Iprfnrc Rupert Da Hp ftctos Thursday, September 25, 1947 franco Plans Revival of Spanish Titles j MADRID, CAP) Lt. Gen. Jose iSescardo, who won fame as de-finder' of the Alcazar of Toledo fa the first year of the Spanish 2vil War, is expected to be one of the first to receive a title when Generalissimo Franco assumes the royal prerogative ol creating Spanish nobles, f Speculation on the new dukes, iflarquesses, counts and barens overshadows discussion of the political effect cf the regime's latest mcve. By the Franco law of succession, Spain already is akingdem without a king. Now, fr the firsttime ncible titles will he awarded without benefit of a Icing. Generally, the regime's action U. seen as a subtle but effective thrust designed to end once and fpr all the political power cf the so-called monarchist party as an opposition to Franco. Historically, Spain's nobility SUPPORTING IT'S FALL COAT TIME FOR MISS PEOPLES 1947 If she's one year, three year, nine or fourteen year, we've got her number. Come in and choose. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE the RED SHIELD APPEAL Previously acknowledged .$781. CO Albert & McCaffery Ltd. .. 10.00 Royal Fish Co. Ltd 5.00 Fashion Footwear 5.00 Watts & Nickerson 10.00 Taf t & Odcwes 5.00 Don Harvey Enterprises Ltd 5 00 Mac's Shoe Hospital 5.0-J Kaien Hardware 5.00 Prince Rupert Florist . .. 2,(i1 Henry Friesen 103 Red Top Taxi (343) 2.00 Anon 2.O0 Total to date $839.00 has been divided into Carlists and Bourbons who. with their non-titled partisans, fought the 100-year wars of succession. This schism was almost healed by the death of the last legitimate Carl-ist pretender and monarchists from both factions joined in the civil war. Job's Daughters Fall Fashion Show Thurs. Sept. 25 8:15 p.m. Adm. 50c CIVIC CENTRE Courtesy of RUPERT PEOPLES STORE and BROWNWOODS SHOE STORE in B a a fl.i k V ifA !3 MINISTERS WELCOMED BY PRESBYTERY Three ministers who haw hppn aririfd th th fnrep of the. ! United Church in the vast area ( of central British Columbia were welcomed at the opening session of the Prince Rupert Presbytery Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Arthur Lawton, B.A., D.D., who came from Simcoe County, Ontarior as a volunteer for In- ' dian work in this province, has taken up duties at the historic mission at Port Simpson. Already, he has mace a, deep; i impression on the villagers, as- attested by a comment by one cf the older residents. "Our new minister Is the talk of the town. Everybody Is going . to church." Rev. Stuart H. Forbes, veteran of 26 years of fruitful mission work in China, has accepted a i call to Ocean Falls. Formerly In the Kootenays, he rendered valuable service in the wider Interests . cf the church as chairman of the Presbytery, convener of Home Missions, and chairman of the : conf erenfce committee on Over seas Missions. With the experience of pastorates In the mining camps of Pio neer and Bralcrne, as well as Fort Langley In the Fraser Vaj ley behind him, Rev. Clinton Johnson, B.A. has recently taken over at Smithers, which for a year, was without an ordained minister. ! By recent action of the Bri j i tish Columbia conference. pastoral charge of Smithers was transferred recently from Can-jboo to Prince Rupert. Rev. R. A. Wilson, chairman of the Prince Rupert Presbytery, officially welcomed the fuithers congregation. Mrs. F. V. Foster is lay delegate. Two representatives of the general boards of the church are present and took part In today's discussions. They are Rev. Hugh Dcbson, DD., western secretary of the Beard of Evangelism and . C X - n 1 1 - sions for British Columbia. Jet Propulsion Fast But Costly a lot or money to reach there. That is the word from Donald L. Mordell new associate professor of mechanical engineering at McGill University, who worked during the war at the Rolls-oyce plant in Derby England, ;on development of the much-talked-about gas turbine. I Flying time from Montreal to London could be halved by use of gas turbine populsion, said j Prcf. Mcrdell but the cost would 'go up because of the greatly ' added, power required to drive a ; plane through the air at the much increased speed, j However there Is a saving in ! the number of work hours gain-! ed and the McGill professor said I he believed there will be many ! persons who will want to make an ovenight flight to London and Return the following night after ! completing their business. i i G OUDHURST, Kent, Eng., P ; Mary Hoppe, 85, who has picked J'hopj annually in the Kentish fields for 70 years, went as usual : this year In a party from Lon mi don's east end. When Buying FIRE INSURANCE On Your Home or on Your Furniture REMEMBER at BUTTONHOLING VS. SECRETARY OF TREASURY Prime Minister Clement Attlee (left) of England, Is all smlls as he places a flower into the button hole of John W. Snyder's suit. Snyder, VS. secretary of treasury, is in London to attend a meeting of the International Bank and International Monetary Fund which opens Thursday. The meeting of the directors of the International Monetary Fund is the ostensible reason for Mr. Snyder's presence bcause he Is one of the members of the board but Interest in Britain centered on the talks expected be tween the secretary of the treasury and the chancellor of the exchequer concerning Britain's desperate dollar plight. BRITONS MOURN 'LOST WEEK-END' By JOHN DAUPHINEE LONDON, 0. That famous institution "The British week-end" seems likely to become a "Lost Week-end" for Londoners as the countrv returns to wartime can. tJie , ditions in the campaign to save dcllars. "It's going to be so