K- " young. VSZS&T THE r OP THE ESTATE tSerJm 28) Order of Adry trator of the ..ira ii t? ft Inst ho r r a p-.,p . "ny verified, to 1 .(" '4n dav of Dec- W' . .... ..J aihirK claims l." d v .ihout reierencj f . ..v n I then had i--. indebted to the, -rri to pay w mtj'lndebtedness to. ma . .i r.t nrtnber. roiirn FORBES. WW" . . i ' Pr;-, Rupert U.C. crpREME COURT OF A .UTTER OP THA .niTTnN ACT" .rr;n np TiiJ? E3XATE. MICE that oy Order i t e o( t! Supreme wmrv (1 Octcs?? a.u. ' "i' t Prlr.:e Rupert. B.C.. thla Gi n Fraser l-orneg, Cf'l. sl Admlnutrator, P.. :t E'.ipc.'t D.C inni rftflmi fur liprr urenc i " .wh. in Tha T1 1 w the sa d rii.v, . t 'r Personal rnn.nmntiA -nil uiiri ant ii ni v. a 8P1I K I va- . " W IIS mamkara Qrf i -'""mption on the Club aim tha lhl J7th. day' of October. on mLimnn i.ROBATE i&deceaW, LRtKIIT5,EiTAll!i . i 1 ftn rn V.a rn a i. An in. . . . 'e oFtA. E.stte of, Leo mvn. -- uuDert. ari d 1. l'ed on or about -tv.' "I AUmief i ... ol th: !4uea, to pas the "14 ait w ""WW to me. W n . Estatti, are mil l TTlLli in. tirri "cinnn. - .... i hiu. uu ui ! bwn " or which I MocS.RVPr,na.thi. Ofil-'SER FORRBE3. frlnc. nce r'TAtlmlhtstrator,; Rupert, B.C. (263) 3' .AlpxJJiHX Coaching of Basketball at .Booth Memorial High School Alex Bill started coaching foas- oi the i EktauJketiall at Booth Memorial High in 1942, From 1942 to 1945 h? t, i jm..- All I;11U11D .1 1 I T1 r - 'rt eiuu are ic- " basketball only, - ':-.: amount of their but, during the 1945-1946 season , t r.s fortbwltn ana r.r... ' calm- against, , .ts ars required to lllo, lis K'.la t J ol noveroqer. it K'.iw" regard only, to ;i wfcii a I shall, have w to The, jp& -Basket... he was given also the Job of biding up boy basketball lij the school. At the finish of ithat season his High Schocl boys' team came, second in the ,Clty, League after a close playoff series with the. Savoys, but th$y won the Northern. British Columbia High School Championship" and, for the first lime, a Rupert High School won from Ketfljikan High School. Last season his High School . . xt i nnvs TP.im mina n nnipnn a rpr Tprem will take a lot to break. They ...s known a Kori- won the. Senior Championship . .... . l "nta r.n fnfllon ...... Qu charlotte"";'"- 1 ,J V. ..Ulillia, yuuil vv . vtis -i ' L:BieF.Ve Ts)0' chWPiohlp and, th-?y ":f DU'.r!::t Lot Seven wercrated, one Cf th tp four it Prir.: Rupert Land jHoh School teams In B, C. dur.-. fcumbifor'VS ne ie High School tournament . i or by, the txjuie. al. New. Westminster. ' me prcmsie or. ' Vfljlle the boy were making nth day of October. 4hese records. BllVs.JIjeh School HERALD GRAY Applicant. 375) riE COCOT OP npr !BATE siiiUX)l OTHERWISE ' r ARIO ROI1ALDO OK CaXED, INTESTATE CI i-u by Orrier ct 'WO. Fulton. Local i w j on the 22nd (263) i-iWUOR ACT" .:3n 26) 1 Application Jor a fluli Mrrnrp nAt. the - BUWUNQ CLU11 ""oca to aDDlv to' Vhe ! - uuura ior a niuti mPI ot PmUe situ- I "1 Third Aun. M7.it i, 10cs 34' Section i, elrls team was. not Idle. They lost only two, game last season and won their third straight rJty champlorsh'p under him. The'Tir'1? also travelled to Tel-kwa during the Easter holidays where ,th,ey won thre JsttaJghL To. sum hp Bill's coaching, rerlcd,at the.locaj High School and two. Northern B. Q. School. Championship?. Last-year was a bumper year fcr winning championships fpr Bill. His girls and boys High School teams copped -basketball fc;-a I haii, have been-champipnshins and, on the i October. A n' ioi? ' """-.ai Administrator, "lnce Rupert, B.C. sirengii ol mis. ne was given the Job of managing the Savny baseball learn. As every local COP BOTTLED BSSR C . 0 . D PHONE 654 25cPERDOZ. R4ID, for EMPTIES riease have them, ready when the driver calls. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. . t-ft it .' SAVOY EOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Cbone.37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince, Rupert credit for winning to being as scciated with good ball pkysrs. 9;3Q Dance. Orch. 10:00 CBC News iq:iq B. a News 10:15 Dance Orchestra 1Q;30 Dal Richards Orch. ll:0Q Weather, and, Sjgn Off SATURDAY AM 7:30 Muslcaj v'locs. 3i0Q CBC News 8:15 Pick of the. Hits 8!30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Records. at Random 9:30 Music Makers 9:45 Melodies for Juniors 10:00 T:me Signal 10.01 Band Stand ,. 