her Fiance Wuperd vuisy Monday, July 14, 1952 i eet iwoyre Sm tow © - CLASSIFIED ADS —— PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS ‘ *ge | Classified Rates FOR SALE WANTED Ulosure time 4:30 pm. day pre- FOR SALE—Enterprise pot bur-- WANTED — TOP MARKET ridge BLACKWOOD on ECONOMY PLUS FORD'S ENGLISH BUILT | ISusiness °F | Professie | John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs, 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment onl 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 FRED E. Dow, OPTOMETRigy y Successor to Margaret yi Room 10, Stone By SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608—3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O, Box 374 PHONE BLUE 593 P.O, BOX tiy FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE, WORK SAUNDERS BROS. We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 HANDY MA HOME SERV GENERAL CO) Building and Repay, kinds PRECISION SAW FILING Lawn Mowers Sharpened 2!5—-Ist Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 72] ROOPS — CHI OIL BURNER PHONES: P.O. Box 1670 MATTSONS HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204—4th Street Phone 655 UPHOLSTERIW Phone Blue 126. Po 234—3rd Ave £ Prince Rupert, # H. G. HELGERY QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Wurn Soles Box 774 MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Second Ave. LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INS Phone 96, Evenings & LING THE TAI Shipping and General Cartage and Storage cient Service. Also agents for Oxygen, Acetylene and welding supplies. Est, 1910 Moving, Packing, Crating Complete, Reliable and Effi- Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd’and Park Avenues Phones 60 and 68 Tailoring - Alem and Clothes Made-to-) 220 Sixth St Pi for sli... «= PORTRAITS Films Developed aii PROMPT SERV CHANDLER'S st 216—-4th Street Phone Green¥ Prince Rupet For the MEAL that REFRES 4 ~~ FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE vious to publication. a, oil — ea” PRICES PAID for scrap iron, CONSUL and PREFECTS } ees - f Ages bo in excellent condition. steel, brass, to r, lead, etc i ) ci for a depend- ff Classified, 3 cents per word per gan eee ava 5 Copper, » OU. EA OO Are you looking for a depene insertion; minimum charge 50 Sunshine carriage. . Red oe Honest grading. Prompt pay- By SLEY BLACKW D able, smart styled, comfortable cents. oo oo ee : — Atlas Iron & car that makes GASOLINE Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards|FOR SALE—Electrolux vacuum| Metes LAM. see Esor @%. Van- Mr. New Jumps Into Deep Trouble |] GO TWICE AS FAR? ia cae te cleaner, nearly new. Apply) Couver, B.C. Phone PaAcific , : _— of Thanks, Death Notices, 1419 6th East. (164p) 6357. (tf) a i tae aed Then Test Drive the New Funeral Notices, Marriage and' por SALE—4 ft. 6 in. bed and CASH for an rey ois ; 1 he player to your left opens the bidding. } al U-| Prefect or Consul, Engagement Announcements, mattress $10.00; 4ft. bed and batters ie ap re per, ~d bl ; N he -edoubles What ; tio dol DO IT TODAY! | 9 an af f atteries and radiators. Phone; ner Gouoies, ext hand redoubles, lat action do $2.00. mattress $7.00. Apply 1419 6th 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West ke? Special Display double price. East. (164p) Cits : * cA 53 | . ber 27 1938 C hev. grey tudor with at the School Board office. | yyy Champion redoubled. Now, D--K Q@ 9 | Chop Suey - Chow Mein s undercoating and extras. Near- The lowest or any tender will ‘ ‘ C—A 8 * : FUNERAL NOTICE new engine and tires. $1495. not necessarily be accepted. Mr. New figured his partner had r n | Open 6 pan. - 3:30 a.m, RILEY—In the city, Thursday, See Dan's on McBride. (168p) Board of School Trustees, asked him to bid his best suit ast South West North | July 10, 1952, George Riley, age = : oo aa Ea Prince Rupert, B.C. (164) This was wrong. AS s00n as 10C Db! Redbl 1s | 70 years of Stewart, B.C. Rev. de : re = ee com - ~ Mr. New made his one spade > — oe es 4 & J. Twining will conduct serv Pe ee et eee call, his side was in bad trouble 3 : A os ices at Grenville Court Chapel ‘ite. Marine General Repairs, The eventual two heart contract || HOLLYWOOD CAFE ad - ; “2 Ist Ave.