Cool Toward mr n nAAri Ul I II I I TvUHV railways. a 1IN EA J3 ta 3C0 per rirrr 'uiri urn Kj"d.i News ::i ::..:ultura! u wh: con 1.1 the cen- arca fjst outside mil r" : iu, war- Lrrtigc- lasted, I IV. 1 . 1 ' r"Ji- no, 1V.VC13. "site over CEC radioactive soil at PA k.. Elinor Eva M convicted of in Acalze Court au In ii . rn i t . tannery foreman ay v hnmn- i.. uuc was re- toe end of the a UdI I'll W1 T n appeared for trial HSH ii i i i i - ini n Substantially - vi nsn nn iv, "men lower Maritime rtnrin, Ported by the n in inn V" ani Salmnn Uj nr. " idllU St In.i. tl. .. . Cent ffrpnfpr Pfr "fit of Its total an ""antic sal-mnv.' ' "HIV S2!(V( ftfVn if-. . holesale tmigration By JAMES McCOOK LONDON, Australian and Canadian suggestions that those Dominions each would like to add about 12,000,000 people to their present populations have caused a notable lack of enthusiasm In the United ... ,, no hnd novrr stiv thpv nnnnsp emlera- . m nriuea tirn urnriai Riatpmems in me ... . . . . . njt.l I t I'.IL ID ! UHVH 1lilll .JT " 11C111111T L.I1 pn rfli." j . aiscuESions to - .-rtct. r1 nar- the Commorvweaitn moving o r .lf.rr nnrioretatirilnar nlii! f r i f I ii rr torrltnrioc until nnf- ... w. - o r. nil ti- oreanlzed to But in practice, trie average Briton Is made to leel his place is at heme where he can help' carry tne uniiea lunsaom through trying times by work of his hands or brain. Labor Min ister Isaacs must have echoed . .. 1 , 1- 1 1 1 t 1 ...V.WI r,rtnprshin be- that 800,00 Britons had applied i tn omlirnilr 4a thp Dominions. ana the two Churchill invited tnese wouia- I toe travellers to "stay here and fight It out do not desert the I Old Land. We cannot spare you." Despite present walls about i shortage cf labor and the need I nf ovprv hand manv pconomlsts i believe that Britain would be i i ii ...uv prf'i nf huEO oeiier on in norniai umcs im h ..r colitlcal far fewer people. Tne present population or tngiana, waies and Scotland Is more than 44,-000 000 compared with 2,000,000 In 1811. Large-scale movements of British people, plus recruitments of hundreds of thousands of new settlers from Europe, can change the whole aspect of the Commonwealth. A heavy drain of emigration could result in the United Kingdom ceasing to be the most powerful single unit of the Commonwealth. In s;ich an event she would want to be sure that she was relieved of som j responsibilities such as the major load of Commonwealth de- fence now carried. 194Und paving ' ROBBER KILLS I'm,., uie prices i iii i men S!2t Rpipolim ' UL I . t nHnnHnnillP Kont nil 1-1 . wun n ruic uyLmicunj ui-i.v gam. t t Vlllu.l I z.r t,i.AM TnVn nn the threxhhnld of suburban Stamford Edward Wilson, in an apparent Local Tides Tnwshln hnme. and today po- Friday, September 26, 1947 lino ennoht. ti'n vnuths for aues- High 11:35 17-6 feet tloning In the slaying. Officers! 23:19 said that one or the youths had Low 5:10 6.0 feet formerly lived with Bell. 17:27 87 feet TOD A TS STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnr.ton Co. Ltd. Vancouver Bralorne 10.50 B.R. Con 07 B.R.X 09V2 Cariboo Quartz 2.25 Dentonla 18 V Grull Wlhksne O7 Hedley Mascot L06 Mlnto 02 Pend Oreille W Pioneer 3.00 Premier Border 05Vi Privateer , 34 Reeves McDonald (ask) 1.00 Reno 11 Salmon Gold 24 Vz Sheep Creek 1"02 Taylor Bridge 5ttVi Taku River W Vananda 30 Congress 04l,i Pacific Eastern 08',2 Hedley Amalgamated .. .04 Spud Valley 10 Central Zeballos .01' 4 Sllbak Premier 67 Oils A.P. Con , 12 Calmont 38 C. & E 2.40 Foothills 2.60 Home 3.80 Charlie Adams returned to Terrace on Monday night's train after a brief business visit to Prince Rupert. Toronto Athona 13 Aumaque Beattie 80 Bevcourt 67 Bobjo Buffalo Canadian fs Consol. Smelters 84.25 Conwest .87 Donalda J-08 Eldona - 1'20 Elder 83 Oiant Yellowknlfe 6.25 God's Lake I'05 Hardrock 37 Harrlcana 10 28 Heva 30 Hosco Jacknlfe 09 Jollet Quebec -46 Lake Rowan 15,, Lapaska Little Long Lac ... zYi .... L65 1 1 Lynx Madsen Red Lake McKenzit Red Lake 58 McLeod Cockshutt L65 Moneta -3 Negus . Noranda Louvlcourt i- ! Regcourt San Antonio ' Senator Rouyn Sherrlt Gordon Steep Rock Sturgeon River .57 3.00 2.09 .22 send a representative to the con- employees. ference scheduled for Friday by I But she apparently got a garb Premier Drew of Ontario to dis- j cuss he Dominion-wide packers strike. offpmnf tn rpsrnp thP hov. also I pointed to negotiate on a nation al scale, and could not see the lost his life. His body was re- covered point of sending a representa n-,h I NIAGARA FALLS A killer prosperity and true peace," he tive to tne loronio conierence. WANTS IAPANESE Alberta, Saskatchewan, Mani- CDCETMTr 1 tba, tjueoec ana w trunsw:i TDC a TV .1 KtA 1 IpfLLUtUi they TOuld'send reprcs- OTTAWA Oi Defence Minister entatives. Claxton said Wednesday on his ' return from a Commonwealth conference In Canberra on the Japanese peace treaty that the Canadian government hoped settlement can be achieved as soon as possible to permit Japan to resume trade with other countries, Including Canada. "Until we get the Pacific area trading again, there cannot be is to give loyalty cheques to Us Hart said that the province j employees, had alreafy agreed to accept "I think we deserve them. I as a concllator any officer ap-1 worked for the War Department two years during me war aim x had ah excellent efficiency rat- 'rs during that period. "Please don't overlook me when the government starts to handout, those cheque' ThgoTernment didn't "give out the girl's name. CIVIC CENTRE MEMBERSHIP 100 Value For Juniors Ages 3 years to 12 years! PLATROOM OPEN DAILY TILL 7 P.M. ORGANIZED RUP-REC GYM CLASSES. SUNLAMP TREATMENTS (when accompanied by adult). SUPERVISED HIKES AND OTHER SPECIAL EVENTS. BAKETBALL SCHOOL. BOWLING LEAGUE. For Teen-Agers! GAMES ROOM OPEN DAILY TILL 0:30 P.M, ORGANIZED RUV-REC GYM CLASSES. SUN -LAMP TREATMENTS. SHOWERS. BADMINTON CLUBS. BOWLING LEAGUE. BASKETBALL SCHOOL AND LEAGUES. APPARATUS CLASSES (Bar-Bell, Weights,-High Bar, etc NATIONAL FILM BOARD MOVIES. LOUNGE ROOM. TEEN DANCES PHOTO CLUB. BOXING LESSONS. SUPERVISED HIKES AND OTHER? SPECIAL EVENTS. For Adults! FREE BADMINTON WITH MEMBERSHIP (8 Courts). BASKETBALL LEAGUES. LOUNGE ROOM PRIVILEGES. ( SUN LAMP TREATMENTS. GROUP MEETINGS (Film Forum, Citizens' Forum, etc,). GYM CLASSES. KEEP-FIT CLASSES. APPARATUS ROOM. PRIVATE BILLIARD ROOM. For Those Who Haven't Time! AN OPPORTUNITY TO INVEST IN GOOD CITIZENSHIP AND A MORE ATTRACTIVE CITY IN WHICH TO LIVE AND WORK. ALL FREE WITH MEMBERSHIP OF COURSE! RATES PER YEAR October 147 .. September 3018 FAMILY (Parents and all dependent children) $12.00 HUSBAND AND WIFE 8.50 ADULT .T 5.00 TEEN-AGE EMPLOYED 4.00 TEEN-AGE STUDENT 3X)0 JUNIOR , 2.C0 PAYMENTS MAY BE SPREAD OVER 3-MONTH PERIOD TO DECEMBER 31. Call or Phone Today Civic Centre Office il'M JOIN YOUR CIVIC CENTRE NOW! embership Rally Tonight, 8 p.m., Civic Centre NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEW8PAPER n a i w 0 Phone UIOHT Bf3lVlCE j Jlfcj&T . PiiWi lied Ma's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVI, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, TWTRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947. PRICE FIVE CENTS EXCURSION BOAT AFIRE AFTER BLAST IS FATAL TO ESTIMATED 21 Firemen playing their hoses on the fiercely blazing river ex-curson boat Island Queen following the explosion at Pittsburgh, Pa., in which an estimated 21 persons lost their lives. The ship exploded while at Its dock In the Ohio River. Though Post Reward for Finding Body SUNNYSIDE CANNERY The! Klspiox Indian band, through' Silas Johnson of Sunnyside, has NO B.C. MAN AT MEAT PARLEY VICTORIA, XP; Premier Hart the craft normally carries a crew of 96, police said most of the crewmen were ashore at the time of