; 4 ISrfcirc.ftuprrt Dailp -T3ctas Friday,. September 26, 1947 Classified Advertising - - - - Classified!: :1c per word per Insertion, minimum chugs. 60c Birth Notice ' 60c; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements', 2. FOR SALE FOR SALE Paint machine, $J75. Inboard motor $75. One Dodge Sedan 1350. Apply J - H. Malr or Johnson, 171 Third Avenue East. Phone Black 156. (tf) , FOR SALE New and Ised Furniture, Hardware and Office Furniture. Used Single Beds complete $20; Musical Instruments, Kitchen Sets from $12.50; Electric Range, Mc-Clary's $15; Slightly used Men's Raincoats and Topcoats; New Coal and Wood Ranges from $30; New Rifles; New Unpaint-ed Chests and Bookcases; New and Used Desks from $7.5'0; New Mattresses $14.50; Everything reduced to the lowest possible prices. See B.C. FUR NITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE Boat "Cheetah". 35 feet; 8' 4" beam, 4V deep Fuly equipped for salmon trolling, with crown Chrysler equipment, as good as new. Write R. Richardson, Box 1182, Prince Rupert, or phone Red 246. (227) FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Friday, October 10. 1947, for the purchase of Lots 13 and 14, Block 16, Subd. DL. 234 and 361, Plan 1032, Delkat-lah Townslte, Queen Charlotte District, together with shack situate thereon. Terms: Strictly. cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. O. F. Forbes, Official Administrator, . administrator of the estate of J. J. I. (Harry I.) Lacelle, dee'd. ..' (2271 FOR SALE One used, 1942, yard Koerlng Shovel, First class shape, $16,000, f.o.b., Vancouver. Other shovels available. Apply Clarence Dixon, Arrow Bus Lines Ltd., Phone 459, Box 1398. (237) FOR SALE-Onan lighting plant. 750 watts. 110 volts. Price $200. Apply Mrs. Dopson, 1439 Plaza. (227) FOR SALE 3x12 Cedar Plank $20; flooring fifty-five 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12, $40. Phone Green 698. (tf) FOR SALE No. 1 Shingles. Phone Slue 787. (227) FOR SALE 1940 Dodge Sedan. Can be seen at Arrow Cabs. (227) . JET STOVE POLISH FOR HOT STOVES does a perfect job without -brush or bother Leaves no - black finish. AsK for "JET." (223) ,. FOft SALE One folding type carriage In good condition, $10. Apply 1384 6th Ave. E. (227) FOR SALE-Circulating heater, practically.new. Ideal for home heating. Phone Black 496. FOR SALE Cof field Electric washing machine $50. General Electric Mixer $20. Phone Red 275. (227) FOR SALE 1940 Ford Sedan, as Is, wrecked condition. Located Parker's Garage. Leave bids at Box 272 Dally News. (226) FOR SALE Bakery and Confectionery. Due to my health and other matters beyond my control, I offer to sell my Bakery. , Good .local and outside trade. Real snap. This will not last long once seen and price asked. - Box 159 Terrace, B.C. (236) FOR SALE Jn Terrace, 3-room home on 1V4 acre property. Ap ply Terrace Hotel. (230) Two Weeks Of JSpecial Bargains Ring Bolt Trusses 50 and 65 ft In length offer . 2 100,000, Gallon Wood Stave - Water Tanks offer 224x76' Loxstave buildings (with plumbing) offer 124x76 Loxstave Warehouse Special $350.00 1500 Gallon X.H. Steel Pres sure Tank $125.00 2x6 Cedar Siding, per M. $35.00 2x6 Tung and Groved Flooring per M $40.00 1x4 Fir Flooring, per M. $45.00 Timbers, 4x6, 6x6, 8x8, 2x2, 3x12, per M $25.00 . 2x4, 2-6, S4S, per M $40.00 jsxo, zxio,, zxiz, S45 per M $45.00 All kinds of Finishing Lum ber Half Price Electric and Plumbing Sup piles, greatly reduced in price Group 4 Spies & Meckllng Phone 866 (229) WANTED WANTED TO RENT Furnished suite or small house close in to town. Phone Red 495 after 6:30 pjn. (2257 WANTED One acre land on Queen Charlotte Islands, partly cleared, near sea. Write Bjx 271, Daily News. (228) HELP WANTED WANTED Names are being received at the Daily News office of boys or girls desiring delivery routes. (tf) FOR IlttfVT FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room with kitchen conveniences. Apply 221 5th Ave. E. (234) FOR RENT Comfortable