1 " " - IMiiaii ah mm ii immm , SHIP g- MISS CANADA While her Majesty. et. e:. - - Jo Walker, of Memphis) looks regally ir:. c director of Atlantic City Pageant of ih w- u.aemic cap ana gown, "Miss uanaaa ' is nuiiuciiicui? M( (: j.t ana rf N. - Co: a;. Mi- J tr.' ;-Unz IO.O.F. ' i and 2. I.ODE f iKsgmng 18. Oct, 13. Centre, 30. Aii Bazaar, annual i3. Moose Au xlllary a.o Bazaar, Bazaar, League centre Nov. i ' r t-v i I MEN POUR AT MOOSE BAZAAR There were a good number of people on hand at the Moose Temple Bazaar yesterday to set; Bill Terry and Doug Wood pour tea from a silver tea service and to be waited on by George Mc Whlnney and Don Jensen. Daint ily adorned with pink trimmed aprons the men presided at the urns from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m Although the tea-pouring ceremony was the chief attrae tlon from some angles, the ladies o flhe lodge held a very success I ful aale of home-made candy Mrs. Casper was in charge n. . - THIS AND THAT ptlue Hupctt Dnilg J3etos Local News Items... Friday, September 26, 1947 Mr. Justice C. G. Connor who presided at the recent session ol the Exchequer Court In Prince Rupert, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert lor Vancouver. J A, Hanna, who has been supervising work on the Northern Pyrites mining properties on the Echstall River, left last night on the Prince Rupert for 0 LADIES OF PRINCE RUPERT -Do you know the CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM opens at 9 I the morning and that AFTERNOON TEAS ARE SERVED DAILY? Come and enjoy the serene, pleasant atmosphere of the CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM. (t) I DESCRIBES ARCTIC MURDER CASE I uui mui was ue- layed three years and a voyage to tne eastern Arctic was des cribed to Prince Rupert Rotar-! lans at their luncheon meeting Thursday by Rud MacLeod, Prince Rupert barrister who acted in defence of an Eskimo woman on the bleak shore at Baffin Island in 1945. Attached to the legal branch of the army, Mr. MacLeod was borrowed by the Department of Justice to defend the Eskimo woman after the government had got "fed up" on paying the expenses of civilian lawyers who had been unable to reach Fort Ross because of weathef, during the previous two seasons. Judge at the murder trial was stipendiary magistrate,, and the jury was composed of mem bers of the crew of the Hudson's Bay Co. supply ship Nas- copie which foundered this year. It was hard not to be able to discuss, the case during, the time we were northbound on the Nas-copie," Mr. MacLeod recalled. "But we were warned not to, because we might influence the jurymen." Body of the deceased, an Eski- Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday night, 8:30. (It) E. E. Hyndman returned from a business trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands by- air R. N. Spankic, K.C., of Ottava, who was court registrar at the recent session of the Exchequer Court held recently in Prince Rupert, sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Prince Rupert Basketball Association Executive Meeting Friday, September 26, at 8 p.m at the Civic Centre. Team am. sponsor representatives requested to attend. (226) O Dine and Dance Commodore Cafe, Saturday September 27 McNaueton's Orchestra from 9 to 12. All tables reserved; call 17 for reservations. Parties of 4 most convenient. Cover charge 75c. (227) Mr. and Mrs. Tom McKeown and three children returned to the city Monday on trie Princess Adelaide. Part cf their holiday was rpent at Banff where Mr. McKeown attended the Sun Life Assurance convention. Fred Read returned last night to he city by train after an extended visit in the United Kingdom. S. Hallgrirtsons accompanied by his daughters Doreen and Florence, will sail tonight on the CaHala for Vancouver. Florence who has been visiting in the city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hallgrlnson, will resume her duties as nurse in training at Essondale Hospital. Mr. Hall grlnson and Doreen will spend a holiday in the south. igloo during hT term of penance. "She had never been batter off in her life before," Mr. MacLeod said. He paid high tribute . to the small bands of white men and women who live in the Arctic outposts, sustaining law. religion the booth assisted by Mrs. Bond. mo man, who had been shot in 'and Canadian sovereignty over Mrs. Muncey and Mrs. Hougan Prices raffled during the after noon were a box of apples, 3 pairs of ladles hose, a chicken and a home-made cake. In