10:15World Cimrch News 10:30 Musical Program 10:45 CBC News ,10:55 Weather Forecast 11:00 This Week In Music 11:30 Weather Forecast .11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded 11 -45 personal Album the quality blaaei in me lowprica nmi Fit your double-eage razor. MINORA BUDtS AISO FtMiUtJ ADANACS ARE QOIKG OYER NEW WESTMIN8TER. The New Westminster Adanacs, 1947 Dominion lacrosse, champions, will go to the Olympics to meet a British team, it Is announced. SHORT SPORT ly should..cast an eye over pleas antries, exchanged, by Tom (Cal- Lgary; Albertan) Moqre and, Lori- mer Le.tftbrjcJgQ Herald) ren- ,wick. The banter began when Moqre, expressed .the opinion that .the Western Canada Senior Hockey League was almost . of National League calibre; Calgary spe't fan knows, the Savoys I Stampeders looked like. a. better won the city baseJJall champion- I club than Chicago Black Hawks ship. j and, in Stamp'livery, Max Bent- EU1 has been quite modest j ley wouldn't "stand out like a about his work and gives tha ' sore thump" as he does with the Hawks, Snapped Lorlmer: "Utter non- They do the playing. I do the sense. Going a bit too far." This wfltphlnir nnrt hnllprlnc" - -r This year. Bill turned over the High. School Girls"' basketball learn, annual city baskeiUjallj champs, t0 experienced coaching of Allan Hurst, n&w Hli?h School principal Ner-theless. Bill figures in on another championship this season with, either the jil?h Schsol boys team In the Intermedial; League or with Brownw,Qods. of HmlUy 01:.' 12f()KI)ocvl. (Subject to chanff. FRIDAY P.M. 4:00 Ed McCurcy irngs 4;15r-Stock. Quotations 4 :3p Especially Fpr You, 4:45 S"l'e.e,py Time Story Teller, 5;00r-trlns Stylings 5;30t-Mus1c by Sammy, Kaye 5:45 Community Calendar 6:C0 The Mask of Beauty 6;30 Three Suns and a Star 6:40 Recorded Int 6:45 Recorded Int. 7:00 CBC .News 7:15 CBC News. Rpupdup, 7;30 Evening Concert 8:00 One-night Stand from 1942 to the end of- lasti R-annnstnn. Pons season's play, his girls' -tf ams i o-oo-Muslc. From the Pacific ad 1947. aoDomtedlhave on three, city.chainpiqn-' j Cumbia. who died bovs. whom he took oyer during tb. CltT of Prln UU- UlC 4"J-" Mt ' . l . - i ntnw.htn -T the amount cf, their. m' t irthwjth and all . CAiai. against,' the required to file thpm :.rlbutinn nrlll he r-a onlv to auch High drove Tom to research work. From Calgary's Senior Service League of 1944-45. Max Bentley moved, to the National League, to. become Its most valuable player and leading scorer, he aid. Eddie .Slowinskl went to New. York Rangers, Alex Kaleta to Chicago, During the last three seasons, seven of the remaining eight of the service league's top 12, became members of Calgary. ' ' m "v-jStarnpeders at some time. I "When three-quarters of the APnr. ,. p., . I top dozen players In a league of It-K'K V. t nnl;u.n i l . . 1. one o( the few others immedi ately becomes such an outstand ing N.H.L. star as Max Bentley. the team that got the eight players not only must be a great club, but the league in which ltj plays. rnust be a great circuit," said Thomas. "A third-rate loop?" he queried Indignantly. "Nerts! ItJ can.look, that way only to third-rate, experts." Back came. Lorimer: "We are not a bit annoyed with our old pal Tem. From now on we- are f going to, agree wiin mm wnoie- heartedly in everything sensible he says. . . . We are even going j to agree that the N.HI. Is noi stronger, than the W.Q.S.H.L, and that fellows like Bentley, : Apps, Richard, Bouchard, Lach, ' Durnan, Jack Stewart and Brim-se,y. would be no more outstand-; ing In the west than they are' right now in the east." In sign of unruffled good humor, Lorimer. added: "We know! that It Is difficult to argue sen-; sfbly with men like Tom, who have had so much experience watching N.H.L. teams In action, ' passing with big t!me ooerators like Bill ToMn and neeklng furtively, into teacups. So from now , on 'we're going to keep, away from that sledgehammer of ; his." CQWLEY, Middlesex, Eng., O) The dog "with "most soulful eyes" and the one which, "could wag his tall fastest" received prizes In a local fete. ro, See the piEs I ad this week. and SA Vlr ON SHA VES WITH Meckllng C256) MINORA BLADES fZt ,,:,Lr entt chaves with Ml IN UK A blades VC mmiwpi.i - ' , LI J TL Canada I tavourile double-Mg economy oiaaei. iney is ZmIM WW II RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHAPTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND nSIIJ&EQUIPMENT Box 548 TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Phone Green 075 Si Winter Games of Olympics By JACK SULLIVAN Cniiwlliiii Fic.