IdtUut Kupcrt Dailg J3cui Saturday, November 8, 1947 Waterfront Whiffs Changes and New Activity at II.M.GS. Chatham Salmon Coming Here From Down Coast Lieut. Eric Jones, R.C.N., who has been executive officer at H.M.C.S. Chatham naval reserve division here for the last year, is to leave Prince Rupert at the iiiiddle-of November for re-assignment. Although he is not certain where he will be transferred, it is likely tliat he may be assigned to the Royal Navy for service. Lieut. Jones part of whose wartime services was spent on !he British aircraft carrier Vic torious in strikes against Japan, came here In September 1946 'Then Chatham was re-commls- sloned as a reserve establish ment Since that time, he has ifjeen In active command, un tier Lieut. Commander Orme Sluart. . Replacing him will be Lieut; John L. Quinn, R.C .N., who Is due to arrive next Wednesday ,rom Esquimau. Lieut. Quinn has Just returned from a period of servsce with the Royal Navy lii England. Following Lieut. Quinr.'s arrival, a recruiting campaign for navy" reservists will begin here, part or a drive that will cover all of Canada for the purpose rf bolstering the, naval reserve. Equipment for training the reservists has been arriving for the last several months, and. now Chitharh has a fairly complete 16t of technical equipment for training purposes. The equipment includes an azdlc. layout comparable to that Inch torpedo for demonstartion Pharoah of Egypt, has been es-cdrrled on a destroyer, an in- and instruction purposes. The timated at $10,000,000,000. i JS i v n ii n nuu . JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue tricate set of instruments, part of which was installed by the staff of H. M. C. S. Chatham, and part of which was Installed by experts from Esquimau. There is also a radar set which is in process of Installation. One of the problems of ln- stalling the radar is the plac- mg of the aerial, which is quite heavy. How to place the aerial at atop the administration build-jWas ing so that It will be solid and p. not damage the building is creating some puzzlement. Then there is a "loran" set. ased for long range determination of positions at sea. There are several loran stations In the Pacific, operated by the United I States government, but no Can-. KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED - . SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN buildlner. and is mvmea into sections to show the inner parts. Its record shows that it was built in 1914 and fired twice for practice purposes. The Juneau fish packer Robert Eugene, with Capt. Fred Dahl In command, docked here Friday at 1:30 with five- cars of frozen fish for rail shipment to the eastern United States. She carried an unofficial passenger In the form of a small bird which landed on deck during a snow storm on the southern passage. What kind of a bird it is, no one seems to I know. According to Customs Of-1 ficer Bert Martin, it Is slightly smaller than a, robin, slate grey In color, web-footed and with a black, hooked beak like a hawk. Anyway, the bird found its temporary shelter so satisfactory that it refused to quit the boat. After it landed, it wi.s placed in a box and fed by a crew member. Now it really feels at home. Southbound from her regular sailing to Alaska, the Canadian Pacific steamer Princess !Lou- se docked at the C. N. R. wharf , 4:45 Friday afternoon. She under command of Capt. ! l. Leslie. The onlv Dart cf thf rnatl open to salmon fishing is the Johnstone Strait area, which has been yielding a fair quantity of dog salmon. Much of it Is beiirg brought to packing houses in Prince Rupert. Land- Fishermen were receiving about 12 cents a pound. AND NO INCOME TAX The wealth of Rameses n, adian stations. ings here last week from pack- An "I. F. F." set (identifica- ers totalled 71,000 fish, aver-tlon, friend or foe) is also part eglng about nine pounds per fish. of the lay-out. This is used a- board naval vessels to automa- tically identify other craft by a code signal. one of the proUd possessions . of the establishment is a 21- torpedo Is housedU,aj separate GLOVES!! GLOVES!! GLOVES !! all hands point to the RUPERT PEOPLES STORE : Show off your hands to advantage in our handsome, new gloves. All fabrics, all colors, all sizes and lengths to please all fashion-smart women. The Store For Accessories GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED Complete Stock of Men's Shoes and Rubbers AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 1 MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR SHOES HEEL THEM ATTEND TIIEIR DYEING SOLES SAVE THEIR m Box .771 Second Avenue EDUCATION' WEEK (Continued from Fage 3) the more common expressions, "Education for Democracy" and "Education for Liviufc." Our schools should be supplying an environment where the Ideals of good living make worthy objec-tives,and where every child has security, dignity and responsibility. This ii no dogma of soft pedagogy but a phllosphy which exercises effort and gives purpose to the tools of living. Reading, writing and' arithmetic are as Important tools to the pers-.n livlne amonc others as thi con- struction tools are to the r- penter. But Just as the tools are not enough to make a Rood carpenter neither are the tools of learning enough to make a good citizen. Every possible experience in the training of