thered Friend Makes Quick Jordan River Water Used In Infant Christenings i of ; Prince Rupert Daily News i Monday, July 14, 1952 mycy of Newspaper Business Buyer Resistance Noted At British Mid-summer Sales By MURIEL NARRAWAY 4 a “birds-eye” view of the newspaper Water from the Jordan used in the christening Sunday of three infants at | First United Church, | | The Rey. Lawrence G Paper Invites ‘iver in Palestine was| yo” V4 Ae flew in the front door of the Dally News e out to lunch and perched itse 1 it surveyed the eturned, the little lf on a back shop.” Sieber | everythitig from swim and beach feathered Visitor BCUl | performed the ceremony ove Canadian Press Staff Writer |wear to cocktail outfits, for William ‘George, son of Mr. and Contributions LONDON Britain’s annual|@round £10. There were smart — Mrs. James Haddew, jr.; Robert summer sales opened amid a/SWimsuits at 15s. sun dresses ig Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doue- Of S$ ' | N general feeling that not since| around £1 and smartly-styled a rs Rupert Hea rs | las H. Payne, and Ian Bruce ocia ews 1939 have West End stores shown | Printed si'k dresses with all- is h }50n of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T ‘The Daily News endeavors to such quality goods at such low a ig gy con | Sollart. give all possible coverage of so- | Prices. Peuverns, Copying i655 Wan te Minister at i The Has se cial and personal news of town With textile mills worki 1g ool, pastel shaded crepes with le water was brought to und district and will appreciate | half-time from Aberdeen to th: | GecePtively-slim lines came at |Canada from Palestine last year‘ Se os eer | ee agsh sat hated e ® i settee Qe anc roc¢ade cacktail rs ublic Dinner iby Dr. CC contributions of such items. Re- | English Midlands, shopkeepers 30s., and brocade cocktail dresses | xs On Cornish of Ingersol, ‘ : rts ub activities ings. | apparently were dete: a could be found from £2 upwards. |Ontario, a great-uncle of the pe of club activities, weddings, — ntly w re determined to rt toeh teeta Gete deea A representative crowd of|Hadden child. Mr. and Mrs. F teas and personal notes are in- break the buyers’ resistance that | may have been the heat or Prine 2 ' 1a xeorge, maternal so ti rae ; t vited. To contact a _ ieporter, has become a major trade prob- the fact that few working girls i Tee Sms aennen, brought the w ster to Prince R ’| phone 749 lem in the last three years can afford advance buying these t ; , j Bien , ce re. 3 y ] au ras er ma ‘he Chamber of Commerce din- | ert ; Crue oe - ——__—_—_—_—— But although good summer | “ays, but crowds were small | 3 ta % 1 areoiiic areai oe 7 i or ner here Sunday night for Re-| dresses were obtainable for as | #'@tiiid bargain rails of winters Ources Minister Winters | Mr. and Mrs, George of Till | little as 30s.; woolen dresses for | Weight tweeds and warm woollen Strip Tease Norton Youngs, president of | onburg are visiting their daugh around £2 and coats at less than | OVercoats. There were fewer cus- the Ch ae , ter, Mrs. Hadden . | £&, shop assistants still found it | tomers for the well-cut threes the 1amber of Commerce, who S. | | | necessary to “sell” their goods. | Piece suits in quality tweeds welcomed the guests, expressed a esgir. 5 r | Fur bargains that would have|'Priced at less than £10, than regret that Sunday was the only those forming a constant queue ' during his tour that Mr.|{ rails of linen sold in the first hour last Janu- Lure Buyers oe aLy wer> still on the rails at the | at eroserain ana Winters coul to P Ru- | en¢ of the first day. Customers | t@ffeta duster coats priced under v¥ it} rs couia come to Prince u-| 204 Fae £ ‘ rt “but per tf ee | BRISTOL, Eng. ‘Reuters)—A willing to buy beaver lamb coats | £3- ert YUL pernaps next time hei} But however good ine general trend of Britain, there were still at 12% guineas, embros lamb at 17144 guineas and Indian lamb at local dress shop has hit upon a new lure to get more customers | us Oh a Week-day Head table guests. besides Mr the salesgirts provide a strip- £15 were hard to fiad. “so-called bargains that wer¢ Youngs, were Mr. and Mrs. E. T tease with each sale. Barbarr. Nelson, fur sales-}Cear at any price,” said Mrs; : es : j ios woman at a Kensington store,| dean Mani, Labor member for Applewhaite; Mr. ‘and Mrs Phil- | Mrs. Kathleen Philips, who | vho was depending on sales| Coatbridge and Airdrie ip M. Ray; Mr. Clarence Bussing- | manages the shop, asked her | ;commission for her summer va- . Telk one girls if they would wear new Pe oe, s hy er of Telkwa; Mayor Harola| pee ‘ ha ‘ation in Ireland, spent 60 min- Whalen; Mr. Walter Smith ana/§ dresses in the store and take | utes talking one customer into or a urintel sitbnte secretars.