Prince Rupert Dailg r3ctos LtO. PRCCCE RUPERT, B O. TDESDAT, JULY 15, 1W7 .Adopted a Social Assistance committee report reaorameadtag that in future resident; of the Pioneers' Home in receipt of social assistance or oW rge pen- Men be a Mowed U retain $10 per month, the balance to be applied to the cost of their maintenance. 9mWL, ... -XV JLS t :i. WVSSSSMV Z- MVSH'I - tSUk CORRECT KICKING MAKES GOOD SWIMMERS Correct kicking must be stressed early In learning to swim, The instructor can make corrections while the "future champs" practice kicking in this position. First, the right leg is moved downward, and' while it Is brought back into position, the left is moved downward, Up-down, up-down, alternating the legs. NAVAL. AIR ARM A flight of Canadian Fireflies roars between its carrier and an accompanying cruiser IR.CJJ. photograph, WILL URGE USE ; way of living; it adds to happiness. Books are con- fit P I P V A T H D densed pictures of a person, an age, another part V LLLiMlUK of the world, an experience outside routine life. The hanoy reader's reading vitalizes him. He becomes more interested and more interesting. No community can do more for its own good than to maintain a library; getting the right book and the right person together is one of the pleasant-est functions a library fulfills: From there on the relationship is purely personal. What City Counci M overpayment cf accounts VHWSS-j53)06 for thainonth of June, aTeeemmended By the finance committee. Adopted a recommendation of the finance committee that a nem typewriter be purchased for. the city clerk's of ftce at a eost of Adopted a report of the licensing committee granting tradp licenses to the following: Elmer Clausen, marine realtor, Annette Manxell. ladles' wear: William Bcutoy, fur dealer; Capitol Theatre, confectionary counter. Approved a finance committee report authorizing the sale of 0t 9, bJoek 30, section 8 (Hays Cove Avenue) to Victor F. Johnson for $50, Did Approved ihg- purchase of between IJBOQ and 1,500 ftjt of six-inch wood stave pipe from Mr. Spies for 25 cenU a for-t a recommended by the utilises Approved a utilities committee recommendation that a night .supervisor be appointed for the telephone department provided that it does not result in an increase of staff, and that the salary of the chief operator be increased when the change is made- City Council plans to make a timely bid to have Prince Rupert's terminal grain elevator used for export grain shipments during the coming winter. AldermanT. B. Black last night asked council to investieate the possibilities of the elevator be infused this- year, suggesting that council co-operate with the Chamber of Commerce to that end. -Now is the time to get the government thinking about it," Alderman Black said. "If we let it go. until later in the season. they will delay all winter use they did lasi year.". Alderman Kick. as not .definite as to whether the city coun cil should handle the request it self or turn it over to the Chamber of Commerce but seemed to favor the latter. Mayor Arnold suggested that there was no reason why council shduld not take the initiative and ask the support of the Chamber of Commerce. The elevator hat been empty jstace the fail of 1945, and no grain was shipped throu?h it last year. however, the sum to be paid to the Home must in no case exceed the monthly per capita cost. Granted the Salvation Army the right to bold a tag day on October 4 in aid of their national annual drive. , Referred the matter of purchasing an inhalator to be operated in conjunction with the city ambulance, to the Fire Chief for advice. Two types of inhalators were considered in literature ent to the council: Granted the Northern B. C Agricultural Association the i i'ght to block off a portion of i McBride Street between First and I Second Avenues and a part of Second Avenue for the Civic ,' Centre annual carnival grounds subject to the approval of the . City Engineer and providing no ' liability is incurred. I Steamship Sailings (Daylight Saving Times) For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. Tuesdays Coqultlam. 1:50 p.m. Thursday ss Prince- Rupert 12; 15 p.m. Friday ss Catala, 5:30 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 10:15 f i pjn, From Vancouver Sunday ss Coqultlam, 4 p.m Monday as Princess Adelaide pjn. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 11:00 ajn. Friday ss Cataia, 5' p.m. Friday 8 Camosun, 4 p.m. For Alaska-Friday as Camosun, a.m. Wednesday ss Prince RuperL. ajn. From Alaska-Thursday ss Prince Rupert, " pm. Saturday ss Camosun, 8 pm. I PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO July 15, 195 Lack of rain caused the strawberry crop at Terrace to be extremely light said J. v: Gavigan ( , ed retail bod liquor licenses by C'the license commission. I A The westholme Lumber Co.; planned to start work, immediately on, the erection of a ne 120 00 vaudeville- theatre next to the. Continental Trust" Co ' oi lerrace. uwinj to tne ngnr'dmce on Second Avenue It was crop, there was a stron; demand planned for 1,000 seating eap-and it seemed unlikely- that, the j acity. oemes. woum go Below h s crate. An ore bin at the Gcanby Con solidated mine at Anydx was destroyed by fire with ea estim ated loss of $30,000. In a letter to- the Dal Xews. J. P. Maguire. locaj business man said he was confident thai Prince Rupert would soon become on of the "world's most Important shipping ports. He anticipated direct shipment of oriental freight from Prince- R-Jpert to England. July 15, 1912 A. J. Prudhomme. E. J May INVENTS SIDE DOOR BATHTUB FriCHBURGH, Mass A bath tub -with a side door has been Invented here by Alfred P. Cat. It Is intended for the ufe of the legless, or otherwise crippled' persons. , Tou saw it in T!-.e Kewsl 'Phone 864 tfd and 1. A. Smith Wgnnt. I , n.t,'!;hJ''1' a - J - just lucirr for the season Styl( Val ue SLACK SUITS Stunning Corduroy SLACK SKIRTS AND BLOUSES Rosa-Lee Ladies' Wear m Third Avenue West A SINGER Heetrie Sewlnj Machines t For Rent I Reasonable Rates Prince Rupert i Mmnjr rinin:t:inaiini'j McCUTCHEOM PHARMACY LTD. (E. C. Wallace, Manager) "Your Frienilly Drug Store" Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 1 WAK AS8I.TS COAL Per Tan Screened Lump, sacked $12 Mine Run Hulk . . $10 HYDE TRANSFER PHU.NK Ml UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE KEPAIKS Truck and Auto Cushions Itffilred and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New UphUtery .Material Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE Next to CFPR) PHONE ISLUK KIS (Autionw) u Second Out XUU. Port Office ftywtwtt. Otuvk) ' Rrart DT News Ltd.. SW Avtnu. Prince Snsm Krlttah rMnmhii O. A. irtlKTER. Uiimflng Editor. H. O. PERRY. iCuuotag Dlrtou. VXEHESi OF CANADIAN PRESS A CD IT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANAUIA.H DAILY XrWSPATTS ASSOCIATION , An tofependent UUjr nmpipr devoted to U upbuUdtc of Prtnee Rupert ud an oofrranr.'Ue comprising Dcrtbrrn ial central British Coiombl. ' ' ' SUBSCRIPTION RATB3 r umr, ptr idc rer ucaux B&e; Mr Tr, 17 00; jrjri. toVANCOUVE I iVoie o? Reading . IT IS REFRESHING to reflect sometimes that if : I it were not for readers there would be no need for books. Even the best books would have little ; circulation with no readers. With his ego thus elated, the reader should demand nothing less than tope in reading matter. A good writer, a good book antl a good reader make a mighty fine combination. With wartime restrictions on paper and book t production removed, we can look for a great in- ; crease in the output of the presses. Since the be- j ginning of historic times, the accumulation of printed matter would far exceed New York's - Empire State Building in bulk. No one reader can hone to keep up with current books, let alone I read ail that have been Vritten in the past From ; now fin he will have more Choice than ever. T Choice brings up the question of reading intensively or extensively, whether it is preferable , to reada little on many topics, or much on fewer topics. Except for students and professional people, jnost, reading is done for entertainment's sake. It i seems reasonable to let interest guide choice, remembering that even interests can bcome tonous. One of the few pastimes that we carry on throughout life is reading. It is in sense another AIR EXPRESS 19c per lb. See . . . $3 Serving SAHDSPIT S PORT HAS Daily Except Sunday 4-Hours flyinj jj For Jurlhtr information and rr rlion,. J, T KerrU, CIMf. Oilier. 3rd Ate. Pri FOR MEN ONLY WORK BOOTS DRESS SHOi RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOIl SLATER SHOES ( I 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe - tM J PHONES 11S and 117 Courtesy and Service r r l..' a iffri irnrr rnru m w full! You Ret speedifs! it i t i sioie ueuvery oi favorite brands ! from us. AIRFPT&MrfAFFFPYIll) K k I vji w r m m w i bin REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RDPEn Chop Suey Chow MA i , . .... , ... . . u a u V r I I Ll i n r. n r. if i a 11 r. a tf u ii o r r. v Open 0 ajn. to 2 am. PHONK IT.t Our very Latest in Punch Bowl Sets, Sterling Silver Deposit Glassware A new stock oi the Latest For the Very Latest in Jewellery $ MANSON'S Your Friendly Jeweller'