IR CIirSTS his. Walnut Mail Orders IHH. .GER ulger Ltd. : 8 for $1.00 ositivcly No Exchanges SCXST iwiir'i for . . . :tax Prepared - See HORTIMER "'J CFPR) LMS P Press Films Pnetlr: Eniarg. f. Ptr-rrta and Esr2si fJ Order Service and Cowgill Box 645 ECPE2T B.C HOTEL 1 M: Ra 5 -"nee siet Rooms CAFE Connection kE5! .V.V.V.V.V a"ner H : ,. Catena. ' rre ,, 1 t y ( i iiimn.. "L "n ;s hi.uters McBrid He iney lcim e St, a, iacKenzie Furniture LIMITED guiL PLACE TO BUY" . fhristniaS Small ucyusii, uuiua anj ui tii.ii;. Walnut und moth proof. From $69.50 Dust ana mom prooi. iricca 18.50 Promptly Filled O 337 Third Avenue LING THE TAILOR We arc taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing wliilc you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street llSTS-Hcrc is a service that you have TIRE VULCANIZING Miasti":! Prince Rupert's first tire vulcanizing offer a prompt and efficient tire vulcan- :. . ; In charge of our tire de-d to explain this new service, ' ui.y of your tire problems. huuinlion given to out-of-town orders. ib farker Limited SOS OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" Prince Rupert, B.C. Tliree Bailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. Coqultlam. Fridays, 5 p.m. Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 p.m Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 8 p.m. ! QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS August 8 ahd 22 September 6 and 19 Midnight. for south Islands August 10 and 24 September 8 and 21 Midnight. FRANK 3. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 COLEMAN OIL HEATER I lr beautlful styling and the -type heating unit. for your home, no matter how Us R'Ve you complete Information '.V.V.V.vv.V.V.W.V.V.W.V.".W.i RECREATIONAL CLINIC HERE FOR TWO DAYS Demonstrations and lectures on arts and crafts, hobbles, physical and social activities, drama and other recreational projects will come from the "fountalnhead" of such know ledge tonight and Thursday evening when the Department of Education recreation leaders travelling clinic holds sessions In the Civic Centre. The clinic, comprising Pro-Rec and University Extension leaders, arrived in the city today from the interior and will remain until Friday when It will leave for the Interior where similar gatherings will be held at Terrace, Smithers and other centres. Teachers, group leaders, church workers, P.T.A. members, hobbyists and little theatre members are being urged to attend the classes which will! demonstrate the latest approaches to the broad field of recreation. Both evening sessions will be opened by general discussion forums, followed by specific demonstrations and displays. An arts and crafts demonstration by Miss Jean Travis, handicraft instructress, Uni versity extension department, will take up the second portion of tomorrow night's session. This will be followed by a drama class, conducted by H. S. Hum, director of community and school drama, Department of Education. On Thursday evening, following the general session, there will be a physical activities demonstration by Jerry Mathi-son, provincial supervisor of men, and later a similar demonstration for women by Mrs. Hilda Keatley, supervisor of women. This will include dancing, rythms and games, and will be followed by a community dance featuring square dances. TEACHERS HOLD ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Prince Rupert District Teachers' 1 Association was held in the Civic Centre last evening with I over 30 teachers in attendance. The election of officers for the year resulted as follows: President, J. S. Wilson. Vice-President, R. D. Cleland. Secretary, Miss Freda Hall. Treasurer, Mrs. Kullander. Other executive members Mrs. K. Stone, public relations committe chairman J. Church, school planning committee A. M. Hurst, A. Densmore, Miss M. Anstey. Miss House, Miss Sweeney. Miss McBeath and J. Evans. Representative to Civic Centre, A. M. Hurst. In welcoming the newly appointed teachers, Mr. Wilson aiso reierrea uie iu i time supporters as W. W. C. O'Neill, the former Miss Mary D. Sim and T. L. Davles. They had served the community and the teachers well. Among the highlights of the year had been the very successful Education Week, the negotiation of a new salary schedule, the visit of Stanley Evans, assistant secretary of the B.C. Teachers' Federation, and the passage by the Legislature of the Automatic Membership Bill. Mr. Wilson also gave a resume of the work of the B.C. Teachers' executive, a meeting of which he had attended on Saturday last in Vancouver. In session from 9:30 a.m. until midnight, a great deal of work had been covered. Reports had been given by delegates w:o attended the Canadian Teachers' Federation annual meeting and at which C, J. Oates of the B.C. delegation had been elected vice-president. Other delegates had attended the meeting of the Union of B. C Municipalities when the matter of the right of teachers to hold public office had been considered. The president