| them off when they made a sale. | | buying a quality musquash coat if a ets i nt &. L. (Bob) Eliott tine “ste 7 ies hurt cut in price by almost half. And‘ =. - b f cir “strip” sales technique re- | his ws Sait ee ee ee t fF { r gues em eal a | his was by no means Barbara’: } ir Other guests included: George cently in a packed shop ‘before Besa ebeaatin’ ) Means Barbara's) ¢ () orm Jerry Hills, CCF-member elect of the a mixture of male and female a *e | t oung |B. C. Legislature, and Mrs. Hills; | customers | LONDON HEAT WAVE Lea ue Here Ook nd Aldermen Daggett and Prus-| oye ‘ | 1 ales coincide rth Taye t} 15 ks Mt Frank Skinner Mr. Har The men customers, buying oe aaa * tar ware ‘ ; ne cy; } ank < a ar~-| fF, ‘ ie 3 : | don’s gees » » since 2 sc " +} ried jry Black: Mr. Crawford Moors: |= a for their wives, were very polite a . ey Pr a a Formation of an. Air Cadet mes to Mr. Ken Robertson and Mr. J.| WOMAN MLA — Mrs. J. E ney it OOS Mare 88 we: See \eiitiet ie Gack aoe emanc| League in Prince Rupert was he will | McGregor of the CNR here and! Cooper isthe only , | much,” Mrs. ‘Philips said. “But } | bighes", in such sumer wear a5) discussed at a meeting in ,thé i i Wii I regor NIK e ¢ C ; > . ; yY Ww g i | | ¢ > > ‘ : ! . the two. she |Geéree Towill pubic relations| a a of rs re Pp two of them seemed rather em-| | ee ee caer and the Canadian Legion last night. itihnt tne tia Oe bale! MDE GF Whe Sv-keAL EASK~ | barrassed and told ps it would | | | Sally-colored waffle-pique dres-| 1¢ was veported more than 7 officer for the CN in Vancouver.) atchewan Legislature and the | be ali right if we went into the| | ses with widely-flared skirts, boys in this city are interested CP PHOTO) Mr. Alistair Fraser, Mr. Thomas} Only woman ever to represent ; Would-be holiday makers : cubicles to take off the dresses in becoming air cadets. Brown; Mr, and Mrs. Phyl Lyons;| Regina in the assembly. Mrs. | they'd chosen for their wives.” eould furnish wardrobes with) wain problem facing those in- W s M1 and Mrs. Joe Scott; Mr. and Cooper married toa Re one oo3 cee > “| terested in the movement is to oman $ Mrs, Al Armstrong; Mr. and Mrs.| schoolteacher, says she first find 10 responsible citizens will+ reorge Cook; Mr. Jack McRac| became interested in politic jing to form a committce to back schoolteaching readers . and W.C.R, Jones, mill manager| during her l N. d af Buried for Columbia Cellulos aah on| days. She is awyer ame | | the league. a former presi si we Another meetings will be held , | S.0.N. meeting Monday, July P ee * . Watson Island, dent of the Regina Local As Woman i 8 p.m ee , anne. (164) ;next week, at which it is hoped ictorla _— Council of Women. us | Pe a /to have the committee at least (CP PHOTO) Of |@ Prince Rupert Shrine Club | partially formed. Funeral was held Aspiring | Ree, e Car | will entertain Nobles and Ladies; Present at last night’s sessions McColl’s. Fu-| ~~ ** 4 ees IL \W QUEEN ELIZABETH I of Islam Temple, San Francisco, | were: G e McIntosh,| © | one oman VANCOUVER (P)—Miss Mar- | > agra : lat Canadian Legion from 8 till Ralph Smith, D. R. Selkirk, ’ , “s ° Lf ° . Requests economy drive for Royal Household | s : ; enly last Mon-! ~/7raineon. armontum | . saret P. Hyndman, QC, Toronto, ; {11 p.m. Thursday. All local’ Murray Johnston, Roy Brown, } of Mri ‘Mem er in today was named the “Woman ‘ Nobles and wives to attend. Frank Moore, Ned. McNeil, Frank e Rupert STROMA ISLAND, Scotland of the Year,” by the Canadian | (185) | Hicks, and John MacDonald. BC. tor|«erour children trom this Sack atch Federation of Business ana Pro, AM@Stic Economy Measures —$$ $ $< —$ ed Prince| tiny isle, entered in a piano as a [ ewan fessional Women's Clubs. _ } in the last’ competition at the Caithness i j nn The award was made for her | . vell known Musical Festival, lacked a piano. paragon fit ~ : my “c.., Outstanding work and leader- 0 e a en y Oya aml y | ummer ay Ings ™ tt there. Besides! go they practised on a school ae aa on ber’ of tae 53-8ea ayo ship in connection with equal- ° ‘ eaves one! ha Cee ee ee 4 ney | Katchewan legisiature-—-and th’| pay for equal-work legislation ; ‘ ‘ . if irs. HL “lye ee ae ee to carry|only woman ever to represent|now in foree In Ontario and LONDON (CP)—The Sunday newspaper Rey-|] PLAYBALLS . . . COLORED a Ky yYMe.