ii. WW ft r.v . ft 8 'ptlntt Rupert Dailg iftctosf Thursday, September 11, 1947 The'M.V. Einstoss 15 arrived !n port from Alaska yesterday morning with two cars of frozen salmon, and one of mild cured for shipment over the Canadian National line to the Eastern States. The M.V. Dagney, which time in from Ketchikan late last nigh't, had four cars of canned salmon on board for shipment by rail to points in the Eastern States. PRINCE RUPERT 1 ( j YEARS AGO September 11, 1922 The city council decided to turnover to the hospital board a grant of $5,272, this' being half the jamount o liquor profits coming to the city from the provincial government. The Northern B.C. Fur Traders' Association was formed at a meeting in the city. Members came, from the whole district. Initial president was R. Boyd Young, of Port Simpson. Vice-president was' W. J. O'Neill of Smlthers and secretary-treasurer was V. Q. Menhie of Hazelton. The "Canadian Fish and Cold' Storage Co. shipped 160,000,000 pounds of fresh fish over the Grand Trunk Railway during its'flrst eight years of operation, T. RVJohnson, company mana-' ger, safd at a Rotary Club meeting. September 11, 1912 The sale of government lots in the townsite concluded this $?ternoon. High values were cet in the prices, and the aggregate ran over the million and a half . in B ,s B jj H ,B 0 . .a B Jf Special This B M $5.50 Regular B V B $6.95 Regular B m Below B a H SHIPS AND WATERFRONT C.N. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. E. B. Caldwell commandins arrived in port at noon yesterday with a capacity list of pas-rengers including 40 members of the United Kingdom Timber Commission who disembarked here. The Prince Rupert sailed at 1 a.m. for Ketchikan, returning here tonight southbound. mark. Bidding was keen throughout. Dr. J. O. Reddie, the pioneer physician of Prince Rupert, passed away after a long fight against a serious internal disease. R. A. Renwlck, deputy minister of lands for the provincial government, ad Mrs. Renwlck, were visitors in the city. The civic finance committee. after much labor, presented its estimates for the year. The tax j rate was tc be 2CVs mills en the .dollar. The -electric light department was to cost $35,210 and the . public werks $5D,C00. Rev. Canon Joselyn Perkins nf Westminster Abbey, London, was ,n the city- a uest of Bishop ana Mrs. F. H. Du Vernet. He was sacrist cf the Abbey and. as such, had charge ctf all eclesl-astlcal details in connection with the coronation of King George V and Queen Mary. LONGEST RIVER The Volga, longest river in Europe, is navigable for 1,800 miles. PRESS FREEDOM ASSURED In Sweden the law of freedom of the press is part of the constitution. indBEBI it Last- And Your Favorite HOLLYWOOD PATTERNS A brand new Fall assortment for you Week LADIES' BATHROBES Now $2.75 $9.95 Regular Now $4.95 Now $3.45 $13.95 Regular Now $6.95 Wholesale Cost Sizes 14 to 44 At WALLACE'S Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 IBBBBE5EBBEB1BHEBBI acKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" HERE AGAIN SEES MORE INDUSTRIES W. J. Alder, city commissioner i I for Prince Rupert from 1933 to j 1940, who arrived from his heme 1 in Victoria yesterday, feels that j me estaDusnmem of me ueian-ese Corporation's mill on Watson Island will be the spearhead of progress in Prince Rupert and will no doubt attract other in dustries to the area assuring a I steadily prosperous future to the district. Mr. Alder stili has business interests in the city and is v freaueni visitor here. It Is 3fc years, he recalled, since he made his first trip to Prince Rupert Mcst of his life he has been interested in real estate and it was he who built the first house it. the city after the sale of lots The house