a t * Lim > ‘ PROVINCIAL LIBRARY, 113 ily Mews ‘beds DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 c Da NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER AR fe a Published at Canada’s Most Strategic Pacific Port—"Prince Rupert, ” Key to the Great Northwest’ toro bp NO VOL. XLT, No. 164 PRINCE RUPERT, BC., MONDAY, JULY 14, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS tr ws elias jRupert Housing Project To B Finest in Canada-Says Winter * Indicates Homes May be re = Sold Later by Government Hotel Blaze By ERIC SANDERSON | Burns Man The federal Minister of Resources and Develnp | iment, Hon. Robert H. Winters, said Sunday he ° fai el Death Estimate Reaches 50 In Fairbanks Holocaust believes the housing project under construction in} | Prince Rupert will be one of the finest in Canada, | | Addressing a public dinner,-> - — mt f;Ssponsored by the Chamber Of)snent responsibility, we, never-| Commerce in the Broadway Cafe) theless, were happy to help.” ji last night, he said the “class of ae ie . i}workmanship is tops and I be- HCA, HOUSING AUTHORITY | ame lieve the taxpayers will get full) Mr. Winters praised the ef-| } | value for the money they invest) forts of &. T. (Ted) Applewhaite, | By The Canadian Press | FAIRBANKS.—Four or more persons are be- math dead and several are reported missing in an | | early morning hotel fire that may reach proportions ‘ , ' in this devel ent.” i Liberal M.-P. for Skeena, in gets | : ‘ . . Se Oe re ee ee ee ee eee ee ver o . ” | ting the housing project started | OU, CHIEF RETERES—Nathan i| of a major disaster. ; after an underground explosion at Dominion Mine No. 20, Glace Bay, NS., rn eee ee el. one \i@ Prince Rupert and said “we! E. Tanner has anmounced his | Weatherman | Complete confusion made it f coffee. Six miners were kilied by the searing blast. which ripped along the eeant lenin: negh — me | Duilt these homes on condition| ‘mpending retirement as Al- impossible to get any accurate P € Ww si ~. . | a’e inis ; a i the big coal mine. One survivor, Herb Desmond, was severely injured. It owners and it was that policy| that the proiect is administered | peel nage gy Hon gud i Bi h check on the dead and missing. acter tr lov . . hey ‘ « : r 4 - Mire ‘ j e 4 ais, 5 a SU : ajor mine disaster in Nova Scotia in ix months. Five and a half months ago that led to the sale of wartime | PY local hYusing pisretie” which he has guided the de- US es Some guests escaped from the thre MeGregor Mine at Stellarton following an explosion (CP PHOTO) homes.” | The federal government,” he; third floor but it is estimated | : velopment of the province’s oil linsisted, “has no right being a } 1 * riet : ‘ ature as resources. Mr 0, Ag sons migh’ burn- wae oe Seen ey the jlandiord and we don't want to} 8, CATED See nce ain 7 eee one . . j : + i é said he will not seek 1“ 1) homes being constructed here | pe 2 jandiord.’ | Samer Soe Aw ed to death. * , j a lane ; > 16 f eek ago, the weatherman : ‘ f ersons Dead in Wee k-End Tragedies | will be sold to the occupants, | 4). minister. who made al secant. Bre on vi oe ee saiiiadt nda sain whi he fore-| Nine persons were in hospital, he indicated during a tour of jiour of the Columbia Cellulose| an important job in private |cast rain and the sun burst two of them in critical condi- VANCOUVER Five ‘person the three sites that the gov : : : os : i tion. |plant at Port Edward Sunday! industry. Born in Salt Lake | Caronate the clouds to send the The fi in tin widen mercury up to 72 degrees and e mre was ore died im week-end tragedies in ernment may sell the homes j/morning, said he believed that} City, Utah, May 9, 1898, le was | ; YY creds Meet | oO B.C later. ~. |company is a “very great asset| a school principal at Cardston jcontinued through the week to a praia iy Three died in drowning acci-| “They are being built as a | to this area and its benefits are| in southern Alberta when Wil- | set a record heat wave. PP ay P ; dents and two in a plane crash.