jpnijcr Rupert Dallp JSclus LtD. Friday. October 31 1947 An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding or Prince Rupert ind all communities comprising northern and central British ColumDla. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post OMlce Department. Ottawa) O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRT. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS Published every arternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATE4, City Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. Bj Mall, Per Month. 40c; Per History of Hallowe'en I"" HE night when black witches brew mysterious concoctions, full of strange enchantment in their boiling cauldrons, black cats prowl and howl and wild-shadows, is about to startle us once more. Hallowe'en, the thirty-first of October, brings, out the mischief and gaiety which makes entertaining a simple matter. The prankish and frolicsome spirit comes out in spme f oi:m with all of us, from the small boys and girls to the grown-up folk. ;Sppoks and wild fun are legendary with Hal-, lowe'en but it seems that this festival originated in the Christian church. It was the name given to the evening of the thirty-first of October as the vigil of Hallow mass or All Saints Day. Before he Christian.era, however, the eve of .the thirty-first of October was the occasion, of harvest and other ceremonies in various countries and the festivities which were gradually gathered around the Christian Hallowe'en at a later date originated for the most parttin countries under the sway of the Druid religion, chiefly Britain, plus a few indoor and outdoor celebrations borrowed from the pagan .Roman festival to the goddess of fruit. The two chief characteristics of ancient Hallow-e'en were the lighting of bonfires and the belief that. Hallowe'en was the only night of the year on which .ghosts, warlocks, witches and evil, spirits were permitted to wander on earth. One of the peculiar beliefs in bygone days, associated with Hallowe'en ascribes to children born on that day the possession of certain peculiar faculties, such as the ability to see and to hold converse with supernatural beings, It is interesting to recall that in his romance "The Monastery," Sir Walter Scott makes use of this circumstance, and in conjunction with it, another, also linked with the supernatural, that of familiar spirits attaching themselves to notable families and making their presence known at the approach of crises with timely warnings of impending events in the liyes of those to whom they so bound themselves. LUMBER JUST RECEIVED a large shipment of Fir Dimession, Shiplap, Flooring, Yce Joint, Kiln-Dried Fir, finish, Shingles, and a large assortment of Moulding. Sole Agent for B.C. CEMENT CO. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING; SUPPLIES inu.M. lib COAL PHONE 117 i Bollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S. NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL- CO URS E ME A L S FROM 11 AM. TO 6 AM. Special Dinner Every Sunday-5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY FOR OUTSIDE 735 THIRD 65c; Per Tear, 7.00; jr. Year, 4.O0. r CHOW MEIN ORDERS PHONE 133 AVENUE WEST NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BftfTtSH COLUMBIA 3 NEWSPAPER Elections In Britain National Issues Involved In. Tomorrow's Fight In Counties and,. Boroughs By JAMES McCOOK ' Canadian Press Stall Writer LONDON 0) With national issues Involved, Labor and Conservative strategists at London headquarters have been urging on nearly 5,000 candidates in the fight for 3,000 vacant seats in 392 English and Welsh county and municipal boroughs where votes will be cast on Saturday. The national issue In local elections was thus described by spokesmen for the chief oppos-in parties: Moran Phillips, Labor party secretary "It is more than ever important to elect local govern-j ID EST I NY OF ment candidates who will co- of responsible government and, operate wholeheartedly with the federal union with Canada say government in its efforts to the people would ybt$' oyerr build a better and happier life whelmingly to keep the com-for the citizens of this country." mission in office if. .faced to-Col. Walter Elliot, former Con-' morr0w with a choice"-of the servatlve cabinet minister three "The battle is on whether there ; Tne mu crlUclsm , will be future government in lo- .. ;iv- , calitles nr ft,a Mnfll dictation." j Conservative spokesmen say that Labor government legislation to nationalize electricity, transport and gas