PrfnrtvRiipcrf, Dafip rectos Thursday, September 25, 1947 - - Classified Advertising - - Classifieds: :1c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Nutlet 60c: Cards ot- Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices. Marriage and feneagexnent Announcements! 12. nmni-NOTicR Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry " Friesen In the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Sunday. September 21, a daughter, Al- cedo Enry, 5 lbs., 10 oz. Bjth doing well. ENGAGEMENT NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. S. Giordano, Kel-owna, B.C., announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary.Lorraine, to Angelo Rossi, Prince Rupert. The wedding to take place in Kelowna on October 8, 1947. . WANTED WANTED TO RENT Furnished suite or small house close in to. town. Phone Red 495 . after 6:30 p.m. (2207 WANTED TO CHARTER by re-- liable party, a large seaworthy gillnet boat, from Oct. 1 tc April li Apply Box. 269 Daily " "News. (225) WANTED--Medlum sized piano in good condition. Phone Black 167. (2251 WANTED One acre land cn Queen Charlotte Islands, partly cleared, near sea. Write Box 271, Dally News. (228) HELP WANTED WANTED Names; are being received at the Daily News office of boys or girls desiring delivery routes. (tf) WANTED Someoiie to do . personal laundry, vicinity Mc-Bride and Fourth. Box 270 Dajly News. (225) AGENTS WANTED VAC A N C Y Rawleigh business now open In Prince Rupert. Trade well, established. Excel- ... lent opportunity. Full time. Write at once Rawleigh's Dept. WG-166-1-189, Winnipeg, Canada. FOB RbT FOR: RENT Comfortable room &! fVi Avp V. PVinno AluaQR7 (237) FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms. 336 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 693. (227) .. . -Vr--i nn.trri t i ruivruMH i -ne room iurnisner. ciiuiii. otai uove. rnone uiuf ' 825. (225) FOR, RENT Two rooms, newly decorated. Call after 4 o'clock, 1235 Park Avenue 228j ROOM AM) JIOAIID ROOM AND BOARD J40 each double; $45 single. Home, away from home. Tabic meals. Mrs Lawley, 622 Frasfjr Street, (tf) METAL WORK "WHY put up with a smoky furnace or leaking eavestrough. Call Black 884, New installations. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd. (tf) PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, t anks.i eaves-troughlng and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West; Phone 543. (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use-the modern and, up-tordate type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOSTti-On Tuesday, a cheque between the Royal Bank and Wallaces. The name on the cheque-was Fanny I. Stewart. Please return to the Daily News. (226'; FpUND Ring, near the Sunrise "Grocery. Owner apply at the Daily News and pay for the ad. (tf) 1947 4-TON G.M.C. EQUAL- TO NEW 160" Wheelbase; 900x20 Tires 10ply and Spare, 56' Yard- Steel Body 6" Hoists 2 -speed Rear Axle. Extra: Gas Tank and Electric Fuel-Pump, Extra Springs, Spare Axle and License; Hydraulic Jack. $3,000.00 CASH Balance. 24 Months. (Less than new price). PHOTO ON REQUEST FRANK Y. YEOMANS 1057' West Georgia, Street Vancouver (225) FOB SALE FOR SALE Paint machine, $175. Inboard motor $75. One Dodge Sedan $1350. Apply J. H. Mair or Johnson; 171 Third Avenue East. Phone Black 156 (tf) FOR SALE New. and l-Jed Furniture, Hardware and Office Furniture. Used Single Beds complete $20; Musical Instruments, Kitchen Sets from $12.50; Electric Range, Mc-Clary's $15; Slightly used Men's Raincoats and Topcoats; New Coal and Wcod Ranges from $30; New.Rifles; New Unpainu ed Chests and Bookcases; New and Used Desks from $T5'0; New Mattresses $14.50; Everything reduced to the lowest possible prices. See B.C. FUR NITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE Boat "Cheetah". 35 feet; 8' 4" beam, 4'V deep. Fuly equipped for salmon trolling, with crown Chrysler equipment, as good as new. Write R. Richardson, Box 1182, Prince Rupert, or phone Red 246. (227) FOR SALE Tenders will be. .received by the undersigned up to noon of Friday, October 10. 