| rental project,” said the 42- | going to be felt as time goes | liam Aberhart’s 1935 Social This morning, he crawled into Within minutes after the > Robert. Phinney, 25, and Owen! year-old minister, “and will be| on: | Credit sweep put him in the another hole. He had forecast fire started shortly after mid- 100Se remier Sedman, both of Vancouver and | operated under such a scheme | Comparing Halifax with Prince | legislature. He was Speaker continued warm weather with a night, the old, wooden, block- Jack Caully, Sardis. drowned in| That is the same situation| Rupert, he said both cities were; the next year and entered the | high of 80 degrees for today. long structure was a blazing ° * . Wo separate peeanensts in Cultus | that exists im the 1100-home|born in times of war and “both| cabinet in 1937. He is a bishop Pye scorgy Page clouds B sivas inferno. nm Election With One Seat Lake near Chilliwack | Fraserview project in Vancouver|have seen the letdowns that| Of the Mormon church. Lone, ae e sun was shin’né) Night Clerk David Littlefield, ; _ Two Ameri ans died in ® plane iand we intend, in time, to sell|came after times of prosperity.” (CP PHOTO) od: gp = pay Soa pe a who raced through the building ver CCF im Marathon Count crash at Lake Saginaw near Pen-| these homes to veterans now oc-| “Both cities have depended on | a pa tana wep Bo riser | Warning sleeping guests, said he der Harbor cupying the houses.” their fishing industry and wars| Se ee B ristT | believed the estimate of 50 dead By The Canadian Pre Phe victims are Ray Goble, 38, Mr. Winters. w ; the but now we find them moving | Fi: h rmen }sald: “Well, too: many people far too high and Elmer T, Terenbeath, 40,| .., gy penetrate lg cm a st ' dil head.” IS e were opinplaining, slant sive heat wey bod th d COUVIER. — The Social Credit party will|both of Seattle Second Great War as lieuten-|Steadily ahea |anyway, We needed this stuff.” sam one lady 96. the sone viv. : a « pi! wy Death of ia Risyear-olaindian |ant-colonel with the Royal Can- |. Ip introducing Mr. Winters to! y. With. | The mercury shot past: the 90- floor just before Z left the bulld- (+-vand’mihority—government in British’ monther and three children leo | an fie. (Ficat and Mechani- ihe dinner guests, “Mr. “Appie~) \degree mark for tad gacone day |408:" he said’ “b aaniy ‘certain » Ee, eats ¢ re B.(C..’s\ was reported to police at Al- ;cal Engineers in Canada, Eng- whatie said it was through the | in a row Saturday but dropped | that atleast four people died. ul ata party meeting tomorrow B.C.’s/ Was report |land, Holland and Belgium, said efforts of Rt. Hon. C. D. ae. Halt . rice back to the low seventies on|1 can’t’say how many more. r will be named. Mrs. Mabel Peters, her young!|, “© in Canada are going ahead Minister of Trade and’ © | sunday. feria we tae eae a ons son and daughter, and. 12-year- | by leaps and bounds.” |merce, and Mr. Winters that “the | Halibut fishermen ae brought | Offuial routings at ‘the wea- on Nasi a = aped 18 hours | g : Credit League wea old Gertrude Johnson died whe n | “This country,” ‘he stressed, Elizabeth Apartments were CON~-'| catches into Prince Rupert this | ther office showed the mercury pl oc. oor. ‘os ts fart polls! Bennett seuion he hardWare|# fire destroyed their home last}“has the best chance of any) structed here. |morning were unhappy about | hit 86.8 on Friday and 85.2 maxi- n hae a th . Ss e 8 is es : . * commvers, Thursday on Kyoquot Reserve on | country in