room. 427 5th Ave. E. Phone Blue 967. (237) FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms. 336 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 693. (227) FOR RENT One room furnished ,' cabin. Seal Cove. Phone Blue 825. (225) FOR RENT Two rooms, newly decorated. Call after 4 o'clock, 1235 Park Avenue. (223) FOR RENT Industrial site, two story building 47 x 30', Valentine Dairy Barn. Phone 657. ROOM AND r;OAKD ROOM AND BOARI S40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, (tf) METAL WORK WHY put up with a smoky furnace or leaking eavestrough. Call Black 884. New installations. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd. (tf ) PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METALup the mountain. A noisy little WORK. Furnaces, t anks, creek comes galloping down the eaves-troughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West, Phone 543. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST On Tuesday, a cheque between the Royal Bank arid Wallaces. The name on the cheque was Fanny I. Stewart. Please return to the Daily News. (226)' FOUND Ring near the Sunrise Grocery. Owner apply at the Dafly News and pay for the ad. (tf) FOR ,SALE PROPERTIES here are still low- check these: 4 rocm house and bath, garage, 2 lots all fenced The first $2250 takes it. 8 room house vsemi-furnished; new foundations, fireplace, owner leaving must sell $3,000. Best Bet 6 room house with' view; 3 improved lots on Ambrose; new wiring and plumbing; basement; $4,500 terms or $4,200 cash. 3 room house in good residential area $1,000, For inspe:tion of these, see Armstrong Agencies (Ph: 342). (234) FOR SALE Unobstructed har bor view lot on 1st Ave, West. 37 Vi x 100 to lane. All services available. Black 835. (227) FOR SALE Motorcycle, B.S.A.; two months old. Phone 544, R. M. Smith. (227) FOR SALE 12 volt Freeman Iron Mike. Phone Red 753. (228) MAOiflKznr ro SAW better lumber more economically, use the modem and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, Bc (tf) Advertise in the Dally News NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable in advance, at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Daily News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified LIFE in this Prince Rupert by BIDDEE JINKS Some people never grow old, i and some were never very young, Most of us fit, almost, into one category or the other but it wculd take a neighbor -or someone who lives nearer still to Jet us ko?w which. Mirrors are temperamental things and anyway, this matter of youth fulness has nothing to do with greying hair or clustered wrink les. Admittedly tho,. until a short time ago I thought it had almost all to do wih it. And I have a favourite mirror whose light is just right that always told me the' things I wanted to hear until I decided that the very best that Nature and I could do on the outside was still not good enough. There is definitely something more . . . and I am aol , yet certain how much 3s allotted to each generation, . . At any rate, this man "has it. And if at 92 years of agj 1 am digging, burning or pull in? stumps to clear land or a" reasonable facsimile then 111 know I have it too. That is what he, Sam Haudenschild, is doing, and I saw it with my own eyes. He was born in Switzerland on March 9, 1856, which puts him in his ninety-second year, and he is as spry on his feet, as keen of hearing and in sight (without spec's, as he says) as many persons half his age. Not only is he clearing, but In the last two years he has already cleared enough land to grow A garden the likes of which I have net seen for many a day. Thi? is not entirely due to Mr. Hiu-denschild's gardening abiliij', but because of his judgement likewise. Apparently, during the few years he has lived he learned to knew a thing when he sees It. Meaning his garden plot. This spot of ground is off Wantage Road, just beside the pipe - line trail which leads off, mountain side to