of the Provincial Federation had also attended the annual meeting of the School Trustees' Association. This body was very defln-itetly In favor of the best in education for the province. The relations between it and the Teachers' Federation' continued to be most cordial. In order to reduce the disparity between the salaries now being paid and Increased cost of the greatly living the B- T- V?1? schedule had been raised at the executive meeting. Mr. Wilson hoped that close relations could fce established with teachers in the district, and it Is Local News It Special I Chenille Housecoats, $6.75. Star's. (tf) DINE & DANCE Good music, good floor, good eats. COMMODORE CAFE every Wednesday and Saturday. Mrs. Jack Judge returned from a visit to Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. Fire Chief II. T. Lock will be the speaker tomorrow at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club, his address to be appropriate to the Fire Prevention Week occasion, Capt. and Mrs. Walter Gosse of Vancouver, who have been visiting In the city for the past couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, are sailing tomorrow night by the Prince Rupert on their "sturn south. ATTENTION All Parent Teacher Members are urged to attend sessions being held in the Civic Centre tonight and tomor row night, sponsored by the Department of Education and Pro-Rec. (It) IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: By request, the time of the Fur Fashion Show by Fowlie & Ruttle has been changed to the evening of the same day, 8:15 p.m. Thursday October 9. Keep this time and date clear. (3-6-8) Mrs. McGeer of Vancouver, secretary of the British Columbia Tuberculosis Society, arrived in the city on the Prince Ru pert this morning for a brief visit here. She will meet the local Kinsmen's Club afr dinner and proceed by the evening train to the interior. Peter Lakie, C.N.R. divisional freight agent, returned to the city at the end of the week from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Lakie is remaining for a while longer in Vancouver where her daughter, Lois, has entered University of British Columbia. A vote of thanks to the lumber committee, George Mitchell, chairman, for excellent arrange ments it made for the reception of the .United. Kingdom Timber delegation during its recent visit to the city was passed by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com merce at Us meeting Monday night. Communications read at the monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Monday night Included onefrom G. W. V. Shaw, assistant to the president of the Canadian National Railways, Montreal, answering an inquiry of the local Chamber in regard to the port of registry of the new steamer Prince George. Mr. Shaw said inquiries would be instituted as to the position with respect to the registration. As it turns out, the new ship has prince Rupert as its port of registry. planned to visit Terrace and Hazelton, The question of a fall convention will be discussed. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mr. Wilson for his comprehensive and interesting reports. to 'St- Whiic In our shop inspect our interesting display of FALL COATS and SUITS Our personalized BUDGET PLAN is designed to suit every budget. No Interest No Carrying Charges. :ems Star's Sale on coats and dresses, etc. (240) G. M. Mclnnis of Terrace arrived in the city Monday from the interior for a visit of a couple of days here. Don Esselmont returned to the city on-, the Princess Adelaide Monday night from a trip to Vancouver. P. Dvornak sailed Monday night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver to receive treatment at Shaughnessy Military Hospi tal.' Canadian Legion Regular Monthly Meeting m. (with initiation of new members) Legion Hall, tonight, at 8 p.m. (It) Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lundquist of Hays Cove Circle returned to tne cltv on the Princess Adelaide Monday night from a month's ; visit with daughters in Vancou- ver and Seattle. Are you going out for Thanksgiving Dinner? We are serving a full course TURKEY DINNER from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thanksgiving Sunday and Monday at the CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM. For reservations please phone 231. (239) Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce is in receipt of a communication from the Anglo-Ethiopian Trading Corporation of Aden, Arabia inquiring as to shipping companies or forwarding companies that might be interested in doing business with A'den. W. M. Watts and A. S. Nicker-son returned to the city on last night's train from a business trip to Smithers. Announcements All advertisements m tins column will be charged for a full at 35a word. -Cambrai I.OD.E. Thanksgiving Dance, Civic Centre, Oct. 13. Orange Tea, Oct. 16. S.O.N. Fishermen's Welcome Home Dance, Oddfellows' Oct. 17. Refreshments. Everybody welcome. 