i fir r: W I 1 13rmcc Rupert Daily ttctos Thursday, September 25, 1947 FOLK SONG IS "LUCK PIECE" TO IGOR GORIN, CONCERT SINGER Handsome .radio and concert (Dagli Immortali Vertlcicl) by baritone singing star. Igor Gorin Verdi. who appears here at Civic Centre Among the other, art songs on OctGber 1 is proud as punch Gcrin has waxed for RCA Victor of hisJAmerican citizenship, but are such popular baritone num-none of his concert programs is bers as "'The Blind Ploughman," ever complete without a Ukran-! Tchaikowsky's "None But the ian fojk song, "Viut Vitre" (Rus- Lonely Heart," and a composi slan 'for "Stormy Breezes") which.he learned at his mother Si knee. ' "It'3;a kind of lucky piec for the Russian-American singer; with is rendition of it he gained admission to the Vienna Conservatory of Music, and years later in an audition for the sponsors of the popular "Hollywood Hotel'J' radio show, he sang it again,; and landed a contract to appear regularly as the star of this njajee network sx. Naturally his cwn arrangement of the folksong was the first numlber he recorded for RCA Victor, for whom he records exclusively Coupird: with this traditional foIk-sorwS handed down from generation to generation in the rich farmlands of the Ukrainian, is a "Caucasian Melody" which describes the simple Joys of life among Athe .shepherds of the Caucassi- Gorin, incidentally, Is a composer in good standing with the American Society of Composers. Authors and Publishers; on records. He is also responsible for the. arrangement .,.... i n ,, . . :ir k 'l i ii ir i nr-tr n a I n i . n n folk sJpg. Gorrh's most recent recorded release have, however, been devoted ;t'o popular classics from the "light" repertoire. These include a coupling of "Play Gypsies, Dance Gypsies" from Kal-man's;operetta "Countess Mar-itza." sdth his close friend Al- bert Hay Malotte's "Song of the Open 'iTOad" fro mthe RK.O. film "HGaucho." Thea there is Victor Herbert's "Thing Alone" 'from "Eileen" coupled on another lQ-inrh Red Seal single with one of the late V i n c n t Youmans tenderest melodies, "Through the Years." For alt these records, the Victor Orchestra was expertly conducted by jfeaximllian Pilzer. Thejange of Gorin's recorded repertaire is almost as large as that gom which his programs are afnally assembled for his coast-Jo-coast concert tours, since Albert Hay Malotte's famous "The Lord's'Prayer" is listed, along Jyith the same composer's musical settings -fCT "The Beau-titudel" "The Twenty-Third Psalm' "The Pledge to the Flag" .and two songs "Among 'he LjVing" and "My Friend" for which the composer accompanies! Gorin at the piano in person. Theie are matched in Victor's catalobie,of "The Music America Loves .Best" by "a number of operatic; arias from "The Barber cf Seville," Moussorgsky's "Kho-vantcYhina," Leoncavallo's "Pag-iiaccl'l and a scene and aria "From the Immortal Summit" 11 The , ' ROLEX I m mm is3 mmm mm ' : . ... 1 1' " , TV ! , t A-New Shade Will Make it t Look Like a New Lamp! Seciour complete stock of shades for trilighls, table lamps, and boudoir lamps .... in silk, plastic and parchment SPECIAL Acetate boudoir lamp shades, six 4 colours to choose from RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Plfp.NE 641 tion written by the Russian composer Dimitri Shostakovich weK before the end of World War n but prophetically entiUed 'United Nations." Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycle (8ubject to chancc THURSDAY P.M. 4:00 Tony tne Troubador 4:15 Stocks and Interlude 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 Story Time 5:00 Alan and Me, Tor. 5:30 Hawaiian Melodies 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 People Ask 6:15 Freddy Martin's Orch. 6:30 Transcribe Varieties 6:45 Recorced Interlude 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Eventide 8:00 New Arabian Nights 8:30 Concerts of the Nations, Tor. 9:00 Sports College 9:15 Points of View 9:30 Continental Varieties 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Sportsman's Guide 10:30 Serenade in the Night 11:00 Weather and Sign Off. FRIDAY AM. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Concert 8:45 Music for Moderns 9:00-60 NEWS 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Little Concert 9:45 Morning Melodies 9:39 Time "Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Song 10 :30 Roundup Tr.ie 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Keyboard and Console 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11J45 Easy Listening P.M. - 12:00 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:40 Recorded Int. 12:45 Ethel and Albert 1: 00 The Concert Houi 1 :30 Afternoon Recital 1:45 Women's News Commen. 1:48 Needle Pointers 2:00 Feature Concert 2:15 Family Favorites 2:30 Song. to Remember 2:45 Don Messer and Islanders 3:00 Varieties in Music 3:15 Musical Program 3:20 Serenade to America 3:30 Divertimento 3:45 BBC News Advertise In the Daily News WRIST WATCHES WATERPROOF DUSTPROOF NON-MAGNETIC Watch that the boys and girls praise so highly for its UNFAILING ACCURACY 59c 313 3rd Ave. W. SHIP OF THE DESERT FROM SHIP OF THE SEA A one-humped camel (Dromedary) is getting a lift in a landing net as It is disembarked fom the British motorship "Travider" at the busn terminal in Brooklyn N.Y. The animal is one of 30 collected in East Africa from zoos In th U.S. The "ships of the desert" will have to spend a period in quarantine before they go to their future homes. Mol ecules Battle Without Touching In Amazing Discovery by Scientist NEW YORK, (AP) At th? t the kind Dr. Rotheri Is studying. Rockefeller Institute for medical ; So far, they are the only ones research, Dr. Alexandre Rothec found to posses this strange aibil- put a wall between some disease fighting molecules and the': enemiesand made an amazing discovery. Nothing was supposed to hap-pend but these two chemicals reacted or battled through the wall without ever touching each other. The molecules showed an unsuspected power of "long-dist ance" Influence. It was about as surprising as 1! two automobiles, separated "by the. grassy strip of a dual high way, suddenly showed collision damage without coming into contact. It always has been thoughV that molecules had to be In contact to react. Dr. Rothens discovery is a fundamental new principle of potentially great Importance in biology, chemistry and physics. Molecules are collections or families of two or more atoms. Thus a molecule of water Is two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Most indnvidual molecules are much too tiny to see. But if ordinary molecules were the size of BB shot, the big ones would be the size of tennis balls or larger. These big ones were INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR SHOES- HEEL THEM ATTEND THEIR THEIR .soles-box 774 Second Avenue LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 - 220 Sixth Street Jow Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL ity to inter-act even when separated. In immunity studies, Dr. Roth-en was working with antigens and antibodies. Antigens are substances which are parts of the disease-causing agent. They stimulate the body "to produce antibodies which will fight the disease by reacting with the antigens. SHEERNESS, Eng., O, Recipe for happy marriage was "half u Spirit of beer and an onion" every night said ex-police sergeant Herbert J. Hlbbard, 83, who recently celebrated his 61st wedding anniversary with his 80-year old wife. CHRISTIANITY IS FLOURISHING WORLD FORCE - Christianity is flourishing In the dawn of a new day, not sinking in the dying twilight of one that is past, Dr. Hugh Dobson, Associate Secretary of Social Service and Evangelism told an open session of the Prince Rupert Presbytery of the United Church last night. Dr Dobson accompanied his lecture before an audience composed of clerical and lay delegates and local congregation members with lantern slide illustrations of the vast variety of Christian work going on in Canada and foreign countries. Dr Dobson viewed thq Church as being at the threshold of a new day. which promises expanding recognition of spiritual values. "Because of its critical attitude toward its own works, the church has been purified," he said. "Communion within the Church today means more than it ever did in the past." He declared that Prince Rupert Is the hub of a zone which extends as far as the "troubled shores of Asia" and described it as "down south" in emphasizing its central location. "It is a hub, not an outpost in the world arena," he asserted. "We must face the day, not with dirges, but with a Hallelujah Chorus if we are to enter t with a spirit appropriate to the Christian Church," he said. Cyclist Collides With Parked Truck R. Scvhaeflfer was taken to hospital Wednesday after his motorcycle collided with a parked, city-owned truck on Shawat-lans road. He suffered cuts on his chin, above his left eye and a bruised leg. The truck was parked at the roadside waiting for the city grader to pass when Schaefifer rounded a curve. He succeeded in casing the collision by skidding the motorcycle before It crashed into the truck. Classified Advertising Pays! FALL FASHION SHOW TONIGHT Latest Fall fashions will come under public scrutiny tonight at the Civic Centre auditorium when Job's Daughters hold their annual Fall Fashion Show. The program will also Include varied entertainment. Mrs. Alex Mitchell Job's Daughters Oulrdlan, is In charge of the models. Mrs. . R. Davies, Los Angeles; Miles McDonald, Alice Arm; J. BlschoCf, Smlthers; E. Jaqulst, Edmonton; R. M. Clark, Smlthers; J. Dunlop, Smithers; 0. McAdams, Terrace; Ray Thorn , Alice Arm; W. Oray, Alice Arm; Mr. and Mrs. J. Glvson and son, city; H. Dobson, Vancouver; Mr. and Tin. P. Nelm, Anchorage; J. E. Winder, Anchorage; V. Richmond, South Hazcltoa; William Nazee, Vancouver; T Fisher, Terrace; T. Armltage, Vancouver, GREAT YARMOUTH, Eng., if Ojie of Britain's biggest prefabricated estates built-in less than two years contains 711 houses and every road is named after a shrub or tree. i What MAKES a IDelnor Fruits & Vegetablesol5Cr Frozen make nanny mealsi Aviy - - - 1 1 jrood citizen? A. ood citizen respects himself ... and respects the rights of others. lit avoids bigotry and intolerance. ' He puts the welfare of his country and his community before his own advantage. He is moderate in his thinking and moderate in his actions. I lit is moderate in his use of luxuries. When an occasion calls for the enjoyment of whisky, the good citizcii knows, as The House of Seagram lias so frequently jKinted out, that he has a personal responsibility' td himself, to his family and to his country. It is to "drink moderately" ... or not at all! m wm Hotel. . . arrivals Prince IRupert J. J. Lancaster, Vancouver; E. T. Slmms, Vancouver; A. West-lnghouse, Sannlchton; F. H. Ver-. mette, Vancouver; J. P. Cyr, Whltehorse; D. Little, Terrace; G. Redhead, Telegraph Creek; J. J. Johnson, Vancouver; R. C. Sargent, yancouvcrii Mr, and Mrs. J. Wallmart, Anchorage; Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Monkton, Victoria; D. W. Carrier, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McDonald, city; W. G. Mcintosh, Vancouver; W. Morris, Smlthers; A. B. Carswell, Ottawa; W. J. Osborne, Terrace; H. A. Phllpott, Vancouver. M. D. Clark, Terrace; Lionel Curts, Stewart; C. R. Salmbnd, Vancouver; S. H, Shambly, Edmonton; Mrs. J. Thompson, Niagara Falls; A. Bellos, Dawson Creek; R. Pethik, Victoria; T. A V. Tremblay, Victoria; Rev. W. P. Bunt, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bell. Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. G. OLsen, Terrace; Mrs. W. Robinson, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. W. II, Spencer, Terrace; Mr. and This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board, Or by the Government of British Columbia Practice stcdcraen 0cay of mam .... Miuft IDI e luinw ...Mil your m THIS W'm enoui thing, c. i ' otfectitt v..;.i.. H " ? V.um.,B,.C,D,lO K t,,M " HiicEtl rnninnnnii t m In :. . ., . I food iubjuncM-tompb, J V mma ur iai oduriQce.ItthuictsiIUlJ normil growth. Sn if nnr rtiMJ . t . - - --1 tj pnm, KDdrrnir 1 Xrj ddiciou, Orildoe b J OVALTINE COTTAGE CHIEii Jfew Creamed -ts& a VALENTIN' DAB! YourMj ALL-WEATHER Edl It your buUfcj.baxa niture vere los. fcjiJ would your pad INSURANCE coTer replacescl o! j:i possessions? I Doyourcalfettffil day costs of aitfctJ niture are upSPKl Consult yostaa adTlsenw1. H.G.HELGra LDimD 218 Sixth fStd AytdclW R ARY POWDt . Tli irtitwi"! r lirM " . : uP lion. - 'Jd0. A" McCUltn' PHARMA i iMITED Third Ave. nd f'h 51 phone ' CENTRAL P convent for your Transi lent Bo""115 CAFE t Honnection LICKED PKf":