“East. (165p) oh Cd § n ; AIR TRANSPORT BOARD | at 2 p.m. I uesday, July 15. In , was set 800 points. a ; '| Por Outside Orders Phone 133 Pe ¥0 a ne tae FOR SALE 1946 green Chev s 6 Mr. New should have passed eee ee emetery ndertake1 edan. New engine, excellent cause hi yap |. Sy. lee No. A-T.B. SOR /OE (NS) in charge of arrangement condition Phone Blue B14 Civil Defence — ~~ wecatias his none we Centre British Co umbia irt (1t) (168) BO wea ., but also because his Limited i suthorized PPPOE OCEEREOEEE SOBER LE DORN ; VICTORIA @—Sir John Hod-} "best suit” was what it was. — Transport Board ite_ a Class . PERSONAL FOR SALE—House trailer, sleeps | soll, chief of Great Britain's civil] Im other words, when he bid * evi ere ransport. persotis . norte a four, Partly finished, all ma- | defence, said here that western one spade he cut out two bids and ot) goods servins Pring "Georg ; ENGLAND FOR THE CORONA- ie Seat Hey vipa Canada leads this nation in eae ony of — Mr. Abel might | vanderhoot, Te Smithers, Burns | / TION — A conducted group een | after 5:30 or ca fence pre ations jhave wanted to make. These Lake, Prince Rupert, Nechako Dam- | leaving Vancouver by ait in beg at She Hee wre: FO heen gen struck with| bids were “one diamond” and '®ite. Tahtea Lake, ‘Kitimat, Kemano BOATS and CABINS ¢ Q ¢ atnrnine i : z fs a | 6 ” and Kildala Arm, subject to the re-| me 1953 and returning in July POR SALE—Wrecking 1941 Ford.| the real progress made in Can-| “one heart. _ \striction that no direct flights may | FOR RENT ave some ne Priced All parts for sale. Green 780,! ada, but the material progress is | After the one spade call, it be performed between Prince Rupert space still available for suit-; 6, can see at 613 3rd Ave. after | obviously better in the west than|W@S necessary for Mr. Abel to and Kitimat and Prince Rupert and ED WHALEN able parties. Apply Secretary, 5°30 (164) , : ee come in at the t level if he Kemano and Kildala Arm Box 441, Daily News. (165) on , en the east,” he said. : . ° e — oe ne Central British Columbia Airways Terrace B.C. “ ae FOR SALE—1947 Willys four Maj.-Gen. F. PF. Worthington, | wanted to come in at all. Limited has made application to the : COMPOSER OF SONGS would wheel drive jeep with Ramsey Canace’s top co-ordinator for |} If Mr. New’s best suit had Board to suspend service to Prince STORE IN CONNEC TION like to collaborate with some winch, 75 ft. 34” cable, $1,000. | civil defence, said he agreed with been diamonds it would not have ‘ e,. Yanderhoot yes poe Box 421 2 a ae nt Ege al Blue 602. (165) | Sir John, adding, “and let's hope; been nearly so bad for him to ‘ 5a. 3 noe eage on 50-50 JaS1S * . * ; an eastern Canada will soon catch | come in with a one diamond bid person de rep- bi saiebounnnneneshaaned or female. Write Box 439, FOR SALE—1949 Prefect 4-| after the redouble concerning this appli- Daily News. (165p) door sedan 15,000 miles. Phone | UP That ld h a liminated st file a ec mplete submis- ke p 2 ‘ . Red 140 (164p) The British visitor praised “ » a » aaa mmmnated sior h the Secretary, Air Transport bt ; _ oe — o Health Minister Paul Martin, in peta = Mr. i no aa Board’. No: & Témporaty Mulldine notors, any size or make. Wil- | — eae ciierth . tad aor Ree ; 5 e passed one diamon lat Ottay ntario, by July 2ist, 1952 . : ‘ TS 28 harge of civil defence, for the : 7 tawa, Ontario, by July 21st. If ford