1947, for the purchase of Lots 13 and 14, Block 16, Subd. D.L. 234 and 361, Plan 1032, Delkat- fcKKAlifc. M bi-lah Townsite, Queen Charlotte, I ODGE GUESTS uusuici,, lugeuier wiui snacK ! situate thereon. Terms: strict I ly cash. Hishpsf nr nnv tpnrfior rnt nprwsnriiv ,pntM n ' Forbes, Official Administrator, administrator of the estate of J. J. I. (Harry I.) Lacelle, dee'd. (227) ' FOR SALE One used. 1942, 34 yard Koering Shovel, First I class shape. $16,000, f.o.b., Vancouver. Other shovels available. Apply Clarence Dixon, Arrow, Bus Lines Ltd., Phone 459, Box 1398. (237) FOR SALE-Onan lighting plant. 750 watts. 110 volts. Price $200. Apply Mrs. Dapson, 1439 Plaza, (227) FOR SALE 3x12 Cedar Plank $20; flooring fifty-five 2x6, 2x8, ; 2x10, 2x12, $40. Phone Green 693 (tf) FOR SALE No. 1 Shingles. Phone Blue 787. (227) FOR SALE 1940 Dodge Sedan. Can be seen at Arrow Cabs. (227) JET STOVE POLISH" FOR HOT STOVES-does a perfect Job without brush or bother Leaves no black finish. Asfc for "JET." (228) FOR SALE One folding type carriage in good condition, $10. Apply 1384 6th Ave. E. (227) FOR SALE Circulating heatr, practically new. Ideal for home heating. Phone Black 496. FOR SALE Coffleld Electric washing machine $50. Genera) Electric Mixer $20, Phone RfcU i2Jl 1 FCR SALE 1S19 Ford Sedan, as is. wrecked condition. Looted Parker's Garage. Leave bld3 at-Box 272 Dally News. (226) FOR SALE Bakery and Confectionery. Due to my health and ether matters beyond mycon-trol, I offer to sell my Bakery; Good local and outside trade. Real snap. This will not last long once seen and price asked. Box 159 Terrace, B.C. (236) FOR SALE In Terrace, 3-room home on IV4 acre property. Ap ply Terrace Hotel. (230) FOR SALE Two. Weeks f (Special .Bargain? Ring Bolt Trusses 50 and 65 ft in length offer 9 mnnnn niiH nr i r-i Water Tanks of f t I 224x76' Loxstave buildings, (with plumbing) offer 124x76 Loxstave Warehouse! Special S350.OQ 1500 Gallon X.H, Steel Pressure Tank $125.00 2x6 Cedar Siding, per. Mi $35 00 2x6 Tung and Graved Flooring, per M $40.C0 1x4 Fir Flooring, per M. $45.00 Timbers, 4x6, 6x6, 8x8, 2x2. 3x12, per M $25.00 2x4, 2-6; S4S, per M $40.00 2x8, 2x10,, 2x12, S4S per M $45.00 All kinds. of Finishing Lumr ber Half Price IJlectrlc and Plumbing Supr plies,, greatly reduced in pricf. Group 4 Spies. & Meckllng Phone 866 (229) GROSSM1T1HS ! WELL RECEIVED ! BY CHILDREN- Annunciation School .njoyed! Wednesday afternoon a visit from Dr. and Madame Leslie. Grossmith of London .England. Dr. Grossmith, a nephew of the actor, George. Grossmith of Gilbert and Sullivan fame, is. an artist in his. own sphere, being an accomplished pianist and composer. Yesterday's program was much appreciated by the pupils- and their parents and. included among other numbers, "A Concert Gallop" by Henri Kawol- skl, who incidentally was, once ' the Doctor teacher; the movements, cf Betthoven's Moonlight Sonata; Annie Laurie with varlticns; "Victory March" com-, posed by Dr. Grossmith himself fcndia scene from Dkken'jj "Old Curiosity Shop" in which- the Doctor ably impersonated the villain Quilp. Madame Grossmith, Paris-born, and still preserving, her French accent, also entertained. Dressed in costume, she executed an original number "The Little French Soldier," which brought forth peals cf. laughter frcm her delighted audience. I Dr. and Madame Grossmith, who have entertained crowds in : many parts cf the Empire, even j as far as India and Australia, and have crossed America four times, are now touring Canada in aid cf the bcrribed British children. TERRACE J. Norrington, Jack. Hprihiirn T Uilnnc n r I w - Oliver. T. E. Brooks and j naaiaaQ 01 me is-useias .Masonic rage moiorea ranee-Rupert, on Saturday, where they were cfflcIal guests of the Tyee Lodge 1 ine party returned to Terrace on Sunday. BENEFITS AGED, i LONDON, O) To offset increased tobacco tax, the promised tobacco concession for old people will come into effect- in) October. Old age pensioners who I are habitual smokers or snuff-takers will be able to buy their tobacco cigarets or snuff at reduced prices. TENDERS 'iipTTFsealed Tenvvill be received by the undersigned . up to noon October 10th 1917 for the puhase of the following lots: Lot 16, Block 12, Section 1. Let 21, Block 12, Section 1. Tenders to be marked showing the property on which each bin applies. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. H. D. THAIN, City Clerk. (It) IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JOSEPH JULES ISMAEL LACELLE. OR HARRY I. LACELLE OR LAS-CELLES, DECEASED. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge w. O. Fulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 18th day of September, A.D. 1947, ap-nppolnted Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Jules Ismael Lacelle. or Harry I, Lacelle or Lascelles, late who died on or. about the. 28th day of June, 1947, at Port Clements, British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and 1 all i persons, having j claims against the said Estate, are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 31st day of October. 1947. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 19th day of September, A.D. 1947. GORDON r KASfcK rUBBESf Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.p. (234) PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO. ! Twenty-Five Years Ago September 24, 1922' F. G. Dawson, Prince. Rupert wholesaler, was. appointed British Columbia representative on the Board of- Directors of. the Canadian. National .Railways. Mr. Dawscn was. a city, pioneer, and had teen president of the local Beard cf Trade, in-. 1913. and chairman of. the. Liberal Asso elation for two years. Lum, Chue was.found guilty by Magistrate McClymont; of -dUtrt- cuuns opium ana was iinea $stw. uiara uiarx oi uccnox Avenue and Oscar Young, a chauffeur, were fined $230. each on charges of being hv possession of opium. A bojf, of Duchess, apples, grown aivthenfarm.Ql'HrlilKen-ney at Terrace was received at the Daily News. The apples came from the same trees that hid prcduced-prize winning fruit at the Northern B.C. Agricultural exhibition earlier in 'the month. Thirty-FiveiYears.AKo September 24; 1912 The Anglican Sync r discussed the Indian reserve qufstion and a spirited discussion took place I:v w4ih. Ganen- CMeara was censured for fomenting trouble in regard to policy puriued by the churrh in Its treatment ot Indians. Indian Agents C. C. Perry. A. Tyson and William Majircn, MJL..A, were present on invitation. Two hundrfdidcUarstwus tak- during the, night, from George FriwftUV hntphor chiw Pnim was made through the rear and Francois Lake News. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Nobles and family moved into the Petersen house lart week. This month's Women's InstU tute meetlng was held in Mrs. Van Zanten's home. Letters were read frcm the London Hospital acknowledging parcels ; which member.1; had sent each' month. The need for soap and clothing and focd Is desperate and it was decided to place a box in the Francois Lake store or donations, towards parcels I which the Women's Institute will pack and stamp. Mrs. Van Zanteh offered to pack the par cel of donations taken to the' meeting. j I Ellen Anderson is spsndlnr her holidays with Mrs. Jones. She is employed in Spencers pot office in Vancouver. Ray Schrcder is helping at the J-P Ranch now. Bob Ben'son, assistant forest ranger, was working near Col-leymount when, he came acrosf a mountain .goat. As he had his rifle handy he shot the. gcat, a two-year old billy. It is. twenty years since a mountain goat was shot at Colleymount. The church was filled to ca pacity on Supcsay at the morn- Jno- eervice Durlng. the service the baby soriiOf Mr. and.Mr W. Mummery was- baptized and given the name Gary William. The godparents are his auntj Oljve Mummery and Hugh Neave. Lovely flowers were placed on ihe altdr. The day was very warm with brilliant sunshine and the door was left ydde open for all, during, the service. THIS AND THAT "Naw I don't work the robceiy was easy on account I of the ccrrabmatlon lock, on the ker, ! safe not having been locked. Mr. jHriawll dte.