Daily News . 14, 1952 Churchill Still Cocky Despi }50 Years of Political Aciy By ALAN HARVEY | 2 Prince Rupert As I See it |All You Can Eat For $1.50 ty |A Day—Gamble Pays Off the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Nor 4 British ¢ Member of nadian Audit Bureau of Ca di Daily N paper A ciation independent olumbia Circulations Published | I ring ip Daily News Limited J. F,. MAGOR resident H, G. PERRY, Vice-President $1.00; per year, $10.60 w sar. ) alee Post Office Department, Ottawa Planet-Life Possible RASH of “flying saucer” sightings over B.C. in recent to weeks brings again our attention this baffling aeriel mystery. As evidence continueg to pile up, and air foree EL, WINNIPEG (CP)—Meal tickets ‘stmere |\are old stuff—they come in all sizes and all shapes. f f) | There’s pop—the meaj ticket 'for the family—and there's a specia! skill that beeomes a meal for the ewner, but— < 6 When someone offers a month- Horse-Trader Land ily coupon on which you can eat . ° ‘four steaks a day. or anything TAP G ; 1 ys. ‘ NAPOLEON referred. a: vour cholte of Saree contemptuously to Eng- testaurants—that’s a real meal co 3 ticket land as “a nation of shop-, keepers.”’ Some -ticket wiseman gamble in a quiet experiment by how Winnipeg resturant took the |‘ leanings toward expensive table items or fancy steaks The whole thing began Nestor Rzepecki, general of! the rant membered a 1eal in London The sign on the counter read eat what wish, pay what feel the meal is worth--i! dissatisfied pay nothing” Mr. Rzepecki ‘When I they un offer when mana t tirm, re ger res I n you says asked could possipbly make like that—she replied that they found 99 pereent of the the cashiet | verte has remarked that a more deseription of modern Britain would be “a nation of gardeners.” Il -was thinking of that today while listening by radio to the Republican convention tow would we describe the mighty U.S.A.? 1 made out a list of pos- Sibles amd the one that seemed most apt was “a nation horse-traders.’ + + + SOME foreigners cannot stand the mechanics of Amer- ican politics. Even we Canucks, | who live right next door where we can look over the back fence | any time, do not profess to know | all the answers e But the main answer, I think, is that the Americans really love the deals, the dickers, the po- litical horse-trades which are the key to the most important part otf American politics * + DON'T be fooled by the foolish- ness and whoopee at Ameri- can political conventions, any more than you should be fooled | by such publicity stunts as Sena- tor Kefauver’s soonskin caps, or for that matter, Mr. Churchill’s elongated cigars spokesmen concede the fact, that the strange objects are not all explained away as hallucinations, wan- dering weather balloons or meteors the general atti ] j tude toward accurate them is ehanging frowh amusement to erious enquiry Their presence has so increased public interest this mall boys. In spite and articles on the wide popular consumption. trend the Canadian commenced the exploration of space that pec their seientifie el topic is no longer the ial monopoly of to me ol f oi aracte} book ubject are recéiving ith tl line . Chil ( Ul in easting sroad- tion ha a series of from Vancouver entitled “The Visitors,” which delve that the weird craft are creatures unknown to i Ols« broadeast int by eriously Oo peculation manned this world Open-minded consideration along these lines must ibility that, with uncounted space similar to ours, there is another planet revolving around another sun where conditions are such that life is conceivable. The further possibility must also be admitted that, such a planet does exist, life there may be older id more intelligent than ours, and the scientific at least admit t ie po solar systems out in if al problems of travel through space already mastered. Far from being an absurd or dangerous line of thought, this could be a beneficial one. More of the mysteries of space and how they might affect us would lessen our sense of importance and perhaps relieve our inability to live together on our own small globe, ? : la riplure Passage for ei ay “The word of G The circus stunts are just to| keep the rank and file amused | while, the big boys work out the | horse-trades in the smoke-filled/ rooms. And don’t jump to the eon-| clusion that the horse-trades, | or deals, which are made in the smoke-filled rooms at U.S. con-' ventions are necessarily evil. On the contrary, they are the pro- cesses which enable American poutics to work as well as they io work, everything considered. + t ea THE WORST thing that you can | call a mean rascal,” in the} U.S.A, is “a horse thief.” But to calla man “a smart horse-trad- er” is a compliment Thus an lilustrotion of how every great nation draws its most unival ideas and “folk thoughts” from its own. history. The nature of the American republic also make more neces- sary this process of political horse-trading. It keeps the whole political process working at the} times you might expect the whole thing to bog down | In Britain, or in Canada, we nake our national decision on a national basis. We have national political parties