I .READ! -4:Tr,iS2?s HELP WITH FULL-STRENGTH FRESH YEAST IK i rioschraann's active fresh Yeast go right to work , give your bread more delectable flavor, finer, lier texture every time. Eu BAKE AT HOME, be sure to get Fleisdimann's K r l. r r.:i. ..n A label. Dependable Canada's favorite tfT- .1 yeast fr more "ian 7 years. Id f H.v cami's virr o Pee 4) 14 and . huve to p: 'poned week, n wiil (. (.. . the the play-offs for the Ladles League at their meeting this week. The Ladie Fastball League standing: W L Pet. Moose 10 2 .833 High School C 5 .545 G. and A. 3 9 .250 p. : Advertise m ue Jjauy ixews' Telkwa's Thirty-First Annual Barbecue rWO-DAY CELEBRATION t I August 31, 1917 and September 1, 1917 Labor Day ,. Bronco --?2iirara. . Busting Wild Steer Decorating Special Feature '' Attractions BILLS STAMPEDE SPILLS Of CUE RIBBON NEWEST AND EXCITING plOVS-MSITOItS AND PIONEERS IN ONE BIG E! r.ir.WTir run works siiniiay night. EHMLLIXfi DISPLAY! ''REFRESHMENTS C" r 1 1 1 1 ii r k PARADE ON SUNDAY NIGHT AND SEE THE BEEF LOWERED INTO THE BARBECUE PIT. JN TO TOWN HALL FOR. THE BIG DANCE STARTS .MIDNIGHT SUNDAY. 1 Sweep - Houston Bridge to Telkwa Bridge I SHARK IN THE DELIGHT OF A KM .11 ICY RARBECUE SANDWICH Wl BALL In Town Hall the year's big dance Monday Night. to :i your Labor Day Week-end holiday at I T-lkwj "Beauty Spot of the North" pair Car Parking Lot. See your local Canadian pliona! Railway Agent for week-end fares Telkwa and return. Bcb Phillips, Secretary-Treasurer Terrace ?hil's Cafe h Au-nue Terrace, R.C. AKFAST LUNCH DINNER prve AND BANQUETS pod pine Pastries Quick and Courteous Service Proprietor, Phil Tetrault piMPT SERVICE . . ... See Your ENERAL MOTORS DEALER P"t lt.ifL. m t ..unit yiicT. irucna Oldsmoblle G.M.C. Trucks Machine Work A Specialty face Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE B.C. RE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. and Lumber Ianufacturers I Lumber TERRACE Rents For LnternaHonal Harvester Co. Logs, Poles and riling Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Phllco Radios . Wlllard Batteries IS HONORED Bithday tPartifs for Popular Daily News delivery Roy Paul Ohen, one ol the Dally New oopular delivery boys, was honored with two parties on his birthday this Monday. One was a,t the home fcf his father, Fred Olson, 610 Fifth Avenue West, at noon. The other was at the home "f Mr?. I. Lavlgne, C22 Eighth" Avenue West. Many of Paul's young friends were in attendance on each occasion and delicious refreshments, pleasing to young tastes, and numerous Rlffts marked the events. Handsome birthday cakes were featured. Present at the noon party were Sonja Blake, Donnie Blake, Gordon Osterberg, Leonard Ostei-berg. Mrs. Donald, Mrs. Hand. Ludvig H Mimes, Sid Halvorson. Tom Halvorson, Sona Halvor son, Ed-win Vale; Karl Vale, Berry Sandyke, Lily Sandyke, Bry ant Psnryke, Dave Sandyke, TtA1- T-J .. r x i . IX THE MTUEME f'Ol'KT OK IIRI-TlMf COMMIIIA IN PROBATE ix run m tti:k or the -admix. ITKATI ACT IX THE MATTEIt OF THE ESTATE OK I'ETI K t ItltAX. llf t'EASEH, IXTIiSTATE TkW Mnnpp .h.t w r-j . .... CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 CABINS Skeena Bridge Tourist Camp! (One Mile East of Town) Box 13 Terrace, B.C. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (IL Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace FINED $i50 ON LIQUOR CHARGE "Frank Wllkie was fined $15: or three months in Jail when he was found guilty hf Magistrate W. D. Vance in police court Wednesday on a charge of supplying liquor to .an Indian. He paid th? fine. OUT OF SEASON GUELPH. Ont CP) A. couplt of sleighs were Involved in an accident here recently during 2 mid-August rainstorm, A truck driven by George Horton rammed into the rear of Jame Pink- .struck a oouple of ilelghs parked in front of a blacksmith shop. HEALTH HAZARD The difference in certain sickness diseaie rates (between city and urfcan areas is attritbuted to pollution of the air in the city by smoke and gases from coal in industrial and domestic use. MONEYMAN CHAPLIN, Sask., Ot w.r war. jjoromv Knsrar ana McTvnr cMrofQM Stan- Herbert Albert F4ar. . Largej School .Unit, estl- At the evening parly were Mr., mates he has signed more than and Mrs. Martin, Mr. and Mrs Odell, George Ross. Miss Beu-Kh Lavlgne, Miss Vina Lavigne, Mrs. Marie Lavlgne. Paul Olsen and Fred Olsen. METAL SPECIALIST Since the 12th century, Steyr. Austria, has specialized In the irmklng of weapons and metal ware. UTTCALLY SHARP HALIFAX, W-Hallfax yachtsmen intend to keep their nautical wit rharpened throughout the winter. Many are now enroll-'ne lor winter classes in navl-tsVcm and seamanship at the Armdale Yacht Club where W. O. Innls, R.C.N.. is instnrctor. 