m i-1. . f: 1 it '5 Mi: i Prince ttupm Dailp JSctos Friday, September 26, 1947 f 77?e Experts Say " " )TTAWiA, 0 School days jiitve remrnea, ana witn tnem the none-too-pleasant thought og preparing lunches for children who can't come home for the noon-day meal. tlut, if mother's wise she'll tone dawn on the "sandwich" aspect ol these school meals. While sandwiches still have their place nday-ln-day-out diet of them lsjard on any appetite. And it's soeasy to prepare a more Inter-rating type of lunch. tA. thermos may toe filled with hot soup; and a custard dessert may be arranged in little baking-cups Just a couple of examples owhat can be done by the cook with initiative. 'Suggested Lunches: Tomato Juice; home-baked beans; buttered rolls; cole slaw; fruit tart; nfllk. Cream of carrot soup; sandwiches; veal kidney; chopped cabbage, carrot and raisin, fruit cup, muffin, milk. RAnd whpn It. rnmps in ranil- wlchese here are some new, interesting fillings: JFish flaked fish, finely chop-pd celery or cucumber, mixed with a little' tomato juice. Scheese cottage cheese with stfredded lettuce, chill sauce, chopped pickle, green or red pepper, celery, parsley, onion, raisins, jam or jelly. Scooking becomes a double problem If there's an invalid In the home, and it takes all rh? fklll a 'housewlfe can muster to provide dishes as appetizing as tEey are nourishing. iBeef Broth: One pound chuck1 r IT'S or neck; one pound bones; one' quart water; salt. Wipe mea. ' with damp cloth; cut into inch i cubes; break bones; cover meat ! and bones with cold water; let , stand one hour: nut. over lowi flame and bring gradually to the . boiling point; let simmer from, three to four hours; season. The amount of broth should equal one quart when finished. If a fat free broth is desired, let broth get thoroughly cold and remove solidified fat from top. Cream of Wheat Gruel: Two tablespoons of cream of wheat: ' one pint water; salt. Place : water and salt in top of double 1 boiler and bring to boiling point: j gradually add the cream of wheat and cook directly over! the flame three minutes, stir- i ring constantly. Place in double boiler and cook 1 Y2 hours. Egg Nog: Three-quarters cup milk or milk and cream; one eg,?: one tablespoon sugar; one-half tablespoon vanilla: salt. Beat egg, add sugar, salt, vanilla and milk and blend thoroughly. Ingredients should be well chilled before combining. LABOR RETAINS LONDON SEAT LONDON, 0 The Labor government, in power since 1945, rerecorded a new victory today. seat in the Lonuon borough oi i ' West Islington Thursday Vilght when Labor candidate Albert Evans defeated Conservative : nominee Tom Howard by a vote of 8,760 to 4,084. The Liberal candidate ran a poor third. SB 11 B n n ii B B B fl fl fl B B B B fl B fl' ! II m t FALL COAT TIME FOR MISS PEOPLES 1947 If she's one year, three year, nine or fourteen year; we've got her number. Come Sn and choose. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE SI : 3$r Kh E ' " "IBBBBBBgi E When Buying FIRE INSURANCE On Your Home or on Your Furniture REMEMBER m Threshing sheaves is hard work, as Herman Schoenroth. of Davln. Sask.. will tell you. Schoen-roth is one of the few farmers in Saskatchewan who still harvests by older methods, will likely iZZM odefnJn"hln,en:.Whenever U ls Pliable. Schoenroth contends that better whea is made in the stook than In the swath, a theory held by many older farmers. Added quality would not outweigh advantages of faster and cheaper operation offered by combine harvesting The modem method: Two big self -propelled combine harvesters on the farm of Edgar Peters Meyer, 20 miles south of Regina, Sask., make short work of a heavy crop of wheat, running over 30 bushels to the acre. Combines have hoppers in which almost a truck load of wheat can be carried, and one truck ls able to service both machines on a short haul to storage bins. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocyclei (Subject to change) FRIDAY P.M." 4:00 Ed McCurcy 2,Mgs 4:15Stock Quotations 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 Sleepy Time Story Teller 5:00 String Stylings 5:30 Music by Sammy Kaye 5:45 Community Calendar 6:00 T3.A. 6:30 Band Music' 6:40 Recorded Int. 6:45 Recorded Int. 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Heritage or Music 8:00 Prairie Schooner, Wpg. 8:30 American Novels 9:C0 Serenade for Strings 9130 Ranger Bill 9:45 Pelham Heath's Orch. 