the blast. It Is believed the j)1ast was caused by oil drums exploding In the ship's engine room. Loyalty Check Thought "Cheque" WASHINGTON, (AP) Somewhere' In Georgia young lady heard that the government. Is oiefred a rewatd oi mj ict -saidiMt night that he would not.; making a loyalty check of its iormaiion leaains w me uistuv-ery of the toody of five-year old Perry Wilson, who is believed to have drowned in the Skeerra River at Haysport on September 11- The child Is believed to have fallen from his father's gillnet boat near Haysport. The father. led version, because she wrote the Treasury: "I understand the government 80 PURCHASE WARTIME HOMES Faith in the future of Prince Rupert and a feeling that a War time house is a good buy under the terms offered by the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation seems to be indicated in the rush of tenants to become home owners. More than 80 of the 422 wartime homes available to pur chases have been soidjwlth every thing taken care of except the final approvals from Ottawa. It is Just three weeks since the houses were put up for sale and there is no slackening in tie tive buyers. PINK SALMON EXPORT EASED OTTAWA, The Fisheries Department Wednesday pavea the way for the export of pmk salmon to any part Of the world because the run this year assur ed adequate supplies for home consumption. The export permit branch an nounced that starting today, permits for export to any des tination of pink salmon, fresh, frozen, salted or smoked will be issued freely. Trieste Strike Communist-Led TRIESTE, Free Territory, Radio Trieste announced that an organization called Sindicatl Un-ati had called a general strike In Trieste and the Britlsh-Ameri:an government had promptly de clared the action was the first Communist attempt to hamper the essential life of Trieste and bring discredit to the week-olJ free territory. MUST KEEP UP PRODUCTION HAMILTON, ((fc Labor Minister Humphrey Mitchell Wednesday bluntly told Canadian workers that they must produce more If they want Increased wages. He urged 700 delegates attending the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada at the opening of Its annual convention that la bor must keep production up despite shortened hours or other concessions It might win. INCOME TAX CUT SEEN COMING TORONTO, SB A reduction In luxury and Income taxes in the next federal budget was predicted in an Ottawa date-lined story carried by the Toronto Star Wednesday. The story said that reduced Income taxes would account for about half the reduction in taxes that Is coming. The Liberal senator from B.C. urged Canadians to tell the Soviet Union and the countries of eastern Europe that "We dj not want war." v An essential domestic action which Canada can take is to "make happy people in a nation which cannot be led astray by TRIESTE SHIP STRIKE ENDED TRIESTE The general strike which paralyzed shipping in the port of Trieste for 24 hours, ended today. The Allied military government in the new territory announced an arrange ment to call off the strike had been reached at midnight. ITRstar Cabs 1 Th conference was attended by . M G. officials leaders of the Slndlcati Unici, which ordered the work stoppage, and the moderate non-communist Camera fel Lavoro which had refused to participate in the strike. EVATT CHAIRMAN U.N. COMMITTEE LAKE SUCCESS O) Dr. Her bert V. Evatt, Australian secre tary for External Affairs, today was elected chairman of the special United Nations Assembly committee on Palestine. Meanwhile, in the Security Council. Poland proposed for- flow of enquiries from prospec-1 mally that the coundl givejblan Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bui garla and Finland for member ship in the U.N. The five are ex-enemy powers covered by the new peace treaty which went into effect last week. Dr. Evatt expressed reluctance to taking the