3.8S8 cheques since 1945 when he becanie, secretarv at this hhool district between Swift Current and Mocse Jaw. "Build B. C. Payrolls" Convenient and Economical Honour Judge W. O. Fulton. Local Innch lonSer than Ordinary milk Judtte of the supreme court of iiri- and Is more economical." iisn Columbia, I was on the 25th day 01 August. A.D. 1947. appointed Ad mlnlstrator of the .Estate of Peter Curran, late of Telegraph Creek, British Columbia, who died on or about the 20th day of December, 1948, at Grassy Creek, British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to mc forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to fHe them with) me properly verified on or before the 30th day of September. 1B47, faU-lng which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which 1 shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C. this 20th day of August. A.D. 1947. ROBERT F JOHNSTON. OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR TELEGRAPH CREEK, B. C (211) Among a number of reasons why she uses Pacific Milk, Mrs. R. "It Is very convenient, conven-McN. cites this important one: lent because one heed never be without Milk. It keps sweeter PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed SINGER Electric Sewing Machines For Rent Reasonable Rates Phone 854 Prince Rupert Singer Sewing: Machine Co. DEVELOPING. PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak' Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST Is away for a week attending-an eptomeiric convention. Terrace Theatre Showing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm Saturday matinee at 2:30 p.m. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY August 29 and 30 "MISS POLLY" with Zasu Pitts, Slim Summer-vllle, Kathleen- Howard, Brenda Forbes, Elyse Knox and Dick Clayton On your ivay to the lake? SEE OUR TWO FLOORS LADIES' WEAR IAUU UUUIJ3 W MEN'S WEAR ' j GROCERIES THE SKEENA MERCANTILE TERRACE Household Scrapbook By Robata Lee Care of .Umbrella A wet umbrella should be closed and stood with the han;' down. This prevents rusting of the point where the ribs j and also prevent rtretchin!! of the cloth. To Test Eggs Place an egg in a pan of wat r If fresh it will lie on its &:AeV 2 few days old it will tilt u ney's car during the storm. The wards- If stale, It will stand on truck skidded past a sign and ena-11 vefy . It will float. A Convenient High Chair If four rubber-tipped door stops are screwed into the legs of an ordinary chair, it makes an ideal high dhiair for kitchtin work, -or for a small child. PRACTICAL PLANT The cotton pjant survives drought better than moa pla- it because it steps gTcwir" m uiy seasons, resuming ri owth wii r rains return. BONEVS BEET SUGAR To nullify the English susa mm .1 blockade, Napoleon started beet-sugar cn Its way to meeting half the world's sugar needs. SUPERIOR FOOD STORES Ltd. ! ') m Friday and Saturday Values AUGUST 29 and 30 FREE DELIVERY PHONE 18 ALL SEASONAL FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR YOUR SHOPPING PLEASURE ORANGES Jufcy, 2 doz. 45c TOMATOES No. 1 Field 2 lbs. 23c GRAPES Seedless 2 lbs. 33c LETTUCE Crisp, Firm . . , . 2 ige. heads 23c ONIONS Cooking 4 lbs. 23c BEETS Fresh From Bunches .... 6 lbs. 25c CUCUMBERS Medium Size 7c CANTALOUPPE Tasty, Ripe .... 2 for 25c APPLES New Terrace 3 lbs. 25c We have for your convenience a complete stock of all Canning Supplies PANCAKE DAY SPECIAL 2 ) ( AUNT JEMIMA r f ) PANCAKE 5 wsmm Corn Flakes Post Toasties 2 pkts. 15c Pencils 6 for 25c Rulers 10c Penholders 10c Erasers 5c and 10c Blotters pkg. 5c and 10c Ink 15c PANCAKE ... 23 tf pkt. BUCKWHEAT 21? pkt. Cream of Wheat REGULAR 21c DUE FT Washing Powder 31c CHEESE Nippy, Canadian Fresh Cut. 45c lb. FLOOR WAX RentonV English . . 43c lb. tin MILK Carnation 2 tins 25c Quick Quaker OATS 27c SCHOOL SPECIALS School Opening Tuesday, Sept. 2, 1917 INK SCKIHBLEKS LOOSELEAF REFILLS & BINDERS Paper Cover 5c, G for 25c 2 Ring, '3 for 25c Oil Cloth Cover 10c, 3 for 25c 3 Ring, 30c C611 Bound 15c, 2 for 25c and 25c 2 Ring Binder 35c Hard Back Science 40c and 45c 3 Ring Binder 75c and 95c TIIKEE KING LEATHER ZIPPER BINDERS $2.95 to $10.75 Crayons Pkg. 10c ' Water Color Paints (With Brush) . C5c ?t Squares 10c Protractors 10c Compasses ..25c Geometry Sets 75c TEXT BOOKS Special WATERMAN'S SCHOOL PEN & PENCIL SET Special The pen $2.C0 The Pencil 87c me bci MaeMvs.Mi Household Helps DUST MOPS FLOOR WAX STEEL WOOL ENAMEL WARE DRYING RACKS CLOTHES PINS OALVANIZED WARE ALUMINUM WARE SATIN-OLO PRODUCTS THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. PHONE 101 255 Third Ave. 13rfnrc Eupcrt Daflp JSctos Thursday, August 28, 1947 TESA BaG5 $4 v BUYS ahd WHYS by e$r A wttkly advertising and Information icrWce for today't woman MONTREAL, Aug. 28th You like it ... It likes you! Particularly when summertime recreation leaves you feeling thirsty and pleasantly tired . . . 