\ the scales of a full size plano. win: ssem} ee 2 : m ‘ cu | eA and. tour i¢he shildeen hed oalt: one sed eee PY SARE a8 A: 9 2 gyre nolds News says the Duke of Edinburgh has launched | STRAW HATS , ,, PLASTIC CORR \ ee : ef ies The federation opened its 13th 42 eC : : o Paw aN \ ut the ee he ne = The prospect of being one |biennial convention here today. the most drastic economy drive every known in the | and METALIC WINDMILLS Ae auspices pidie 12 ck sail place in woman with 52 mer the a ae ee eae was 7 ease Royal Household. | en WAGONS Stas SAND me house doesn’t frighten her toc rs. Nora Arnold, ormer Se ees PA Agee E ion his section much but she admits she wishes! mayor of Prince Rupert. lwo Decades See The Socialist paper says the PAILS and SHOVELS there were more f her sex in hao ‘i belt-tightening policy comes at} the request of the Queen. High} on the list, says the paper, is) the proposal to close the royal} pte : | cf Edinburgh Grow Mrs. Cooper, who is n arried to Minister Flies D> 1 Regina school teacher, says sh oe cae cr ane pst 0 lestate at Sandringham first became interested in poli le City of Ec indurgen las grown ; a ps oka Wicket cokes tics during her school teaching To Inspect faster than Scotland as a whole ee gerbes Digs ae days ¢ during the Jast 20 years, Says a/ 7" BT ee ce cee “You couldn't teact chool Alcan Pro ect report, issued _recently, on the ee ys saggy cael during the depression and see | 24 census of Scotland made in edi. aed 518 3rd Ave. Ty mEht: what it did to children without Low clouds and fog th's morn-! “purine the same wwo decades Move however,’ was protested fevling that something had to b| ing prevented take-off of »a Edi sbuteh ia not yet sedahied by Labor members who als> ask- ahaa Meee Mana eee a aaa a aaa a en eae a on naa ae aaa! done,” she say Queen Chariotte Airlines plane the 500.000 mark but the average ed that a review of Royal expen- | # A. a cunsequencs, Mrs. Cooper with Resources Minister Winters | ao. of citizens is 35.9 years com- “tures should be made every 10/8 hopes to concentrate her efforts to Kemano and Kitimat, site of) nareq to 33 years as deducted Years. in the legislature.on education the Aluminum Company of Can- from the findings of the last The review motion and protest EFRIGERATOR PECIALS and welfare ade.s vast developmeat., census made in 1931. Was overruled by a large major- She says (ae work in the let Mr. Winters instead vis'ted| |The samye period has also seen ity. : islature is “along the line of the EC. Packers huge cold storage a move from the centre of the : | . community work I’ve been doing plant and several fish companies | city to the suburbs. The outer increase for Scotlaand during | This Week anyway, but this gives me a along the waterfront fringe population has increased the same period of threo times chance to do it more effectivel However, the weather cleared by 86,000 while there has been a The birth rate was lower and the i She is well-known for her enough to allow a take-off| drop of 53,000 in the central dis- death rate higher than in other Come in and see for yourself community work in Regina, For: shortly after 2 p.m | tricts parts of Scotland ; 5 three yeats she was president of | The report “otes that there are’ It was estimated that on the Convenient food storage is a must for hot the Regina local Council of 30,063 “surplus” females and a. balance of migration movements, ' ° ° Women find before that she was weather and we have just the refrigerator New Pipe For Pan remarkable number of widows. Scotland had lost about 220.000 president. of the board of direc One woman has the distinction of its population in the 20 years tors of the YWCA for severa of special anonymous mention te 1951 but more people had come for you. years In london Garden because Sh» is th _— citizen roa a Edinburgh than had left Mrs. Cooper, a middle-aged who speaks gaelic only he city. : ’ bs woman a that she isn’t a Since 1801 Edinburgh’s popula- The report observed that more And this week's Specials the opportunity typical politician. § enjoyed LONDON (CP)—Craftsmen have tion has increased more than’ females than males speak gaelic of the year Northern B.C Power Co. Ltd. Besner Block*— Phone 210 cast a new musical pipe to re- place the one stolen from the famous statue of Peter Pan in London's Kensington Gardens. Theft of the original pipe marked the third time Sir James the campaign leading up to the June 11 Saskatchewan general election but found it tiring A CCF candidate, she ,was elected in Regina along with Labor Minister C. C. Williams and seven times compared with an in the city. 1 | ' om we 6 en! ew an a a noe 2 a eos Oe nee ee ae “. “ee ee a a ee ee ee a aaa aa eee ee a aaa eee '\ 1S POOTSTEPS—Veoteran Canadian Pacifie Airlines | Provincial Treasurer C. M. Fines, | Barrie’s fairyland youngster had Prince Rupert, B.C, Stewart, pw , ’ ses time Adee 03 >| been attac Ss. p f \- Randall (front) of Vancouver, shows his twin Be er spate eee, sere omar ite — ee a or toate ose | BuMaMaMaMaMe"a"a"a"ea"a"e": stata a"e"a", ‘aaa "aa a teMaMe ata" teeta aaa al and Robert Jr., who have just started their | does a great deal of reading. She < WES SOEEeS BAG SPR vOrS ee : ; also plays the piano “a little’ |!9 1928 and daubed and dam- | licers on CPA domestic routes, the route he | 4!SO Piay: ee ee eri C | tween Vancouy nd Tokyo for the airline and likes cooking. She is an eo oe W Ss ERN RINGS ‘ : be 1 Vancouver : evo for the ¢ : : T 5 " " ; weit ' - : ' th acaba active worker in Knox-Metro- It was 40 years ago on Mav 1 } Canada Ss Finest ady any time to lis n to dad, who started | yoiitan United church, where her| that Barrie had the statue ere eee , before they were born, Captain Randall began — pet project is marionette shows.| erected secretly overnignt, so in 1938, and his service with the atrline dates Tne last woman member of|that childmen next morning he flew with one of the smaller companies (the Saskatchewan legislature | ‘could believe in. fairies,” C ted later to form Canadian Pacific Airlines. was Mrs, Beatrice Trew, who!| Copies of the statue, sculptor- representec Qu’Appelle-Wolseley | ed by Sir George Frampton, have constituency for the CCF from! been put up in cities throughout \ 1944 to 1949 | the world, including Canada and the United States. er Late Than Never, Says Rupert Pioneer ister of His Anniversary ke any et your wedding that’s what difference who vou ale, Hon ed to the CNR teregraph office to s¢ nd a wire you aren't anniversary—but a lot of Robert H.. Winters said last r 16th anniversary ial 42-year-old minister from Lunenburg, Nova tell friends who accompanied him that his last Friday mmunicate with | : I'l} have some explaining to do when I get home,” figured out the telegram. “I'll just say I was Dies in South George Ladicos died in Van- couver late Jast week, according to a message reecived in Prince Rupert Sunday. He had not live, ed here. for years, but was very well Known particularly among the pioneer citizens, and is well remembered. He was interested n salmon fishing, and had also been active in the development of caffes, ; ; yertake by paralysis, his Canada had 76 plants king +” he said as he made out Overtaken bj ysis, and h plants making niebiclyia Aapsatiegl health, some time ago, became leather gloves and mittens at TRADE ALL 2! , impaired, last count, | 6eT : Airfield Farms OSLO (CP)—Norwegian govern- ment officials have worked out detailed plans for farm cultiva-| tion of all airfields between run- ways and buildings. At the new airfield at Ryggé 900 feet of the total 1,200-foot width will be brought under the plow, All new airfields are being built with an eye to increasing grain produc- tion, One in every package of POST’S GRAPE-NUTS FLAKES marked on the front “Roy Rogers WESTERN RING” You'll want them all — TWELVE splendid picture rings featuring Roy Rogers, Trigger, Bullet and other ex- citing Western. subjects. In bright colors — fit any finger. Get them at Mom's favorite grocery store, COLLECT of GROWING INDUSTRY ROY ROGERS—KING OF THE COWBOYS Grape-Nuts Flakes | ate extra delicious | because they're | SUGAROASTED, And they provide the nourishment of sun-ripened wheat and malted barley covet TO grains, not one! Try Grape-Nuts Flakes today. A Product a General Foods — — | Fashion Footwear These designed for quality shocs are and good looks. The very best in quality—Scott-McHale are priced from $15.95 to $22.95