the same spot, "makes a sudden sally," and bounds off to, by and by, tickle the fancy of young fishermen. Through many decades, even centuries, this creek prepared a garden for Mr. Haudenschild. It didn't know it of course, it just carried enough true soil down with It, cast it bit by bit at its bend, so that little by little i changed its own course. Eventually, great trees with root upon root and tenaciously intertwined grew where once it had run. And then came Mr. Haudenschild, alone, to clear that growth and grow catfcages. Those cabbages are beautiful. They are there In rows; crisp, starchy leaves frilled about a shining orb in their centre. They are as firm as a football ... but much more palatable. That I know to be; the only possible means. There are other things growing of course potatoes, turnips, both kinds, carrots, onions, and what-have-you. But there Is not enough, so more land must HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 JSow Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL If your building, house or fur nltute were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers nowl H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth Street be cleared! And that was what he was doing that early, mornln? I saw him. The great root wen heavenward frcm rich black loam. Its centre had been chopped to permit proper kindling and now it burned, a drizzlim sort of flame, while an old man lugged the remains of other burnings from beside it and carried them away. Getting old has never bothetd me much; but knowing that life can be so exciting and jukjy with 100 just around the bend has me all of a twitter. PORT QUEEN IN EASTERN PAPER In the Friday September 12 Issue -of the Toronto Dally Star there was a very good picture of Mayor Nora Arnold presenting the mace of authority to Port Queert Barbara Wlson who, dressed n her offcial robes and seated on her throne, is surounded by the thee princesses and retain ers of the court. The picture was taken ob the steps of the Cout House and was sent by Mrs. H. S. Parker to manufacturers in the east who submitted it to the Star for publication. In a letter to Mrs. Parker, the manufacturer, said this was the finest display they had seen not excepting eastern Canada. AIR PASSENGERS From Vancouver W. G. Mcintosh and A. Coswan. Frcm Sandspit H. Klym, E. E. Hyndman and Mr. and Mrs Taylor. For Vancouver Mr. Livingston,. R. Purdue, Mrs. A. Coutts and Mrs. M. Neititt. For Sandspit Mrs. E. Olson and Mr. Alexander. Advertise tn the Dally News is enthusiastic about boys' work. Butish Columbia's experiment in salvaging young delinquents is nothing new to the 33-year- old director. After graduating from Trinity College, Toronto, he went to England in 1937 to do Borstal work. His program here will be a modification of the Borstal system. "The Borstal idea Is to select young offenders whose minds and characters are still pliable. " he said. "By example the staff develops standards of social behavior that will be lasting. "Work shops stimulate industrious Habits. Sports teach fair play. School work and talk.; stimulate their Intelligence. Instead of punishing thrai for wrongdoing, we draw out the best in them. "It is a case of studying a boy and his background. When he is released he is helped and guided by sympathetic citizens anxious to see him sink his roots ! into a good life." About a dozen youths hae been selected from amwng delin quents to live at New Haven, the Borstal-typ? sctiooi in suourban Burnaby. "Work 18 my hobby," said Smih. "I like to spend my evenings mixing with boys so I san get acquainted with them and they with rue." Mr. Charles Strong, supervising editor of Standard Magazines Incorporated and Mrs. Strong are cruise oassengers on the Prince Rupert this week's trip, j i COTTAGE CnEESE I New Creamed Fresh Made i VALENTIN DAIRY 1 Your Dally , ALL-WEATHER SERVICE I LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street 59c ca. 313 3rd Ave. W. BOOKS M Fall Reading BEST SELLERS OF THE MONTH FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES REVIEW FICTION "The Moneyman" .'