pr ra Prins fuel Traffic Tickets ‘Unfixable’ In New York [PRS . nena By SAUL PETT He is humiliated by paying aj other things, put the finger on| ; ‘ ; Pee : ee ; : CoS oe . 8 B h “yh NEW YORK-—Joh M. Mur- | @ne like anybody else missing summonses (all tickets ? ‘ ; * ee ee | Minister, Secretary ot Familiay eh Now York -cilyisk chief With ee juc ov, and | carried a policemen are con- - ? ‘ ‘ 4 magistrate, has noihine personal & ©C™Pleated mechanical brain | secutively numbered), altered oe : i Bs W, h N ° O C Sein auioce V ag a oa A processing Gckeu, Murtagh | license numbers on tickets and | #& : : ee ; Bes ‘ it ewspapers, ne as ENSO; hoe fix GF ipnore traffic tickets believes the fix is virtually im-| judges with a tendency toward oS * ) } He just wants to make their POSS#ble in New York city passing too many suspended sen- . pee, SS ee : a ives as miserable as possible The mechanical brain consists | tences ; Bovern. and thinks other cities ought to Of 39 machines rented by the ; sills * ; : : ment departments, is a newspaperman in his “spare” tim, Steed .thic tine of misé city for $80,000 a year from In- T d % k ee : : : ee A director of the Lunenburg Progress-Enterprige wo, at won eC a j : sos Ma ternational Machines, Inc. Judze Oo ay S SIOC S : : : 8 | a paper in his home town, Mr. Winter writes a week! ous crusade on the matter in| Murtagh says New York Is NE (Courtesy SD. Jonnstun Co. Ltd» New York only city in the United States 1ada's Minister of Resources and Developme; Hor i Robert H. Winters, who is co-ordinator for innumerat, y iy COlump but otherwise has little to do with the paper’s operatio, : using these machines = VANCOUVER : : 5 : : His piivate secretary, R, L. (Bob) Eliott is also knox Murtagh fins us rucking < / : . : ee oe : Canadian newspapermen and especially those who firm a record-bre ine $4.700 ft New York issues more than American Standard i8 , R : corre ignoring 467 parkin ummonses. | 1,000,000 traffic summonses a Bralorne 6.40 % 5 l He fined one individua 2999 | year. In the last monph, 1evenu BRX 0414 end sentenced hm to 30 days for from fines was $60.000 higher Congress 07 trying 7 bout 84 traffic than it was in the some month Cronin Babine 36 Mekets: The judge also h id used | /ast year. Since the machines Giant Mascot .90 ; ee . : oe - : mA | « . his influence to go across state | Were installed eariy in 1950, the Indian Mines 16 if : ce Builds Seismograph Least Sun lines to get the licet of out- | Bumber of traffie violators who Pioneer 2.02 ; res . ‘ - ' oi-state viola revoked ignored summonses has dropped Premier Border 241, ee ee oe rte eee eee re oe From Odds and Ends Reco dH he g . rl ? < ! 7s 2% ; A . te . si he fi ; Moace Here's how it works Reeves MacDonald 400 } ame : : rie ‘ ec I ere Murtagh thinks normal an A cop on the beat gives out a Reno ; 04 GATHERING STORM—Silhouetted against a sky da:kened by gathering thunder clouds, three Seat for 6 tow conceit nas X= traffic ticket, on which there are} Sheep Creek 40 ut HAMILTON, Ont. (CP) inh il < ckaken eta sed eae Tork:on. Sask.. iy striking photo (CP PHOTO) aL ; ee cae two stub He keeps one, and Silbak Premier horses plod homewards to a farm near York.on sK., in this » Know about earthquake He to think himself oe eee ‘ teh ee { Taku River : : ; Edward Mantle maintains that abov the conim : horde” ths urn 1€ other into us precine 3 u ‘ . * i 5a: all you need n alarm clock $ ‘ 7 hous¢ The precinct forwards Vananda Dba ae , ain ws ‘irror ft Judge Says le iS oud oi 4 ‘ é So ee} : , in old watcn, a mirror trom ubmit to aut} , : oats the stub and the officer’s affi Salmon Gold { , Ps 4 Rote oma : goes da tl see, oe Sdane tt davit to the Traffic-Summon Spud Valley , : : hy CTVed gg sponde: in the last war. Mr. Elliott Was one gy h Ung men reporters tricd to trip. He was a press censor was Cold, dull and damp jena according to the mete : | logical report and the sun gh City a . : ie ad ele , 2 : | Oatlerie f honugraph needic) for only 72 hours—lowest Control bureau DY Unie Nexrt OUVEr Obanhnaara < . % ies rd - . {ep >y j na us P Ms g and a tew odds and enc record SEaSRRF "ARRAS morning Western Uranium OF ; ie a J « There the machine record, | Oils ; Mr. Man is one of Canada The weather office said 4 reproduce, and collate with other Anglo Canadian . : few amateur selsmologist 5°| inches of rain rel over this o& past offenses, the name and ad A P Con ms ee : - ’ , : uccessful has he been that hi ust mo wa dress of the violator, cate of the Calmont , : \ records Of majo earthquakes was on June 17 when uifensc, licens¢ number, sum Home Oil : , have received official recogni-|oury rose to 63.4 degree: He mons number, precinct involved, Mercury ; " ; ; a d ition by h Dominion Observa te lay the previous mont} make of car and badge number Okalta 4 : ome ; A . i tory at Ottawa ulso on the 17th, when the teg } 1 + - $ “ge * q be _ ue Ve of the ticket-issuing patrolman oyal Canadian - : a Aes ay: ; 2 < , A tool-maker at the Stee] Com-| perature rose to 68.7 degreg The machines also automatically TORONTO ee : " wef es pany cf Canada, Mr, Mantle first TI ' ; g » case a tre » court t g if : Pi: 4 ; i wah : . eee ee eee eee ‘ ve sunshine figure of 72 co sign the ca toa a nea ee ; 1 | "4 o : f , ~e p a ; restricted his interest in earth-| 4. w th 173 hour f 7 Gocket and later record in detail Aumaque . i : © E ; 7 " ? : * ont : .. -palae Meee og, | Dares Wil 6 hours of ich disposition Bevcourt meg rp: Sq : a Cs aa vO sane va = 1935, Tune, 1951, although there » - . : “en ‘ r Ee 3 F F a « a ie, a 1e time of the imiskamiig : ar "4 ; The machines handle about Buffalo Canadian I eS . ee ie ‘3 md | earthquake, he decided to play an 3.61 inches of rain in Jun 5,500 tickets a day and, among Consol. Smelters | Zz ‘ ° a a 8 mn Ee a ae | veal Conwest § } : as am : . 5 THe | the ne. cm Eld ' P He admits that his first efforts) Mean temperature last mg fidona "E J - - . \ ; 49 degree und. the rep ss Sm , % . to bu selsmogral were ra» Wa f eg? §s and e rene Popular Steamer East Sullivan * _ ; |to build a seismograph : there wate 16 Wan . Giant Yellowknife r 4 , |ther crude and none too sensitive, 545, ere Were 10 Gene 4 Go i's Lake ; ¥ , yom Then ‘he visited the meteorolog- Measurable precipitation. Coif rince uper ia ah x 5 1 : et, ‘ ie ; \ ce ./ical bureau at Toronto and got ¢St day was on June 7 when ij is ie x . \} i ae some advice about how to im-| mercury — to oir SAILS FOR arricana d | i: . 4 ee i 4 ‘Sr Heva prove his home-made instru } = meé { Duvex J F , me! Vancouver iii ih gle SR ee ss CE Little Long Lac permanent place in a nook be- ORDER avd Intermediate Ports Lynx hind his furnace, just t i ae aie sats . aa ee ' between ; ‘ } : } i Madsen Rec Lake ‘ DARING RESCUE—Three membs , rescue party use f rest on the stee now- the furnace-pipes and coal bin Cf Each Thursday McLeod Cockshutt b aaeered ea ial sin as they brine ve . lorth ‘ Mission, B.¢ on a stretcher to : For 24 hours it ticks away, keep ‘4 j F KETCHIKAN a ty pa: See . ‘0 waiting United Stats Coast Guard heiicopt Northcote n a government mapping irvey ing a permanent record on a i a or I é ‘ Negus 45 when he fell down a cliff, suffered bone f: nd a punctured lung GP PHOTO) {#ece. OF pholgrapn Pane WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT = : me © Sd Noranda 78.50 Comfort and Service Y ouvicgart 22% 8 d ‘ soa fats. 8 Negro Blue Singers Rated Tops : 9 Write or Call Petrol Oil & Gas 1.11 Se ae CITY OR DEPOT | Sehator Roush 15 By JAMES BACON rent reat) “I never sang the blues like ; A crear Sherrit Gordon 4.35 HOLLYWOOD — Ethel Waters, | lov they did. I didn’t have a loud OF FICE : Steep Rock 6.50 a gal who should know says it +3 1d and butter,’’' ‘ nough voice ‘ ait — RUPE. Silver Miller 1.85 {there are only two white singers ‘ 3 ( imented Then, glancing down at her , It BC. Upper Canada 181 | who could cross tonsils with ” her non-singing buxom figure, she smiled Of , MCAUIE is Golden Mapiten eee 48.39 negro blues. singers ‘ents are earning her enough| course, in tho days I had a Nn Cc 7 ‘ie pale Miss Wavers picked Ella Mae llywood money buy ike. good shape. They used to call me ; i ae ' ; iN A bd A | a A be HIGH RATIO . |Morse and Mel Torme a the } i ; ler or the movie! Long Gvodie, é he x so Apartments and flats consti- : ; a bikes , ; eis alae 4 + then- NA ie) AL : ; a two who come closest to threat- | y, or f her roadway hit lainead, reierrea ) ‘ Es ite close te 56 per cent of all ening the negro blue monopoi { \ ender figure juebec dwellings. : Sibiics dadnes: vs thd eee Sh er ee on % ) aT ; Nal . 