,11 News It .r-w.n i3 "ailing ,n aht on - vis"'uver. n. ...... I 'llllllill I. ,;. -ioutnern r tUa au:i: might on PP-' - J E . Stewart l'ublic n n'i n-- i - Ti: Annual umi tl above will ?. - Oiroof 1X1 W'.ll W VVK! fa u Wednesday; M IV II- UillIII .irL 1 C 6, Amield will Monday, s.. kutoon n Anglican a' uc.h the ai.atla suc- i lit P D c. ai be el- . .0 V'.sll a -. about ... A: J. A. iue-v 1 .isrlotte during Tin i -fi H vnr -) duties. Pcacr j ;r...-. w:ek j where Canada :c-iOn to j Oc went T. kY FEVER -:n 1 in .ig and .!g irrit- I I'li.leey ...;x 48i Slat K 15 Mincementst word. ea a:: t-j.it August 1 1 1 : a n 'inn o m en dr.. .'Oct Ifi i UliU thi. 1t. 1 12 and !3, Moose -e-; o Auxiliary - Clvic Centre Nov. p n. i - ems J. Ii; Black.returned to the city by air yesterday afternoon Irom a brief trip to Vancouver. Mrs. and Miss Prince Rupert Watch this paper for the open ing (Very Soon) of ANNETTE MANSELL'S Dress Salon. (206) Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Flndlay left on last night's train for the in terior to spend a few days visit ing Hazelton and Telkwa. Civic Centre will be dosed all week of August 24-31 for an nual renovating and hctase-cleanlng. S1T-T O. W. Nlckerson is sailing to night on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. Seattle and elsewhere in the south. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mitchell and daughter, Audrey, who have been spending the summer here, will sail tomorrow afternoon by the Catala on thedr return to West Vancouver. School principals will be at the schools to Interview and enrol pupils who are newcomers to the district at the following hours: Booth Memorial High School, Friday August 29, 9 a.m. to 12 or by appointment, Phone 611. Borden Street School and Conrad Street School, Friday 1 p.m. to 3 pin. King Edward School Saturday August 30, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (202) LADIES learn BEAUTY CULTURE THE MOLER WAYI Become a imcmful rperasor in the profitable prcfotion of hairdrrning and beauty culture. Our new, enlarged tchoolt offer a thorough training under qualified teachen. Monthly pament plan if deiircd. Write or Call Today! MOLER SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING Dpnmnt 1 j 101 t M Halifi(i Sim) 1 YAINlUUVtK, B. I. J I rrv fM r "' 'iIttttt, ihm mn i n i ii, r-r i-it-i m I 1 Judy Isii'l Joking "I'm playing tlii straight," sayl Judy llolliday. Broadway comedy Mar. "I like the way a man's fare looks undrr an Adam Hat." There's your cue! Wear an Adam, and watch the girls get serious. Come in today and choose from our new models in Adam a better word for hat, a better buy for you. I M $7.95 AT ft La llaA Art Adam hai! $(5.50 to $8.00 RUPERT MEN'S and BOYS' STORE .ORDERS PPHMPTT.V PTT.T.P.T1 WHITE KUBBEU SOLES' ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF a i ii your pet saaaies S'tnpus and off . . . hlithc litilo shoes. perfect companions to your skirts and sweaters . . . Al Manson left tW afUTnonn i by air on a buslnes strip to Van couver. Dr.- and Mrs. J. D. Oalbralth and family returned home Wed nesday by car from a holiday trip to Lake Kathlyn. W. M. Watts will be leaving at the first of next week on one of his periodical business triDs to Smlthers. Miss Bessie Lee is salline Fri day on the Catala to return to Vancouver to resume her school studies after spending the sum mer at Port Edward. Rev. P. F. MacSween of Winni peg U sailing on the Prince Rupert tonight on his return to the prairie city after visiting his son and daughter-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. A. F. MacSween. Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert A. A. Shipp, Prince George: J. A. Sadler, Prince George; Mr. and Mrs. P. De Boer, Ketchikan; A. V. Boasons, Vancouver: D. W. Fowler, Vancouver; C. W: Nash, Vancouver; G. S. Andrews, Victoria; A. E. Collins, Victoria; T. Q. Dobie, Hazelton; Mr. and Mrs. A. Golden, Tule Lake, Calif; Mr. and Mrs. B. 11. Young and fam ily, Terrace; M. Lashewski, Sandiipit; G. D. Gedye, Emilda, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. Rideout. Vancouver; R. M. Phlpps, NORTHERN DISEASE Infantile paralvsis made its COFFEE .MYSORE Per lb. 47c BUY NOW BEFORE THE PRICE INCREASE York Brand CANNED MEATS KLICK :s;i CHILI CON CARNE. I(f MEAT BALLS 'JOe-BEEF STEW '(f SAUSAGE BEANS in Tomato Sauce 19c Tin NALLEY'S Hamburg Relish 25c per Jar TOMATO JUICE Fancy 20 oz. 3 Tins 38c BLONDIE NIGHT IN THE KWN a SUCH Cflk'tLtssNcsa: JRAv IT'S RUINED' PRAIRIE GIRL LOCAL BRIDE Miss Margaret Stadneck and William Gomez Are United A Manitoba slrl and a Prince Rupert man were united In mar riage at St. Peter's Anglican Church Saturday evening when Miss Margaret Stadneck, daughter of Mrs. Stadneck and the late John Stadneck of Arborg, Manitoba, became the bride of William Gomez, third son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gomez of this city. Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook, performed the ceremony. Wearing a gabardine suit of silver blue with corsage of red roses, the bride was given in marriage by the father of the groom. Her attendant was Miss Ruby Gomez, wearing a 'brown suit with corsage of red roses and white carnations. Groomsman was Darrow Gomez, brother cf the groom. At a reception which followed In Valhalla Hall, the 70 quests were received by the mother of the groom, wearing a street-length, two-piece dress of black and white. The guests enjoyed a buffet dinner, followed bv dancing. Tost to the bride was offered by Canon Rushbrook, with response by the groom, while Darrow Gomez toasted the dealing with water account toills. Protests will be studied and re- first appearance In Norway and ferred to a board of considera uwcueu. 'tlon. PROTEST DEPARTMENT MONTREAL, 0 The city as-essor's department received 1,600 complaints, involving $100,030, Savin zs Unusual Callers At Westview Home Mrs. A. M. Budinlch, 1840 At-lln Avenue, Westview, had unusual matutinal visitors this morning. Glancing out of her front room window, Mrs. Budinlch was surprised to see two fullt grown deer grazing tranquilly on her front la,wn. It was about 10 minutes to 10 o'clock. They remained for about 10 minutes and then ambled nonchalantly up Atlin Avenue toward the Westview School. Harry Daggett Jr., son of Mr and Mrs. H. M. Daggett, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from Providence, Rhode Island, where he Is study ing for his Doctorate of Philosophy at Brown University, and will spend the next two or, three weeks at' his home here. His father has come in from his work at Port Simpson to spend a couple of weeks. BABY'S UPSET STOMACH " c QUICKLY CORRECTED BABY'S little "Tummy" U often eaaily tip-ii rt. It U euilr righted again, too, if you know juit how to do It. Let Mra. M. 8. Alwajr, of London, Ont.. tell you: "Baby'a Own Tablet are a great help .at the first ign of upset stomach, during teething time or when a cold is coming on. They work quickly yet gently to carry away poisons and promote restful comfort." And Mrs. W. R. Sharp says: "I nursed my baby shortly after being alarmed over a motor accident and her stomach became miitA unapt. I eav her Babv's Own Tablets and she soon stopped crying and quieted ' oown. Equally effective for teething troubles, ronitlnation. simDle fever. Sweet-tasting, eaaily crushed to a powder, if desired prompt in action. No "sleepy" stuff no dulling effect. Buy a box today for sickness so olteu atrutes tn uie nignu ia ceuia, FRESH PRODUCE ORANGES Size 252 ... 