citizenship should be offered. We all know that the things we say and do influence our fdlovs far beyond the intention of the word or deed. We we aware of the great need our social order has for leaders. Our children must taste the joy that comes from giving service to others where the only return lies in the satis faction of a Job well done. Our children should experience the power and exhilaration that goes with leadership so that in (maturity they are prepared to ! carry the torch. The school is a little social order patterned on the better things of our own life. The teacher is the guard that tries to keep out the undesirable conditions, the guide who' supplies guidance to the dlrec- j tion of pupil energy, the coun- j sellor who counsels pupils on their social behaviour. Education for freedom is not ' Just a catch phrase nor does it . offer an aim that is easily 1 reached. It is rather the banner I of an engrossing philosophy and points to a goal that can be reached only on the banishment of selfishness, intolerance, bigotry and prejudice. NUTRITIOUS BEAN Soybean flour Is a low-cost source of fat, calcium phosphate, iron and protein. WREN'S CHAIR LONDON. 1 A 1697 red vel vet chair, designed by Christo pher Wren and contributed Ho4 St. Paul's Cathedral was an ex-j hibit at an exhibition of art treasures belonging to London! churches. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert LIMITED SUPPLY CHER VII DOUBLETON FUPTOP UPSTICK IACQUER GUUR 11.13 REGULAR $ 7J BOTH for $7.29 In favorite, famous Ghen Vu rich, rich colori for long-lasting beauty for lips and nails. ORMES DRUGS tosm,SASIEfi,CLtANt HEAT in your RANGE rf iiiwlihaS -Silent Gloal Oil Burner i No moro ashes, soot, dirt, (ires that die oujj in your kitchen range I Fiv Yor Guarantte by makers. Over 400,000 in use today. ON SALE AT: HALLOWE'EN AT FRANCOIS LAKE FRANCOIS LAKE -The School children's Hallowe'en party at the Hall here was a fearsome and delightful affair. There were twenty - four youngsters, all in costume made by themselves, and masked. Several parents were present and enjoyed watching. Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Reed had charge of the party and it went off with a swing. It started off with a grand march round the Hall in costume and Mrs. Phil Kelly played the piano. The children were then Judged, winners being John Kelly, Butch Curtis, Ethel Calder. Connie Erlkson and David Catore. Each received a prize. Then followed several supervised games, some causing much excitement and amusement. A table was laid at the end of the room prettily decorated with colored streamers, and quantities of delicacies piled up After the games the children helped themselves and, in spite of healthy appetites, they were hardly able to eat everything. WELL LUBRICATED' i The sea elephant, when fully grown contains about 70 gallons of pure oil. OLD VIRGINIA PIPE TOBACCO I Coyotes Beating ! i Interior Farmers i WTTSTARIA Arthur Shel-' ford is shipping a carload of sheep gathered from the farmers of the Lake District. Predatory animals are driving these farmers out of the sheep business. Charles Priest lost 27 ewes and lambs, c'rstroyed by coyotes which are more numerous in the central interior than ever before. Even the rabbits arc disappearing. Seven black bear, which have been preying on the sheep, have been killed between Wistaria and the Na-dina River. .MUJ.ll.Htil U 11 IT (1 m CHRISTMAS SPECIAL One Thoto and Twelve Christmas Cards for Price and Appointment call at - Chandler & Cowirill 4th Street, Prince Rupert Ml A ITJ practical Rupert' SIXTH STREET McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. (E. C. Wallace, Manager) "Your Friendly Drus Store" Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 7U REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUK SPECIALTY Open S am. to 2 am. PHONE 178 "Offering 37 years of Experience in Prince JOHN GURVICH has has retu returned to the CONTRACTING BUSINESS No Job Too Large No Job Too Small EXCAVATING. HAULING. LAND CLEARING PHONE 32 LUMBER JUST RECEIVED a large shipment of Fir I Dimcssion, Shiplap, Flooring, Vec Joint, Kiln- Dried Fir Finish, Shingles, and a large assortment of Moulding. Sole Agent for B.C. CEMENT CO. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE 116 COAL TnONE 117 TI1TPC a . . SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT ONLY THESE TWO FEATURES I ,,. ff&t Iryinj to do lomu iprina cl0ni l . . ' ... town wna! th i - . rogiwt. , Paramounl Presents Paillette Mki ' Fred MacMurray . (Suddenly It's Spring' I MON. - TUES. GREER & 1 Id Hilton i J, . !f ON at 2.,r BRIDi 235 Third itt vig 654 v0.w BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR Phone RED 561 BAPCO Floor ENAMEL and DAPL-ART PROCESS Hanrn Flnor F.nnmpl mav be U?0 C'.i iw-.. wnodatirk-. nnri rirlps with a hiuh CIO U " popular colors, and Is ready to walk o: when left over J Tununrnu uAnr.UfADC fH III! wb iwi umiini niiKiivviini i u. liv iiivrirjvn iihivuhmh. wv.- l'HONE 101 Announcing the opening ol our new CARPENTER SHOP with the very latest in WOODWORKING MACHINE' We will build your kitchen cupboa right in the shop ready lor uibtaDaUo Also Floor Sanding xyitb the very latest machine. For appointment call Gunna Phone Blue 610 If it's made of wood, tve BRITISH COL NORTHERN AND CENTRAL TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS-