u Aiuom , Vfjetables 2 IDS Sugar .Mine he Fresh P nt innprr tilU .... ii -1 Fish traoked. lb. in Butter Milk 2 (CT Flour. u.. Fruit .65 .29 .25 251.33 15 ... .10 ... .65 09 15 .10 .11 .19 .10 1? .62 .33 .35 .25 .33 .22 .70 .23 .47 i.Nalhard.wheat. 2.53 inn i nil mm i:- 20 oz Juices lfiran!P nnrl arnttn " " rMuv 1.07 55 .33 .37 .42 .29 25 33 59 .33 35 .17 .19 .18 .11 (10 C 43 i wj yo r Calif. 4 for 29 aoz, K7 -medium, 2doz, .65 ies. 3 lb. .24 Tokav. 2 lih C: nn 1 . W"M, ID, .33 uncord, 8 lb. bskt 93 ENGLISH PIANIST LECTURES, PLAYS AT CITY Dr, Leslie Grossmith, English pianist and composer, is appearing at the. city's schools this week In a' series of lectures and recitals which are proving, popu lar among the children. Proceeds from the appearance, for which a Snail charge is being made, are turned over to, a. fund, for British children. Wlh Dr. Grossmith is his French wife, who also lectures on her native language. "I emphasize pronuncltlpn," said i, Madame Gros3mltht whose mostobvlous Interest is hen husband's musical artistry. "I da not try to tell them anything about grammar." Dr. Grossmith is making two appearances at each, school, lec turing the first day, and, pro viding a recital the next. Today he is lecturing at King Edward elementary school. He has al ready appeared, at Annunciation school, where both his lecture and recital were warmly re-j celved. ' He plans to visit the other city schools next week. Born In Birmingham, England, white-haired Dr. Orossmith has travelled the world as a concert and solo pianist. He also Is a composer, having written an op-: eretta and a grand opera, neither of which have yet been performed publicly. His lectures have an inspirational quality as well as high entertainment value. "I stress the value of good and consistent work," he said. "My adylce to children is not to leave school until they have their final certificate." Both Dr. .and Madame Grossmith have Been in Prince Rupert before 30 years ago. "Prince Rupert has changed tniwh since that time," mkj. Qroremlth said. "At that time thq street? were plank roads and Peaches, 2 lb Canteloupe, 2 for Plums, 2 lb - Watermelon lb. Lard Pure, lb H " Shortening Snan. face. 2 for Laundrv cake, .11-.13 Sunlight, 2 for 19 Powdered, 63--69 THIS AND, THAT i Hi'. i r w j. ' - mm iiiirv.il tmmmmmm it i ii, b- m m Tf l iu ii mmuu ii s - re waiting for-street, car and, no wise cracks!" Next Six Months May; be, Decisive Ear Democracy in Trouble Italy, ROME fAP) Sovereign at last since her peace treaty, became effective Sept. 15; now, faces, on .her own the supreme test of hot capacity, for orderly, self-government by- democratic processes, Wednesday Premier De Gas-perl was called to accountfor his stewardship when left-winger Fletro Nennl's motion of no-confidence came up for debate in the constituent assembly. If he survives this test as seems likely, he must still look forward to turbulent times thereafter. Events of the next six or seven months culminating In the election of the first Natlona Assembly under the new consitutlon, may be decisive. The outcome will be fateful not only for Italy, but for the wprjd for, this country.along with Greece has become a political arena in which the giants of the their first opportunity to shqw whether they.can. win power constitutionally in a country not occupied by. Russian troops Italy also may be virtually the last barrier to the spread of Soviet domination to the. shores of the Atlantic. A. Communist triumph here could create the condition for a similar advance In France which would place the hammer and sickle In the ascendant from Vladivostok, to Bordeaux. In Italy's internal stuggle, the propagandists are Premier Alcide De Gasperl's christian democrats opposed by the leftist coalition of Communists and pro-Commu-nist Soclalist5: which De Gasperl