-i ; stuTf' Writer LONDON, U Set on makipg ,the .fifth, winter Olympiad at St. Morltz the best yet, the Swiss Olympic organizing .committee is thrashing out Its problems with railway, hotel and government officials. Tq.date. 20 countries .have entered the various events ranging Anyone doubting that western ' from hockey and figure-skatins Canada takes its hockey serious-1' to skiing and bobsleighing. An estimated COO to 1,000 athletes are expected fpr. the opening on January 3Q, and this total will.be swollen to roany times that nurnber by officials of the. various sports, federations and visitors. . One of the. major problems Is hotel accommodation there are 1,000 beds less now than in 1928, the last time the games .were held at St. Moritz but hotel managements have promised to do everything possible. One 230-bed- hotel has been set aside for newspaper men, radio commentators and technicians. So far 10 countries, including I Canada, have entered hockey teams. The number of nations In the figure-skating competitions is not known but officials said they expect about 30 entries in, the women's division single and rain and 16 In the m.n's division. The program, recently Issued PRINO RUPERT Suspension of Chisox ."Manager CHICAGO CP)rr-Leslie,Mjr O-Connpr, general manager, ot.ths American League's Qhi.ca,go WhJte.Spx,, yesterday said he, had b,een. suspended by Qoinmissioner A. B. (Happy) Chandler. ,He reported he had beej. suspended fpr faijure.to pay, a iine.for violating, rules in .connection with the signing of a, High School player. by .the organizing committee, hpws .that boskex games, will lead, off each day's events with exception of February 0, and 8 Vjhen skiing tajkes. oyer, No. 1 SPQt, In the . activities. After brief opening day ce,re-. monies hpekey games will, be played, on, three ppenralr rinks at 10. a.m. and again, thp same day at 2. p.m. Jariuarv 31-FJb-. ruar.V 7, Inqluslye, ma,tphes wlllj Atari at a,a,m. andi on, reoruary 8, wlndup of .the Olympics, ,the games, vlll be. playpd at 10 a.m. ar-d 2 p.m. Schedule fpr ,the fjgurcrskat-ln competition Is: Febniary 2, 10 a,m. Womer) apd me.n, imposed figures. February 3, 10 a:n. Women j and. nje,n, imposed figures. February 4, 10, a.rn. Women, Jr.ee. figures. Februarv 6, H a,m.-r-Palrs. Special Olympic stamps;will be issued t6 maak the,, games. LONDON, An adjustable chair, providing 30 different positions Is beinr built here. By s!lght pressure on a small panel arranged In both arm supports the chair can be made to tilt (backward or forward and the seat will slide In any direction. Company Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA Ormes Drugs The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PI10NE.8I . REMEMBER Dally, Dellyery,Serylce l?rfnr t HiipcrtDnflErSf tas Fjidayroctober. 3I..1947 . FOR MILDNESS "MILLBANK STRAIGHT CUT KI-RfjN A CIGARET T E S 7m 7keft?7'ty2y RUPERT MOTORS LTD.; Chrysler Parts and Service Depot . We. specialize in rebuilding Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair Service, (or air makes of cars and trucks. Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 5G6 Prince Rupert. B.C. For That Rarty ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward. B.C. CHOPSUEY CUOW 7:00 am. to 11:00 p-m. m THE VtmVEgS SEAT M El N " " " - ; ; ' ' - -- -- i FAMOUS F!SH PRODUCTS ; Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE MOTORISTS Here is a service that you have been waiting for . . . TIRE VULCANIZING We have just installed Prince Rupert's first tire vulcanizing' machine and offer you a prompt and efficient tire vulcanizing service. ALF STEINERT, who Is In charge of our tire department, will be pleased to explain this new service, and advise you about any of your tire problems. : Prompt attention given to ou;-oi-town orders. Bob Parker Limited "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" P.O. Box 38 Prince Rupert, B.C. For Your Eating Pleasure B roadway Cafe (Formerly Boston Cafe) THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TO? SERVICE BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS. AND AFTERNOQN TEAS ft' Chinese Dishes "TAKE OUT1 Hours: 7 A.M. V,l:30 Ail. j Chow Mein Chop Suey ORDERS ANY TIME PHONE 20d