the world to advance! Outlining some of Mr. Win-, prices paid for their last loads. mum on Saturday, but at least th halla ee “9g os tion seek ae a Sommers. |i west coast of Vancouver Is-|@conomically and every other|ters’s duties, Mr. Applewhaite| The season officially ended in| six storekeepers and a similar ty oe ; aaa. some 0 Facute as ee van. land way |said he is responsible for hous-| all major halibut grounds at) number of citizens here reported ; em almost naked. : ed ee ne | “The governments are*working |ing, national parks, monuments, | midnight Saturday. It resumes| thermometers in this city regis- The Pioneer was this city's LOGS 1000 | Hon Sesue in Svs Heings, secon? ltogether because we have faith|Crown lands, the Trans-Canada/on a smaller scale in the south~) tered up to 92 degrees on both second largest hotel. It was in 19 0 «jcounts none; third counts 31, : : Highway, the Northwest Terri-| ern Hecate Strait on July 26. | days. ruins of ashes and warped sheet 18 9. Leuk: coutite eieht: fifth éourt in Canada and while housing is} : metal two hours after the first ao te — ee ea u ge ers primarily a provincial govern-|tories and wildlife of migrating} One boat, the Waterfall, with Hundreds of children crowd- | |). te iree and sixth counts on | birds. 48,000 pounds of halibut in her| eq the swimming pools in Me- | 7 °"™: : holds, lifted anchor and headed; Clyment Park during the 4 3 . i i i He acts, generally, as a Crs v s ater tine 4ina he ; ‘ aint er tb -| week- lice were . 5 ' . A k To Mediate M N. in ordinator of all these depart or. Vancouver 'r week-end and po! I D , Air ttac 5 (Namara jments,” said Mr. Applewhaite. | enighest price said Canadian, ee peal gy Hag wo rownings moved past the play- . e Continue on Woods Strike Named As a yor Haroki Whalen, 0 _ | boats for mediums was 19.1 cents ground. In Central BC minister and thanked him “for| While two American boats got) Motorists are warned that Conservative ; ‘ 5 Bs aah ” 20 cents, The price was consid-| parking is prohibited on the Bes VANCOUVER Chief Justice C / jour housing project. p Credit. Sat Korean Front Gordon Sloun is willing to act onc lator Norton . Youngs,...pregidient ot ered exceptionally low in view) highway skirting the park and} Reports of two drownings in ind: seat i 1s mediator in the strike of 32 tha Chanhet e a 6 _°" | of higher prices paid during the/ heavy fines are set for offend-| the north-central part of British Grey, last rid- Anh. winat 8C."s multi-mil OTTAWA_(CP) — Arthtr Mac-|*he. Chamber of Commerce,| season | ers. Columbia are being investigated i in the mara SEOUL—United Nations plane workers In nulti-mil Namara, deputy minister of la thanked Mr. Winter for coming There was no official reason City works avjartmnnt trucks | by RCMP. a ‘4° more withering as-|lion-dollar forest lustry . i : unleashed mor ithering a jon-Golar forest imaustry for the low price, but one fisher-| were out on Saturday sanding Mrs. Helen Robinson, 45, of the Ir} ° £ ai ‘we bor, has been named” ¥ederal|t0 Primce Ruperfand said “we ible the Hal 18-38 aults on Communist front-line If both sides request me tO} conciliator in the wage dispute are Selva that our housing man said it probably was caused! streets that bubbled under the | Kitwanga Indian Reserve, is re- f ‘ ositions lay i i pive c ii : E : : : h : » a star otlal: taiae abet p si = boc ty pero a! ue on rve ne, I : te te between ( anadian railways and eet - ste Y? en in me because fish companies here now rays of the boiling sun. ported to have been drowned be Me ae ae Te Uni a - One - : P the request,” he said Satur-| non-operating unions Sea So : 1omes we will need IM), pe buying flatfish in “fair vol-| Third Avenue literally be- | early Sunday off Cassiar cannery. 