ys, iHll I THE HEAT STRIKE tbs resnrkuble !thingi, racking house' strike -m the discovery that tunc JkbUl'i:! I mi i nivuuc IT Mil Ptul A, Barber ' itocdt News -Items nf thccountry couU carry on eating a pr:tty to quantity of .,t r.-i thouch the - - aw "RjiT 8" Three Swifts, ,,, D u,,t iv i Jm rnmrjlfitelV for i were making no"con LJ -j r .Li ' nttcr of fact, eovemment . nn, if anyone talks it r, wing industry as . r ,L .1. J f k. WIU1 U1C UUCC IUP 1 LL .ulk.l WUb Wl tent en eating .-i;.,fl p Trade and W-l 11:00 a.m, Devo- ir.3 communion Ser- ; School. j c Evangelistic. . op.m. rrayer meev Krn .Ynnntr ponnip t Lamb of God John 1:29. lllflllHIII 1ft 2 w O 4 tuniiiut j w , .10. I i 01 the Moos arnual 1 12 and 12, Moose i mmier. unuea unnrcn. Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, Star fall Cance, Ma-. 'Pie Nov. 21, rmiB Pa(u - j n 22. nn Ac.. t I vKii; ueiiire nov. Tea, Home Cooklne. UTK I 1 1 1 V, t. uubuciuu necrea- .u uuuur, uecem- 'sPall Bazaar, Dec. 11. Prf kA ii . - "overusing faysi Steamer, Service from PRINCE 1 to K AM ri . hSTrtpiTr ANPrvi nrnn urA . KETchtk-.am r S?1 cal1 or 'write Depot TlfVAf fit; 'HOE BllCrn-, B See the Spies and Mecklln? ad this week. (256) Miss Lois Comer is sailing tm the Chilcotln on "Sunday on' a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J.'Stromdahl is sailing on the Chilcotln on Sunday on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Hallowe'en Event! The Gyro Club lloedown at the ";Clvlc Centre, -Oct. 31. Everybody 'welcome. Grown-up and 'teen age tickets. i(255) Mrs. M. Geddes of the city 'telephone staff is sailing Sun- fday on the Chilcotln on a trip to Vancouver. t Ello's Furniture Store "will "be closedNov. 10 to Jan. 3,'1948. (270) Mrs.'Kenneth Nesbltt returned to the city on the Chilcotln this morning from a trip to Vancouver. "Mr.-'Und rs. J.'-K. Murray are "'sailing on "the Chilcotln Sunday afternoon on a three-week holiday trip to Vancouver and other southern 'points. Mrs. E. W. Whitlow, of Van- Charles Durham, at Usk, Is sailing Sunday on the Chilcotln to return to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. II. Bourgcault and three children are sailing on Ihe Chilcotln Sunday to return 'to Vancouver after spending several months here while Mr. Bourgeault was in the employ of Atlln Fisheries. Mr .and Mrs. Paul Ripley and daughter, of Ketchikan, were among Alaskan passengers on the Union steamer Chilcotln, which docked here northbound for the Alaska ports this morn-lng Mr. Ripley is postmaster at Ketchikan. I N'ov, l : Ncrw.iv m e e 1 1 n sr Ncv 6 Important H , BIRTH NOTICE They beg for them . . . ME AT IE MEAL A Fre-Coohed Mval tclth High Protein Content nil - . ' m n hi 1 1 M i n i Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday night, 8:30. (250) W. F. Stone Is sailing on the' Chilcotln Sunday on a business trip to Vancouver. Lutheran Ladles' Aid Fall Bazaar, Tea and Home Cooking, Nov. 1, 2:30-6:00 p.m. (255) Catala tonight on a trip to Van couver. Allan Sheardown returned to the city on last night's train from a two weeks' business trip to Burns Lake. Joseph Gay is sailing on the Chilcotln on 'Sunday for Van couver where he will meet Mrs. Gay who is returning from a trip to Nebraska. FUR Goes Places td tic about your throat in an interesting ascot . . to form two huge pockets on this full, flared, soft all-wool coat. Come in today and sec our unusual collection of fur-trimmed coats to beautify the season. DRESSES SUITS ACCESSORIES From our large selection you will be able to match your taste for smart apparel. PRINCE RUPERT YEARSAGO OctoberSO, 1912 The scroll of welcome which was designed by Morte Craig, the local artist and presented by the city to the Duke of Con-naught on his recent visit here, who has been visiting couver. , . . ,. ,.6 eral to King George V who'per- . her parents, Mr. and Mrs, sonally examined it. The city council was condemned by James Mathews, retiring light superintendent, who predicted that there would be trouble at the power house when he left it. The first meeting of the Prince Rupert High School Literary Society took place at the High, School. The program included JOHNSTON-3oin to Mr. and - . ,A . - ,n,,a0 -Mrs. A!0er Edward Hector j and wm Johnstcn o Terrace at the' Genevieve McDon- Bulkley Valley District- Hos- christlansen and -pltal, Snlthers. on Thursday. ms McCoskrlef vlolin and octooer w, 1M47 iwms, a ooy,' mandolin duets by WU1 Rowell KODert iHwara necvor. and Alex Hunter and a BWOrd 13 ?oz., ana a gin, itooeria dance by Jlmmy Mitchell. A Chrlstlnf . 7 lbs A!lfdolng well. I debalei -Resolved that Womeri 1 ' ' Should Have the Vote" was won 'ibythe affirmative, the sides be- I ing Miss Alice Carss (leader) , Miss Kathleen Hazlett and Miss Edith Sing for the affirmative and Isaac White (leader) Alex Hunter and Wallace Anderson for the negative. The New Hazelton Bridge and Power Co. was Incorporated. The company proposed to nulld a bridge at Hagwilget, supply electrical power, telephone and water works, construct tram lines and build streets and sewers. The capitalization was $40,- 000. October 30, 1922 Hoomes K. Freeman, captain of the launch Narbethong, caused excitement when, armed with a rifle, he posted himself outside the Customs House and -of,, nrimittance to the staff. tt ,winrPd that he 'would not move until an Investigation Into .n nf the Customs House had been begun. He was finally I t J Our personalized BUDGET PLAN Is designed to suit every Budget - NO INTEREST - NO CARRYING CHARGES Lloyd Monks of B.C. Packers' is silling on the Chilcotln Sun- j 'day Wreturn'td-Vaheouver af- ter a" business trip to the city, Mrs. J. A. Findlay, wife of the Indian Agent at Massett, arrived in the city this morning on the Chilcotln following a trip to Vancouver. She will sail for'Mas-sett tomorrow on the Casslar. -Mils Carol Gray sailed 'last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where she will take George Dlbb is salllng on thejup residence. Miss Gray has been! employed by George Rorle & Co. here. ' Nick Christopher, former local restaurant "operator, now residing in Vancouver, arrived in the fclty from the south Wednesday and will be here for the coming week on business. after having been at Chllliwack for several months. Seal Cove was assured of a post office by the Postmaster General. Approval was granted after Fred Stork M.P. had passed oh request from the Seal Thirty settlers from 'Manitoba-cove residents for the tonvenl- and the middle states arrived ' ence of a post office In their dis- from the south on the steamer trict. Prince George. They were on their way to Sewell City, Mas-sett Inlet, to settle on the fertile land there. A pure gold nugget the size of a large pea and a piece of native copper were found in the crop of a domestic duck by Mrs. S. E. Parker. The. duck 'was a gift from friends at Usk. 4 i WARDS OFF INFECTION vifnmtn a hplns maintain WEDDING JOINS1 POPULAR YOUNG LOCAL COUPLE Miss Eileen Foster Becomes ' Rride of Roi Norman Judge Popular young members of R. A. Wilson In First United Church Thursday evening when Eileen Viola, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Foster, 432 Eighth Avenue West, became the bride of Rol Norman Judge, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Judge, body tissues particularly muc- velvet with gold and black ac ous membrane in good condi- cessones. tion and if the" respiratory, Tne mree - uCu li t .utMv iif vv The bride. '7 W E S SE was proposed by John MeLeod with acknowledgement by the' bridegroom. The' 'toast to the bridesmaids was offered by "Wilbur Faught,' with response by the groomsman. The wedding luncheon was served Informally with the 'foK lowing actlng-as serviteurs: 'Miss Betty Payne, Miss Audrey Grlmi ble, Miss Peggy Clee, Mrs. A. two well known local families ! Ross, Mrs. Rupert Goodlad, Mrs. Were joined in marriage by Rev. 1 Arne Stegavlg 'and Mrs. TedJ paricnouse. . The latt(!r part of the evening was spent 'in dancing, to music by Andy IWcNaughton at ' the piano. i , CongratvJatory telegxams were, read from, friends in Vancouver, 740 Taylor Street. j Victoria and Kamloops and A triple strand of pearls, her; there was. also a long distance gift from the bridegroom, was phone call' from friends 'at Sml-worn by the bride as she waslthers. given in marriage by her! Among the gifts to the couple Set Georee Latham of the 'iainer. Her -weaamg gown was i was a .ainner set presented ny. Royal Canadian Corps of Big- of white satin with sweetheart the Prince Rupert Civic Band nals here returned to the city neckline, long sleeves and full! of wh'ich the bridegroom is a on the Chilcotln this morning sklr' w"h peplum. Her veil was, member. of fingertip length