4 Idrfjirr Rupert paflp 3cUis Wednesday, October 1, 1947 Classified Advertising - - Classified: ac per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c Birth Notice 60c; Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 2. HELP WANTED WANTED Names are being received at the Daily News office of boys or girls desiring delivery routes. (tf) SALESMEN WANTED ARE You a Specialty Salesman? If ,so, make nine dollars cash in nlnp minute.1? demonstrat ing Sales-Maker. Apply Box 273, Daily News. (231) WOKK WANTED WIDOW with daughter wants ' housekeeping job or will take care of rooming house. Apply Box 274 Daily News. (230) WANTED WANTED Pupils for Spanish and Hawalln guitars, phone Blue 967. ?36) FOR KrJVT FOR RENT Housekeepng room. 960 1st Ave. West. Phone Red 807. (235) FOR RENT Industrial site, two JJne Dairy Barn. Phone 657. FOR RENT Front 2 roomed apartment. 221 5th Ave. East. ...Phpne Red .807. (231) FOR RENT 3 room furnished suite. Call 336 8th Ave. East. (231) FOR RENT Single room, men preferred. Apply 224 5th W. (230) TOR RENT Comfortable room. 427 $th Ave. E. Phone Blue 967. (234) FCR RENT Furnished sleeping room with kitchen conveniences. Apply 221 5th Ave. E. (234) FOR RENT Comfortable room. 427 5th Ave. E. Phone Blue 967. (237) FOR RENT One room furnished cabin. Seal Cove. Phone Blue ' 825. (225) FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, furbished, at 209 Fifth Ave. West. Apply p. H. Linzey, Prince Aupert Realty Co. (232) ROOM AND JJOARD ROOM AND BOARD $40 .each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, (tf) METAL WORK WHY put up with a smoky furnace or leaking eavestrough. Call Black 884. New installations. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd. (tf) PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Fur naces, t anks, eaves-trouf hing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West, Phone 543. (tf) COST AND KOUND LOST Child's red scooter. 6th Ave. East near Hospital. Phone .Green 785. (230) FOUND Ring near trie Sunrise Grocery. Owner apply at the .pally News, and pay for the ad. (tf) MAUUlNrnr . . ITVX a ft TT I l .j rtn w npT.rpr iiiirmar mnro economically, use the modern 'and up-to-date type National k .Portable Sawmills, manufac- ttired by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule Uia.t .classified and transient advertising Is payable In advance at Jthe office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise In this manner in the bally News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified FOR SALE APPROXIMATELY 40 RESTAURANT RANGES ONE-OVEN, TWO-OVEN, THREE-OVEN AND FOUR-OVEN. ALSO UAKERS' OVENS. ALL WAR ASSETS SURPLUS. Inquire at FOR SALE FOR SALE Black tan male Daschund, one year old; registered. Living In apartment, cannot winter him, reason for selling. Good with children. R. Evans, Smithers. (232) RIFLES .303 British Enfieid converted sporting model; Precision High-Power Repeater, excellent, new condition, sacrifice $65.00. Will ship CCD. Write Carlof, 537 Bes- serer St., Ottawa, Ont. (232) FOR SALE Coal and wood kitchen range; 2-piece wine bed chesterfield; occasional chair. 118 9th Ave. West. Phone Blue 729. (232. FOR SALE 1935 Chev.. 5 good tires, bcdy.ln good shape. Ap- . ply 1335 8th East. (231) FOR SALE Large supply of dry scrap wood, random lengths, $6 per cord. 3 cord lots $16.00. Call Blue 810, Bert's Transfer. SCI 3rd Ave. (235) FOR SALE 3x12 nAr oeaar pianKs $20; 2x8, 2x6, 3x10, DD Fir and Flooring. Phone Green 69?. (234) CHENILLE SPREADS, $4.89 Manufacturers' clearance first j quality for double and slnjle beds in beautiful two-toned colors, worth double the price. Money refunded If not satisfied. Sent C.Q.D. plus postage in Canada. Handicraft Distri butors, 254 Sherbrooke St. W.J Montreal 18, Que. FOR SALE One used, 1942, 34 yard Koerlng Shovel, First class shape, $16,000, f.o.b., Vancouver. Other shovels available. Apply Clarence Dixon, Arrow Bus Lines Ltd., Phone 459, Box 1398. (237) FOR SALE Bakery and Confectionery. Due to my health and .ether matters beyond my control, I .offer to sell my Bakery. Good local and outside trade. Real snap. This will not last long once seen and price asked. Box 159 .Terrace, B.C. (236) i or sale in Terrace, 3-room home on Hi acre property. Apply Terrace Hotel, (230) FOR SALE Furnished house. Apply 517 7th W. Owner leaving town. (234) FOR SALE W. W. Greener, 32" barrel 10-gauge shotgun. 