is still there jus: acrcss Third Avenue from ths News building. The Alder Block cn the corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street was erected in 1939 and was one of the first commercial buildings to be com pleted.. Mr. Alder will remain in Prince Rupert for a week during which time he hopes to make a trip over the highway. BRAIN TWISTERS By Don Douglas Coupled Letters Here Is a two-lettered brain teaser. The answer to all the following definitions may bt written down as two letters, no mere and no less. As an example, if the definition were "A number between 70 and 90," the answer would be ."AT." See what you can do. 1. Not difficult. 2! Kindly. 3. Prior to. a. To lead In a particular field. 5. Feeling or looking wretched. 6. A fabric. 7. To rot. 8. Devoid of. barren. Answers 1, EZ; 2, B9; 3, B4; 4, XL; 5. CD; 6. PK; 7, DK; 8, MT. (106 S ! q large selection of Choice Materials for your Fall Sewing needs I REVERSIBLE TWO-TONE BED THROWS Rose and Blue Maroon and Camel, Green and Peach, Rose and Oreen' Mauve and Green. W1UTE BLANKETS Rose and Blue borders. Sizes 72x90 and 64x84. . . . n Third Avenue Phone "75 When Buyins FIRE INSURANCE On Your Home or on Your Furniture REMEMBER m b of c ourse s "OTTAWA VALLEY" BRAND All Pure Wool Though many European luxury spots, frequented by the wealthy before the war, have either disappeared or do not offer the splendor of .former years, the floating palaces, ocean liners, have not changed. Tourists still can command all the service and ease they ever could. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to change) THURSDAY KM. 4:00 Tony toe Troubador 4:15 Stocks and Interlude 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 Story Time 5:00 Alan and Me, Tor. 5:30 Hawaiian Melodies 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 People Ask 6:15 Freddy Martin's Orch. 6:30 Transcribe Varieties 6:45 Recorded Interlude 7:00 CBC News . 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Eventide 8:00 New Arabian Nights 8:30 Concerts of the Nations, Tor. 9:00 Sports College 9:15 Points ofrView 9:30 Continental Varieties 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Sportsman's Guide 10:30 Serenade In the Night 11:00 Weather and Sign Off. FRIDAY A2JL 7:30 Musical Clock: 8:00 CBC News 8: i5 Morning Concert 8:45 Music for Moderns 9:00 BBC NEWS 9:15 Mornjng Devotions 9:30 Little Concert 9:45 Morning Melodies 9:39 Time Signal 10:00 Music by Goodman 1 10:15 UJS. Marine Band 10:30 Roundup Trie 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Keyboard and Console 11:15 Songs of Today 11 :30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 1 1 : 33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Easy Listening LADIES learn BEAUTY CULTURE THE MOLER WAYI Become a luccKuful operf.or ih the profitable profession of hairdrexing and beauty culture. Our new, enlarged schools offer a thorough training under qualified teachers. Monthly payment plan if desired. Write or Call Today! MOLER SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING Department 1 01 West Hj.lingi Street VANCOUVER, B. C. Build, B.C. Payrolls CONVENIENT and ECONOMICAL v r vtf-J to I L K Amo'jg a number of reasons-why she uses Pacific Milk, Mrs,, R. McN. cites this important one: "It is very convenient,, covenient because one need never to be without milk. It keeps sweeter much longer than ordinary milk and is more economical. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed PJU. 12:00 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30-CBC News-12:40 Recorded Int 12:45 Ethel and Albert 1:00 The Concert Houi 1:30 Afternoon Recital 1:45 Women's News Commen. 