1) be held te at lab Loe wee ak ee ee o : Request for conciliation—imade ees ume”. and “they don’t need any) came a sea of tar for a short | Her body was recovered but she Sucial Creat [On MIG~15 hae an d 7s ( niet Justice Baoan succesS- | by the railways and 17 unions We may be coming to see you; more halibut.” time on Saturday before work | failed to respond to artificial the CCT i f other ‘in MIG-Allied duels, the) fully settled the 36-day strike of eame a week after railways re-|@8adm, sooner than you think.” | Quota for Area 3, off the Al-| crews appeared, respiration. wo im YWwo' ot Air. Force said woodworkers in 1946 . ceived a wage demand for an| During a tour of the three| aska coat, was»set at 28,000,000 | While hundreds flocked to city} RCMP also received a report intérnational | estimated $150,000,000 year or housing projects under con-| pounds. A majority of halibut/ playgrounds for plenics, other | this morning that Donald Mc- . ~ d ig ete coume di a ge on Woodworkers of America presi- | more for 125,000 non-operating struction, Mr. Winters inspected! caught in that area were landed | hundreds journeyed to Salt Lakes Neil, 37, of Vancouver, was | Credit, will not | where Alliec oops seized a S ikameen and Van Sporadic ; eeakal ground fighting een Stewart Alsbury | ident, said he would discuss the ee ‘Continued on page 4) j at Alaska points. |and Lakelse Lake for the sunny|drowned last Thursday at nmand 25 seats in| tegic hill after a three-day battle] offer with the union's policy Here are today’s sales on the) week-end. Twinkle Lake, 200 miles south cf islature, necessary | and held it in face of a counter- j Citizens returning early today | Burns Lake, His body Was recov~ majority. the beaten | attack by North Koreans committee | encanainige: | : ve : ’ John M. Billings, spokesman American parca Terrace reported the high-| ered and-has been brought out | hold the balance of - or ban operators, said he had “no an argec wi ur er Carol, 14,000, 20, 20, 16, B.C.| way in “fair” shape although all}to Burns Lake. No details of the IX Seats | Packers; Bergen, 35,000, 20, 20,|said it was “very dusty.” | tragedy are known. ; : ont at present.” bably ak’tike end ot Unions Reject Lopnenans, \ : prea elit atin. 16, Pacific Premier Byron ! | i Canadian },beaten ‘petronally “inj New Steel Offer — WEATHER _ As Hazelton Victim Dies | Dollina IZ, 34,000, 19, 19, insler by the CCF. : ; ITTSBURGH (P)—A_ spokes- . es . Royal; San Thomas, 38,000, 19,| i his resignation and ih pat Daited ahasiect aes Synopsis A 25-year-old man has been charged with mur-| 19, 16, B.C. Packers; Balsac, 15,- ; te ic . - » the Lieutenant-j| 7 7 shi le Another day of bright sun- : ical : 000, 19.1, 19, 16, Atlin; ‘oe! aor ae "| (CIO) reported today that strik pak: dering a provincial Publie Works partm "Oi + ae eh oes rent *"Hociat-Credit ing USW leaders regard the stecl|Shine is in prospect. for nearly ea cial Public rks Department road 33 G09, 19, 19, 16, Atlin; MW. ted her (industry's new peace offer as all sections of B.C. Patches of} worker near his home at Hazelton last Monday‘night.| 9000, 19, 19, 16, Atlin; Oceati lected a member ‘ geal per | unsatisfactory low cloud. Aad foe smi: sling | » RCMP here said today Vernon | Pride, 72,000, 19, 19, 16, Bel Truman Cancels Appainnilents coast, however, and there company executives tossed the ; McMaster of no fixed address| Packers; Clipper II, 10,000, 19,| PREMIER 4a-dag-old walkout into the|Will be a few clouds and some- Murder Ir :ppeared in court this morning | 19, 16, Royal | WASHINGTON (CP) — President Truman suf- ‘| credit, legislature mem- | Union's lap during the week-end what swear Lermperncasys sa y at Smithers and was remanded) ‘Sold