III! ":rm 11 - Intn Via 1 came the rib-tickling, nZ r,.lns of "The Sow ' Meu les" and the sad. iobblng of "Barbara came Negro spirituals, J01 spirituals, work 'onsense ballads, story ,ld fcngs that told of Prisons, tramns. whls - '"ng and women who led disaster. They polished 'verdng with Jim Tully's ock Candy ' McCurdy said good-, Ws hnct years later Pennsvl lln Ed found himself In ncisco Where he met Vancouver girl, itnn t rvr Via he girl. Settled down Today he's Can-"""fideer taking a nrrc! Trt SPARE THE ROD A little Bavarian bov t approval as his dad signs a "no" to the ballot parents in Munich on whether teachers should be jse bodily punishment In school. Alols Hundhammer, rX r Til III L. I LCI lUt fc-MISV VWl Cl VMULayiUll.i I.U11 - poll as the new German school system went into MTIC FOLK D SINGER t n n si ti ill r ill M. CHANTLER Press StaK Writer i can call this a suc- nr Vinur a mnriprn Am left his native land adlo listeners from to H-ifax. p uriui t lie uc ...... yin 1 Kit i h'.irlv Rurl Ives n.3 New xonc waier cb: were stiff from ;, t..j c-3) sorrowing t:e had seen rcb- , skid -row t.i i '::ie in search Bl: t t ;ld, of the ) i... cabin door. j r.js consider' t J his caller ..'rt I: k off the Hudsjii River, nulled- n:vc rci.!y stopped HP - IT a f ! mfttT v i ' u. rr inn rnin ' -.t-t found the .tt) became second i tr.i;atv fine duet. 11 Ml I I- "iuced them- ' csod hours passed. r-T i cote Like Burl "-pca ine roads ana t":.cr m most of the tec union. Like the a ' v . . i i.. i.wuah madid lie 'he pseudo, scorned hated flap and 5 ' a n g e 1 y sweet tr.3 hymns of this s many peoples. !-nibed each other's ' and story. They the fabulous Joe Hill '0 They both recalled Woody Guthrie, the 8 lif'le guy with the .vcs Lii lute-like voice fS; 1 radln rnntrant.it 0 Citv tr unrnll hi 'to the wanderers of S luntlrs" Rnrl emrl )!)ard vultor could un-Woody He had found PPrcilatlve audience. l'ied him. !d It was a great night. Former Grain Men Government Agents LONDON O; Food Minister Strachey said in the Commons 500,000 ($2,000,000) annually, plus expenses, is paid by the government to former grain importers who act as agents in bulk purchases. John Patton, Labor member of parliament for Norwich, asked whether the payments were made simply because the importers had been put out of business by the government's bulk - buying policy. Strachey said the expenses he mentioned referred to firms who were active as food ministry agents within the bulk purchase scheme. John McKay, formerly of this city and now of Stewart, was a passenger aboard the Coqultlam yesterday returning to Stewart after spending a week at Alice Arm where he had been called to carry out mechanical work on bulldozers and tractors being used on the work of converting the Dolly Varden railway into a highway for the Torbrit mine. leading part in a great vital, re awakening interest in the old A reward of $75 will be paid to anyone who recovers the body of Vincent K. Leighton, who was accidently drowned at Pillsbury Cove on July 5, 1947, wearing fawn colored Jacket and trousers; black hair; weight 130 lbs.; f bout 5 feet 3 Inches in stature, and 25 years old. Fishermen passing through Venn passage are specially requested to be on the lockout for any half-sub merged object which might turn out to be the victim of a drown ing accident. Signed, Edward A. Leighton G. Edwin Leighton Metlakatia. B. C. Classified Advertising Paysl Men, Women! Old al 40, 50, 60! Gel Pep Feel Years Younger, Full of Vim 'IXin't tlijt bltnm .: uu. i-uut. niiwlimB twltim uu your mc. Ttimwuiio nitsMi M littla pepiHral up who oar IU lo. wiuiwjonij oftuii'l.rftri wiM lidrtetijBeiiil tu lmiM lurklm iron; liw ullinti " 'riJ liiplKini. Vltumlll IM. A ml(lill-Ml oon IrMloi: "I look It mnwlf. Ilwullt vrn n. tjrt rmrodurtory an Mm Touw 1 J'"1' J"? imll 35c. Why fw-1 oldY Try OhUi w tarl lppif . in w riinol ll "" jroumnr. tuu vwjr at, lur ! M U drui ilurw vwti. GEOKGE McWHINNEY & Company CONTRACTING IN Decorating, Landscaping