Irt RPr: ,-.rn SECRET I worm cut-1 r silk ' " . .. KuroDe . n hy two wesiuj- , fob:: quantlty " : scaled in the ' ' .... cto rf s. I 'JSitSn TO APPLY Rcj tfe 'rr-'f p.o. . - "...mtulns at a r ' Am thence I'" unn feet: I " .. :" Ssuth 2800 dc-rer; South E 38 degrees r ; k, post and . 8": more or . and pro- PANV iIMinu tabo or; (250) aNTENTK-N TO APPLY j . :; at the Dcnise Creek) j j -3 Bay ICE &.: Highway con-i K B:c British uoi- ; Hi: C-r.tracioro inicuua n: li water , "AT i:.3r.Cv We 52 ';s (c .hence East I, :0 (zr whence East ,", , if.-. thence if j.nj and pro-' FAN LIMITED ht o Shannon, bc c::-. s' (HOW) itr-ii r ;rt of bri- EH C3LJM.SIA CP THE ESTATE fiiNDUTON, OR JOHN I IS-.! DECEASED. r Order w W O Fulton. Local C )f Drltlah t'.-.i '.Jnd day of j !T appointed Ad-.2 E u ,t Joiin An- tat I:.'-, of Prince 1st r.-. who died I the tb t July, J947, r.. Itupcrt British fe: Indebted to '. t: f -.Irea to pay L'of i ... lebtedness to i percans haTlnij 1 E..t5 are re--. Sra : '.1 me properly I t: :: f-.j slat day of h v::!ch dlstrlbu- intf: t . . regard only t , '' shall have Pr "Sl: " B. C IhU LBf - D. 1947 kw I t -.T FORBES He ' ' A,"w 'NISTRATOR fucir.:?;. b. c terir;! COURT OF ITCH l. -L TMnf A IN PKSDAT3 t MATTE"! CP THE fC.T-AVICN ACT" pim C? THE ESTATE ; ( i"w siioNa AR8T 1X1 LEWIS), DE- mci if t? Order of VV O Fulton 161 E: :3-.t:- A.D. 1947, W trtt ! f thK Fji 1 1:4 '.r :r Lew Hhnnc rt Br!' 'l Crlumhla. who th 51n Haw nt 1t P ti . .ujJcrL unusn Err.: F: udebted to the P- i i:itedness to me T.r : r.j pwr,n- P'-y :th me properly " ; , . lne 3181 day of ftii fauir- which dlstrl- -i. navins reeard , k: cl which I shall -"JjRupert, B.C.. thlti K';D0! hager FonnES, fated. GROANER LEVELS DEADLY MUSKET AT JASPER GAME JAfiFERBlng Crosby has lust returned here from a two-week hunting trip along the northern boundary of Jasper National i Park. Ills trophies Included ! mountain srkep, mountain goat and moose, a growth of whlsksn and a deep tan. Fresh from his victory In the annual Totem Pole Golf Tournament at Jasper, Bin? left Sep-temfber 8 with three hunter friends from the United States and outfitter Stan Kitchen. The rjack train of 35 horses headed into the hunting country from Brule, then wound through Eagle's Nest Para and the Wild Bay River, then to the Muskeg headwaters and along the Snake Indian to Devons. Dr. Arnold Stevens of Beverley Hills. Calif., and two hunters from Elko, Nevada. Kewton Crumley and John Oldham, all I bayged moose and mountain scat but Bing was sole boaster cf a mountain sheep trophy, prized bighorn of the Rockies. Outfitter Kitchen described the Crosby party as one cf the most congenial he had ever guided, with the crooner's tireless pocd humor setting the pace, lie recalled the day Bin? and lie were caupht in a sud den high country blizzard which whipped over the mountain they were .climbing and forced them ! to seek the Questionable shelter j cf a rock slab. Dusting snow frcm hl. collar and rifle, pounding his hands for warmth. Cros by turned to Kitchen. "Only one thins I could ask fcr," he shouted above the storm, "I'd give uo my chance for a bighorn If Bcb Hone were ud here with us." Leaving his trophies In Canada for mounting, Blnx Is now motoring homeward. The remainder of the partv took off frcm Jarer alnxrt Wednesday In Mr. Cnimlerv' Beechcraft to fly direct to Nevada. B.C. STARS WITH LACROSSE TITLE WINNIPEG. O) British Col umbia