Palestine commit-' tee chairmanship saying that he believed the chairmanship should come from a country outside the British Commonwealth, since Palestine is governed by Britain unde mandate of the League of Nations. Fined Heavily On Liquor Charge PORT EDWARD George Bird of Cassiar cannery was fined $75 with an option of 45 days In Tall on each of three charges when he was found guilty in police court here of supplying intoxicants to Indians. Falling bo pay the lines, total ling $225. Bird must spend 135 days, four and a half months, In jail. THE WEATHER iSynopsis Skies are clear over the prov ince Ws morning. Dense log now along the coast will clear over the land areas by noon and over the water during the after noon. The fog condition will be becoming more general overnight and Thursday morning. A moist flow of air now over Washington and Oregon states is causing thunder and rain showers over that area this morning. This flow will cause variable cloudiness over the southern Interior today. Overnight temperatures fell to below freezing In the Prince George region. Today's tempera tures will continue above normal for late September with little change anticipated for Friday. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Clear today and Friday Dense fog over water through cut. Fog over low coastal areas this morning and again Friday mornlns. Winds light. Little.! change In temperature. Low tonight and high Friday at Port Hardy 46. and 62, Masse tt 45 and 60, Prince Rupert 48 and 66. 4 Western Powers Must Convince Russians of Desire for Peace ; VICTORIA (CP) Russia's distrust and suspicion of the western powers is a real fear, and Canadians and Canadian newspapers should try and convince the Soviet Union that this fear is unfounded, Senator Grey Turgeon said today in an' address to the annual convention 01 the Canadian Weekly Mews- papers Association here. propagandists whose desire lSjto change our system Into communism Canada could achieve ttils by removing the threat of depression, and fear of economic Insecurity. He asserted that workers hid the right to strike, but not for purely political purposes. HEROIC TERRACE BOY 'SLIGHTLY IMPROVED' TODAY Condition of 15-year-old Rpy Clifford, of Terrace, who was badly burned when he carried his three - year - old brother through flames which destroyed their home Tuesday nlgt was described this morning as "slightly improved." Son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clifford, of Terrace, he was burned about the head back and arms when he dashed up a burn ing stairway to rescue his brother Billy, when their home caught fire from an unknown cause Billy succumbed to first-degree burns shortly after arriving at Prince Rupert General Hospital following a 90-mlle trip by car: An inquest Into his death will be held at Prince Rupert, Coroner M. M. Stephens said Wednesday afternoon. 'Billywasln bed In an upstairs ruom -andfBoyi'Trse7eading rf -the kitchen at 9 o'clock Tuesday night when fire swept the home. The parents had gone to the theatre, leaving the 15-year-old boy in charge. The third Clifford boy Teddy, aged nine, was playing outside. He saw the flames and tujned In the alarm. The house was levelled despite efforts of the Terrace fire de partment assisted by volunteers. SIGN OF THE TIMES If not from the grass roots, at least from the cream spinach anct Brussels sprouts segment of industry comes this move to make Chief of Staff General Dwlght D Elsenhower the next president of the United States. His two wartime chefs, John Schwartz (on ladder) and Marty Snyder are affixing this sign In font of their headquarters restaurant, 108 West 49th St., In the heart of Manhattan, N.Y. The sign is eight feet high and five feet wide. Other "Ike for president'' moves have started In Washington, D.C., and the U.S. midwest. YOUR 100 SUPPORT NEEDED FOR A COMPLETE CITY CXNVASS.