2 doz. 60c SEEDLESS GRAPES . . . . r. . 2-Ibs. 37c CASARA MELON 9c lb. HONEY DEWS 9c lb. CANTELOUPE 45's 2 for 29c CUCUMBERS Large 10c ea. TOMATOES Ripe 2 lbs. for 25c GRAPEFRUIT 100's fi for 39c CAM! AGE New Green 2 for 15c CORN ON COR doz. 54c LETTUCE Firm and Crisp ... .v ... 2 for 27c CELERY Green 2 lbs for 17c CANNING FRUIT PEACHES BARTLETT PEARS ITALIAN PRUNES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRUIT JARS AND FITTINGS CANADIAN CHEESE LIQUID STARCH II I IIP IPS AN OLJTPAGE .' '! I' V VOU'D THINK MONEV V -HOT rtCTUiMC J HAS -GOT TO STOP 2 lbs. for 89c 2 Bottles 19c SHOESTRING CARROTS 2 Tins 27c Overwaitea Ltd. RUPERT'S MOST MODERN FOOD STORE IMAGINE LEAVING MV BEST SAW OUT IN THE YARD OVER Man to Man DAGWOOD"IT "Hill ) I WAS VOU WHO ) ' LEFT THE SAW - OUTDOORS . J OVERNIGHT 1 VMS I KNOW )' AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver 'Mr. ' and' Mrs": Nelson Lee, Mrs. Wilkinson, D. McNab, R. MflHato, K.. M. Phlpps; Miss Wllliscroft, A. Manson, T. Kaye. To Sandsplt M. Lashewski. From Vancouyer (Wednesday) J. H. Black,, C. Zavish, Mr. Prengent, G. Rumley, B. Blals. pTHTpj ..iLjItfA EASY WAY DerfeY The Gentle Bleach joiv Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE COLD SEAL LABEL for Your Holiday Week End at OVERWAITEA EGGS "A" Large Cartoned 56c per Doz. KEL BRAND Apple Juice 3 Tins 32c l2's l's JELLY POWDER Lemon 18c Bag SALMON Fancy Keta Catelli SPAGHETTI In Tomato Sauce 2 Tins 29c Cut Green BEANS 2 Tins 33c RAISINS AUSTRALIAN 2 lbs. for 39c In Days of Rising Food Costs It Pays To Buy at Your Overwaitea Store WE DELIVER PHONE 843 By Chic Young f GET OUT AND LET MB FINISH ) X I L BAWLING v- Prince Hupet! DaUe Beted Thursday, August 28, 1947 Hat I value and satisfaction, too, in the smart, faithful colors, the fine, enduring fabrics and the craftsmanship that saji at. J a glance . . . it's a STETSON .$8.00 to $15.00 iiiiih HTk m iiiM:n-iniiiM mm A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" CHESTERFIELD SUITES, I5EDKOOM SUITES, BEDS, BEDSl'RINGS, SPRING-FILLED AND FELT MATTRESSES B.C. Products made by Simmons and ISestmorc, the leading Bedding and Furniture manufacturers of Canada SEE OUR WINDOWS PHONE 775 308 Third Ave. West PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. WILL INSURE YOUR HOME AND YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE 212 Fourth Street Phone GREEN 017 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 00 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IBS Radios at their best STROMBEUG CARLSON MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR SHOES- HEEL THEM ATTEND THEIR DYEING- SAVE THEIR SOLES Bos 771 Second Avenue Hollywood Cafe riUNCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM II A.M. TO G A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday -5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST MARCONI REPAIRS AND SERVICE at RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC Dependable Radio Servicing. Overhauls a Specialty. PHONE 041 PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS s Ml ft