all-stars won the Western Canada Junior lacrcsss? Championship here Wednesday night, defeating Elmwood Ter riers 19-11 to take the two- game total for the series by a score of 35-14. SHORT SPORT Bobby Jones climaxed his "grand slam" of golf 17 years todav when he captured tht United States amateur golf title at Philadelphia. He had previously' won the British amateur and open and the U. S. open. Baseball Scores National Leasue New York 6, Brooklyn 5. Chlvgo 5, Cincinnati 6. Cardinals 5, Pittsburgh 1. American League Cleveland 9, Browns 1. Detroit 5, Chicago 4. RE-OPEN FOR BUSINESS SEPTEMBER 23rd Everybody Welcome IREX CAFE (229) 303 Cabs 1 would like to take this opportunity to jounce to my many friends and patrons N I have left 123 Taxi and will be operal- f 303 Cabs from the 3 Sisters Cafe. Your ntnuie,l patronage will be sincerely apprc- FUEI) JENSEN 303 CABS EDMONTON FAMILY GETS HIGH PRICE FOR ACREAGE IN OIL CIRCLES - Shown above gazing at the $200,000 cheque which was paid to them by a newly-formed oil syndicate for 160 acres of land In the central oil producing area of Leduc, are seven happy members of the Rebus family of Edmonton, Ana. Tr.e acreage was p art of an estate bequeathed to them by the late Bronislaw Rebues, who migrated to Canada f r om Poland in 1897 and homesteaded in the Leduc district. Pictured left to right are, Mike Rebus, co-administrator of the estate from Calmar, Andrew, Peter, Mrs. Mary Melhyk, Joseph, shar ing administrator; Mrs. Rose Rebus, mother of the group, and Alfred, all of Edmonton. Four other beneficiaries were absent when the "shot" was taken. The high price paid to the family is considered In oil circles to be the greatest price ever paid for an acreage in the history of western Canada. SCHEDULE FOR MIXED BOWLING October 1 Headplnners 's vs Xs" Pushovers. Midgets Seals. Thistles vs. Dodeer.i vs. Maple Leafs, Mc- Meeklns vs. Pioneers, Kingpin-ners vs. Atomics, . October 8 Klngpinners vs. Dodgers, MeMeeklns vs. Push overs, Headplnners vs. Atomics, Midgets vs. Kilowatts, Maple Leafs vs.. Gold Seal, Thistles vs. Pioneers. October 15 Atomies vs. ThisU les. Kilowatts vs. Gold Seals. Maple Leafs vs. Pioneers, Mc j Meekins vs. Klngpinners, Push I overs vs. Dodgers. MEN'S 'B' LEAGUE 5-PIN SCHEDULE Beotember 26 Moose vs Thorn's sn., Fish Dck vs. Can- flsco, Army vs. Scotians; Mutts vs. Leafs, Thorncllffes vs. Grot to, Stones vs. Co-op. October 3 Co-op vs. Leafs, Stones vs. Scotians. Fish, Dock vs. Moose; Grotto vs. uanusco, Army vs. Them's SAL, Mutts vs. Thorncllffes. October 10 Mutts vs. Grotto Army vs. Leafs, Co-op vs. Thorncllffes; Stones vs. Moose; Can- flsco vs. Scotians, Fish Dock vs. Thorn's S.M. Advertise in the Dally News (delivercd free) PHONE 654 25c PER OZ. PAID for EMPTIES Please have them ready when the driver calls. 1. r,t nuhiishrd or JinSiabytl Control Board or displayed by ue Liquor q Columbia. by tneuovi-Miii''-- k BLONDIE Ladies' Bowling I September 30 Savoy vs. Man-i son's, Tollers vs. Variety, Orange vs. Comets: Watts & Nickerson , vs. Bankers. Miller Bay vs. Coast- vs. Gold i . Kilowatts, era. October 2 'Annettes vs. Cosmos, Scuby's vs. West View, Moose vs. Rosa Lee's; Blowers vs Sweet Sixteen, Lucky Strikes vs Big Sisters. The treasured flavour of Hiram Walkcr'9 Royal Scot Reserve Highland Whisky is the Jesuit of distinctive Wending at Walkervillc, Ontario, of fine Scottish malt whisky and malt whisky produced in