Electrical Woews, Cow BOATS FOR SALE fine toh he is doing. suited him or bid one heart or and send a copy coneurrently the : Bay. Phone Blue 391 (tf) FOR SALE — 16 ft. Criscraft| “rm happy that Gen. Wor- one spade if his principal length ee ee ceri THE largest stock of the latest, Speedboat, Sports model with) thington will be over in Septem- | "4 Strength iay in the majors AIR TRANSPORT BOARD. style permanents north of, "ew ae cae eet see ‘cds ber for the opening of my tech-| Actually, though, holding only OTTAWA, June 27th, 1952 Vancouver. Hot wave or cold eras eating cr light naan nical school at Sunningdale, near tot ae go with a 4-3-3-3 dis- : - wave. Remember it’s Jerry’s maanie in . iti shone | A8c06, to help me With the first) Sartiey, ‘here was Re Feason | ifi hehuty Bhion ti Seles ders ag oe condition rae, experimental course,” he said. for Mr. New to bid anything, | _ Classified Ads Pay manents (185) Gen. Worthington said he was| even if his spade and diamond . oe —— | FOR SALE 36-foot trolling boat! generally pleased with defence holdings had been reversed. | LADIES try our clever new sty with gears. Apply 221 5th East.| preparations throughout Can-| When you make a bid after a p FASURE list Miss Hendry. Thelatest in (167p) | aaa. redouble, which skips one or permanents, styles, cuts, d¥es, po SALE—16-foot boat with ——-———-_|more sults, you should , have IN leaches. on wa 10one 2% h.p. Wisconsin motor. In LUC IF ANGLERS some gn cara streng and a 1IKt Al 855 for an appointment. Jerry’s food ‘condition Phone Blue = os a pretty good suit SPARKLI! NG NEW Beauty Salon directly oppos 754 (164) LLANGADOCK, Carmarthen- In today’s deal, for example, SURROUNDINGS - ite Super-Valu (165) shire San 0 a man caught | Mr New properly could have ‘ ? ATE 27 small salmon the first time | bid one spade on: S—K J 10 8: C d C STAR Delivery and Messenger. FOR RENT he went fishing. No amount of|g- #- Q 9; D—J 8 4 3 and C ommo ore a e | rar ari a FOR RENT—Warehouse, 40 ft. x legal angling, however, saved|_3 9 a 2 or ack 433. , (166) 40 ft, on First Ave. and Man-| him from a £2 fine for possessing sat | TRAINED Mon Wit-—W rite: ih son Way. Apply Standard jmmature salmon eee perreeponcanee Machine Shop. (187) HY Schools, Box 562, Prince Ru- cilia caialiduine | i pert or 1419 East 6th. | (188) FOR RENT—B oard and room RUPERT HOUSING orses B e PLUMBING. Aut so oat aa | for working man. Black 660. (Continued from page .) } 4 x, Automatic Oil heat- (164) deiailanaaniinie | é { ing, sheet metal work. Phone - several of the homes and re-| | S il F 543, 630 6th West. Letourneau.| FOR RENT—Board and room for saa iteaa a he finan eau weil | 0 e or and (tf)| men. Phone Green 370. (164) {Uars® © ra ——__ 'FOR RENT—Log cabin at Lak- /ocations ok NU-LIFE” Duracleaners. Up- else Lake. Apply 221 5th East. William De Silva, inspector for fa e ea j holstery, rugs a car clean- (157p) Central Mortgage and Housing | | ing. Free estimates given on . - Corporation, who accompanied . request. Adcress 1228 Beach|FOR RENT—To tourist, furnish-| yg, winters on bis rei ex-| DUBLIN —A detailed des- The Reliable and Jana DP . a “ a 4 sekeevineg r 5 P as . s on s > 3 iad ‘ a ‘ } ‘i vane emote BRCR Sree he orea Mek atiee 4 sega "nae plained the difficulties of con- par itg Bs Bred electri poe Prompt Service | ANY ONE knowing the present struction in this city. at ee i oe = i ges You Know | whereabouts of Alex Semenoff| FOR RENT—Furnished room for; He pointed out one of the | provid iter ent, m2 io please get in touch with Box| quiet gentleman, with use of| homes in the Seal Cove area|;.. ™ . » Was pud-| . | 1400, Prince Rupert, B.C kitchen. Apply 224 8th Ave. where ‘the foundation was ea | lished recently by the Irish press. | donen pad to" daiver eal ‘ Phone 174 } (165) | West (163P) | feet deep The