-oveied the robbery i late in the evening. The first aprual banquet of Earl Grey's Rifles, was held In the-dinl8frocm,of the Premier Hotel. Thfre was a great program cf speeches and mutic. DOUBLE-DUTY WEED f Tobacco was once used by Indians in America as a medicine ! and as in religious ceremonies. a The news of - Mrs. C. Stanton's death has shocked ths district She died after an operation In so Prince George. She leaves three children, Beatrice, Peggy and Jce. The directors of the Farmers' , Institute held a meeting at Mrs. Partington's home on Sunday evening. A small shed will be i built as tsoon as possible on tht Institute grounds for housing the new power plant. It was de- elded to have a "Fall Roundup"; on October 11th in the Hall With Bingo and other times, 1r fhculd be good entertainment. Advertise in the Dally News CONSTIPATED? SLUGGISH? A .? nonhabltfornilni lata- 1- .. cji tlo in action, j.t r.illv el.crtif e. Get this Jiundy pail: i-.c all drug atoxci. NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising Is payable In advance at the oftice at time of presenting copy for advertising, Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Dally News are asks-d to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified 1 ajBlflNi TEB3VBkk7VaaaaaaaaaaaaaBl V WHEN THESE CARS ARE EMPTY SO ARE ENGLAND'S GOLD VAULTS-England wants her Industry to grind out- an export surplus so her country can regain some of her dwindling gold, Industry needs-coal and the. miners, have, been The strike has spread to five mines, involving some 43,000 miners. These empty coal wagons at Grlmethorpe colliery are symbolic at the moment of England's financial plight. here. Wh?" LONPON, Rev. J. R, Bar 49, u leaving the Methodist ministry to open a restaurant btcauie. he says, he cannot support h:s invalid wife and five children cn present earnings. Wn UPSET STOMACH QUICKLY CORRECTED BABY'S IHtW Tummy" ! often nI)r,vp. 1 id It U eI)r righted galn. too. If you , know Just, how tu do. It Ut Hn. M. 8. Alwir, of London, Ont tell rout "lUbj'j I uwn rtsKU u a. rml.taJa al-ui nrat i Igo, ot uriet iUrach. during- ttctbirc tlm or ha a cold U coining ion. Ther work qoickl ret gtatly to carry wjr , !KiBont and iiromoto rcttful comfort.' And Mr, V, 1C Sbamaajnl "I nuncd bit baby hortlr after being alarnvd ortr motor aecUlent and her stomach bream quit uptet. 1 give ber Uabr'a Uwn Tabled and ah aoon Hopped erring and quieted down." Equal) effective for teethlnt 'rouUca, conetipation, aimpl fever, fiweet-taating, eaailjr . cruahed to a .powder, it desired -prompt in action. No "aleepr" atuff no dolling elect, lluy a box todar for atckneM oltia itrikea in the night, ZS cent. -WAW.W.W.W.W.", .VAV.V,,.V.V.VA,.W. Wool Dresses NE W SHIPMENT f All tha Latest Colours Sizes 12 to 11 Nylon Slips 32 to 42 Annette MANSELL STONE BUILDING "Walk Upstairs and Save" W.VAV.VAVWAVMW "-"W""""W""a, "V At 1 TEA Terrace FOR PKOMIT SERVICE . . . . See Your Chevrolet. lluick I'ontiac,. Oldunobilt .Machine, Work A SpecM, Tprranp Maori, nr. CI o TEHRACE B.C. Phil's Cafe Iiakclse Avenue I J I J I . A I-. T- A t- I I I TXT-1! t -. -. ""VII , lJJM AND BANQUETS Serve: Tasty Food Fine Pastries Qul:k ind Count i Proprietor, Phil Tetrault LITTLE, HAUGLAND & Rough, and, Dressed. Lumber Lumber Manufacturers TEH RACE AgenU For International Uanestet Ct Firestone Tire & RabbahU. Philco Radios Wlllard Batttrlti DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projector, Amateur Enlarters and a complete ,Une of photographic supplies, 'WR AT H ALL' S Photo Finishing Box 478, Prince Rupert, B.C Box, 1308 Corner 2nd Ave and 7th St PRINPF RIIPFRT & HEATING ENGINEERS A.itKrWoH HAalprt for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DEICO DLH BURNERS for your furnace ot vx a n.n.,.i XMMnr Product QUAKER, OIL RANGES AND HEATERS "' Urge Stock of Plumbinf SoPP' Rl We are Fully Equipped for nommercial ana r.,- c....i-Lr a 111 dJUVU-r..-, - Tires and Tubes ntpti" l.VJIV.I 111.1 SUPERIOR AUTO & BODY 5fl Junction Second and Third Avenues ' For Your EatingPj. ' ' Broa . Cafe (Formerly Bwlon THE BEST, FOOD FINEST COOK1NO TOP 8EKVICE Chinese Dishes Chow ORDERS OUT" "TAKE - Hours; 7. A.M. to,I.:30,AW. " i-n Che,, Territt TERSAl WE MEET CI SERVICl 10 WTBDS3 po Boiin Bri REPAID 1 ,,f cur expert-f Serric I Cafe) BAN'rO mil tn.":. ChoPI fi' AN