ousted from his government four months ago. ' The Christian democrat, leader s waging his battle on two fronts. While he combats the.,Commu- nist campaign tq upset his gqv- enment, he. must fight also to save Italy from national Italy's dolar funds, will be exhausted by Jan. 1 and so, too, will be her wheat-supply. Beyond that date the .government's main hope lies In emergency aid which might be provided by a special session of the United States Con gress. The only alternative, apparently, is the possibility of aid from Russia's bumper wheat crop which conceivably might be of fered on the political condition that the Communists be invited back into the government. In the fierce, political debate there were many unfinished buildings. It is a pleasant little city now." Dr. Grossmith's lecture tour is being made with the approval of the provincial Department of, Education. mm IMH100M-NICK" -UBS? UPHOLSTERING FUKNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders, Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOI? 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE, BLUE 818 HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714. FRASER STREET pnona, Blaclc. 823 now. in pogrcss, De Gasperl has the firmer position, on the for-1 eign policy issue. The. CommuT( nists. are. more effective in thei field of. domestic economy. I The. Kovernmept's policy of co operation, with the western ppw.-ers .and especlaly. with the United States, gives De Gasperl 's adyer saries scant ground for. convincing, criticism. The leftists grumble about American, "Inter vention" in Italy',3 interna af ? fairs, but they do. not tell their followers U is. better to, suffer I cold and.hunger than to. accept American dollars. They have nothing comparable, to offer from, their Soviet mentors. On, thS. economic Issue, h,ow;-eyer, the. leftists have De. Ga?-perl's. government at a disadr vantage. Living costs have, adr vanced 50, fold sincer1938. In the same . period, unskilled . workers' east and west are testing, thejr, wages have, risen-36 fold, skilled strength workers 26,-fold, and. white, collar In Italy the Communists have. workers! 19 fold In less than a year the prjee ' f , ... i nci price, or spagnem i?. up oau jjcj cent of rationed bread more, than 100, per cent. Steamship Sailings For VanconTM Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 pm. Tuesday ss Coqultlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss rrlnce Rupert 12:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala. 5:30 p.m. Saturdayr-ss. Camosun, 10:15 p.m, From Vancouver-Sunday ss Coqultlam,- 4- p.m Monday ss Princess Adelaide, pjn. Wednesday- Prince Rupert-11:00. aon. Friday ss Camosun, 4t pjn. Friday ss Cataia, 5.pjn. For Alaski Friday ss Camosun, a.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, am. From Alaska Thursday ss Prince Rupert; 7 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 8 pm. temDtinq. hot PARKER HOUSE ROLLS AFTER. P.OPE ADDRESSED JULLYr-P.ope Plus XII is shown just after . he, spoke, before.150j6o6.de"legatesof the. Italian convention of, Men of Catholic Action in. St Peter's Square, Vatican City, Rome, The, pontiff declared; "Time. for. reflection and planning is. past, Now is. the time for taking, action." HEAD IMPRESSED BY WEST COAST This active fresh yeast works fast, because it's full-strength. It saves you time and extra steps. And the, Parker House rolls you bake with, Fleischmann's will be especially, tasty tender, light, IFYOU BAKE: AT HOME, order Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast the dependable yeast with the familiar yellow label. It's been Canada's favorite for more than 70 years. Always fresh, at JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue your grocer;: F I L M S Superpan Press