uncomfortable getting out of town that only the more hardy will think the game worth the candle." Before the war the Institution known as the week-end was 3 source of amazement to foreign ers, whether the "long" weekend from Friday afternoon ta Monday or the "short" one from Saturday afternoon. As the Evening News tidily put it, "som uu ixev. w. r. have found in it the hidden Bunt, Superintendent of Mis-',- nf r .trpnth- have seen it as a sign of our frivolity and decadence." But the war changed the situation. Servicemen and many thousands of civilians were a MONTREAL O Jet propulsion a seven-day week and the will get you where you want to end largely disappeared, go in a nurry but lt will cost you "What affected tne traditional week-end then (and will -aln affect it new)" said the Evening News, "was i more than anything else, that nobody could move Get Good Build B.C. Payrolls - km a r Can Lrg5N or vnry There's abundant health and nourishment in every vacuum packed can of Pacific Milk. It's irradiatd to give you an added measure of goodness that only this process can impart. At all grocers. Ask for it when next you need milk PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Help The Salvation Army to Help the Helpless respond generously to the RED SHIELD APPEAL This space donated by BOB PARKER LIMITED about except in considerable discomfort. "Trains were appallingly crowded. Cars were forbidden, so that a whole range cf wees-end activities, from trips to the seaside to visits to tne golf club, became either, at worst, impossible, or at best, Intolerable. 'So we return to wartime the week-end holiday - maker will find it scarcely worth the discomfort involved." Classified AdTertlslr.3 Paysl CONGREGATION DECORATES CHURCH HALL The "brightened environment" of St. Andrew's Cathedral Hafl drew expressions of satisfaction from members of the Cathedral committee during the monthly meeting of the group this week. Voluntary help of congregation members who worked evenings to redecorate the hall was commended by the committee. The committee decided to send a word of "God Speed" to Rev and Mrs. A. F. MacSween of First Presbyterian Church, who are leaving for Melfbrt, Saskatchewan, npxl Mnnifnv j They were described as "good neighbors good friends and good citizens" by committee members. Concern was expressed by the committee that for the first eight months of 1947, ordinary expenses cf the church had exceeded contributions by the membership by almost $600. It was reported that the Wo men's Auxiliary will provide re freshments at the forthcoming congregational fellowship hour at which F. E. Anfleld will give a report on the election and Installation of the new Primate of All Canada at Saskatoon, DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE Prairie Farm rehabilitation Act lATKNSION OK TI.Mi: Notice U Hereby given that the time for the reception of tender for the construction of two Irrigation systems, one In the vicinity of Chase and one In the vicinity of Kamloops. and also, one small, earth fill storage usra m me mortn cast quarter of Section 7. Township 19, Range 13, West of the SUth Meridian. In the Province of British Columbia, is es- tenaea to 13. t)0 o clock noon, Reglna Time. Tuesday. October 14th, 1847. By Order. OEOROE SfENCE. , Director of Rehabilitation, Bio MrCallum-Hlll Bldg, REOINA, Saskatchewan, 1237) NEW BLEND HERE! Improved Chase & Sanborn thrills coffee lovers! For yean Canadiani have considered Chase os Sanborn "tops"! Now here's a new thrill for coffee loveri...an improved blend that'i even richer, even mellower, even more deeply satisfying than uij conee which has won Dominion-wide popularity for Chase & Sanborn. Voull love itl Order new improved Chase & Sanborn today I You'll call it the finest coffee you ever tasted 1 You'll pass your cup for more I Phone RED 501 HALIFAX Canada's Oldest Fire Insurance Co. FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established Since 1809 i 11 Winter Coming! Time to fill that coal bin NOW SUBSTANTIAL STOCKS ARK NOW ON HANI) HUT THK SUPPLY WILL SLACKEN SOON. Phone 651 or 652 for Quick Delivery PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED "SERVING THE NORTH SINCE 1920" Coal Lumber Paints Huildinjf Supplies GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations P.O. Hox 721 - ; M I THIS NEW ; w 1 blend 15 BBH - The Sensational in.d.. r. :;w..?!nrofHn, '. Paramount't WMX&y" fi&vjs T i i TMl RBii TODAY Cnpilfgl wazn-iaifAii.iiiii'nsa n.. -1 ft,. ,6f v .Li "JKSSIP iamfs nmrc ir.nv . l A. MacKenzie Furnitun IS LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY' HERE AGAIN "Ottawa tjuietiui Au Ptre KEVEKSIHLE TWO-TONK BED THR0WS-R-t: Maroon and Camel, Green and Pcieh. fcacit. Mauve and Green. WHITE IILANKETS Rose and Bks bcrf--- s and64x84- 327 Third .nue n" Keep Warmer! with a COLEMAN OIL HEIIQ See them now, with their beistu j r" "4 ti famous Coleman furnace-type hcati c.:: There Is a right size for j jui hzzt tOel large or how small. Come In and let us give yj c:a;!4ttat' about these famous heaters. (THA (J .McIIrlde St. Phone JU 7:00 tin. to 11:00 pa REX CAFE .1 w ,,.,, For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward. B.C. ciior sdey enow Mini RirrriMn AVtwrtrw opposite PRINCE RUPl ChonSuev ChowMnn SPEClH11 CHINESE DISHES OUR Open 6 am to 2 rilONE 17.1 FAMOUS RUPERT BRAN FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Procci sscd by CANADIAN FISH & COLD S PRINCE ;mitcd 001 T um rupert Company ,t,i Tin' TO SPECIAL CONSUL'"1"' jS WARTIME HOUSING PUKCHA t i or caJ PHONE R. E. (MONTY) MONTADOB COLLART & McCAFFERV L