industries and to bring health services un- j der national control means the central government will remove powers from local government with its 'Hong tradition of honorable service, clean dealing, NEWFOUNDLAND ST. JOHN'S. Newfoundland 0) While two opposing .groups ( try to put across to Newfound landers their Ideas of the country's political, Iuturle,,.s.eiven men. are quietly governing the. island ; and awaiting the day when the j people will make up their minds on their own destiny. The seven, members of the commission of government headed by Governor Sir Oor-j don Macdonald, meet perlodi-j cally to administer the country's j affairs for which they and their j predecessors have been respon ¬ sible since the constitution was suspended 14 years ago." Although the,, commission has functioned as a dictatorship, passing laws with the stroke of 'a .pen, sur porters, of, the groups favoring, respectively, restoration ..... ' "fy whose representatives petitioned Ills Majesty's .Government in 1933 to have administration, of the island vested in at governor "apting on the advice of a specially-created, commission, of. government" until it should "become self-supporting, again." But some criticism, has come from farmer legislators who complain that Whitehall's advice aejence oi meir actions ana there ls no apparent Indications luau wy are .trying to prolong their tenure. The governor, more. than once, has publicly expressed hope that Newfoundlanders will be able to handle and. solve their own problems. - Surpluses have been shown since 1941 after 11 years of deficits although some, referring to wartime prosperity .say "it was Adolf Hitler who balanced the budgets. c Little criticism, however!1 has come from supporters of fed- good service and absence or cor-! has to be sought before a $1,-ruptlon." I COO-a-year stenographer can be Labor spokesmen reply that hired. And the finance corn-national policies must have lo-jrnittee of the national conven-,cal co-operation. While the La- Uon Which must recommend bor government could pass leg-' possible forms of government Islation. and provide framework to succeed the commission has !there are many measures which compiained of "abnormal ex-can only be given flesh and penditures." ' bones by the local authorities."! , . . e Bl baronet, toe. three L In 1S45, when municipal vot-1 Newfoundlanders and , ers went to the polls for the the. three ; Bttlsn clvU servants who run first time since before the war. Labor, made numerous gains. It the Wy nave offered no finished, this ejection with con- trol of 47 of 83 county boroughs and 73 of 309 non-county bor- pughs. In 1946., Labor found competition stlffer but ended with control of, 52 country boroughs and, 74 non-county. ' PREFER OWN GALLEW j HALIFAX 0) Cafe owners ln; Halifax, port of call for several United States warships on courtesy visits this year, find that American sailors are not hearty eaters ashore. The usual request, they say, is: "Tomato and bacon i sandwich toaster please, Bud." mm ;-T may be.a. manufacturer or industrialist. THE HALLOWE'EN PARTY By, Kay Jordon Golden and gay and laughter filled T'Vint Vinll nf rnuolrw Starry-eyed maids and gallant hoys, Like radiant animate puppet toys, Each acting a part, with iast beating heart In that hall of revelry. iPjirjle and rose and yellow I twined The streamers float lightly aloft. The soft amber shades make shadows, and jshapes, Like wrnkled old gnomes in dark creepy capes And the room palpitates, With the glamour of. Fates, Come to life In the witching 1 hour. j Margaret McLeod ' Optometrist AT MANSONS jewellers 522 Third Ave. Phone Green 324 for UPHOLSTERING, FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and' Auto Cushions Impaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New. Upholstery Materials Available, NOW!, ASK ABOUT CREDIT TERMS oat-ofrTown Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S t SECOND AVENUE .Next to CFPR) ('IH)NE BLUE 818 !