7-Up tastes so good! Chilled from the cool green pottle or fresh in a frosty glass ... sip 7-Up slowly ... let the lively, happy little bubbles run over and under your tongue! Feel happy? Of course you do! You fcfl like another set of tennis right now . . . another nine holes of golf! 7-Up gives you a wonderful "fresh up" feeling Buy yours at any store displaying the eyecatching 7-Up sign! 4 HERE'S A TIP FROM THE TROUSSEAU of a lucky Autumn bride . . . her loveliest lingerie is made of nylon! And trousseau-lovely lingerie can be j ours on a budget when you buy nylon . . . it's both fashion -perfect and budget-wise! It washes quickly, dries quickly, irons like a dream . . . and it never, never shrinks! YouH find nylon, fabrics smooth as mist-glowing satins, shimmering sheers, soft twills. Look for the label "Made of C-I-L Nylon vim" tn assure vou of lingerie that will fit fashionably, smoothly and well for its longer, lovelier life! minute to ITS NO SECRET that the woman who gets the most sa tlsf action out of her shopping the truly wise shopper buys, as often as possible by name. She knows that so many of the better products are identified for her by label. She knows that the VINYLITE Plastics label is her assurance of plastic products that have been tested for use and approved, by "The Better Fabrics Testing Bureau". Be wise . . . buy by the VINYLITE Plastics label. For more about these excellent plastics and their many uses, simply write to me, Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St, Montreal, P.Q., for your free copy of "The Story of VINYLITE Plastics". if NOW IS THE TIME to plan for your winter -holidays or your vacation next summer . . . ,to begin putting money aside regularly lor a' wonderful outing a never-to-be-forgotten pleasure cruise, a glorious stay in the mountains. Decide how much you wanf for your holiday financing and then put-a. portion of each pay cheque away in your " Sunshine Account " at the Bank of Montreal. Youll And any member of the B of M's staff glad to assist you In opening your account Begin today to save for the, time of your life. net LOOK AT JUNIOR! Junior's got into the jam again! There's r.o doubt sboul it . . . it's hard to keep him from the jsi cvpbowd when it'f woll-stockod with your uoliciciu CEItTO-maiie janu and jellies! But there's' still a lot left for the family uven after or.c of Junior's famous raids ... for CERTO. the famous fruit pectin." gives you fifty percent iticrc jelly or jam. CERTO j.-ims need only a o.ne -to-two-minute full, rolling bod . . . CEIiro -oliies a minute very little precious juics! U lo;t in steam! When you buy CERTO look for the bcol; cf Tested Rtcines behind the label. Follow Uiem exactly for very best results! ' t GOOD COOK'S DELIGHT! A "must" on your v kitchen shelf . . . p. shopping list "regular" . . . and, not to keep you in suspense any lon,tcr . . ssVCTfrTTy it's BENSO.YS (.5iv. Starch. Ira sure you'll agree t-Qt I wun inc, mi'.e you ve cocKea wnn it, inai incre orc'jrJ lew superlatives too superlative to describe wis good coro itnrch. BENSON'S, you know, has been a buyword for, literally, generations of Canadian housewives. It makes delicious ccrtaint'ci of recipes like these for Sally's Sponge Cake Letncii or Orange Tilling Novelty Meat Kail. They're all from BENSON'S latest Recipe fchect B.I). For your INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) 7k CTsVRT?." if free copy, simply writo to me, Barbara Erent. 1411 Crescent St, Montreal. P.O. HANDSOMELY HOODED . , . That's wnat yoa'll I be in this prepossessing satin ensemble with double-breasted, shoul- der-voked coat. . . . invites you to view The NEW, The SMART; j The INTERESTING. . . . it's1 'bur new fall stock now On display. You'll feel "right" and be right in the style parade with one of our new head- J turning' creations. J Use Our Convenient BUDGET: PLAN No Interest-m, No Ca frying Charges 4 Mj COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Tresh Made VALENTIN pAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER' SmVICK I J. m i