474 Taxi Stand, see L. Keller, (tf) FOR SALE Single bed with mattress, in good condition. Phone Green 588. (tf PROPERTIES here are still low-check these: 4 room house and bath, garage, 2 lots all fenced The first $2250 takes it. 8 room house semi-furnished; new foundations, fireplace, owner leaving must sell -H $3,000. Best Bet 6 room house with view; 3 improved lots .on Am-i brose; new wiring and plumbing; basement; $4,500 terms or $4,200 cash. 3 room house In good residential area $1,000. For Inspection of these, see Armstrong Agencies (Ph; 342). (234) FOR SALE New and used fur nlture for household and offices; also hardware; used mu-! slcal Instruments; 5-pce. kitchen suite $12.50; McClary's electric range $15; slightly ;u$e.d radios, electric, battery and portable, from $20; sllghtiy used men's rain coats, topcoats, etc.; new small size coal and .wood ranges $30; new unpainted furniture, chests, book cases, desks, medicine chests from $2.75; new tumblers 5c. Everything reduced. B.C. Furniture Co., Black 321. FOR SALE House on two lots; six rooms ana nam, gooo: foundation. Owner leaving town. Call 201 8th Ave. East, or phone Green 887. (232) Pjnce Rupert Plumbing & Heating Box 1308 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phone 108 (233) MORE SUPPORT IS DEMANDED .Civic Centre at Terrace Must Close Says Vjcje.-Prcs'aent - TERRACE -A general meeting of the Terrace and District Civic Centre Association was held in the Oddfellows' Jlall last Thursday, with Preident-Dudley Little in the etiair. There was only a fair attendance and Lloyd John ¬ stone, vice-president of the As sociation, stated jemphatically that, unless more active support was accorded by the members and the community in general the doors of the Civic .Centre would have to be closed. A few loyal members could not shoul der the whole responsibility of the citiEens' Investment. The president then stated that the committee would have .to tc re-organized as won as possible wljth, only members serying who woujd be wM.inj: to actively sup- port ine oepire arw i manager. A commlttee was appointed to . d tu nertalnlM to the visit two weeks hence, of the Recreation Leaders Travelling Clinic. It was decided to purchase an electric motor for the furnace i,K!!djaaent t0 the bowling alleys ,-' ,,.. y.a vorit v,-,f,4 viie winter. It was also decided to clean up the old Y.M.CA. office of the Centre so that a .committee rcom could he .made pfit and the "Teen Towners" would be given ifree use pf jthls room one night a week. As the voting ptople were eager to get started with .basketball, a 'working bee" was arranged for Saturday afternoon to set up a j Dasset jjacK-stop and to prepare i we friife, generally, ior mei winters program. A pine pom; table was to be placed in the Centre for the use of the youngsters. The bowling alleys and can teen have aone remarkably well in the ;,ew .weeks they have been in operajlrfn and are being fairly well supported (by the youth of me town. At the close of the general meeting, a special meeting of the ooara oi aireciors was held f.o deal with The resignation of Alt Yoxall as manager of the Civic Centre. It was received with sincere regret and the hope was expressed "that he would reconsider nTs decision. No other appointment will toe made In the meantime. Francois Lake News Cheques have been mailed to all prize winners in the Francois Lake Fair, including prizes in the horse events. Most of the special prizes will .come direct to the winners "rem the donors.. All prizes have been paid in full. Mrs. Cottom attended the school meeting in Burns Lake last Thursday evening. She represents the" district south of the lake. Mrs.t Peterson is now llvins In" .Uncha Valley and -Bobby Shaffer is attending school there. Mrs. Peterson went to Burns Lake last week to see the doctor. CHOOSE LOVE'S PERFECT