ff 1 ! M V ft B 1,1 P I ft f Wf B : J D m ' If ; a , W a i I I I to' 6 i 3tlut Rupert Daflp JSetos Tuesday, July 15, 1947 MASCULINE PRIDE AT POUR Muscleman Alan McCarthy, 4, of Ha' : :re t III flexes an Iron bicept for the feminine admiration of Nancy Covveau, 3, of Chicago. The two were among 700 babies entered in the baby contest conducted by the Women of the Moose. The contest came to a climax of infantile beauty on June 22, In the Civic Opera House In Chicago. 'IN DUTCH' WITH DUTCH ' WINNIPEG T A couple of members cf a local newspaper's f,evrs staff got themselves "in Dutch" with a young BriMsh mother and her baby recently-Told to get pictures ar.d inter-Views from a group of Netherlander arrivin? by train the reporters wen to the station and JKBBfllBHIBai approached the most likely-looking pair. After getting permission in sign language and taking the picture the reporter asked in his best Dutch if they were from Holland. The mother In clipped British tones, replied: "Oh, say, but we are from New Moundland." Classified Advertising Pays! I WALLACE' I E IU 3 3 H B H ' S present ! LUXITE B B a a a B r c 5- n El B" B n 0 or a w a B B B B B B B n Steamer Service from PRINCE D1IDCDT J OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Tow ell River) VANCOUVER i Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight (All Times Pacific Standard) I For reservations call or write J City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT' - t TUB REST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE Crackshots Hunt Fish Destroyers Shotgun Campaign Starts Against Enemy of Salmon The Hair Seal VANCOUVER 0 The annual hunt for the elusive hair seal, whose depredation cause heavy ir is amcng salmon, now Is In full blast near the mouth of the Fraser River here. Not one seal snout was recover- rd hi a hunt staged recently by 75 crzekshot fishermen armed with shotguns. In ord.'r to receive bounties, the noses have be cut frcm the bodies. It is believed that about half a dozen were killed In the seven-hour hunt When fatally injured the a! sinks like a stone, and often cheats the hunter of his bounty. Fishermen count the seal heir worst enemy and In the "i t have received the ro-oper-"tlon of the R C. A. F. using i-ombing planes against the nrsts and the Royal Canadian Navy employing depth charges. The seal tears one bite from f sh and reduces a first-class pring rade to third class, lowering the return by six cents a pound, fishermen allege. Seals travel In schools and have the appearance of a cluster of over-size footballs as they travel through the water. At the first sign of danger, they disappear as if by magic. Except for the bounty and SI paid for the stomach by the University of British Columbia for research purposes, the hair seal has only a nuisance value. Train Schedule (Pacific Standard Time)' For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. LINGERIE! Wallace's have sold you Holeproof Hosiery for years. We now take pleasure in offering you a lingerie also by Holeproof. PRE-TESTEI) in the United States, Luxite Lingerie by Holeproof offers you fine materialsstyling fit and guaranteed workmanship. Try it today. tLiixile Panties Slips HOLEPROOF Made By At Wallace's OF COURSE! For Your Eating Pleasure . . . roadway Car (Formerly Boston Cafe) BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND AFTERNOON TEAS Chinese Dishes Chow Mcin Chop Sucy "TAKE-OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME Hours: 7 A.M. to 1:30 AM. ' PHONE 200 LIQUOR, DRUGS, WOMEN INMATES MAIN DOWNFALL TORONTO, Oi From ihe outside, the big, rambllug brick building on King Street in Toronto's west end looks like a girls' school, with Its lawns and flowerbeds but that impression is dispelled by a visit inside. For this is the Andre Mercer Reformatory for Women, where more than 300 prisoners in drab green uniforms serve sentences up to two years for committing a variety of crimes, predominant i among which are uquor ana nar cotics offences. One typical survey ol the re formatory's inhabitants showed 'hat the institution had 308 pris oners from 15 to 69 years old, and of that number 35 were drus addicts and 91 were serving sentences for liquor law offences. Thievery brought another 31 to Mercer, 26 were vagrants, 16 were booked as Incorrlgibles, 13 owed their terms to keeping houses of prostitution, nine were frequenters of such nouses ana eight were common prostitutes. Some of the older women are icpeaters, with a record of residence at Mercer of up to 20 years. Intelligence ratings arc not high and more than 50 per cent are in the "dull normal" type. There are a few persons with high-school educations and a smaller number of Illiterates. To be ccmmltted to the re formatory a weman must be picked up b7 police and appear before a magistrate. After sentence, she is taken to Mercer and interviewed by the superintend carbolic scap follows, and then a medical examintion. CHECK FOR V.I). Exhaustive tests for the pres ence of venereal disease are a feature of the medical ar.d should the prisoner show a positive re action, she is isolated and kept in solitary confinement until past the contagious stage. A test for pregnancy s included and the I BBBflflBB AUTOMATIC SMOKER -While cigar smokers can lament the waste of perfectly good 25-centers as this automatic cigar smoker puffs away, it's all In the interest of science. The automatic puffer in operation in a Montreal laboratory, measures the rate of burning of cigars. And that fact is Important to Quebec, which' had a $3,000,000 tobacco crop last year. In Ontario, it was worth $50,000,000 to farmer? .'if t , A t ! 