the evening, at (he Moose Temple the crowd was entertained with a variety of games arranged by men of the Moose Lodge, "nil prizes won at the bazaar were donated by merchants of the city. his sleep as a result of an un i ine :uD-tfoiar wastes. Many oi satisfactory exchange of wives, thue people love the territory was in a remarkable state of preservation after more th.n three years. "In fact It didn't smell much worse than a livinar Eskimo." Mr. MacLeod said. It had been kept partially or completely frozen all that time." The woman was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to one year in custody of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at Pangnirtung, where she lived happily in a skin tent and an and return for successive terms of service Mr. MacLeod was thanked for his address by club president Lee Gordon. Guests at the meet ing were Col. C. Strong, Vancou ver; Leonard Crlpps, Vancouver; Fred Gulland, Prince Rupert; W. II. Philpott, Vancouver: Judge W. O. Fulton and C. B. Howe. I Advertise m The Daily Newsl v i Kmrncemnm , , -f-n I u l, LAN UO ' y4 I -nno l T . ' ( OCCASIONAULY DAGWOOD? H kV W Mr - " I iit- fit NX V , J I . II .a ' V I : i . KM HLOTT lHA 1 I Ji I -1 nntf- And Majority Rules! i I 1 if i . ilJIJl 1 1 1 bldbl ' ' l II ' - - af' ' I 1 1.3Za L.:iJ- Kir.. . . NOT IF YOU turn the LIGHT SO IT WON'T SHINE " t IN, MY EYES -Lights Out In Camp Humstcad! . ,,:...i :; r I ii mm x--v-v 3,T,e K WELL,! HCrV . i ? . .uu . . CiPtCX CAWLtV) STMIS?) ( GLARE j CSEEAWJ v'f; ibKwmr i rem U i tA TraSrn rU , I 'II.. W W I III I MS .vw ILiaEfi . l'Lose a bet,-Buddy?" Steamship Sailings For Vancwrei Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 pjn. Tuesday ss Coqultlam, i:su p.m. Thursday ss rrince Rupert, 12:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala, 5:30 p.m. BIRTH NOTICE BORN to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ker rlgnan at-the General Hospital September 26, a daughter. Both mother and daughter doing well. (It) TOO iLlTE TO .CLASSIFY FOR SALE Furnished house. Apply 517 7th W. Owner leaving town. (234) FOR SALE W. W. Greener, 32" ibarrel 10-gauge shotgun. 474 Taxi Stand, see L. Keller, (tf) Trimmed to tantalize their eyes off you Even for double the 1 price you can't buy anything better than 'ASPIMHi J Sewing Machine Repairs I i Free Estimates X t All Work Guaranteed 4 f S39 3rd Ave. W., Prince Rupert When shopping with us for that FALL COAT, J especially smart FALL ? SUIT, or COMPLETE WARDROBE . . . e Use The Sweet Sixteen Personalized BUDGET PLAN. Terms to suit every budget. No Interest No Carrying Charges. . so folks can't take is our new genuine wool PRINCESS COAT, with humdinger eb- only Persian scarf to tie gently adorably about your throat. The Quality Tea SALADA ORANGE PEKOE For FALL... New fabrics, latcsc styling, unsurpassed workmanship .... in made-to-measure clothing by "Fashion-Craft" and "Lombardi" See the range today Scotch Tweeds, Imported and Domestic Worsteds $51.50 b $80.00 ini:ilHUIIIH,H,t..ll I I AKKlVtUUS m A large shipment of I IJ Ronson Lighters I Comprising all the new designs of engraving and engine-turning ... and many new designs and colors in enamel. I Also the new Aladdin lamp design in mn v Ronson table Lighters at $15 The other Itonsons run from $6 to $3 H Many people like the THOKEXS lighter. We have I m I them from $3.50 to $6 Aiso vre have other lighters from $1 to $3.50 tLA. I SHINGOLEEN Shingoleen beautifies and protects old and new shingles, and years of testing and constant usage have established its worth and sure capacity to beautify your home . . . Shingoleen is made on a two-oil base in mariyi.attractive colors and is entirely free from creosote. Sold by THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. PHONE 101 255 Third Ave. GEORGE HILL & SONS LLMITED Complete Stock of Men's Shoes and Rubbers AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore cafe P.O. Box 737. BETTER FURS COST LESS TODAY At SCUBVS CANADIAN SQUIRREL $375.00 BERING SEAL 169.50 Due to Our Low Overhead, We Are Able to Give You Highest Quality Furs at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES 322 3rd Ave. . Black 416 .BILL rUKiSi From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked $12.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose 511.00 per ton ' No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P-O. Box IN Hollywood Gate PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST m m. II m 7 Mi r 'V it 1 1 1