and she car ried a bouquet of red roses. Bridesmaids were Joy and M.j tn i. ,m ,Mnnn I uauys rusier. aisiers. ui uie and was taken into custody 'b?d,e- TheTormer wore a gown oflower blue white 'the -promised organza when Fred Stork M.P. to try and have an investiga tion. latter's costume was of pink or ganza. Both carried bouquets of chrysanthemums. Don Eby was groomsman. Ushers were Jack Leeming and William Long. During the interval, while the register -was being signed, the church choir sang 'O Perfect Love" and Mrs. Roy Wicks, soprano, sang -"Because." Miss Rose Marie Hartwig was organ accompanist. Between 150 and 200 guests attended the reception which followed at the Oddfellows' Hall. They were received by the moth ers of the bride and groom, the former wearing a dress of rose ereDe with brown accessories and the latter gowned in an eve nlnf? leneth dress of maroon Out-of-town guests were- Mrs. Henipr March, of McBride, auntj of tbe bride, H. H. wanamaKer of Kamloops, Mr. and Mrs. F Shaw, of Los Angeles, grandparents of the bridegroom, Mrs. N. C Robinson, of Burnaby, aunt of the bridegroom, and' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clay,' of Wark Canal. Mr. and Mrs. Judge sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a honeymoon trip to California, after which they tenta-, tveW pltn to tPke up residence in Vancouver. The bridegroom, born in Prince Rupert, is employed in his fathers' barber shop here while the bride was stenographer in the local provincial Game office. EAST GRINSTEAD, Surrey, 'Eng., P)-j-A man who put his name on the housing list in 1931 was told recently, "'Your name I g is getting near the top of the v list." ' . MARCH, Cambridge, Eng. 0 A bullock too big for the market tract is Kept neauny, suscepu-; ;, uiu. HMRrAies had to be sent to a local bllltyto infections which could! had been made by - herse, J J' Sto b. 1 tolr i , . thfMicTVi tMnr. riprnraLea ay ivuo. ruST .Thompson. Toast to the bride weighbridge. 1 I PASTI FORM' . J 1 One gallon of Kem-Tone pdsle'and I V if' i I, gaon water makes 1 Vi flallons M. M I f. tgf, I .Kem-Tone Miracle Wall Finish. Yqur M l . v ,S II ;" actual cost per gallon is therefore Mf WY fJ 'A KJ 1 Covers all surfaces wallpaper, painted plywood, brick interiors, etc. 2 3 4 5 One coat really covers; Dries hard in one hour. t One imperial gallon does a large room; No disagreeable paint odour use room same day. 6 A hard, durable, wasnabe surface. JT A pleasure to put on no primer spreads like a charm. 'r GIVES YOU AJA ADVANTAGES 0 - IT SMS"' r$f V prfnrc Kupcrt Dn'fip J3rtos 'T " Friday, October 31, 1947 Topcoats Fall is-here and we're ready "with a fine stock by Fashion-Craft and Society. There are smart Tweeds, coverts and gabardines, velours and fleeces to choose from. You can take our word they're -made right and styled right. Priced from 50 ORDER NOW! Personal Christmas Greeting Cards ALSO BOXED ASSORTMENTS In New and Oriffinal 'Designs. Prices from fJO up GIFT STATIONERY FOUNTAIN PENS DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENOT From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked ... 312.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose . $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 5S0 A a K A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A HEW ROYAL HOTEL riome A way From Horn .) Kooma, Hot and Sole water KINCE RUPERT, B.C. wt.r U) P.O. Box 198 POPULAR GUITAR RECORDS (Hillbilly and Cowboy) Stock Now Complete of Your Favorite Artists WILF GARTER . . Hank (Ybdelling Cowboy) GENE AUTRY Spade; Cooly and others ALSO ALBUM SETS by "Sons of the Pioneers" GENE AUTRY - BING CROSBY and Square Dances with calls ,A. McKenzie1 Furniture: -i.',, : LIMITED r rr "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" CI iris Unas Suggestions CHESTERFIELD SUITES (various designs) CEDAR CHESTS BEDROOM SUITES DINETTE SUITES TABLE LAMPS LAY-AWAY FLOOR LAMPS END TABLES MAGAZINE TABLES (walnut). COFFEE TABLES (walnut). LIVING ROOM DESKS (solid mahogany). LIVING ROOM TABLES (Duncan Phyfe). COFFEE TABLES (Duncan Phyfe). MIRRORSJ-Numerous designs, reflection of beauty and taste. ORIENTAL CARPETS WILTON CARPETS AXMINSTER CARPETS. MAIL ORDERS HAVE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Phone 775 327 'Third Avenue Prince Rupert PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS