muni 1' e. THE fc3lrt rn 1NTE3TA TE3I.Ir.' r-. ,C f shall J - mis I- . - IN lmr- ,1 iA'llkv r . , m u u, -w. .MMAnrtnff at a ..... oniii it-el- .4 inTAIUlllE orrf ra. WAi ....... . YHJITIHI H.r. u. j . , w; the 12na aay oi D. X947. appointed Ad- : . : 3 i.-.te oi rTincs lh t!l til oi juit, mi. Ui r - ----- t --j cdebtedness to i i pc :ans havinif l iik ma nrrtlwHV j ha?:.s regard only . ;f vc;;h I ahall have A, D. 1M7, BOTEB COURT OF IS FATE i it irv .in Vf'l flP TUP. ESTATE ... .1 UK LEW OllUB" :oi ; nt't A D. ln, 11 Brit Columbia, who or jt ihn Slot rtnv of l PrL - nuoert. British : r quired to pay the t i -Ji'bu-dnesa to me l i.. i persons having fl'1 M.HI. MH n.nal at Prtr.rB Rupert, B.C.. this rKt, inn, , n, D v. REVISED SCHEDULE MEN'S FIVE PIN "B" LEAGUE Sent. 26 Moose m. Them. S.M., ,.t ct.h nook vs. Canflsco. Army vs. I,,. VV ... OtUt'l V r It, A D. 147, OP- au "-, t(rnH to Day Bi-A ran"1-'' - tbe -la .r. ,r.nerlv .hem WH n;. ,. ... nc tf . "..ino rceard Thorncllfies vs. Oroito, Stonis vs. co-cp Oct. 3 Co-cp vs. Maple LeaK Stone vs. Scotlans, Fish Dock vs. Moose. Grotto vs. Canflsc.:. Army vs. Thorns S.M., Mutts ys. Thorncllltes. Oct. 10 Mutts vs. Grotto, Ar my vs. Maple Leafs, Co-op vs. Thorncllffes, Stones vs. Moose. Canflsco vs. Scotlans, Fish Dock vs. Thcms. S. M. Oct. 17 Thorncliffes vs. Fish Dock, Moose vs. Scotlans, Can flsco vs. Thorns. S. M., Army vs. Co-op, Stones vs. Mutts, Maple Leafs vs. Grotto. Oct. 24 Co-cp vs. Scotlans, Mutts vs. CanHsco,, Stone3 vs Grotto. (Thorncllffes vs. Thorn. S. M. Maple Leafs vs. Fish Dock, Army vs. Moose. Oct. SI Stones vs. Fish Dock, Thorncltffes vs. Moose, Army vs Mutts, Maple eLafs vs. Canflsco Co-cp vs. Thorn S. M.. Grotto vs. Scotlans. Nov. 7 Army vs. Canflsco Grotto vs. Thorn S.M., Co-op vs Moose, Thorncllffes vs. Scotlans Stones vs. Maple Leafs, Mutts vs. Fish Dock. 1 Nov. 14-Mutts vs. Thorn S.M Stones vs. Thorncllffes, Maple Leafs vv Stotlans, Army vs. Fish Dock, Grotto vs. Moose, Co-op vs. Canfisco. Nov. 21 Thorncllffes vs. Can-fiscov Army vs. Grotto, Stones vf. LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND la Land Recording District of I Prince Rupert and situate at the mouth ol Large Creek (Denlae Creek) Deals Arm, near Cloyah Bay. TAKE NOTICE that Highway Construction Company Limited o( P.O. Box 171. Prince Rupert. British Col-nmhl, rxvuiiAtlmi rvmtrftftrirfi Intends to apply for a lease of the following descnoea tanas: iramraencinK i a post planted approximately 300 feet to the Southeast of the mouth of i jiru oeek At aDDroslmatelv hleh i water mark on Denlse Arm thence West 52 degrees North nuo ieei; thence West 38 degrees Bouth 2800 feet; thence East 52 degrees South unn foot- thnr FAnt 38 decrees North 2 (too feet to return to post and i containing ninety acres, more or let. For the purpose of digging and producing sand and gravel. HIUHWAT UUH31BUIUU.1 COMPANT LIMITED By Leo Mlcheal Shannon. Dated September 15th, 1947. DEPARTMENT OP AORICULTURE Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Att V;.Tr-flll " HJir. Notice Is hereby given that the time for the reception of tenders for the construction of two Irrigation ir, h virinitv of Chase and one In the vicinity of Kamloops. l" .,. email earth fill StOrBKO l nuu ... - Ldam In the North East quarter of Section 7, Townsnip i. West of the 8lxth Meridian, In the Province of British Columbia, Is extended to 12:00 o'clock noon, Kelna Time, Tuesday. October 14th. 1947. By Order. (227) u turn, c . . Director of Rehabilitation, 810 McCallum-Hlll Bldg.. REQINA, Saskatchewan. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. x 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert RE-OPEN FOR BUSINESS SEPTEMBER 23rd Everybody Welcome REX CAFE (229) 303 Cabs 1 would like to take this opportunity to nnntiH i t t 1 i u n iin.K ui my many menus aim ll.1l I 1 .. r i tnn nn l Ml nnnt lilfrSm Pl r 11 . n os-i PP Vn ciatcfL - v iiuli iniiiriT iv in. mi v. i , , i ' - FRED JENSEN 303 CABS THIS AND THAT sons; Morgans and Revellers. 9 p.m. Malkins and North Star; McMeekins and Ambassadors; 1 Home Oil and Continentals. Oct. 137 pm. Revellers and Home Oil; North Star and Ambassadors; McMeekins and Con tinentals. 9 p.m. Burns arid Morgans; Malkins and Kilo watts; Mansons and Brown- woods Oct 20 T pm. Morgans ana Ambasadors; Kilowatts and McMeekins; Malkins and Brown-woods. 9 p.m. Revellers and Continentals; Mansons and nmp oil: Burns and North Star Oct. 277 p.m. Malkins and Home Oil; Revellers and Novth Star; Burns and Kilowatts, u p m. Mansons and McMeekins; Morgans and Continentals; Brownwocds and Ambassadors. Nov.3-7 p.m.-Burns and McMeekins; Brownwoods and Continentals; Morgans and North Star. 9 p.m.Revellers and Ambasadors; Malkins and Man-sons; Kilowatts and Home Oil. Continentals; Malkins and Rev-Piiprs: Mansons and Ambassa dors. 9 p.m Burns and Home Oil; Brownwoods and North Star; Morgans and McMeekins. Nov 17 7 p.m.Revellers and McMeekins; Burns and Brownwoods; Malkins and Continentals. 9 pm Kilowatts and Am basadors;. Morgans ana rtevei- lers; Malkins and MsMeekins. Nov 247 pm Ilome uu ana Ambasadors; Mansons and Con- CO . m .Il TU Cfrpi M.whtw .Um SfirU. !. "No, get out there and heel 'lm, butt 'lm, and step on his toes but keep your punches upl" mom s.m., Mutts vs. Scotland, Alaska Highway Co-op vs. Fish Dock, Maple Leafs Travel Growing I vs. vs. Moose. Mnnse. Nov. 23 Fish Dock vs. Scotlans, Maple Leafs vs. Thorn S. M.. Mutts s. Moose, Co-op vs. Grotto, Army vs. Thorncllfres. Stones v.s. Canfisco. MEN'S FIVE-PIN BOWL SCHEDULE DAWSON CREEK, 0 Despite restrictiona on Alaska Highway travel the movement over the road Is on the Increase. In four months 1,817 ears carrying 4,896 persons made the trip over the highway from Edmonton, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police announced. It is estimated thai 5,000 ve hicles and 19.000 persons will j j i in, i i a a m w .a i travel normwuiu uuiwk , oeut. 1S I pan. moiBcijis ttiiu I - . most double the number which Ambas- Mansons; Maklns and . 1, S made the trip last year, which, na. fl H wi TJirmtmnffiftfle mifi 'In turn, was 30 per cent over .. i r 1945. MCMeemns; . .,'.... tturns anu, j T,..ii,e wumi- In Aueust. 25 cars of , .t-.i.j United States tourists were turned bac. Oct 6-7 poit.-Klhnvatts and . becanse thev could not obtain Ii III W 1 1 V U1 rud UUllID a '- -- travel permits. In July, 60 tour 1st cars were turned back. Numerous ble game hunters .who have' arranged for services of guides living .along the road have been granted permits. SCHEDULE FOR MIXED BOWLING October 1 Headplnners vs. Pushovers, Midgets vs. Gold Seals, Thistles vs. Kilowatts, Dodgers vs. Maple Leafs, McMeekins vs. Pioneers, Kingpin-ners vs. Atomics, Octcber 8 Kingpinners vs. Dodgers, McMeekins vs. Pushovers, Headplnners vs. Atomics, Midgets vs. Kilowatts, Maple Leafs vs.. Gold Seal, Thistles vs. Pioneers. October 15 Atomics vs. Thistles, Kilowatts vs. Gold Seals. Maple Leafs vs. Pioneers, McMeekins vs. Kingpinners, Pushovers vs. Dodgers. October 22 Headplnners vs. Gold Seals, Kingpinners vs. Manle Leafs. Midgets vs. Dodgers, Atomics vs. Pioneers, Pushovers vs. Thistles, McMeekins vs. Kilo watts. Advertise in the Dally News tlnentals; Kilowatts and North Star. 9 pjn. Morgans ani Brownwoods; Burns and Revellers; Malkins and McMeekins 'GOLF "WORLD SERIES" STARTS OH SATURDAY Tomorrow and Sunday. Ben Hogan, Bobby Locke, Jimmy Demarrt, Sam Snead, Jim Fer-rler. Lew Worsham, Lloyd Man- grum and Johnny Palmer wal play for the World Champion ship In a 36-hole golf match at Tarn O'Shanter Country Club, Chicago, Ullrnls. Sam Snead is the defending champion, having won the 194C International! Champion.lhip, played at Tarn O'Shanter last year and the 1946 British Ooen Champion. Bobby Locke Is tlw 1947 All-American Professional Champion and the 1947 Canadian Open Champion. He is aUc the leading money golfer of the year. Ben Hgcan is the 1947 Victory National Champion, runner-up to Locke from the money standpoint and will make his second appearance In the Chicago district this year. Jim Ferrler Is the 1947 P. G. A. Champion. Lew Worsham