SYM60I1 ...UM.0 No.78M-Awl!ulra ihs'N treuurt ill M lift JIM JO No. BMO-Clmr. Dew. BfMiint In t tovtly uttina ' $230.00 No. 1823-A ptrfKt tont lovfly rina HIM No. 103 Weddlni KngtomttthSIZSO N. 3810 Ailtnl, I I lovely bride J75.00 NS. S34 Uilrhta WeddinO Ring $12.80 V Every diamond ring stamped with the name Forget-me-not h perfect In colour, cut and clarity, Ask about registration and guarantee. BULGER'S LTD. Timely Topics James Wong of the Silver Tip Cafe left Terrace y car on Saturday fgar frince Rupert from wfcich poin be left by plane for a week's vacation in Vancouver Mr. and airs. F. CTford left on Tuesday's train tpr Prinee Rupert tp be near their son Roy who is F$prtad to b oU ot danger in hospital nJPWih he is still uuabie to have visitors. With Uwm is Mrs. KUfcbam, mother of Mcs. CljttCord who. after spending a few day In Prince Rupert will (pJUarn to her hnaiA in Duncan. Mrs. Kirfcham came fcy plane to Prince Rupert ' last week on receiving word of the tragic burning of her daughter's home and the death of her grandson. United In Quiet Terrace Wedding TERRACE On Saturday afternoon a .quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of the Rev. J. McAllister when Mrs. Phyllis U3wman to scarce the bride of Edward Gleaaon. Mr. an4 Mrs. Robert .Gordon cf Prince Rupert were the only witnesses. The bride and groom will take up residence at Lakelee Lake In a cpttage Jjuilt iar Ujejn by Mr. Gordon, Mr. Gleason being employed in logging operations on Mr. Gordon's property. BRAIN TWISTERS By Don Douglas Reversed Words Can you form words out of eachpf the following sets of definitions, which are raversiblc pairs? In other words, the word formed from each first definition can then be spelled backwards to form a word corresponding with the second definition. For example: Rodents .Heavenly body', the answers oe-ing RATS and STAR. 1. Snare Portion 2. To send out Measured duration. 3. To scold Prevaricator. 4. Cooking, vessels Cease 5. To extend over Sleeps 6. Small tumors Stalks, of grain. Answers 1. Trap, part. 2. Emit. time. 3. Rail, liar. 4. Potj, stcj, 5. Span, naps. 6. Warts, straw. A magpie has been seen twice on the Deeder Ranch. So far as is known, magpies have not been seen here gefore. Mrs. Funnell celebrated her seventieth birthday last week. Mrs. Verne Taylor entertained Mr. and Mrs. Funnell at her home in Burns Lake, also all the omer memoers 01 the familv near enough to attend. There has been a week of gloriously warm weather with seme days too warm for working In comfort: Ormes Drugs The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PIIONK 81 from Terrace No Increase In Prices TERRACE In spite of the removal or price ceilings, the Northern Interior Lumbermen's Association, at its monthly dinner meeting at Terrace on Sunday, went on record as ibeing opposed to any price increase at present. Establishment of an export rate, export quotas and the serious shortage of cars were among the .mportant matters dealth with at the 4netJnH. The visitors wart snown spme of the farm in the district, where the uaryeal&g ct peart, apples, grapes and tomatoes was in progress. Oa Monday the m,mbrc weri-taken to Kitfumkalum Lake In the morning and were the guests of Little, Hatband is Kerr at their Mud Lake mill for lunch, later inspecting the mill of Can Poide at Five Mile. In the evening, the party was entertained to dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Little at their summer home at Lakelse Lake. An enjoyable and instructive visit came lo an end when tlu' party in jpwn or the late evening train. The visitors were welcomed to Terrace by Uecr&F Mc Adams, president of the Terrace & Dis trict Board of Trade. President Cecil Clare rx pressed appreciation to the lociu operators for the excellmt pru- MAGIC'S RICH 6hoooat& Vps ! Cream H c. nhorttnW and li e. aucar. AJJ 1 rftti brat. AJ J 2 tbs. grated crauHa rind and 2 tip, oranile Julie. Sift toiietlier IH r. allied all pur-poao rlnur, Hp. aalt, 1H tpa. Matlc Baklnit I'owdrri add. Mil. Chill. Roll doutfh thin: cut accordinit to directions below. Bake in 47S'F. oven, 10 min. Craxant Caeklau Follow