Lawns, Etc. 147 4th Ave. E. (To rear of Pioneer Laundry) Phone Black 489 P.O. Box 1426 Local News It Meeting Horticultural Society Tues., May 15, 8 p.m. Civic Centre. (164) Mr. and Mrs. Al Manson and child returned Monday arternoon by air from a business and holiday trip to Vancouver. Constable and Mrs. Edward Anderson sailed this afternoon on the Coqultlam on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Dr and Mrs. J. D. S'.enstrom pf Victoria sailed on the Coqultlam this afternoon after spending the last week in ths district cn a holiday. Jarvis H. McLeod, who ha.s been indisposed for some time, has recovered and is able to be up and about. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Parker returned at the end of the week after a very enjoyable motor trip down through the Okanagan and Vancouver. Within the past few weeks, several more of the old timers who have begun to feel the weight of advancing years have been admitted to the Pioneer's Home. C O. Withers, local manager of W. H. Malkin Co., returned to, the city on the Coquitiam this morning after making the round txip to Anyox and Stewart on business. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shaw, Jr., cf Los Angeles arrived iu the city at the end of the week for a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Judge. Mr. Shaw is Mrs. Judge's brother and ll7ed here as a boy. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Shaw, sr., who also live in California now, are expected back here for a visit this fal'. O. A. Hunter retuned to the city on the Coquitiam this morning from a brief business trip to Alice Arm and Stewart. Mrs. H. Woodford, who formerly resided at Stewart where her husband was manager of the Bank of Montreal for a couple of years, was a passenger aboard the Coquitiam today returning to Vancouver alter a week's visit to Stewart. Out-bound passengers on this afternoon's C.P.A. flight were . Gordon. D. Candow,.J. C. ongi of our. two -lands. Hear for yourself he's on CBC's trans- Canada network every Saturday evening. At 28. an American boy has made good In Canada) REWARD uivhi miss oKinie. airs. a. Murray and William Osborne for Vancouver and O. McCulre. H. McGuire. E. Wilde and Mr. Chrls-tison for Sandspit. Arriving here Monday afternoon were Mrs. E Swanson. J. S. Kingston, Mr and Mrs. W. Cooper and three children, Miss B, Lee, Mrs Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Manson and child. FILMS Superpan Press Films Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mail Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 216 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CCM Bicycles Men's and Ladies' Models Now In Stock Tlie guaranteed bicycle that will give you the maximum of service. 15 Mcliride St Simplicity Patterns l?rfnc"e Rupert Daflp J3tto0 ems Tuesday, July 15, 1947 The government vessel Laurl-ler was in port yesterdjy. Mrs. W. H. Pettman and two children of Premier we.-e in the city aboard the Coqultlam today going through on a trip to Portland. Naval Reserve Dlylsi in Dance in hdnour of visiting ships. Fri. July 18th, in Drill Hall. Context Naval Reserve personnei for invitations. 1 167 Gilbert Campbell returned yes terday on the Princess Adelaide from a trip to Eastern Canada! and the Calgary Stampede. I J. G. Garrett, Provincial Asses-' sor, left Monday afternoon by air for Vancouver enroute to Nan-aimo to attend a meeting of Regional Provincial Assessors. William Osborne Jr. t:f Terrace arrived in the city by car last night from the interior and left by aircraft this afternoon for a week's trip, to Vancouver. Douglas Friizell returned to the city by car last evening from a trip to Prince George where he attended an automobile dealer's convention. John Armstrong returned aU the week-end from a month's holiday trip to Vancouver during which he attended sessions of the Masonic grand lodge. He returned by car with his son, John Jr.. who has been on a brief visit south. Miss Joyce D. Mullln, formerly with War Assets Corporation here, left on last night's train for Prince George where she has been transferred by the Corpora tion. Miss Mullin was a popular member of th local War Assets office staff. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Love were passengers aboard the Coquitiam Sunday afternoon going through from California to Stewart for a visit with Mr. Love's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lcve. Mrs. John Clausen returned to the city on the Coqultlam this morning from a visit to Stewart with her daughter. Mrs R. PORT QUEEN CANDIDATE Lorraine Youngman, pretty, talented 10-year-old daughter of C.H. Youngman Is shown in an attractive pose. She is the Junior Chamber of Commerce candidate for Port Queen during Civic Centre carnival week August 16, to 23. Mrs. F. E. Dyke, president of the Vancouver West Eni branch of the Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary, was a visitor in Prince Rupert Monday afternoon travelling on the Union cruise ship Chilcotin. Mrs. Dyke v:as met by Mrs. J. S. Black, president of the local Women's Auxiliary, who showed her points of interest, during her four hour visit. Bringing a new Ford bus for the Arrow Eus Lines here, Robert Parker returned by highway Sunday night from Vancouver. He was accompanied by Thomas MeMeekin and Clarke McLean, The last-mentioned, who was several years ago with the Daily News staff, Is revisit ing the city for a couple of days before returning by air to Van couver. COMING AUGUST 6 MUs Doris Dale arrived Satur day's train from Yorkshire. England. She arrived on the Maure- tanla and will make her future home here. She Is a cousin of Mrs. G. V. Hanley. LONDON Oj During the next six months , nearly 1,500,000 square yards of London streets are to be resurfaced. Announcements All aaverroeuM-nr ttj mw CO rum Q will tw charew for a full month at 25 word. Catholic Bazaar Oct. 1 and 2. Rebekah Bazaar. Oct 30. (166) Baptist Sale, Nov. 6. Canadian Legior. Auxiliary Sale, Nov. 14. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 20 Orange Sale, December 5. DON'T MISS IT! SPONSORED BY THE PRINCE RUPERT AND VANCOUVER BOARDS OF TRADE lili SIMI'I.ICITV NEEDLEWORK PATTERNS as featured in Chatelaine Magazine SOLD ONLY AT Phone 311 j 0 15c - 20c - 25c Phone 775 7 JKW irl ! HOLIDAY at LAKELSE? VISIT OUR MODERN SELF-SERVE FOOD DEPARTMENT Deliveries to the Lake THE SKEENA MERCANTILE G, McADAMS TERRACE LIMITED A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION "QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT 327 Third Avenue SWITCH McLlTE says: "Good Wiring Is Good Insurance" FOR . . . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING HOUSE WIRING and REPAIRS RADIO and APPLIANCE SERVICE Rupert Radio & Electric PHONE 644 BOX 1321 MIGO SHIRTS Migo Shirts with the Migo Lounge Collar . . . Cool, Comfortable and Correct . . . A choice selection of woven patterns. While broadcloths and colors. PRICE $3.25 $4J5 III.LlJM.ll.lhJ.f,J.IL! m k. m m m m l m m m m m We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Here Is A BIG CHANCE To Get Your Furs Now! Some selling at Half Price. Come In and convince yourself of the REAL BARGAINS at GOLDBLOOM'S "The Old Reliable (Everything has to be sold, Including furniture). Ormes Drugs The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service Box 1308 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DELCO HEAT OIL BURNERS for your furnace or boiler A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES AND HEATERS now in slock Large Slock of Plumbing Supplies vjl' A Jewellery Store You can Depend on... That's what c always want this place to be. We will not knowingly sell you an unsatisfactory article and will do our best to make right any defect which may turn up in anything bought here. Through long experience wc have found the factories which make the best qualities. Wn try to keep our prices on a par with those of larger cities. We arc always here to make any adjustments. M 1 . IK I I! 11