1 don't know wha inging, however, is whe he CAPSULE REVIEW RX L A they've got, he added it 1 : sae ‘ } } +} G . . BREE GEER AI For Your Outdoor Summer BLOUSES SKIRTS SHORTS SLACKS SPORTSWEAR WALLACE S Dept. Store w® 7% a & ® w ¥ a » a s Mt LJ Es iw s a w = n i I] han one Was th The Quiet Man i Jonun ear tells me they've got it és ‘ ge ‘St Boe : ' , l } ce Ing ©*-| Ford’s best picture since “The 7 Or 3] | she also intro-| Informe: but much, much fun- to copy Ella Fitzgerald, but the; / wth Hey) duced the old time hit “Dinah.”|nier. Best scene: John Wayne p KIRBY GRANT - “SHAYE coc can’t do it said Ethel Che | #, the. talk : tenint V « ‘ } Iki fi hnicolor | ant Victor McGlaglien stage a , — negro feels the blues differently musi ang \m aa or knock-down. drag sig ie a ercen age 0 our ae oe ee eran 8, ( her recording a ross the Irish countryside, PLUS TODAY to WEDNESDA TRUE BLUE LOVE } \ late ie Smith | finally land in front of a puhi “SOUTH CHINA” Although Ethel i ecognized al Ma t among _ the Gross Business Do You [=== "=" See en ee 5 d A See Bank Awards ow ME trcher sharie noticed ‘hangin pend on A vertising : Contract For . MM iiever'iye mate of a eapuive # Te 1 eo oe + All your girl singers today i) male shark he f eavy net New Building oe ee en rERRACE.+-Contract, has been we: om G . os j \ iwarded wy the Bank of Mont eal for erection of a two-storc Putting a set percentage of your gross business back yuilding to house its new branch : . Pag j aere into your business through advertising is one sure woy Designed to meet yanking need of the Aistrie 5 ie : distinguished the new building will be located to make your business grow. Advertising ALONE will 5 : , in the west side of Kalum Street . product of the noi make vour business successful. But planned i between Lazelle and Lakelse . v4 ‘ Avenues, according to a_ banl a oe 9 consistent advertising will HELP you to do more |Announcement. Northwest Con ae P a d i BRITISH * j You reach more people for the LOWEST COST |. SHARBOT LAKE, Ont., ues Where do a deer’s horns go after/Sheen in their Coats, a hey are shed? Just ask Joe}, The : bear cle ate being; THROUGH | Vinkle, paeousnt up on the bottle. Harvy Joe operates a gas station and| ‘8 licklish and mas 8 temper, |lunch room in the lonely norti-| Henry is quiet 4 lern bushland of the Rideau| The peacock enjoys riding in ‘WW > ray Lakes, but his main interest is|the back seat of Joe’s car. 4 ais little private, zoo. | The beaver lives in the same 44 On his halt-acre of land Joe| hut with the peacock all winter has 13 deer and five fawns; two|J0e says they get along fine be- Canadian Whisky bear cubs, Henry and Harry, a|€ause “a beaver won't attack peacock; a 50-pound beaver, and|@nything, not even an insect or 7 we : g 2y Sag rese 2 ¢ 1e% é se.” ; on é 6 monkey.’ Each presents.a new ae IWE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LID a ok problem in care and feeding. | The monkey is a woman-hater, wiw WESTMINSTER, 8.6 | FROM Each evening Joe spends an | She chatters angrily whenever a} acp-1-08 ° hour cutting fresh brush for his|woman approaches. | " ° o lainc’ oan « * ervise deer herd. He explains: Oh yes, about those déer horns, This advertisement “They need fresh elm leaves in| Joe,claims poreupines eat them. is not published or displayed by || Or on n erson their diet, or they will get mangy| “In one day flat, a porcupine} | the Liquor Control Board or by thel| and sickly, That is why animals | can grind up the horn of a two- Fie British Columb; Ph jseen in city zoos lose the wild year-old buck,” ONO NT wtenecead {1 one 46