( New markets jlS237m By expanding old and establishing new markets ,at f"! nomc nd. abroad! By iuiproving your import and export trade. eral union .with Canada. The: hold that terms of possible confederation,, expected to be received soon by the contention, will disclose a better, deal than Newfoundlanders even now are getting and will have an influence when the people vote at a refereduro next year on their, future government. DISPOSAL OF WAR HOUSES A letter from the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation read at Tuesday night's city council, meeting changed the picture in regard to the disposal of, wartime houses In Rusnbrook Heights area. J, L. McEwen, cor poration's.lccal manager, .stated that there are 60 more applicants. He asked that the city release .the, Qrown company from Its .agreement regarding the holding of a certain group al houses there. Alderman Youngs moved that th .release be, granted provjdlns the city were assured that no houses in that district would b : sold until, at least half qf them had, assured, buyers. Councllap-proyed the. motion after discussion. "It, looks as if, we aren't taklrt? any chance when thsy have 33 buyers, now and another 60 com ing up," Alderman Brooksbank commented. HAS GOOD GRIP The normal balloon tire on an automobile flattens to between 10 and 12 Inches In gripping the.Toad. See the Spies and Meckllpg ad this week. (256) Colds To relieve "micelles' W C K S wlthoutdosing.rub onV wabob'jb If your building, nouse or lur. nltue were lost through (ire, would your present f INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present . day costs of material and fur-.niture, are, up. fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers nowi H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth Street are opening up In other parts of the country and abroad. You will want to take advantage of this. Business is More Titan local can help. Ve have access to a wide field of business, and, market .information, gathered by over 500 branches in r Canada, and branches and banking connections abroad. Together we can work out your jprpklcrns, and we can ptpyidc the necessary Commercial Loan. Come in and consult our local Manager. IHE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE 1JKINCE RUPERT BRANCH - It. G..H01S, Mjnaccr. rr Try . n w nrtimn U .... a - Mitnn we have somethlnr in. rin r-terestlnr and FIDET IMriik. rvnum MIIU I reason. able to offer you in... IJUIlft un your new homQ and futrniw 'iv in nrni'i i aHn. . i ia Wd invn n nlnn t .. . 1U hr.L. I JA IV 11. f I n .jr. oeeusntn. . ! H G. HELGERSON LU " Phone ft or visit oUr orfice -JJ' I U ' Z1 Sixth Strtt BAPCO Floor ENAM and pAPL-ART PROCESS Bdpco goor. Enamel be may used 0n fiM , popular colors, and is ready to walk on when le iKi'if ii i ii i uniiiii wr i ii i PHONE 101 M ovine, Packing, Cratlnr,. Shlpplnt, and General Cartaje and Storarr For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Ca) Lindsay'1 Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cnr 2nd and Park Avenu-EatablUhecf'lBlO Phone fto anri K B usmess an DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENINQ. OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE .765 J. Pk MOLLER PHOJJE BLUE 155 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING ANL PAINTING MARIE RICHARDSON !HAIiI ORADUATE NURSE Dealer for Spencer Style and SURGICAL SUPPORTS- INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED FOR COMF.OR.T and FJOUKE PROBLEMS, For( appointments please Phonfi, Res. Red 246. HELENS i BEAUTY SHOP Permanent-Waving j Beauty Culture in all Its. branches. 200 4th Street Phone 65? HANDYMAN, HOME SERVICE ! GENERAL .CONTRACTORS I Building and Repairs of ajl kinds. Roofs, Chimneys and.Otl Burners. phones: Oreen 48f Red 894 If It's Rock Work CALL .BLUE 939. .M-..SAUtf.DERS SIDEWALKS - BASEMENTS JONES MW 1 : 1 fnllir TTn.tcm and V65 insured while L. do. the work. m PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phon BJack 823, H. J. LUND. SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Rhone, 174 P.0 Box, n ' GEORGE L. RORIE Publlp Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING 147, 4th East Phone Black 489 " ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Baggage Freight Express Phone Blue 269 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Green 882 TRY CUR CLASSIFIED AD mm L - V'llHIIUILI U. Ill tin oirc-x, f II Mill Due to unlortsea stances. I bt Prince Rucert oa a . i ... . myarrivalbaclltt tacted at B!uk ffi STEPHEN ERIC! piano TECHSTJ PRINCE RUP3 BOTTLE COLLEI and MESSEXd PHONE ED CI Agent for Pacific Botti I Express Bagnf' Orerl MESSENGER . FRED 10'li hp! 24-HorBWI TELEPHOBSEDB 149 KLTB OSi GraadrietB&l ROBERTSO: BOTTLE Ml & TEAS DAY iSD.m Cai: Bict P. N Kllborn BERT'S TEAS AND MESSEK'l Lumber - Coal-1 Freight - Bfsl phone BiKt Night Calls-G? Prince Rit1 PRINCE RUPERI A. R. LOCK Bouauets Designs Large selection MODERATE" to it-Box Prompt attention 516 Phoned ?' subscbipti Sixth Street JOHN MOST CARPENTER CABINET f PHONE BED? BOAT C0 Flne WorkmansWjf, COWBAVBO.; A, p, Crawley i Servinh-" j Well (P'Rl)J i ii