abore recipe, cut with crearent cutter. Hake. Spread with melted aweet chocolate, aprlnkle with find; chopped walnut meata. rillad Ceoklait Follow aWe recipe, cut with round cutter. Cut amaller round from center of i the rounds. Bake. Then spread plain round with melted sweet chocolate; top with doughnut round. Ceceonut Stlcbti FoUow abora re-cine, cut In atrl pa 3" by U". Bru.li imiwuin'; with milk; sprinkle with cocoa-nut. Bake. Dip ends In melted sweet chocolate. Paean Sejvareu I'OIIow Bnore recipe, cut dounh In 2" aquares with pastry wheel. Place M pecan meat In center ot each. Hake. Dip corners In mrtfJ ajj sweet clioc- For your Make-Up Kit Powders, rouges lipsticks, creams lotions ana ouier articles necessary In your make-up kit to lve :that well-groomed look, at the - Daily Delivery Service I DEVELOPM ENT IS PERMANENT Canadian National Research Head Tells of New Enter. prLse In North WINNIPEG "This Is no get-rlch-qulck overnight onslausht to grab and get out. It Is a planned deyelopment of thpse Immense natural resources that wfjl influence all Canada and go far to maintain our high living standards In a world that Is rpckin$," said S. W. Falrwea-ther, vice-president of research and development, CN.R., yesterday In commenting on new deyelopment and enterprise lr. Northern Canada. His 2.000 niile trip - took the railway's engineer - economist well into the Peace River, into North Central BrlUsh Columbia, along the Alaska Highway at n time when the Canol oil refinery was toeing trucked into Edmonton to crack the Leduc oil. to the fUherles of Slave Lake, the" ibise metal smelter at Flln Flon and the new mining fields of Snov? grain wJiUh )iad bean arranged and assured them that at least one meeting a year would be held in Tvr.-ace TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POIN7 IN THE DISTRICT' UL Smith) P.p. Box 167 Terrace Wonder BRAS NEW SHIPMENT Satin and Nylon sizes from 32 to 11 small, medium and large .cups ( AH Wool PNGLISII SKIRTS in Plaids and Strjpes sizes from 12 to 0 ALPINE SKI.UTS izes from 1Z to 41 Judy IJond BLOUSES Lace and Embroidery Trim, Short and Long Sleeves Annette MANSELL STONE DUILDINO "Walk Upstairs and Save" IHCKS FRASER JrJpUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black .823 and Jjynn Lake jn Mayfrfa fljr. -auwejjjr tit there was ample proof todav the conservationists wre rlgi.-In aiming at never-r.9r.11al ei, from the forests. What was on- Wlded usess timber i?ow oeing cut autf maiktted many forms. Before returning east, m Falrweather will see the expanding iron mining operations Steep Rock'on the CN.R. yu,. near Porl Arthur. Terrace FOR PROMPT SERVICE . . See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Hulck Pontlac Oldsmobile Machine Work A Specialty TEKISACE B.C. Phil's Cafe Lakclse Avenue RRFAKFAST I IINPU . . ui,U - Ul AND BANQUETS Serve: Tasty Food Fine Pastries Qu. :k ar.3 c fcja Proprietor, Phil Tetrrit LITTIE, HAUGLAND & Lumber Manufacturers uonf n ana . Uft . . 'I' E. tf tr AIL b m n wmm f m vsnuiNi itiiiiyiI inn ri.. hi r. t n . Terrace, . . i m uressed Lumber '"""'uu uj Agents For International IUrrcsltr Ct. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. VI Phllco JUdlos Floor WilUrd Kat (tries - A ... Ira f In IO.I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I II 11 V. LI L1IV - - - at . ' ' sandinir eduipinent. Tins macbine the most modern type, ami wiliooai; llflUUMaal Cm Phone DU E 610 .livjunioikj is vi - 1-3 been waiting for . . TIRE VULCANIZE t i.... s.in..i i,!... Hunerts It nc iuvc jui iiiaiancu .... - tir lent machine and offer you a prompt and tni" JXins sri vice . .... tit ALF STEIN EUT, who Is tn a ;rs ,ne,Kri partment. will be pleased v ' f blenli and advise you about any o' : -r Prompt attention given to ont-oi-w mm m i 1 1 1 1 1 1 JDOU rtunvi jji" THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SBVJ l'.O. llox 38 For Your Eating Pleasure . Broa Cafe ( Formerly Boston Cafe) V v - a n V I II (.' - Chop .,tt THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE (Chinese Dishes Chotf .-" OUT" ORDli" "TAKE - ... A. a)A.A f. uours: 7 am. w i. - In o '