y 0 V y if & 0nmc UupcrtsDafip r3cUis to. Monday, December 1, J947 An Independent dally newspaper iivt,-.aa to the upuulicing 01 Prince Rupert nd ail communities comprising northern and central British ColumDla, (Authorised s Second Class Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor, II. G. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRES3 AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATION? City Carrier, per ween. 16c; Per Month. 65c; Per Year, $7.00; By Mall, Per Month, 40c; per Year, 4.00. A Timely Move IT IS AN OBVIOUS FACT that the world cannot I live half slave and half free. This is an important angle to be considered in connection with the creation, which has just been announced by the acting Prime Minister and Secretary of State, Mr. St. Laurent, of a Canadian Council for Reconstruction through the .United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to assist in the educational reconstruction of war devastated countries. Education is the best instrument to develop our own freedom and opportunities and to offset propaganda that is being widely and effectively disseminated on behalf of such totalitarian and dictatorial regimes as that of Soviet Russia. The federal authorities are to be commended on the move in this direction. It has been long enough deferred but, at that, it should be effective in offsetting some of the influences subversive of true democracy and freedom which are now at work, NOT 'OFF PRINCE RUPERT PRINCE RUPERT welcomes advertising but not the WrOfiP kind. Ollitp fl'PnilPntlv rmhliniHr nf me jaiier description linrts its way here. For example, the following appears in a Vancouver daily in the form of a despatch from Seattle "If AC . Ii.1.iii i. . - . . urew nieniuers lose tneir lives in tne grounding of the army transport Clarksdale. Victory off Prince Rupert, B.C., it becomes the worst shipping disaster along the Alaska shipping lanes in 2!) years." An island off the west coast of the Queen Charlottes is not exactly off Prince Rupert. Only one port is mentioned and that's here. The reading ' public, much 'of which knows nothing of the north, cannot but gain a misleading impression. It is certainly not .a. short sail from here to the west coast of Queeii Charlotte Islands. JAP ORANGES BACK JAPANESE ORANGES are corning back and J soOh-,should be available in local stores. It is seven years now since Japanese oranges have been .spiel. Tn tjiis country. Tangerines from the southern states and the West Indies have been ; joffered but there have never been anv to ennal in quali.ty,'.flaYor and general popularity the original fruit from-'the once Flowery Kingdom. So they . nr. 11 .TTA.Mnr1 1 1. 1 1 Jl win uc wcicMineu uuck anu, unoer tne circum- stances by which they come, we do not need to have any qualms or compunction about buying and enjoying them. BOYS AND GUNS A SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD BOY was sentenced n to death some time ago in Vancouver. He had been involved in a shooting. Every day in British Columbia boys in their teens or younger, play together and frequently they liandle.toy revolvers. The toy can, with startling realism, look like the real thing. It has that black, deadly appearance. If boys played with a toy double-barrelled shotgun instead of with pistols, the situation might be different. One suggests a hpldup, or a murder, or both. The other starts one thinking of grouse or duck hunting. But a toy weapon of any description, as a plaything, is wrong in principle and should have no place in the general field of diversion. It is not to be expected that juveniles will not be insensible to "the feel" of a revolver or the allure of certain types.of pictures and reading matter and not dwell on them, more or less. Soon enouirh will reacn maturity witn an that this implies. mas Tree LITES BUBBLE LITES OUTDOOR LITES TREE SERIES LITES REFLECTORS AND ACCESSORIES AT RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC PHONL C47 A GIFT OF FISH... Box 1321 g Your friends will appreciate as a Christmas Gift g u ien-pounu carton ot our Famous B.B. Brand of ASSORTED SMOKED FISH Shipped Express Prepaid In B.C., ALBERTA, MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN OR ONTARIO for ...... $3.7;; Send your ordrrs to the Bacon Fisher PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For Prince Kupert Seafood Products H PLEASE PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY n K X A A X X X ft X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CBC'S "LEICESTER SQUARE" SHOW- Favorltes of Canadians from coast to coast are the three stars of the program "Leicester Square to Broadway," popular CB show featuring the .musical hits of the gay nineties. Conductor Harry Pryce offers a gallant arm to winsome songstress Belle McEwan, while Eric Vale as The Old Stager shows that he still has an eye for feminine beauty. Besides Its Canadian fan's, the show boasts a huge American audience, with letters coming from states as far apart as New England and California. So far has Its fame spread that one letter addressed to "Leicester Square, Broadway, New York, U.S.A." was rerouted by the post office and was delivered at CBC studios in Vancouver after only a few days delay. Reminiscences By w.J. and Reflections It is perhaps not general knowledge that once upon a time a homelike little bar room could be found In what Is today and has for years been the building used as the C. N; R. general offices across from the railway station. One wet morning before daybreak the flre- SHIPS and WATERFRONT Relieving the steamer Princess Adelaide, which has been transferred temporarily to the Vancouver-Victoria-Seattle run, C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise Is due In port at 8 o'clock this evening from Vancouver and Ocean Falls and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return south. Limited amounts of herrine are still being caught in the Butedale area and going to the Canadian Fishing Co's cannery there. Otherwise, the run has hardly developed as yet In thi3 area. Larger catches are being reported from the West Coast of Vancouver Island and Alert Bay waters. With a fair-sized list of passengers, Union steamer Coquit-lam, Capt. J. Halcrow, arrived in port at 7:30 last evening from Vancouver and waypoints, sailing at .12 mUdnlght for Alice Arm, Stwart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow to sail at 1:30 p.m. on her return to Van couver. Loggers heading for Vancouver comprised the most