which compete for the support of the people from coast to coast. The party jwhich emerges with the most! ;elected M.P.’s gets its chance to run the country, and it con- tinues to do until it is de- awareness self- nich liveth and abideth forevet 1 Peter 1:29 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Rubber Industry Success Linked With Struggle Against Communism By FORBES RHUDE idian Pre Editor fight we have Cal Business A reminder of the savage ing whiel ; laya.is co R alien, I leader; E., China-born Chinese in Malay2, to take up the arms they had hidden since the liberation of Malay (from the Japanese) in 1945 The leaders and members of the Communist terrorist band are almost entirely alien Chinese Ot 3,045 terrorists killed since 1948, 2,845 were Chinese ! is taki tained iy Ferroa, erman who i 1949-50 He enclosed a copy < speech by General Templer, high nmi Malaya, to the Mala‘ Industry Employers’ A In the speech, Sir Gerald deal with the interdependence the economic military strug On the economik the fall in the recuctiol ingap vid ol iti pial ting co sionet oclathe in the federation one the able-bodied male! oday third of oO} 10) ‘ 1 anda theiy services, part or full time in security forces, auxiliary po 1ome guards and similar or ranizat This voluntary el striking testimony to the falseniess of the Communists jelection is called + ¢ + THE SYSTEM in U.S more complicated. The main difference is that the President jis elected by a process which jamounts to 48 separate state jelections. The winner takes ALL \the votes allotted to each sep- sat arate state, although he ma monwealth armed services. ‘Phey jhave led his rival by only a se doing a fine job in what is| -,. : : | fraction in that state. ibly the worst type of fight- | saniete he world—the Malayan | yoters, and the Republicans win Tropical jungle covers al put | 1 million plus one vote, while fifth Salsa: Soom ok the Democrats win 10 million dark and beastly depths armed | ™inus one vote. In that case the terrorist gangs attempt to secure Republicans take ALL the prest- ors the assistance of the rural pop- dential votes from that state— this | ulation by a ruthless campaign though the total vote polled by will depend | of murder and mutilation. Th the Democrats might vastiy out- number of civilians wounded and HUBpeL the total vote in several murdered by these thugs, often other states in conditions of horrible brut- : lality. exéeeds 3,000, the vast! "ading najority being chinese.” polities Ferroa, in sending Sir Gerald's speach, gives some account of himself of interest to Canadian prosperity of the industry newspaper offices which he visit- in southeast Asia and the war ed while on a scholarship of thi against Communist imperialism. United Nationls educational “In seeking their goodwill and geientie and cultural organi za- : e ' assistance, we should be able to tion. R MP satisfy them that we are doing He is night editor of the egina everything that is reasonably Straits Times, a correspondent : possible, having regard to. our for newspapers elsewhere, and REGINA ()—The public works difficulties, to mak« indu adds: department has called for ten- try efficient. I refer primar ‘I am also an instructor in the @¢'s for a new riding school and to the necessity for promoting Singapore civil defence dpeart- attached stables at the Regina widespread scnemes of replant- ment (am supposed to know RCMP barracks. The depot is ing old rubber land with new, about A-Bombs, and how to help|Without a riding school at high-yielding trees civilians in time of war), and| Present. ig Of the fighting am serving on the executive; The old riding school was said: committee of the Singapore|™ade over into a drill hall to “The people of the federation | Scouts Association.’ accommodate an increasing vol- have been fighting since 1948 ume of recruits for training. The when the Communists’ initial af tempt to work through the Com munist trades union collapsed pric Hece cicates @ 000,000 (Malaya imtiate of 1 duty alone, (‘The is currently quoted nt is much Olle fort 1s event claim Fighting beside the curity forees are many tens of thousands of British and Com : local se Canadlat thi with the ag of the cam are the Communist | p Sir Gerald term Situation because celeration of the pace paign against terrorists, the gover federation of Malay committed to the e considerable sum Nevertheless, he eriou ment of heavily penditure Oi one of adds: hall “T am convinced that we ist tert which destroy the Commu gangs, The speed at will be accomplished on many factors.’ To hold the he urged y We : economic front hould lose no opportunity 4S in the vogue in US. to explain to our fri United has in Kingdom, the and Vital connection United the the New Riding States oth countries pe_ween rubbe that hk il Gerald Sir Whale O11 Market |because they are in bad condi- SLO (P)—-Purchase of the last) tion. under- | | population are voluntarily giving) feated in parliament, or another | | years, Suppose a state has 20 million | That is one reason why horse- | ;old stables need to be replaced | the recently-formed National Resturants of Winnipeg, which specializes in Ukrainian foods NEW MEAL DEAL A $45 meal-ticket entitles the purchaser to any number meats a day, and choice of food for a whole month The new deal began May 1 iny regular customers expr satisfaction with the plan. A regularly, and eat for the way as if they eating al with Ol every aay Mé eating hnucn were Salne home, ray... Reflects and Reminisces no There was a museum here long before Prince Rupert had attained its present population prosperity and prospects. And there was also enthusiasm. Afte: having reached the growth and importance it has, surely there is | no reason for a shut down through lack of local interest One hundred and sixty-three years today since the fall of the Bastile—the great day of the French revolution. An outrage it was thought then. But today it’s basic principles and those of the United Nations are not far apart. An artesian well with a daly flow of 432,000 gallons has becn struck at Vanderhoof, in ce:ntra) British Columbia. It’s pure, and of highest quality. In countie: parts of the world, this would be priceless, and of infinitely more value than oil, But being British Columbia, its merely more water in QUITE UNCHANGED f, Strong demands by a score of Labor members of parliament for a substantial cut in the cost of maintaining the Royal Family did not get anywhere. Instead the Queen’s income is increased by £65,000, making .Her Maje - ty’s annua! revenue $475,000. Lt would seem the Foyal Famil¥ is sti the Royal Family Around eighty thousand cheer~ ful joy seekers swarmed to Cal gary this year to see and hear the stampede. That’s not too bad for an annual show that was started in a small way back in 1912. A FEW HOURS UP NORTH The writer spent an afternoo”’ in the museum at Juneau once Time passes quickly there. It’s been one of Juneau’s outstand ing points of interest for many and any chance visitor from Prince Rupert will do wel! to look the. place over. Growth has been gradual, but this slow if careful and determined ex pansion has shown, over th years, wonderful results in the way of Alaskan history, art col lections, records, speciiens, and repositories full of fascinating objects impossible to replace If the weather is hot and brilliant, colder than the Arctic snowy or raining, blowing a gale or thick with fog, something ts certain to be said in each case Nothing is more true than that the subject is popular, and reason i® it does not require the | slightest effort. | PRESS IS REMEMBERED New Yory church goers were | urged'by Rev. L. H. Walz to in- | chude newspapermen and writers jim their daily prayers. It was | proposed to use the following | Words, as well as others: | “O thou Great Source of Truth ;and Knowledge, we remember | before Thee, all whose calling it Take a Portable ¢ $49.00 | | Make that summer excur- sion really pleasant by having this handy little portable along. We supply extra batteries, toa, the | “Our enemy is the local armed terrorist organization known as 10,000 tons by a British soap firm) The riding school will be ap- | completed the sale of all of Nor- | proximately the same size as the way’s 1952 whale oil production. custome eonseien tious, helr prolits ar ¢ honest people; | soa! el mild thar ilte oul 1 We find A plan such a { t ‘omlparec tO nl fash tha WORKS of ho HOW I! l'Wwo eXampik WOrkS VM A I and Otte uppel time upp al cafe, Ha Advance Nest European| AYDS INJURED-—Dr. T. Khat- immigi ter of Glace Bay, N.S., heads fer Dominion Mine No, 20 at i on a fa | Glace Bay where six men were killec and everely injured explosion rocked the the big pit Steel and of the big- producers on Cape (CP PHOTO) yy rtZepecki tarted busine ith 7 an in nada He hewanh Ca pocket c Saskatk nie came Winnipeg al derground blast of Dominion Coal Company in u I'he 1,200-foo Today he 1s gé earring f a conrpany tnat level taurants and where rm intend it etables fruit re ana B.C. Flood To Destroy Trails Of Migrating Prehistoric Race VANDERHOOFP, B.C. (CP) — Three months isn’t a long time—but it’s all the time Dr. Charles Jorden of the University of British Columbia has to complete his studies of the migration trails of the Indians of North and South through Tweedsmuir Park. He and his associate all on small island in Euchu Lake in the park, 60 miles of Wa east of this northern B.C. town Part of that area will soon be sill under water. A dam, built by coe the Aluminum Company of Can ada across the Nechako River, will flood 300 square miles of the "’" region The dam will provide 3.