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B. C. News 10:15 Music by Shrednik. NBC 10:30 Dal Richards Orch. ll:00-Weather and Sign Off SATURDAY AAL 7:30 Musical Clock JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Records at Random 9:30 Melodies for Junior 10:00 Taue Signal 10:01 Nature Sketches 10:15 World Church News 10:30 Musical Program 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weather Forecast 11:00 This Week in Music 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:33 Message Period 11:45 Personal Album 1-.M. 12:00 On the Teen Beat TJiey begjor them... KIBBLED BISCUITS A Granulated Food racked with Vitamin Help The Salvation Army to Help the Helpless respond generously to the RED SHIELD APPEAL This space donated by BOB PARKER LIMITED Arrow Bus Lines Ltd. SUNDAY SCHEDULES Commencing Sunday, Sept. 28, 1947 Leave Depot Leave Seal Cove 7:15 am. 7:35 am. 8:50 am. 10;00 am. 10:20 am. 10:40 am. 11:30 am. ii:50 am. 12:10 pm. 12:30 pm. 1:15 pm. 2:10 pm. 3:30 pm. 3:50 pm. ' 4:30 pm. - 5:00 pm. 5:30 pm. 6:00 pm. 6:30 p.m; 7:00 pm. 8:30 pm. 9:00 pm. 9:30 pm. 10:00 pm. 11:00 pm. n:30 pm. 12:00 midnight 12:20 am. 2:30 am. 2:50 am. Church-goersv specials. From Depot via Third Ave., Fulton St., Musgrave Place to 5th Ave. W., Fulton St., Frascr St., 6th St., 2nd Ave., to Depot. To midnight show and from midnight show, Winter Coming! Time to fill that coal bin NOW SUBSTANTIAL STOCKS ARE NOW ON HANI) HUT THE SUPPLY WILL SLACKEN SOON. Phone 651 or 652 for Quick Delivery PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED "SERVINO THE NORTH SINCE 1920" Coal Lumber Paints Building Supplies GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Phone RED 5G1 HALIFAX FIRE INSURANCE CO. JOBS DAUGHTERS FASI7ION SHOW AT CIVIC CENTRE (Continued trom Page 1) new bustle was at its chic best and the effect carried out about the neckline and sleeves. Bright plaid, with plain velvet bodice introduced a shoulder-strap and draped sleeve which woud lightly turn any fancy to thoughts of love and at any time Because no matter how long one lives there are those who are still older, find younger, in last night's program there was fittingly a place for all. Many of the mannequins modelled the charm of added years; and some of our very young citizens thrilled the audience with their talent. Foremost among these w.-u little Mardell Solland, 9 years of age, who received tremendous ovation as she played on her own piano such unusual selections as "Prelude" by Bach. "Butterfly" by Grelg. "Prelude In C Sharp Minor" by Rachmaninoff, and as an encore the "Polish Dance." Also there with her fairy-like grace was little Elsa Insulander who charmed those present by her twinkling toes in two tap-dance numbers. A solo by Joanne Langridge "When You Were Sweet Sixteen" was also of the evening's pleasure and she chose "'April Showers" for her encore. i Tories Ready For General Election , LONDON, O) .The Labor Party recorded a new victosy today, ;but Lord Woolton, Conservative j Chairman, said that his party I was "prepared to fleht a gen- craUelection at any moment." The statement followed a prediction by a Conservative member of parliament that before many i months had passed "Britain Is going to demand the services of Winston Churchill." 6th Ave. 3rd Ave. P.O. Box 721 Canada's Oldest Fire Insurance Co. Established Since 1809 1 A V J.T"KG HATOEM IINC CtOSST litltll STiuwvrv inn.,." lUN0 ioi Hon tm nil mooud ass. Al U00 JOAN CAUIFIEID MACOONAID OliiTj A. Marko: r "A GOODPUCF.Tnr HERE AGAIN 'muillJ kmuuible TWO-TONE W I IILD tiipiw. Maroon and Camel. orce and S VH Mauve and Orepn eacn' Rose ,J WHITE BLANKETS Rose and Blue k, I icep warmer: with a COLEMAN OIL Hit See them now, with their bcauuiu , famous Coleman furnace-tyne heitu. ,.. 'M 1 There is a rieht size fnr L ' "Jrae large or how small. Come in and let us give y3u c:mp!el( M I AW - m . . . If V ii For your Ormes Drud " The Pioneer Drugihtt PRESCRIPTION CHEMIST5 rilONE 81 REX CAFE oiprnim ixtmrrrv nopnHTTE PRINCE RUTESI nfAAHWUf Ww ChonSuev ChoffM SPECl111 CHINESE DISHES OOK Open fl am. to 2 am PIIONE I "3 FAMOUS RUPERT Make-Up Ki k Powder rcu; ;s:tJ II iot!c;rj z::i r::.z ura J I! czry o .rrker fctl that wc .-rrf mt RRAHI FISH PRODUCTS PrmlnrPfl and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD SlWj BRIT! PRINCE RUPERT Company COLL ART ft McCAFFtRT Clint Sk,! 333 SPECIAL CONSIDERATION TO itr!lASU WAKTIME IIOUbllNU rtivv-.- PHONE It. E. (MONTY) MONTAUOU at U 0 ; iff).