Canada. Wo believe you'll like Royal Scot Reserve Highland Whisky and will serve it with pride. You are invited to try this distinctive Highland Whisky to discover why we say Royal Scot has a 'Treasured Flavour." (Ti tMitrtiumenliimtlpnHiibtJ or JistiUytJ bf ibt Liquor Count HatrJ or h Gmrnmtnt a British Columku) Winnipeg Man Canada's Top Baseball Fan WTNOTPEa, Wi-Carvada's No. j 1 World Series fan is Jack Mc-Connell of Winnipeg whose trip this year to see the baseball bat tle will be his 27th consecutive trek. Ud until this spring, Mr. Mc- Ccnnell ran second'for tne honor I with Joe F&se of Montreal hold-I ing the edge, having atFentHrd every ceries since 1897. But the j death cf the latter lefit an open field foT Mr. MeConnell. Naturally enough attending the various games has gained for him an impressive array of baseball souveinrs which he would not part with for a spot on the all-star fine-up. Among thes relics are 21 Ibaseballs autographed hy notables as prominent as BaCeTluth and Lefty Gomez as well as pennants that are his pride and Joy. Mr. MeConnell telis of the day he met Joe E. Brown at a game and asksd the celebrity for his autograph. Jce had a. drink in cr.e hand and a hot dog in the other but he signed the autograph iflThcut hindrance by stuffing .the whole hot dog In his mouth and .tossing off the drink at a gulp as well. Sports writing Isn't exactly in Mr. McConnel's line, but he has covered the big games for a Winnipeg paper more than once. That has -enabled him to meet many famous people. Among I .hem are Eddie Cantor, Gall Patrick, the late Will Rogers, Al Johnson and .Helen Hayes. ..J nflOM' ONTARIO Pant omime Persuader By Chic Young f illl'C GPS THESE ARE I I 'lllllH DAGWOOD, M 1 MIIIm " (""'""V "'" lire-UOOWNS . T WHAT WOULD oVT ' J : ( X f SLACKS THEYRE (vOU THINK ABOUT (?K -0 - i S ADVERTISING MY WEARING VsV N ''J Wm 13rfltfe Rupert IDnnptctoS Thursday, September 25, 1947 OF ALL TIME! ) A S R SVa 1 -v a i SCOT 5iBS.- cot ' VV o,' ? y r,,0NE 81 -r- Ik ",v, lm .s wk To speed shaving, use the OiUette Tech Razor and today's Gillette Blue Blade. These two are precision made, fit exactly, and give you extra shaving comfort. You save money, too, for Gillette double edges, mean m. use double economy. In nr J V v Gillette BLUE BLADES .jiredges ever honed! RUPERT MARINE 'REALTY We Take Listings of . (J. CLAUSEN & SON) BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BKOKEKS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS f Just East of Llpsett's. Waterfront) Box 543 Phone Green vio ' l Ormes Drugs The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS- J . ( RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Parts and Service Depot We specialize in rebuilding Qb,rysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair. .'Service for all makes of cars and trucks. Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 56G Prince Rupert, B.C. PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service Dally Delivery Service It's good business to keep your coal bin r full! You get speediest possible delivery ofr-your." favorite brands of coalt from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS Announcement ... ROYAL CAFE r REOPENS j 1 1 Completely Renovated and Under New Manasenieht WE SPECIALIZE IN ., ! SEA FOODS SALADS I ITALIAN AND MEXICAN DISHES Take-out Ordeis Given Special Attention ; JOHN COMER, Proprietor ; .iiif- 1 1 .4