of the passenger list aboard Union steamer Cassiar. CaDt. Alex Me. Lennan, whicn arrived In rjort' at 10:20 yesterday morning from her regular fortnightly voyage to Massett Inlet points, sailing at 12, midnight for Vancouver via south end of the Islands. MAYOR' FUND IS BENEFITED Moose Tempie vj filled to capacity Saturday night when the regular weekly whist party and dance of the Moose Temple Lodge drew out the largest record crowd so far. From the proceeds of the evening a donation Is being made to the Mayor's Fund to help pay for canned salmon being sent from this city to the city of Poole, Eng. land. Prize-winners at whist were Mrs. Barney Krlstmanson, Mrs. Les Hilton, J. Mostad and L. Weatherly. Carl Brechin was master of ceremonies and Stevens Orchestra provided the .music for dancing. Agents for Slater Shoes bell clanged through the gloom but the flames made small headway. All beauty slumbers were resumed. Thoughtful souls j had not overlooked the oasis. Nj vessels of wine or whiskey, no burdens of beer had been suffered to fall into unauthorized hands durin? the dark, chilly hour of excitement. Some master organizer had been at work in the sudden emergency for a close check showed not a bottb missing. All were there to greet the dawn. And there were a good many. No doubt, laddie, the sword dance figured prominently In many and many a St. Andrew night celebration and a stranger who presumes to know someth ing of the subject comes forward to gie us the why and the wherefore. He says the dance Ls carried out by crossing a claymore and scabbard, placing them on the floor and doing physical training exercises over them. The general object is to see how long the participant can carry on without tripping over the (f'aivmore. A'ndi of course-, the' bonnie bagpipes do the Moving:, Packing- Cratinp, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 I'liones 60 and 68 Send Personalized CHRISTMAS GREETINGS made from your own KODAK SNAPSHOTS Come in and see samples WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing BUSES For Sale 30 Steel Bodied, intercity buses. Capacity 24 to 37 passengers. Ideal for schools, factory employees, local transportation. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Enquire Box 290, Daily News . (281) Give HIM the Gift he wants . . comfy, good-looking SLIPPERS FOR CHRISTMAS GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED C24 n,r(j Avenue 1 EDUCATION " T IS LACKING That Is Main Reason For Rejection of Applicants For Canadian Army EDMONTON CP) Western Command of the Canadian Army reported tonight that lack of suf ficient education Is the biggest stumbling block confronting Al-j berta and British Columbia ap-1 pllcanta for enlistment. I "The highest percentage of! rejections of applications nasi been on candidates who are be-' low the specified educational standards and fail to pass the; selection tests," Western Com- mand said. i CANON TURNER IS GETTING BETTETT WINNIPEO, W- The condi tion of CaCnon John H. Turner, seriously wounded Church of England missionary from north ern,Moffet Inlet, 400 miles with in the Arctic Circle, today showed a trace of Improvement, a medical report revealed. m em i ; What You Should Know about TRAVEL RATIONING Why Conado's supply of U.S. dollars will no longer stretch far enough to permit all the purchases of goods and services or all the travel in the United States that has taken place in the past. It is, therefore, necessary to reduce our expenditures of U.S. dollars in many different ways. As one of these steps, the Government has decided that the use of U.S. dollars for pleasure travel spending must be reduced. To ensure this reduction in a way that is fair to all, an annual "travel ration" has been established. As in the past a Form H permit is required by anyone taking out of Canada more than $10 U.S. or more than a total of $25 in Canadian and foreign currencies. Pleasure Travel Regulations now provide that the maximum amount of U.S. dollori which ony Canadian reu'dent may obtain for pleasure fravel purposes is $150 per year. In the case of children of eleven years and under, the amount Is $100. There is no restriction on the number of trips as long as this annual allotment is not exceeded. Any U.S. dollars obtained for one trip and not used on that trip must be brought r back to Canada and exchanged for Canndian dollars at a bank Immediately on return. No credit for these funds can be allowed against the annual ration for subsequent trips. Business Travel Applications for U.S. dollars for business travel must include a certification by the employer that the travel is required in his business interests. Reasonable amounts of U.S. dollars may be obtained for this purpose. Travel for Health or Eduealion Applications for U.S. dollars for fravel for health or educational reasons are to bt made on special forms available at chartered bonks. These applications will be forwarded by banks to the Foreign Exchange Control Board for consideration. Applications for health travel must be accompanied by a medical report on forms which can also be obtained at chartered banks. The Department of National Health and Welfare will act as advisor to the Board in reviewing these medicol reports. Mlorder Travel A Canadian resident wishing to make visits on which he will not be taking out of Canada more than a total of $25 of which not more than $10 Is in U.S. dollars, may purchase from his bank for this purpose up to a total of $10 in ony calendar month. This is in addition to the annual travel ration. Personal Purchases of U.S. Goods A Canadian tourist should remember that the new restrictions applying to imports from the United States govern his personal purchases there. He may not bring back any merchandise which has now been prohibited or which may now only be imported on a quota basis. The list of goods, covered by the new import restrictions is on extensive one. Tourists contemplating any particular purchase in the United States would be wise, before leaving the country, to ask Canadian Customs Officials if this purchase will be admitted. Travel Btequirinu Sterling Funds Applications for sterling fund for travel In sterling area countries are normally opproved for any reasonable amounts. FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT ANY BANK or from FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD OTTAWA Or Hi offlem rrt Wm mm mm 1 K 1e ' MONTREAL, TORONTO, WINDSOR and VANCOUVER I Mrs- Viol,, ; Is the autr raan Rnru-w Sway (; 1 1