10:00 p.m. till? tsana concert, wivic venuc, Friday, -October 22. Presbyterian Tea, at home of Mrs. L. W. Kergin, Thursday, Oc tober 23". C. C. F. Public Meeting, Civic Centre, Oct. 27. M. J. Coldwell, MP. . Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 30. Lutheran Ladles' Aid Bazaar, Saturday Nov. 1. Baptist Sale, Nov. 6. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Sale, Nov. 10. Women of the Moose annual Bazaar, Nov. 12 and, 13, Moose Temple. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, Nov. 19. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov, 20 St. Andrew's Cathedral Bazaar, November 22. Salvation Army Home League Sale Nov. 25th. CCF Bazaar, Civic Centre Wov. 28th., United Church Bazaar, Decem- ber 4,. Orange Sale, December 5. I St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec. 11. Spanish Senoritas1 themselves w o u 1 d envy you- the lace trimmed side-sweeping peplum that decks this inoire frock, fi racing, thb cunning peplum is a perky bow . . . beautifying the shoulder line are.the high neck and cap sleeves. W X 4 4 3 4- 4 4 4 4 Mrs. W. Thaln and .three children are leaving this Friday evening by train for New York where they wil embark on the steamer Queen Elizabeth for a visit to Mrs. Thain's native home in Banffshire, Scotland. Various matters pertaining to the Internal affairs of the organization were discussed when the Prince Rupert Gyro Club was in monthly business session today. President C. G. Ham was in the chair and there was a fair attendance of members. Mrs. J. Martin of Nanaimo, third vice-president of the pro vincial command of the Wo men's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from the south to visit branches here and at Terrace, Smithers, Sandspit and Queen Charlotte City. Twelve local members will accompany Mrs. Martin when she proceeds Friday morning to Terrace to attend the enghteenth anniversary celebration of the branch there. At Smithers Mrs. Martin will conduct the institution of a new branch. Frank Waterhouse freighter Chilliwack, Capt. Walter Holm-berg, coming north from Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Klemtu, is due at Port Edward at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The vessel is expected in Prince Ru pert before returning south. 1 7 jeirtqe BABY POWDER Soothing, cooling "TcnJct Age" Baby Pow. Jer i$ favorite with boitt tnd their mother! This refreshing powder belong is every ounery and bathroom dun it liber tlly after baby't bath and it diaper changing time It gtvet fine antihaft proteo tioo, containing Alphatone, an ideal anti-teptic and deodorant - uted' eiclusively by the manufacturer! of "Tender Age" rtM rw r NyWi f4 . McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED Third Ave. and Sixth St. rhone "9 MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR SHOES- HEEL THEM ATTEND THEIR THEIR SOLES Box 774 Second Avenue UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS " Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! ASK ABOUT CREDIT TERMS Out-ot-Town Orders Cfiven Special Attention, LOVIN'S 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFTJlt) PHONE BLUE 818 Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and, General Cartage and) Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Settvlce, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones CO and 68 rfncc Utipctt Dnflg JSctost Wednesday, October 8, 1947 ' Olof Hanson arrived in the city this morning on the Prince Rupert on one of his periodical visits to the district in connec tion with his business interests here and in the interior. 'cg SLOW FORT Jz&Wk' For flavour, richness and strength, Fort Garry Coffee is always coffee at its best. It's flavour-sealed in P('oim. SHiNGOLEEN Shingoleen beautifies and protects old and new shingles, and years of testing and constant usage have established its worth and sure capacity to beautify your home . . . Shingoleen is made on a two-oil base in many attractive colors and is entirely free from creosote. Sold THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. PHONE 101 SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Cards lor every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked $12.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HE TRANSFER PHONE 580 Hollywood Cate PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AM. TO S AM. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES . CHOPSUEY CHOWMEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phone Black 881 P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT ill i Col. C. V. Evltt arrived in the city this morning on the Prince Rupert to spend a few days here on business. Col. Evitt is now living at Departure Bay, near Nanaimo. by 255 Third Ave. THIRD AVENUE NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home SO Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. i Phone 281 P.O. Box 111 JUST ARRIVED See Our Large Selection of TOYS DOLLS, WAGONS AND DOLL s S4' BUGGIES. A preview of your Christmas selections. -a '