. by Thomas Costain "The Prince of Foxes" .". by Frank Yerby "The Vixens" by Frank Verb: "Gentlemen's Agreement" by Laura Hobson "Klngsblood Royal" by Sinclair Lewis GENERAL "From Storm to Storm" by H. G. Scott "The Roosevelt I Knew" by Frances Perkins JUVENILE READING "Smoky" by Will James "Lassie Come Home" by Eric Knight "Green Grass of Wyoming" by Mary O'Hara r i i MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR SHOES- HEEL THEM ATTEND THEIR DYEING SAVE THEIR SOLES Box 774 Second Avenue A New Shade Will Make it Look Like a New Lamp! See our complete stock of shades for trilights, table lamps, and boudoir lamps .... in silk, plastic and parchment SPECIAL Acetate boudoir lamp shades, six colours to choose from RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC PHONE Git PLANS SCHOOL OF BORSTAL TYPE VANCOUVER, tf) S e 1 w y n P.cckaborough Smith, commonly called "Rocky," now here recruiting a staff for British Columbia first Borstal-type school, KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, TLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phone Black 884 P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT Voracious Worms Hit Yule Trees INVERMERE, W The Christmas tree Industry, which brings an annual $75,000 to British Columbia's Windermere distrkt, may be seriously affected this year by damage frcm the false Hemlock looper. This worm attacks onlly ft" trees, eventually killing the tree by eating the needles. This particular species of the looper, not reported elsewhere In B. C was previously unknown to V 7 (etaei rrye BABY POWDER Soothing, couliof Tendci A Bb Fpw. 4ti U (oorin ith b5i in4 ibeif moibm! Th refrnhing powdn bclongt MJ turnery toj baihtuoa duft M liber-illj sfuf Ixby'i bath am i diapei ctunjmg tin It grot not tntihft protvC1 . (too, coaiaining AlphMonc, aa idttl tn4 Kptic mni ikalonai - uml ticluiiotty by tlx nurutfacmrtri oi "todef Agt" tm4m i McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED Third Ave. and Sixth .St. Thone 79 W.V.V.V.W.W.V.'W,V V.V.V.VAW.V.V.V.VAV Wool Dresses NEW SHIPMENT I All the Latest Colours Sizes 12 to 41 Nylon Slips Sizes 32 to 42 Annette MANSELL STONE BUILDING "Walk Upstairs and Sate" .V.V.V.".".V.VV.V.V.V.V Terrace FOR PROMPT SERVICE Bee Your P.fMCD A T MrrT,- Chevrolet nnle)t tJSl PontUc Oldsmobile Machine Work A specif, Terrace Machine Shop & TERRACE B.C. Phil's Cafe Lakelsc Aenue BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DIN 4 "111 AINU BANQUETS Serve: Tasty Food Fine Pastries Quick and Courted Proprietor, Phil Tetrault LITTLE, HAUGLAND& KM! Lumber Manufadurerg Agents For International Harvester Co, Firestone Tire & Rabbet U. W. Philco Radios WUlard Batteriei DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus -35 M M Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Kniarferi and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert. B.C. Box 1308 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St Rai PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DEtfOlWO BURNERS lor your furnace or W A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES AND HEATERS Large Stock of numbing Supplia For Your Eating Pleasure Broadway . Cafe (Formerly Boston Cafe) THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE Chinese Dishes Chow Mein Cfol "TAKE-OUT" UKWi" Hours: 7 AM. to 1:30 AAI. For That Party . . PARAMOUNT CAFE nnni silky GEO. DYB1IAVN Prop. TRIflHPP M TERRA! TransW WE MEET ALL 1 SERVICE TO AST? IN THEDmUl H. SmKU P.O. Box 181 .-nrrTE.Ul FOR iWCBf ..... c Nf H ,t Port Edward, W- 7:00 am. to 11:00 00m m ... rr-nv wirLCOME MAT a OUT tja i Our Rotary Club Thursday 1 pjn. "ZJ TRON-FRI ' . Dotf Foods Are Wl10 SpJZ Dishes Closed all Tuesday to comply App0li COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SEjVg SIAW CREAM - SODAS - ICE W. T. COOPER .. vrft"l