antral liners ST TO OK LOAF? . . . Visit ;KK KATIILYN Al'TO CAMP 8MITHERS; B.C. CAM PICKS . ...... T.. ..f (175) ppllcs delivered iwipe ,k7 to LnKe Kamiyn. r" W n i SMITHEKS, B.C, (202) rns Lake T I l... i rrace i neaire i swing on Tuesdays and j Wednesdays nrrtnv mntlnpA nt 2-30 nm. . : i i.... July 11 and 12 "Danny Boy" Buzzy Henry, Ralph Lewis, 1 Morrltt TI,lin nrrtirn. er Soldprlr.p nnd Ace. I 1 T 1 1 i-Mi.'iv ami ucmrs(i;iv July 15 and 1C 11 U (II ; I on ic vrisui John Ixxler, Lenore Aubert, interior ONE IN A MILLION In this case two heads may not be better than one but they are certainly more unusual, The kitten with two heads was born to a cat pwned by Mrs. Emily Mason, of Queens, N.Y. The two heads have four eyes, two nuses, two mouths and only two ears. Experts say It happens once In a mlUJon births. MANY BEA SKATES There are 52 species and sub species of rays and skates In North American coastal waters. LONDON, t i-eir MlU-a vice-chairman of the Nuffield Organ Izatlon, has been elected president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. Classified Advertising Pays! HOLIDAYERS SHOP AT Leach Bros. FOR GROCERIES AND MEATS rrr nriivrry 10 i.anc rvaiiiijii iu"iij,i ami nuaja Terrace CABINS (180) Skecna Hridec Tourist Campj (One Mile East of Town) ? Box 13 Terrace, B.C. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace You saw it in Tne Newsl DINE AT PHIL'S nkelsc Avenue (Formerly Skecna Cafe) AND BANQUETS Serve: Terrace, H.C. BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNLK lasty rood Fine Pastries yuicKnavuunruuim... Proprietor, Phil Tetrault SILVER TIP CAFE CIGARS CIGARETTES TOBACCOS UrtltllAM SOFT DRINKS TERRACE, R.C. I Oil PROMPT SFRVICE , ... Sec Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Bulck Chev. Trucks l'ontlac Oldsmoblle G.M.C. Trucks Marlilne Work A Specialty Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE 1IC. LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Hough and "ressed Lumber Lumber Manufacturers T E R RACE Lors, Poles and Piling Agents For International IIrftfr Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Philco Radios Wlllard Batteries LIFE m m uPert by BWDEE JINKS Less than one hnudred miles lvallev Is another, the Eden Val- Isouthwest of Calgary, Alberta, ley. Lying as If In the palm of the small dunes of the foothills -begin and range by range Increase their size as th?y reach back to touch the wide span of tne ocky Mountains. Pushing these hills About to make Its own path, tl.ere Is a valley through which the soft breath of the chlnook comes. And down Its length Taces the high-walled waters of the High- wood River. Cold to the point df being Icy the year round, It rains from great heights to pour through a land so, lovely that some men dared to estetolLsh themselves m It long as?o facing the heavy snows cf a Ion? winter that meant complete Isolation. Today, a good road leads far Into its depth, to the Ranger sta tion and beyond. Tourists drive Into It early In the day and return before nightfall marvelling at the scenery, but most of all pt-ihims at Hie litres or bioad- ked. while-faced Hereford.? th.'.t )Dlurely move to either side of the road that they ml?ht pass. Guy Weadicks ranch Is in the mouth of the valley. It Is a ducV anch: so that during summer months It Is a most common, and linusing sight to see well-dressed riders leaving plenty of daylight between themselves and their mount as they jog In pursuit of their guide and a day's pleas ure. nature's hand,, it holds the home cf Frazler Hunt, Here ie returns to spend his summer nd write. He seldom entertains or bothers with guests. One exception was the visit cf Helen Keller who re mained a whole summer 'ffellng,' as she said, the changing, colors of mountain air and growth. But between these two place Is one unique in position but more so in that It bears a scar of the tragedy that strikes so often at pioneers. Usually, the year cover It with -its own man tle, so that we who fo:low are prone to tread carelessly. , It is the Sullivan home. For fenerations it has nestled amonsr poplars and toalm trees, at the foot of two hills. The road turns sharply at the bottom of one. passes through the yard, across Sullivan Creek and up the other hill. It Is not -a high' hill, Just high enough to stand by itself to catch the'wind and sun and the bene diction of snow-capped elegance not many miles hence. And on its peak, In a little enclosure, it. bears three tiny crosses. They are inscribed rudely with the names of thrre children the three Sullivan children who passed away all In the same day. None had reached the sixth year; but the dread dlptheria struck, and in 1886 there was no Nearlng the other end of the! serum and no available doctor. Each time I passed that lonely 1 1)101 r fJ! hill, I thought of it less as a DIDLL 3l(1UUL graveyard, imagining w n a t place those babies held In the hearts of their parents, more significant by their very seclu sion, It seemed more a place of burled dreams. Strange:y, as I visited Metlakatla on July 1 (that day of sunshine), I found myself thinkln? in the ame strain. It was not because the churchyard held trranite stones bearing similar dates, not because of a like texture cf quietude and peace that surrounds Metlakatla with a beauty of- its own. It was because of marks that are left of men's hopes. Great houses that once faced the sea in Mve expectancy, are lifeless, their eves turned glassy. ft church looks magnificently down Into and across the Metla katla passage, but It ton is silent and knee-deep In a gnwth that knows no discipline. Many boats were In the waters about, but thev were passing by. They did pass by, and departed tis has the glory from Metlakatla. Few persons , remember the old IS CONCLUDED Two Hundred Parents View Display of Full Gospel Classes The Bible School conducted by the Full Gospel Tabernacle In the I.OD.E. Hall concluded last evening when some two hundred parents and children gathered for the graduation service with eighty children receiving their diplomas. The hall was prettily decorated in pink and white streamers, boughs of evergreens and a vari ety of garden flowers A very Interesting program was enjoyed by all consisting of action choruses, memorized scripture verses and hymns. Much Interest was shown in the displayed handwork of glare tnottos, oil paintings, letter hold ers, notebooks and many other articles executed by the children. The teachers assisting the sup ervisor, Mrs. N. Taylor were Mrs. A. Garten. Mrs. O. A. Cook, Mrs. Va'derhaug, Mrs. Eytcheson, Mrs. fays. Mostly we catch a. glimpse. Q w MrJ H Tofta?er, nf it Jn the saddened to'ies of re- tnainln members of native families. "Mv mother told me." they say. "My mother told me . . ." Mr. B. T. Phniips and son Howard are building a new home in Massett. Mr. Howard Phillips was a visitor to Prince Rupert yesterday while the Casslar was in port enroute from Queen Charlotte City to Massett. Classified Advertising Pays! Miss Loverna Llnney, Miss Shir ley Hudson and Rev. J. Llnney. H. Frelsen showed moving pic tures. Weather permitting, the Btblt School picnic will be held this afternoon in McClymont Park. Mr. Jack Flndlay, acting Indian Agent' at Massett, and Mrs. Find-lay paid a visit to the city between boats yesterday while on their way from Queen Charlotte City to Massett. t2tfnee Rupert Daflg JSetou ' 1 Saturday, July 12, 1947 HOLIDAY TOGS ill I mi Ml AW m j w : : v1' - y BIG BANANA BUSINESS The chief export of Honduras is bananas. ' ' ' V I I LET ME TRY IT-rj OM. NONSEMSElIF I -iSf3PXS - v ' . IVL BET I CAN Y 5V I COUlDMT LAND GET him TO VT"AT CONTPACT- Am lw mm WhaTS thp) ( but, PAGwooq ); .iaau I i'll catch ) I I i cant stand that ) i tll rush down " ! V HE S LEAVING f "Wfa 45k V HIM AT THEN V ODOR "-IT'S XTT VTO THE PAINT SHOP J (TOWN IN AN r r- Z&U K. RAILROAD ) T ASPHYXIATING JA ' 1 j-r-t AND GET SOME ) r i HCMg 4 OJy-y V MGj TASJAS l;. - ljljly NO, I WONTSIGN 'fcH)A BUT MR, ''OIJTTTtI SIGN ON . t YOU WORE ME) fe HURRY, j) I LET ME PASS Cl Cv f MCSLUGG lpzn- POTTEvW- T OUT- ILL SIGN A ("THE TRAIN'S J III WHV IS OUR OFPICE A THEY'RE ' OAGWOOD, t ( LOOK MR-. !jjjf r ( FUMIGATING 9arar 1 ! WW SOMETHING N 5S! D,.TH-!5' I OUTSIDE IN FRONT ) V, THE M , TERRIBLE ) sfc WL G3- I I fo OF THE BUILDlNG?r' OFFICE Yt'i -L . 1 Ik MAPPN. . llizT? A " ' ' ill DAGWOOR HOW W ' L THANK YOU, pSJT I 1 :lllljli &fklceJ 1 11111 f 2 i irm mm mm am n mm .a a WASHABLE 40, COOL WELL-STYLED USE OUR CONVENIENT budgettlanV. NO INTEREST ... NO CARRYING CHARGES i.l in 5 t I X t DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have" Argus 35 M M Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, -Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing, Box 478 ! Prince Hupeit, B.C. HICKS FRASERHOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FKASEK STREET Phbne; Black 82i Moving, Packing, CfatlngJ Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete; 'Reliable and Efficient ServlceiCall Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park; Avenue Established 1910 Phones GO and 68 If your bulldlrijr, house or fur-nltue were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty 'percent? Consult; your- Insurance, advisers nowl H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Slxtlf Street A oil? Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE 60LDJE4L LABEL PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SIIIPBTJIIjDERS AND ENQINSERS Iron and Brais Oasungs Electriij ,and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS UN SAWMILL . and MINING MACHINERY t 1