newspaper quoted a prom- | aie per SO, when the Per Rapeles and Allerations |! . ine - a aie ioe mie S @ 3 s = pinta ee FOR RENT—House, with furni-| He explained the hardships itt eter 7 ae a cea aa pave the : : LOST AND FOUND ture for sale. 625 6th Ave. pouring cement in-muskeg and : oe — eo : } tect ee ty 1 “x Tas oo ane Z ; 4 J ses ne and | This i bis Miksa. mato" lad) how contragors ay aiamansy eePPst the hore srack aad Me catenest gy ko Cats |p HTL ing fishing tackle, Sunday af-}— ee er ee fect inte wMhe “ground bepord “Shackles are paced both on | Belize Columbia, re PO. ox. 214 ternoon on Highway east of WANTED TO RENT reaching rock or hard pan. _/ the near hind leg and near fore |e EEA RPO TR Kwinitsa River Bridge. Finder wanrpp TO RENT — 3 or 4-| He Said Mitchell & Currie, jeg to prevent the animal from MRE UATE TBS. please notify E. L. Clement, a ; BP Fane contractors for the Seal Cove | ip; j » Prin i Setiert Goneral Hosoi: room suite, or house for couple ' ; : ‘ have _| kicking about too much,” the . tal : Cpe ere ho) no children. Phone Red 433,|20mes, expect to have “five or| exporter was quoted as saying, \ _ tal. aS (166) | Six homes ready for occupancy | «te. stands on a rubber mat to T | Make Your LOST—At Salt Lakes, genuine |.. ,yarnp 1 ONT! ; by Christmas.” The others are prevent the flesh from. beine | i ive leather calfskin wallet, valu-| WANTED TO RENT—3- or 4-| expected to be completed early | bruised when he collapses, which | : . 8 ‘ "Ol apar . - or 5- ' Bpsets, ‘ able private papers. Phone} [Om apartment or 4- or 5-\in the new year ‘cM Gaur en Printin Matter ; = me . t ona ae it ;| room house. Phone Blue 828.) ian the framing lumber is on| the horse’s worst moments, g JONN BENNEL, oft, Gays. Dp (168p) ne Traming Sumber is On) lying kicking and whinnying on|| A Good Place to Stop LOST— Set of keys Saturday.| wanppep TO RENT the site,’ declared Mr. De Silva, the floor, %j ; : o Pie —Desperate. “and unless something unfore “rp ‘ } Finder please return to Daily as a os é ” The result of all this torture | News. Reward (165p) ce wey ek eae ~|seen develops, there should be) js that the blood has been suck- | a : une: Ox B90 MANY “Sea, {no delays in construction. ed dry from the animal, which | REWARD—For person finding; (166p) . ) gentleman’s wrist watch; gold| wanrrp TO RENT—Furnished FOR SALE FOR “SALE—Used washer. Apply} Kaien Co.op. (165p) | FOR SALE—Household furniture, | Apply 1007 7th Ave. East. (168p) | - FOR SALE—One tank, approxi- mately 300 gal. 1%” material. | Suitable for oil tank. Phone} Blue 408. (166) WANTED TO RENT—Three- or|ceremonies one month ago at a| Written d suite four-room unfurnishe trally located. Phone tially furnished. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE—4-room house, par- New roof, - 261, PRAISES WORK Mr. Winters, praising the work, | He told of attending opening 35-home development in S8t.! —-—- | encountered there.” He expressed amazement at turns snow white, and this white | flesh can be sold as veal, usually expansion bracelet with the suite for Sept. 1. Young couple, . : . : congas Sakae 2 . name Dyke McMillan on the no children. Box 440 Daily said the Prince Rupert prejoct ee ne pie: saghinrpepadle. eyed ) face. Lost at Gyro Park Friday News. (169p) is the first started in B.C. under ae to London hotels can tes- WF afternoon. Phone Green 285 ;Section 35, which was enacted | tify. , (164) | WANTED TO REN in 1949. The electrie pump was men- tioned in a series of articles | for the Manchester | Guardian by Patrick Keatley, on | for couple, no children. Cen-| Thomas, Ontarig, and said the|!eave from the Vancouver Sun | |construction job here “of course | On a Commonwealth Press Union \is far more difficult than that | Scholarship. The series aroused | a large correspondence and led | | to a number of debates in the \the excavation work necessary | House of Commons. Prime Min- and said the contractors “are to cement pillars. Owner leaving| be congratulated for the neat town. Must sell immediately.) job.” Phone Green 413. oaks i a (164) | PRESTO fire extinguisher for) }oR SALE—Two industrial lots, Accompanying Mr. Winters on his tour, besides Mr. Young, Mr. ister Churehill promised an “urgent inquiry” into some of the malpractices described by Keatley, house, car or boat. $5.95, $7.50 ; vei Applewhaite and Mr. De Silva,| and $8.95. Write D. Owens, | Ae ag hot Teoeriet > ae tan were: Dennis Back of Vancou- Russ General, Box 1062 Postal “B, cca | Works. Apply Standard Ma-|ver, mortgage manager for Soldie Die Red 751. (166p) | chine Shop. (187) |CMHC; Jack McRae, Liberal | rs NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim-| FOR SALE—Seven room house.|MLA for Prinee Rupert in the | ited, Distributors for: Mining, | L 1 BERLIN (CP) — West German Close in. Reasonable price.' last Legislature, and Mrs. Mc- news agency D.P.A. reported to- wer Logging cad Con.| Cash Blue 409 between m aay Rae; Robbins L. (Bob) Elliott,!day that a Russian general and tractors’ Equipment. Enquir- | eT | private secretary to Mr. Wigs-| more than 160 soldiers were kill- ies invited. Granville Island.| RUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES | ters; Al Armstrong, member of/|ed in a rail crash just beyond Vancouver 1, Bo. (tf) a erent —|the Chamber of Commerce; |the Oder River in Polish-occu- ‘ ic hibseistawaies ——- | F f t—City cafe. For ‘ ee p par- | Clarence Bussinger, president of GARAGE for sale or rent be-| ticulars apply to Box 435, Daily| the Skeena Liberal Association tween 6th and 7th Ave. East; News. __ (164P) | ond hotel owner at Telkwa, and in 300 block. Phone Red %3)/FOR SALE — Small restaurant.|George 8. Towill, public rela- 7 : | Will sell or exchange for house | tions officer for the Canadian For parti-| National Railways in Vancouver. Mr. Winters arrived here from Terrace early Sunday morning. pied territory last Wednesday. CHINA STARTED IT The oldest known system of ex- aminations, which began in China in 1115 B.C., were used for selection of officers for public service, FOR SALE—Combination wood| © ther property. and electric stove, $295.00. Like} culars phone Green 894. new. Phone 440. (164p) i (166p) ‘ 244 Miles to TELK WA HOTEL Telkwa, BC. Just a Nice Day’s Drive Part of Your Business Did it ever occur to you that you need distinctive printed matter for your particular business? Type faces give you this outstanding distinctiveness— and these can be supplied by our modern printing depart- ment, GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 127 Dibb Printing Co. JOHN H. Opt omelrist John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue v5 . BULGER WRATHA Photo Finishi 6 DEVELOPING, PRI ENLARGING EXPOSURE Mf AMATEUR SUPT Phone Green 136 i @ General Construction @ Floor Sanding @ General Repairs @ Cabinet Work LIMITED Phone 909 ‘15 Ist Ave, W. P.O. Box Greer & Bridden MY Ba (All Times Daylight VANCOUVER and VICTOM SUNDAY ss. Camosun 8} FRIDAY ss Coquitlam 8 ALICE ARM, STEW PORT SIMPS? Friday, Camosun, 12) FOR NORTH a CHARLOTTE Isl June 4 and* 8S Coquitlam, FOR SOUTH Qu CHARLOTTE 15 ss Coquitlam! June 11 and* FRANK J. SKIN Prince Rupe*t ® Third Avenue 721 ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS 8 UPPER REAL LATE WHEN }> MY OW! WE GET BACK S R : } N . Y ea Z| BLONDIE —Chef’s Special! Bv CHIC YY i s TN OR -—~ (STOP WORRYING -- WN WIVES THINK THEIR” PSY DONT THE DOGS 'M_A GOOD HUSBANDS ARE SO Ht BUT, DAGWOoD_}-} WORRY DEAR) | WILL HAvE \C 1, oe caine tae LET'S SEE-- 4 (WHEN THEYRE NOT A\ IT MIGHT BE “<(ICAN MAKE] | To BE FED, 7 XE EO WHAT LE ®: so N TOO EVERYTHING | | We HAVE? te me ae a aeart