5wic, live. frame beds and no pillows or! mattresses. I Used mainly for girls who try to i escape, who strme a memocr oi the staff, or persist in using foul language, the "dungeon" is mostly empty. Of the prisoner's life, and of her re-entrance into Uv ouUide world cf teroptr.tlon, Miss M!lne says: "Although we are not equipped for the type cf rehabilitation that is most desirubl for these girls, we feel that much can be done by religion. Generally speaking, rehabilitation cannot be accomplished in any circumstances unless care is taken with spiritual education " ent, Miss Jean Milne, who has ! been on the staff for 27 years and j . ,p r rQ uvjptTR I A 1 in her present job for 12 years. UKUU llYirtrtlAL The prisoner is then shown to AIRCRAFT POLICY her cell a olaln room contain- ! ng a single cot with a sheet, HATFIELD. Hertfordshire. blanket and bedspread but no ! Eng. w A planned imperial air-mattress or pillow. A ;ath with i craft policy which "would great- ly strengthen the British Commonwealth," was urged by Chairman Alan S. Butler at the De Havilland Aircraft (Australian' Company's annual general meeting. Development in the Dominions, especially Canada and Australia, should be given all possible support, Butler said, adding that "a virile aircraft engineering girls who show signs of ap- and production Industry in the proaching childbirth are segre-1 Dominions Is of the greatest 1m gated, to De later taken to a ciiy portance to the Empire as a hospital. No babies are born In whole." the reformatory, but the children of prisoners live in the prison nursery after birth. A prisoner's day begins at 6:30 a m, and half an hour later she is in chapel where a hvnm-s'ng-In? period follows. After a plain breakfast, she starts the day's work. This may mean labor in the laundry, ironing-room, kitchen or machine room. Miss Milne obtained permission a few years ago for the girls to have three cigarettes a day. one after each meal. Slackness or a Jcb half done will mean cancellation of the concession. Another inducement to good behavior and rehabilitation Is the system of gratuities for good conduct and work. Under the system a Mercer girl can earn up to $20 a month. Punishment for misdemeanors is not severe and the last resort is the "dungeon" three basement cells with iron SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert "What are you two doing here?" HAY FEVER Relief haiLrcawm i -'kl . nlrlv by theuMndt whoonreuft( icd tt...--' - irr. ftieaming, irritated eye, itchy s, and inmrd and wberzed, coughed, choked, splu'i-rnd r ry year. Now tly ilrrp, .rk. ; I nn;; :ai- -thinki lo Te;'i''!i ..u'a RAZ M.vlf. V n nred-j't Miffer lly fr.,-t r T RAZ-MAU and et the relict you lingi jr. 3U . II atdnigjfiju. K-19 rhree Sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 pjn. Coqultlam. Fridays, 5 p.m. Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 8 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTES-FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS June 27 July 11-25 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS June 29 July 13-27 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 711 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Cards for cycry occasion Fountain Pens D1BB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert" JOHN GURVICH has returned to the CONTRACTING BUSINESS L No Job Too Large No Jbb Too Small EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND CLEARING PHONE 32 SIXTH STREET TODAY ONLY TOMORROW inch I THCYMUDCDtr) IOVE btgen l! nomtnl thty iritt. TROUBLE bigon whtnthtymorritdl BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A, P. Crawley Green 391 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 "CLUNY BROWN" I Hi IiibbbUPI P.O. Box 274 If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 039 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE 8IDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 -MARK STEVENS V i ROSEMARY DeCAMP . HENRY MQRGH CARTOON NEWS WALL! 0KUW1 AKLINt JUUGE SHOWS AT 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M, MATINEE WED. 2 .30 r4ll ll IIU rtttlH I, -iMl"Kl Capitol i is 1 1 in i mmmM Business and Professional J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 15a 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP PtTnanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all Us branches. 100 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds tools. Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 nnmnit Tirrnnn- BOTTLE COLLECT and MESSFNGEE PHONE RED U Agent for Parm B ":BcJ GEORGE I, ROItf Public Accountant Author Income Tax Returns Coi; Besner Block - Phone t PRINCE RUPERT FLORf A. R. LOCK Weddlnir Rouaucts OS Designs Potted PIjm Bulbs Seeds MODERATE PRICE Prnmnt nttpnMnn t" mili' Box 516, Fhonem. jw JONES NEWS STA Eastern and Western Ptf SUth Street Magazine! L. BOLAM Thone Bl'je 325 720 Sixth Avci.ue Wfi! Painting, pope: In; 'M Window Cli-anln? i P. N. Kilborn W htiL AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood Ba;i Freight - Expresi Phone Blue 810 Night Calls- -Ortta S77 1 Prince Rupert SUBSCRIPTIONS TAOl Serving; Hie Fisheries InJ Wells (P.R.) U Cartaer, Labelling Wj BLUE 902 Mil T"" . Al Miiiunii nnrirAl CM TJMjt Tn rv Tti at onnP! Cedar Shingles We have Just received a large .shipment of 1est 6'' cedar shingles. Let i a siiniilv vmir .,.! ...1.11. II. n., aro .1Vaill',''' v iitiua jidv Millie mvj - PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED "Serving the North Sinco 1020" Coal Lumber Paint Itoildinff SupPllCi PHONES G51 - 052 Hnsf xirioU-- a . M..to nil ...am-a io superior Auto and Body cervix