . LV. PT. EDWARD 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:15 p.m. wwwwwwwrwwwwwwww.wm.wwwwwwwwwwww.. EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 3,' 1947 MAKES APPEAL Mayor Arnold who outlines many benefactions of Civic Centre. Mhs D. Simonsen and Miss J BeliU of. the Co-operative staff uill iai! Thursday night on the Prince Rupert to spend two weeks holtuaying in Vancouver and Nanalmo. Steamship Sailings For Vnro-aTfi Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. , Tuesdav ss Coqultlam, 1:30 p m Thursday-ss rrlnce Rupert, 12:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala. 5:30 p.m. is Saturday ss Caniosun, 10:15 p.m. 'rni Vancouver Sunday ss Coqultlam, 4 psi Monday as Princess Adelaide pm. Wednesday a Prince Rupert, 11:00 am. Friday ss Camosun, 4 p.m. Friday ss Cataia. 5 p.m. For Alaska Friday ss Camosun. a.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, am. From Alaska Thursday ss Prince Rupert. . p.m. Saturday ss Camosun. 8 p.m. Business and DR P.J. CtlENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 705 J. P. MOLLER PHONE ULUE 153 124 4th Ave. Ea'st PAPER HANGINCi AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all its branches. Z06 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE OENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Hoofs, Chimneys and Oil Burner; PHONES: Qreen 48 Red 894 If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and vnurself full Insured while 1- do the work PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 II. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS.LTP Plumbing and Heating Engineers Hhone 174 P.O. Box 374 OEORQE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phone Black 489 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Baggage Freight Express PHONE BLUE 269 Night Calls Green 882 322 Sixth Street TERRITORIAL CHIEF COMING Commissioner Charles Baugh of Salvation Army to Visit Here M End cf Month Prince Rupert will be visited October 29 and 30 by the territorial commander of the Salvation Army, Commissioner C. ' Bau?h, who will be here from Toronto, accompanied by Brigadier Thomas Munday, terrl- 1 torial young people's secretary. 'Special meeting! of the Army 1 will be held a the Citadel in connection with the visit of the Commissioner which will toe the i signal for rallying of workers frcm city and district. Commissioner Uaugh, ' whllf here, will also address thej Oyro and Rotary Clubs. He and Brig. Munday will arrive toy train on the Tuesday night and leav? Thursday night by steamer for j Vancouver. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? "My salary has been raised." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "longevity?" 3. Which one of these words mlwpclled? Hideous, courageous, contacous, temporan- cous. 4. What does the word "skept ical" mean? 5. What word toe innlns with fer means "navery 7 Answers 1. Say. "has een increased." 2. Pronounce lon-Jev-l-tl, o ai n "on," e at in "let." both l's ai in "it," accent second syriahle. and not lorMr-jjev-l-tl. 3. Con-tn!ous. 4. Pertaining to one who doubt or disbelieves. "His skeptical mind would not accept It." 5. Servitude. Advertise In the Dally News Professional PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE RED 828 gent for Pacific Bottle R C. Ltd GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Ctmplled Uesner Block - Phone 387 Orandvlew Hotel ROBERTSON POTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIQHT Call Black 412 P N. Kllborn W. Pe-ersoD BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - BanRiif Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls-aren 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Large selection of Bulbs MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders Jox516, Phone 77, 300 3rd Ave JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Paperi Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN 31xth Street Rod 808 JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 10AT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY .BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Qreen 391 Serving ilie Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Weighing BLUE 992 MR MOMPT mA IPFICMVT ell ipur to 00UJMBIA OPTICAL CO. IP I ffou caic 'ttuj 1 FORT tcy No rrl(rf aftm f n .. rori utrry Uir. lt' fhvour-ttiltd in N'ofik A New Shade Will Make U See our complete stoik of shades for trilijhti. Ult I and boudoir lamps .... in silk, plastic and pir,J SI'KCIAI Acetate boudoir lamp khades, nil colours to choose from RUPERT RADIO & EIECII I'HONK Cli BOOKS .' m " BEST SELLEItS OF THE MONTH FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES RETttf FJCTION "The Moneyman" t; T - Coil 'The Prloce of Foxes" r I "The Visens" r lj Tientlenien's Afreement" t L Hil "Klntsblood Royal" ; : l GENERAL "From Storm to Storm" . E C M Tlii. Uiuisrvrlt I Knew" tr F hi JUVENILE READING "Smnkv" ' T. lil "Lassie Come Home" ' "i T!rjkii flrft.a nf t'vnmlnr" fflUfa CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rate-, for your convenience NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) riioNi: 51 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See K. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) FILMS Suprrpan Press Films Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo. Supplies Prompt Mall Order Service Chandler and CowriII 216 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ir II -,.-. COLEMAH OIL W their WfJ Rpp ihem nov. with neu famous Coleman lurnace-type There Is a right size for large or how small. comPlete Come in and let us give yu about these famous heaters. t MdlrldeSt. 3 I Look Like a New I J hree Bailings fJ VANCOUVER -1 SUTBII (ALL TIMES SI IJAVUCin Coqttl-10-rataix r-imosun. KETCII'H Friday; n-0 H STEWAHT "d Cunday. & ,1 .IN1 1 roit CtEMi-" AllffUSt I 1 Sept' FOU SOlTH1-! prince Third Ave- inf'l