Films Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mail Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 216 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For your Make-Up Kit Powders, rouges lipsticks, creams lotions and ottier articles necessary ln.your make-up kit to give, that well-groomed look. at the vinced, ol. its, importance. He is also, Impressed, with the fine weathpr Prince Rupert greeted him with, like many others he has heard that it rains In this area, . Dr. Carter snowed the party Kl".. V Wednesday. He accompanied uie Aimnuc urao-im "'them.when they left by train for the. Fisheries. Research. Boards vn'nvpr . -,.ht D, Car. Canada, whQ.has, his. headquar ters.in Halifax, arrived on the Prince, Rupert, yesterday, irom Vancouver accompanied by. Mrs. Beatty. and;daughtex..Eat1 Dr. Nell- Carter, who was for nine years head of the Biological station in Prince Rupert and now holds, the same position on the-Pacific Coast as Dr. Beatty does on the Atlantic, JoinedDr, Beatty In Vancouver. Although Dr. Beatty has held his present pisition for, a number off years, thlsthfc. first; tlmehe ha?, had the opportunity, to visi the. Pacific, Coast, According; to Dr Carter, his eastern cslleagu? Is, quite, impressed t with the. varl ous phases ofi the, fishing Indus try. on this coast and, is.quite con- ter will return to Vancouver from JasDer either dirtctly by train, or. by way of Pinc.e Rupert. NOTED BOOK COLLECTOR Probably the greatest private collector of books of. th,e Middle Ages was Gerbert, Pope Sylvester II superior Thursday, September 25, 1947 VALUES FOR FRIDA.Y ANJSATURI)A,Y FREE DELIVERY LExAIONS Large size ONIONS No. 1 Okariagarv GRAPEJS Tasty Tokays PHONE-18 All Seasonal Fresh Fruits & Vegetables for Your. ShQPPmgtHleajune' per dozen 49c .... Hbs. 23c ..... 2lbs. 29c POTATOES No. lTvrace Gems, . 100-lb. sack 7."...'.'.. ...... $3-95, APPLES No. 1 Fancy Macs. ....... bq $3.69i APPLES "Cce" Grade. Maps,, ' large or small size, -. . b,ox.$3.0fl. ALSO Concord Grapes, Pickling; Cukes, Sweet Potatoesvetc. 1 MH-727 Maxncll House is bought and enjoyed by more people than any other brand oj coffee in the uotU at any price. Steamer Service, from PRINCE RUPERT OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN WHnesday Midnlcht (All Times Pacific Standard) For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices, RRINCE RUFERT PEAS Royal City, New Pack, ltnM3c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20-oz. tins . 2 for. 25c ROLOGNA York Brand .... 2 12:bz. tins 49c SAUERKRAUT Lily's, large . 2.for 39q SOUP Heinz Cream, of, Tomato .'. . '3i tins 35c jlj-Caniation, tall tins 2'for 2.5c Our display of Cereal Foods, such, as Rice, Split Teas, Barley, etc, will help you shop. Hreft" lELBSES&mmmmBBmS mmSmLMLmfmmmmmSLmmmmmmmWn wmmmmV&&i Mi W 23c Regular i jacket .... Soap Bow4er 29c p.ktv Maxwell House, contains choice Latin-American Coffees., It has Extra Flavor. TheMaxwell.HWBjblcpijjiinusually smooth and .mellow. Radiant Roasting captures all. the goodness in .this remarkable blend. It's Good to the, last. Drop. BOOKS for att Ruling REST SELLERS OF THE MONTIL FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES REVIEW FICTION. "The Moneyman" by Thomas Qostaln "The Prince of Foxes" by Frank Yerby "The Vixens" by, Frank Yerby "Oentlemen's Asreement" by Laura Hobson "Kingsblood Royal" - bjr Sinclair 'Lewis GENERAL "From Storm to Storm" by H. O.Scott "The Roosevelt I Knew" by FrancesjPerkins JUVENILE READING. "Smoky" bK WWJ.W "Lassie Come Home" by.Erlc Knight "Green Grass of Wyoming" by Mary, CVHara THOM, SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager Speclalhing In Marine and, General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phone Black 884 P.O. Box 1219. PRINCE RUPERT mm mm mmmr 1 1 T" SINGER J": Ik Fre? Estimates ( , All Work Guaranteed PH0NKHI1,