{ ES Ss power for the company smelter _ Dt 14-year-old son Kitimat irvey, also is with the expedi Jac Frewell, a CAME FROM ASIA hose hobby i Dr. Borden state of the America grated over the from Asia. These people pass through what now is British Col umbia. He is attempting to find ] the routes and study the people I y truck Last summer he made a : } onnaissance of the trict June he discovered two century villages on the Lake Euchu and from them col lected more than 1700 items of Indian life. He found evidence of birch bark industry, house and villages that had been built and rebuilt far into the 16th~century, and many other items yet to be identified Dr. Borden problems are money and time The money part was solved when the Alum inum Company presented him with a $5,000 cheque to furthe1 his work In presenting ohe meat tore owned b a farm the fi one oO raise own Ve ana America Roy Carison and Burk from the University Mac- and Douglas Stephen ity of Toronto; Paul Tol- Columbia University, New Jack Darling, Maur+ een Kelly and Helen Tiddington, 12 in Theodoratus are a Vatane hington; Kenneth phnherson toy Circ : York; and Borden's at local irchae the Indians originally Bering cut off end of Everything is at the luding food a brought to the ind ferried acro mil il e peopl Strait Vill De intil the lization ed ine ne were rec Thi 13th shore of di warden pecial permission to ame nas given shoot and one moose for food if they Th need it back the cheque, G S. Kendrick, assistant manager, said ‘It is the hope of our ‘company that this will assist Di 3orden in his investigations which must be conypleted this year before the sites he is in vestigating are flooded perman- ently REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS With Dr. Borden are: Robert is to gather and winnow the \facts for informing the people. } | Inspire them with a determined | love for honest work and 4a staunch hatred for the making ef les lest the judgments of ow nation be pervertec. Since the sanity and wisdom of a nation are in their charge, may they count it shame to set the baser passions of men 01) fire for the sake of gain | on That Holiday Got | fighting | watehed | to jamazing in | formance Canadian Press Staff Writer | LONDON Winston Churchill s an old man in points of years, but there’s stili no sign of sen-| ility in his performance as Prime | Minister or in parliament | At an extraordinarily buoyant | UU—he'll be 78 in November Churchill is as cocky and com- | manding as evel Recently there have been re- that Churchill, with five cecades of active politics behind | him, is thred aad ailing, a shadow lof his former self, that some of | his followers would like to see} him give way to a younger man There appears be little sub stance in such stories | Lo From all the external evidence, | the Prime Minister seems to be} fit. People who have} him in the House of} day after day, resort like fantastic and deseribing his per Commons words His physical condition is a pr vale matter between himself and | his personal physicial, Lord Mot jan Reports from othe: be little better than heat though several Conservatives thelr impression is the “old was never better SOUPCES may say, ay math His one concession to the years is a hearing aid, which he wears when the oceasion warrants, He started wearing it after a heavy cold, followed % bout of ea tarrh few mer As for report jigsen sion Over Churehill continuing as boss man, there are few Conser- vatives who will admit that any such feeling, if it exists at all, goes further than an occasional lament at the Premier's insist- ence on trying to do too much himself Most conservative back-bench ers affirm Churchill was never better loved or more dominantly in power than by one of hi recent atl or party he is today SONOROUS WORDS He still revels in parliamentary rough and tumble. The Church- illian tongue dwelt wi old delight on gon and sueh aphor cent: “A prisoner who tries to k and then him.” ONOr ys SMS gg of War m il You 4 asks YOU nop back-bench (yg member, who asked y quoted by name, Sald ports about discon Churehill’s leadershiy | with Communist ang papers. This informayy has attended nearly ally ings of the 1962 comm Conservative party, aneg er heard any Criticism | chile Two weeks 220 the te a private luncheon fo @ lt Was felt that if any were t6 be made they heard then. But none y coming, and the Pre plain that as long as | health. continued tye malin in the saddle The “old can” still y ishing hours, Whe: je to Downing Sticet jag, the secretaries, wens op shift basis His eating and dry legendary-—and probably gerated. Although he edly loves a full iif, things that go with it say he is reasonably g He favors champagne scotch and seda, bui giass Of scOtch so tenderg last several hours, Thy which is his trademak@ unlighted, put ther people expect It So in this, the eighth of hig life, Churchill ay markable man, defying, exuberance, convinced try has need of him, reg in the words of a in the-Times-—*Nationgl as the War in which, f there is no discharge recent GLOBE'S AREA The superficial are earth is 196,950,000 sqw F Yger - : Fe oe been ~ » SPECEAL--1948 Indian Chief Motorcycle 1-~1942 Chrysler Royai Sedan 1—1940 Morris 1— IME Dodge 3rd Avenue W. —.s ay) pews age ag ¥ 1-194 Austin 1—-1949 Fiyving Standat 11948 ‘Phames Van 11950 Austin TRUCKS 2-ton Truck 1--L951 Austin 5-ton Tryek 1-1 941 International y-ton Panel Superior Auto Servi LIMITED Phone Greet the Malayan Communist party. paeersows one. The equitation sec- This again is the puppet of in- The output reached 170,000 tons,| tion will be self-contained in the ternational Communism which al) sold at an average of 1,650) building, with a blacksmith es- issued instructions in 1948 to the | kroner per ton, about $247. jtablishment included. SHELL PREMIUM GASOLI meng ctnsenttemerine ese