1:48 Needle Pointers 2:00 Feature Concert 2:15 Family Favorites 2:30 Song? to Remember 2:45 Don Messer and Islanders 3:00 Musical Program 3:15 Musical Program 3:20 Serenade to America 3:30 Divertimento 3:45 BBC News AIR PASSENGERS Passengers arriving by air from Vancouver Tuesday were R. Gee, B. Lonsdale. A. Dean, E Kcbarynk, S. "Cnmmings. Messrs. Morris, Cyr and Chandong Those arriving from Sand pi' wereT. II. Hanson and W. prake. Passengers leaving for Vancouver yesterday were H. Britten. G. Nlelson, J. Watters and P. Wolf. Passengers for Sandspit were D. Smith, J. Smith and J. Sandason. t Try a ClassiHed Ad In The News 1 AUTU3IN FUR SALE! One of Our Many Specials 323- 3rd Ave. HALIFAX FIRE INSURANCE CO. BILL SCUBY'S FURS NOW AVAILABLE ZIPPER LOOSELEAF BINDERS 1 QC GENUINE LEATHER 0 QC 0,"J Choice of Brown or Black ALSO LEATHER SCHOOL BAGS $3.50 LEATHER MUSIC CASES $5.95 REPAIR AND RECONDITION YOUR HOME THIS SUMMER! CALL Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert E. J. Or, Seattle; S. S. Cum- mings, Mr. and Mrs. O. Hansen, Prince Rupert; A. C. Bunbury. Quebec City, P. Wolf, Malmol, Sweden; J. Dunlop, Smlthers, A. Yoxall, Terrace; H. Bowman, Prince Oeorse; H. M. Button j Carlisle: R. S. Darrlnau?ue, Ne York; w. w. Heath, Alice Arm, , R. K. Thompson, Vancouver; W. J. Neilly, Vancouver; W. E. Drakfcs Vancouver); T. Woods, ) Smithers;'T. Hanson, Edmontcn; J. Peterson, Endako; E. M. Moon, Marlon, Ohio; J. A. Walter?, Vancouver; J. Douglas, Smlthers Miss V.Cousins, Cloverdale Mr. George Mahee, Toronto; Miss Hilda Mills, Ocean Falls; J. Falconer, Ocean Falls; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jackson, Innlsfail, Albsr-ta; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kent. NT' York; W. Cranston, Edmonton; j Mln M. Miles. Terrace: Mrs.. S. E. ; Sunbury, George tewnfe Mrs. M. j Miner. Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tilcomb, Minneapolis. Minn; Andrew R. Mile. Terrace. REFORM PENAL SYSTEM CAPETOWN, Oi Upon suggestion of a commission on prisons and penal reform, South Africa Is to change her penal policy and treatment of prisoners. Since first offenders learn wrong ways through contact with hardened criminals, prisoners will here- after be classified. V...1 .:.nirwVlfC FDR SHINING WINUURJ '- . 2Tt . H IPS' a' action m m PerfeX tmm BBBT BBft The Gentle Bleacn In three beautiful Colors; Matara Brown Safari Brown Classic Black 769. 50 Black 116 GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Phone RED 5G1 p.O. Box 721 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager Specializing In Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Weldinj Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phono Black 881 P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT Canada's Oldest Fire Insurance Co. Established Since 1809 LAST TIMES TODAY ... "BLAZE OF NOON" BLONDE DYNAMITE TAMES Tim LIZABETE SCOTT and LSdU iecKoniiK A NEW ROLE FOR RORAKt ' . EXTRA CARTOON - NEWS FRI. AT 7:00 - 9:00 SAT. 2:C0 - 3:24 - 5:04 7:06 - 9:08 5? A T II R n A v s n " -. ai p,m DOROTHY LAMOUR - RAY 5ULLXD i, w "JUNGLE PRINCESS" One trial proves that 2 IN 1 BLACK, BROWN, TAN, OXBLOOD -VSTocc, HUMPHREY BOGaI in D. i Bo; Friday . Sat gives o : SPARKIM sf SHOE POl It's W It's Here . . . It's Modern... It's Pleasinj,,. A Portrait by . . . Van Meer S(iiili 305 West Third Avenue For a true portraturc, portraying your individual Characteristics Just Phone 426 FAMOUS RUPERT FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD ST PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited oo REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE V..opOUCy . 'tkitt OUINESE DISHES OUR 8" Open 8 ajn. to 2 ajn. PHONE 17S SPECIAL CONSIDERATION TO WARTIME HOUSING PLTRCHASW . call ii or PHONE IL E. (MONTY)' MONTADOR at U COLLART & McCAFFERY LTD.