to the Co-op: Northern | fered a mild virus infection today“and had to cancel P el Tuesday to choose | by saying they had made sugges ae er pe ee ° for eight days. Breeze, 24,000; Embla, 22,000. lall his appointments. He stayéd in bed most of the t ho will become! tions for ending the work stop 2 be \ ¥ Nn Nanaimo He was charged following the sie = SRE ld ‘xt premier page and were waiting for the; ™oves Anianc. death in hospital at Hazelton | day. say. the field com-|union’s answer. Details of the| Forecast > last night of Laurengo Greco, 45, Wanted Man * * * © possible choices: |latest proposals were not made| A few clouds today and Tues- MLA F / d who was found brutally beaten * _epe : president of the B.C. | public |day. Fog patches over the water Ol: e on a trail near his home at 8 a Civilians Man Watching Posts occasionally drifting over the p.m. July 7. | ; ay j|land during the night and early| NANAIMA, B.C. (CP)—Dr. Larry McMaster was one of two men Seen in WASHINGTON (CP) — Civilian volunteers ¥ / TYPE HORN BLOWS TO WARN morning. Winds northwesterly |Giovando, newly elected Pro- held for questioning by RCMP manned watching posts over northern United States |20 in exposed areas, otherwise | gressive Conservative Member of following the finding of Greco in UPS; ONL Y KIND IN WORLD | |light. Not much change in tem-| Legislature, was attacked early an waeniemods penasnen. i ancouver | today in round-the-clock vigil against a sneak air } perature, Low tonight and high| Saturday by a man armed with The road worker suffered a attack. More than 50,000 citizens volunteered for |tomorrow at Port Hardy 50 and} two razor-sharp knives, one ® severe concussion and cerebral} VANCOUVER (CP)—Walter Pav- service, but the Air Force said it needs at least , , land Roek fog horn blew today to let coastwise ships |: Sandspit and Prince Rupert/ 10-inch bread knife. hemorrhage and never regained |lukoff, one of Canada’s most 350,000 more. he danger of its reefs, but it is a different type of horn |54 and as “Iam going to kill you,” the consciousness, He is ‘believed to | wanted criminals, Saturday was * * * Ws now-adays SoNh Peer ee eee cr man es the oc as he an- ee oy beaten 7 si ioe re eo . a ree as a oe oe Ps swered a knock on the door of instrument and robbed of $180 e year-o aViUKO B | $ : : a controlled diaphone installation, it is operated by _ T } D ~ his homé. McMaster was charged with|wanted here for the murder of Keel Laid For Giant Carrier n the Barret Rock lighthouse by the lightkeeper. All Dr. Giovando escaped injury robbery with vi on last | bank manager .Sydnéy Petrie, mn - a ’ - . | cis ne . ‘ 4 SC Ajyurs 0 y ole ce ao ai vad) i S is press a button and the Holland Rock horn begins to | Tuesday, July 15,°1052 and two hours after the attack) Thursday and the new charge! shot to death five years ago. | NEWPORTNEWS, Va. (CP)—U'S. Navy today (Pacific Standard Time) the man was arrested within a was read to him after Gfeco| A woman told police she| laid the keel of the $200, 200,000 aircraft carrier he only such installation in Ganada, Department of | High 7:56 15.6 feet | half-block of the doctor’s home.) died. | thought she saw Pavlukoff on rrestal. Th iant 60, 000-ton carrier is desi port manager N. A. Beketov believes. It was especially | 20:06 _ 18.7 feet | As yet unidentified, the man has) The second suspect picked up|a bus and later the driver re- 4 : h a, r -bomb carrying planes and ned for Prince Rupert by the National Research Board. | Low 1:49 6.0 feet | been charged with attempted|in Hazelton with McMaster has/ ported the man got.off at a to launch and recover atam- mb carrying Pp | 13:35 8.3 feet | murder. 4 been released. | downtown street. j heavy, swift jet fighters. Ss