is the 1947 U.S. National Open Champ ion. Jimmy Demaret is tn Masters Open Champion. Lloyd Mangrum Is the 1947 South American Champion. Johnny Palmer 1j the Western Open Champion. I In addition to tne world's lareest eolf tronhy. this octet Trill .rheot for the title of World Golf Champion of 1947 and the $5,000 In cash prize. This trophy, -w:iich was wef last year by Sam Snead, whrse name at the present time la tht only name appearing on It, is on exhibition at Tarn O'Shanter where it will remain until it has been won three times In succes sion by the same contestant, which time it will go into hU : permanent possession. Baseball Scores National St. Louis 15,-3, Pittsburgh 3-1 New. York 3, Boston 1 Brooklyn 7, Philadelphia 5 (Completes unfinished game of Aug. 17), Second game,. Brook lyn 5, Philadelphia 2 American Cleveland 3, St. Louis 4 1 Ladies' Bowling September 30 Savoy vs. Man- son's, Tollers vs. Variety, Oranse i vs. Comets; Watts & Nlckenon vs. Bankers, Miller Bay vs. Coast ers. October 2 Annettes vs. Cos mos, Scuby's vs. wesi view, Moose vs. Rosa Lee's-, Blowers vs. Sweet Sixteen, Lucky Strikes vs. Bis Sisters. October 7 Tollers vs. Savoy Orange vs. Manson's, Watts & Nlckerson vs. Variety; Lucky Strikes vs. Comets, Annettes vs. Bankers. October 9 Scutoy's vs. Big Sisters, Moose vs. Cosmos, Blowers vs. West View; Miller Bay vs. Rosa Lee's. Coasters vs. Sweet Sixteen. October 14 Orange vs. Toilers, Watts & Nlckerson vs. Savoy, Miller Bay vs. Cosmos; Annettes vs. Variety, Scuby's vs. Comets. Octcber 16 'Moose vs. Bankers, Blowers vs. Big Sisters, Lucky Strikes vs. Manson's; Coasters vs. West View, Sweet Sixteen vs Rosa Lees. CANADIAN SENIOR LACROSSE Mimico 33, Cornwall, Que. 12 New Westminster 25, Rcssland 5. New Westminster and Mimico to meet fcr Mann Cup. IN THE PISttVEKS SEAT fCONOMICAh sue 65c rn' si" m - vi i 17-44 k Juat inhale the tooth ing, heating 'futnei, for quick relief. It'a fait actinf! Get a bottle today. fettled BEER delivered free to your home c . o . D PHONE 654 25c PER DOZ. PAID for EMPTIES Please have them ready when the driver calls. Tht. .HmrticmBnt u nnt miblished or I displayed Dy uie liquor uomrui ouniuv. by tne uovernmemoi oriusn fr Try them today THE PICNICKER . . spends days planning the perfect picnic. Doesn't take a minute to pick the right oil for his car. Uses RPM Compounded Motor Oil because it contains a de-foamcr so he always knows the true level of oil in the crankcasc. Play safe switch to RPM Motor Oil today! prince .Rupert Daflg jftctos Friday September 26, 1947 JA0RE SHAVES! Get extra good-looking. comfortable shaves with MINORA BLADES Canada's favourite in quality and low price; 4 for 10 -12 for 25 I ECONOMY PACK 12 BLADES 25 1 111 Before having that next ItEPAIRtJOB done, drive In. and have one of our experts give you a detailed ESTIMATE. We are Fully Equipped for Automobile Repairs Dealers in Studebaker Commercial and Hudson Cars Tires and Tubes Repaired Grease Servicing SUPERIOR AUTO & BODY SERVICE Junction Second and Third Avenues Green 217 RUPERT MOTORS LTD. r-hrvsler Parts and Service Depot We specialize in rebuilding Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair Service for all makes of cars and trucks. Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 568 Prince Rupert, B.C. "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert" JOHN GURVICH has has retu returned to the RUPERT MARINE REAUTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsetfs, Waterfront) V1,i,n r.rren 1I7R Box 548 CONTRACTING BUSINESS No Job Too Large No Job, Too Small EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND CLEARING PHONE 32 SIXTH STREET PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your' favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS Announcement ... ROYAL CAFE REOPENS Completely Renovated and Under New Management WE SPECIALIZE IN , SEA FOODS SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN DISHES Take-out Orders Given Special Attention JOHN COMER, Proprietor TRY OUR CLASSIFIED At) 3 THEY 'GET RESULTS n